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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
It's not really just theory-craft. I just see the potential there for a lot of stuff that people aren't doing, and I think sonic's need to explore their options more in MU's instead of just going "lol hitboxes > everything I do"
I'd just like to point out the fact that the assertion that I don't try my *** off week after week and tournament after tournament to overcome my character's weakness is INCREDIBLY insulting. I'm legitimately offended that someone would point out an obvious trait of sonic's (baiting) and say "sonics should use his best quality more" like I wouldn't have thought of it.
Wait, that's all I do for 6 minutes at a time.

For the record, "seeing potential" in a character that I don't think you've put the hundreds of requisite hours into would absolutely qualify as theorycraft. You're talking about an infallible, inhuman human and there just isn't such a thing. When you said "when you don't think they'll fall for your bait, attack them" a few posts before the quoted one, you should have just opened up a voodoo hotline telling the future for 1.99$ an hour because apparently you can read minds.
I wish I could do that ****

Sorry for the blatantly abrasive tone, but my god this got under my skin.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Little known fact- Ike can waveland out of a short hopped bair. Timing is pretty strict but it makes following up a bair at low percents easy, and lets you edgehog from a bair much more quickly if you weren't close enough to the ledge to slide off without the WL.
Now he's even more broken.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
Whoever said melee tethers are entirely impossible?
Them not knowing how to fix it does not imply impossibility, only that it will take time.

Oh and iirc SCD has a lot to do with why CCing is better.
That's another one of the things on PMBR's to-do list, or so I'm told.
I thought I read somewhere one of the devs saying it's not gonna happen, well my bad if it's not true

And that's good to know

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Little known fact- Ike can waveland out of a short hopped bair. Timing is pretty strict but it makes following up a bair at low percents easy, and lets you edgehog from a bair much more quickly if you weren't close enough to the ledge to slide off without the WL.
Now he's even more broken.
QD bair WL edgegrab sounds really sexy.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I'd just like to point out the fact that the assertion that I don't try my *** off week after week and tournament after tournament to overcome my character's weakness is INCREDIBLY insulting. I'm legitimately offended that someone would point out an obvious trait of sonic's (baiting) and say "sonics should use his best quality more" like I wouldn't have thought of it.
Wait, that's all I do for 6 minutes at a time.

For the record, "seeing potential" in a character that I don't think you've put the hundreds of requisite hours into would absolutely qualify as theorycraft. You're talking about an infallible, inhuman human and there just isn't such a thing. When you said "when you don't think they'll fall for your bait, attack them" a few posts before the quoted one, you should have just opened up a voodoo hotline telling the future for 1.99$ an hour because apparently you can read minds.
I wish I could do that ****

Sorry for the blatantly abrasive tone, but my god this got under my skin.
You don't need to be a mind reader. I only said that on account of him suggesting a character can stand there and do anything safely against sonic all the time.

I dont mind that you get upset from what said, I probably would to, but would like for people to actually take it to heart. It bothers me to see people john about a character so early on when that character has so much room to grow and there could possibly be something there that helps you overcome your problems.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
That's the general nightmare of playing vs Sonic. However, he really REALLY does lose to hitboxes lol. Sonic HAS to go through that baiting even more than other characters tend to because he will get stuffed 95% of the time even by characters who don't have a ton of range or priority. Just about any sex kick, jab, tilt, projectile, etc will stop him. He doesn't have a strong aerial to just "toss out" to deal with a lot of these problems. His air game only looks decent when you factor in his speed on the ground and how he can cover huge distance to catch someone to continue the combo, so he has to rely a lot on ground game stuff. Again though, without a ton of range and without a solid option to just toss out.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
You and like...97% of people.
The 97% or the 47%... :p

You don't need to be a mind reader. I only said that on account of him suggesting a character can stand there and do anything safely against sonic all the time.

I dont mind that you get upset from what said, I probably would to, but would like for people to actually take it to heart. It bothers me to see people john about a character so early on when that character has so much room to grow and there could possibly be something there that helps you overcome your problems.

I don't play Sonic, nor do I ever plan to, so I have no reason to john for him. I'm just calling things as I see them. Bowser vs Sonic is literally:
  • Walk slowly towards Sonic.
  • Wait for Sonic to do something and react.
  • Rinse and repeat.
Not much Sonic can do about that one. While this may not be so extreme for other MUs, the fact still remains that Sonic's at a disadvantage at neutral because he trades so easily yet he loses from all of them.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
I was reading some advice JCaesar gave me on fighting Link with ROB and I suddenly noticed his wording. "You can catch his bombs with an airdodge (and then insta-throw them back at him with an AGT)."

Not a single mention of "Instant Catch" in there, and he also mentions insta-throwing the caught bomb with an AGT. Interesting... Solid advice, too.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Please don't drag me into your silly argument over semantics. It's a useful technique regardless of what you want to call it.



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Remember the part about Sonic losing to hitboxes? you kinda just want to stop playing with such a, (imo), critical flaw. I still play him because I believe my loses are more on me as a player, and not as a character, because at least with that mentality, I can strive to reach a higher level in player skill, but it's getting harder to keep the fire in my will burning as a player. I also dispise the bait and punish playstyle and natural lean to and prefer a more rushdown-aggresive oriented style. But that type of play is pretty bad with Sonic lol. but I don't want to play him any other way.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
It seems people generally find Sonic in need of some help... I can see it, I just started playing him but I find it frustrating to approach and deal with pressure with him

A lot of people USB load, which is faster at loading files than using the disc.
What's that?

fun fact: if you're past the blastline while transforming, you won't die until you transform into zelda/shiek
Neato, gotta try this, cause when I'm not, those transforming sparkles just fall and die :/


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
Whoever said melee tethers are entirely impossible?
Them not knowing how to fix it does not imply impossibility, only that it will take time.

Oh and iirc SCD has a lot to do with why CCing is better.
That's another one of the things on PMBR's to-do list, or so I'm told.
I think light shielding is impossible


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
fun fact: if you're past the blastline while transforming, you won't die until you transform into zelda/shiek
Well, I guess that could be helpful if you're starting to move back towards the stage while transforming....

Solo Valentine erri tiem.

Ugh! My Skullgirls playing partner, John12346, plays solo Valentine and it's as annoying as heck! :c Everything is safe on block!!!! :mad: He also does huge 7K combos that involve those super hitstun needles (so cheap :glare: ).

Solo PWheel or PWheel/Valentine, imo.
Solo Painwheel all the way! :awesome: Fly cancels too good, and her changes in the upcoming patch (whenever that happens) seem pretty interesting.

My solo val has 5k vortexes.

Speaking of Vortex characters, who do you guys think are vortex characters in P:M?

Ummm, what do "vortex" and "oki" mean again? :urg:


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
A vortex character is pretty much a character that can cross you up whenever he feels like. Left/right and high/low mix ups all day. So when they start hitting you and mix you up multiple times in a few seconds, it feels like your stuck inside a vortex, since no matter how hard you try to block and escape, you can't and get sucked back in. So when I say my val has 5k vortexes, I'm saying I have 5k meterless and vialless combos that give me up to 4 ways of mixing you up ie givng you only a 25% chance o blocking correctly. Its all very sick.

Oki is short for okizeme, and that is the act of setting up traps when your opponent is waking up. Its like tech chasing, but not just limited to chasing a tech. Its broader than that actually.



Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
... could we please go back to talking about Sonic being a bad character? Traditional fighters and everything relating to them (terms and whatnot) are *** and don't deserve to see the light of this thread.

also, Tails is Kappa face, Life. Neko finally realized this and changed his avatar to show just that.
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