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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
I dont really think much is wrong with brawl yoshi's, it should at least be a cp imo. (What are the reasons you dont like it leelue?



Mar 16, 2007
Would anybody here really be upset if the spacies got the sheik treatment?
I think Fox ought to be PAL Fox.

I don't necessarily think Falco needs nerfs. Lots of characters he wrecked in Melee do considerably better against him now. His nerf is that everyone else is better in ways that counter his strengths.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
Nagace, for the same reason randall is intrusive,, the ghost requires you to keep track of outside information constantly. On a timer, it still will save or kill people "seemingly" at random, even at top level play.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010

So then who loses from changing it to a timer? if someone wants to ignore the fact that they can calculate the arrival of the ghosts, then it will seem to be just as random as you said. But changing it to timer will satisfy/reward those who are willing to divert attention periodically for a split second.

I misread who you were directing the response to. Point still stands though as an argument for the timer though.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Why shouldn't it be a CP?

Like no one has even given a valid reason for it lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Nagace, for the same reason randall is intrusive,, the ghost requires you to keep track of outside information constantly. On a timer, it still will save or kill people "seemingly" at random, even at top level play.
Does that mean you dont believe yoshi's melee should be legal?



Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Because it's a good stage for Ike.

Honestly, I hate the tilting platform. It's too long and too low to the ground. There's some characters that I feel get a stupid amount of support from it. I wouldn't be able to pinpoint any major examples, but I really hate the feel of the stage.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2010
@iLink: Because it's not completely flat and has Shy Guys, clearly. :V
/heavy sarcasm


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
The only valid concern for it is the shy guys interfering and the ghosts being random, which both can be fixed.

The only thing I'm reading is "I don't like it so it's not CP legal"


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2010
In all seriousness, though:

  • Shy Guys: Melee vets have put up with the Shy Guys on Yoshi's Story for years now, and they've learned to deal with it just fine.
  • Platform ghosts: Can be put on timers.
  • Tilting platform: Doesn't seem to far out of place, especially with how the platforms in Green Hill Zone and Dracula's Castle works.
  • Curved floor: Adds to the overall dynamic of the stage, and isn't intrusive like the Rock and Fire transformations in Pokémon Stadium are. Also sounds might hypocritical to complain about that when stages like Metal Carvern are legal.

Step your game up and deal with it, guys.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Yoshi's Island: Brawl is fine... the only thing I have against it is the random ghost platform. I think it should be set to a timer, but I'm indifferent about the tilting.

Speaking of platforms being on timers, can Randall (on Yoshi's Story) be set to the same time as in Melee? In PM it comes out whenever the seconds digit becomes 6, but in Melee, Randall comes out whenever the seconds digit becomes a 4. (In both games, Randall will come out on the left side if the tens digit is even and on the right side if the tens digit is odd.)

Also, thanks to everyone who watched the stream with Mad and me!


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
The only valid concern for it is the shy guys interfering and the ghosts being random, which both can be fixed.

The only thing I'm reading is "I don't like it so it's not CP legal"
Well, I don't like it.

So, it should be banned. Twice.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I'm not a fan of fountain of dreams.

It's a nice looking stage and the music is nice, but I don't like small stages and the platform movement always ****s with me.

That and too many stages with that platform layout.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Main reason why I don't like YI:B are all the random aspects to it. The platform that tilts wherever the hell it pleases with no rhyme or reason, the random support ghosts saving or killing people, the edges are weird, and the main stage has uneven terrain and to top it all off, we have flyguys.

It's just too much random stuff for me to add it to any serious tournament stagelist of mine given how many other better stages we have.
It's possible to fix it up so it's not so random, (remove flyguys, remove tilting platform, put ghosts on a timer, etc) but until something like that is addressed I don't like it as a legal stage.

If you think it's fine, then host a tournament with it on the stagelist. I don't really care lol. I'm just giving reasoning why I personally don't use it when I host tournaments.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
Nagace, actually I have a well known hatred for the melee yoshi stage. Get rid of randall and lower the floor so every character can sweetspot, and I'll be happy with it as a CP.

ILink, I posted this
On smashmods

M2k in a big tournament losing a stock prematurely to randall. It's not only on a timer but also has the elephant marker. It was even on screen well before he got stuck on it.
The fact of the matter is that these solutions all ask you to take your attention off of the game in a way inconsistent with the rest of the gameflow. M2k, One of the best players of all time, didn't see it. Despite the timer. Despite the elephant. Despite it being on screen.

He was busy playing.

I don't see why these two stages have these elements when we can just take them out.
They harm the game only slightly, but still more than they help.

In theory every player could memorize the timings for the two stages, get used to it instinctively, look up every time they have a spare moment to get their bearings and play around it. But that isn't a practical reality for many people, and not 100% of the time.

If such a thing was added to a stage, by the pmbr, we would be upset. It isn't much different from something like a random wall falling offstage from the sky on alternating sides of the stage every 20 seconds for someone to tech off of. The very thought of that is insanity. Fun perhaps, but objectively silly.
And they aren't different by much.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
Kage, human to human, if you could choose one stage
If neither existed before and you saw them both for the first time

Yoshis with a ghost
Yoshis without a ghost

Which would be a more proper stage?

I don't dislike moving parts on stages. Castlevania (except when it comes out of the ground) and even the tilt of yoshis are fine by me. Hell, I like playing on Halberd although I acquiesce that the hazards aren't needed


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I'd choose without to be more of a standard stage because I obviously like to fight my opponents more than the stage. The reason why I think like that now is because of SF definitely and maybe also after years and years of competition but..

If you want to keep the essence of Smash, you should keep these kinds of things in there. I personally have no problems with any stage unless it really unbalances a lot of the casts or there exists broken strategies. Other than that, I'll fight regardless.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Nagace, actually I have a well known hatred for the melee yoshi stage. Get rid of randall and lower the floor so every character can sweetspot, and I'll be happy with it as a CP.

ILink, I posted this
On smashmods

M2k in a big tournament losing a stock prematurely to randall. It's not only on a timer but also has the elephant marker. It was even on screen well before he got stuck on it.
The fact of the matter is that these solutions all ask you to take your attention off of the game in a way inconsistent with the rest of the gameflow. M2k, One of the best players of all time, didn't see it. Despite the timer. Despite the elephant. Despite it being on screen.

He was busy playing.

I don't see why these two stages have these elements when we can just take them out.
They harm the game only slightly, but still more than they help.

In theory every player could memorize the timings for the two stages, get used to it instinctively, look up every time they have a spare moment to get their bearings and play around it. But that isn't a practical reality for many people, and not 100% of the time.

If such a thing was added to a stage, by the pmbr, we would be upset. It isn't much different from something like a random wall falling offstage from the sky on alternating sides of the stage every 20 seconds for someone to tech off of. The very thought of that is insanity. Fun perhaps, but objectively silly.
And they aren't different by much.
this is a very bad example. randall was right there when he was hanging onto the ledge, that's not very hard to keep track of, especially considering how many tens of thousands of times i'm sure he's played on that stage

i do agree with you for the most part, though. i would be sad to see randall gone, but it would be for the best.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
I actually think that the fact that he obviously should have seen it helps my case
Im illustrating that a player at the top of the game will still have randall interfere.

I do appreciate the criticism though.
I was just watching the match, it jumped out at me, and i posted about it. I didn't go into it looking for a reason to complain. But I'm a Smasher so I found something to bother me without even tryin


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
That was a poor example IMO. He clearly saw the randall there, anyone else could, and he made a poor choice in that given situation. Just because he is m2k doesnt mean he is incapable of making an error.

Granted that I'm not a huge fan of randall myself, I feel its one of those things that people blow way out of preportion.

Its part of the stage. Learn how to play on the stage. In any competitive game, you need to be aware of your environment and adapt to it.

Might as well get rid of the platform on SV too. Not only doea it start at a random point but it can also situationally helps my recovery.



Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Main reason why I don't like YI:B are all the random aspects to it.
Foremost, I'd like to note that many other occurrences in Smash are the cause of randomness, or, more relevantly, luck-based attributes. Would it be ideal to place a ban on these as well because they impose consistent gameplay? For that matter, are small, luck-based events really important enough to warrant action? Granted, we're now in an environment that condones mending small problems such as these, as opposed to vBrawl's / Melee's more solid and static metagame; but it doesn't necessarily mean that rather rash action must be taken whenever something is classified by someone of notable status as problem. That said, luck is definitely healthy for any competitive game (ok, yeah, this is coming from someone who's perfectly fine with a triple crit Scald burn) and I don't see any need to stray so far away from the standard form of things if there's no need to; i.e, why make changes if there's not a 'big' problem?
The platform that tilts wherever the hell it pleases with no rhyme or reason, the random support ghosts saving or killing people
I've never witnessed match on Yoshi's Island:Brawl in which one player gets a significant advantage over the other due to the tilting platform and / or support ghosts. These traits of the stage, while annoying and unpredictable, don't pose a noticeable problem and can definitely be worked around during a match.
the edges are weird, and the main stage has uneven terrain
These are both attributes of a CP stage. It's very possible to argue that an odd platform layout is just the same as YI:B's odd terrain; because they give some characters a particular advantage once certain conditions have been met, the sloped ledges and inclined floor are comparable to something along the lines of FoD's platforms.
and to top it all off, we have flyguys.
Which impair what, exactly? Could someone please give a clear explanation of why Flyguys can be a problem, and, more importantly, how they can be 'fixed'? (Removing them is obviously the most immediate solution to this problem, but other options do exist)


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
It's part of the stage but it doesn't have to be
The crux of my argument is really that we don't have to keep it.

Smashville is a very poor comparison because the platform is always a known quantity and no player has ever, ever, ever not seen where it is.

The ghost on yoshis interferes with DK a disproportionate number of times because of the way that character has to recover against certain edgeguard strategies. I only know this because Eli plays dk.
Flyguys impair sonic's homing attack, often in stock altering ways.
There have been a nonzero amount of times where I've been saved by them upon descent or had an edgeguard ruined on descent when they intercept my flight path.

What would constitute a good example?

Again, I just don't think that their small merits outweigh their small downsides. They're a net negative.
(also, unlike smashvilles platform which is undeniably more positive than detrimental)
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