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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
First off, I'd just like to thank the PMBR for their hard work and dedication to putting out this game; I haven't tried everyone yet, but I'm REALLY liking what you guys have done with Ike. I wish he had a shorter jump-squat animation, but the current duration makes him feel more heavy-hitting anyway.

I would've posted this on Smash Mods, except my account doesn't posting privileges yet... weird. Anyway, I found out that Ike can kill Jiggs as low as 17% on Yoshi's Story; I highly doubt it's practical in an actual match, but I thought it was interesting enough to share.
Aug 6, 2008
Oh, this is like rediscovering smash all over again. Very nice release. A ton of changes I did not think were there unless you look at the character page. Lucario and Snake offer quite a bit of creativity.

I really wish I knew the properties behind Snake's Cypher. That looks like it could make an awesome out of shield option if it was fast enough.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2005
Cali, Monterey
Donkey Kong is an absolute Monster, I am loving him. Toon Link is really fun too. Wave Landing seems a little difficult.

Over all the game is excellent, thanks so much. We had a blast playing. I'm not sure I can say it feels like Melee but it's close enough.

Jonny Westside

S4mus Fiend
Jun 4, 2011
Oh, this is like rediscovering smash all over again. Very nice release. A ton of changes I did not think were there unless you look at the character page. Lucario and Snake offer quite a bit of creativity.

I really wish I knew the properties behind Snake's Cypher. That looks like it could make an awesome out of shield option if it was fast enough.
Yeah i've been in training mode for the past hour and I came to the conclusion that up B is better immediately after a spot dodge not OoS.


Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2008
Zelda's Forward B (din's fire) is not jump cancelable anymore like it was in demo 1, is this intentional?

I'm loving the game, thanks for the hard work guys! impressed!


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Nowhere, Ontario
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but when the CPU is set to random, Mario is almost always selected. When you have multiple random CPUs, sometimes it selects the same colour scheme as well. I just had 2 green Marios in a match.

Figured I'd post it, just in case it hasn't before.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2007
Well given off playing for a few hours, I can tell you off hand that Pit needs to be relooked at. Not saying he's impossible but his Dwn.B needs to have some kind of penalty for being used in the Air. maybe a free fall animation or something, because as it stands, its very hard to ledge guard someone who can block in the air.

Snakes invincibility on his Up.B is annoying also, its to the point you can initiate the animation cancel, and do it again while being completely invincible.

Lucario's and Toon Link's and Peach's Wavedash is kinda clunky they hardly travel anywhere, not really worth doing. I dont know if that was inteintional are not.

not trying to bash the game is amazing, im just giving my first opinions of the characters, but as it stands snake's up.B needs to be relooked at. and Pit needs a penalty for doing Down.B in the Air


Jan 10, 2007
How many downloads so far? I haven't got to try this yet, the download has canceled itself three times already and it's very slow.

I'm going to stream Demo 2 later today (12:55 pm here). It will be on:



Jan 10, 2007
Lucario's and Toon Link's and Peach's Wavedash is kinda clunky they hardly travel anywhere, not really worth doing. I dont know if that was inteintional are not.
Peach's wavedash is pretty short in Melee also. Too bad if Toon Link's wd is not good, Young Link's wd in Melee was amazing


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2008
Thank you PMBR for this awesome awesomeness! Must've been frustrating to find out about that freeze bug right before releasing it. But that's not important now. It's out and it's epic! Thanks guys! ;D

By the way, it looks like Marth can't Dair right after dropping down a moving platform (like on Smashville). Marth will just land on the platform again with his normal landing animation. This was also in demo 1, but I figured it had something to do with the landing detection. I guess that's not the case.


Apr 12, 2011
it's so weird having all these characters i want to play but not knowing how to play them. i want to be good with pit but... i have nobody to model it after 7_7


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Well given off playing for a few hours, I can tell you off hand that Pit needs to be relooked at. Not saying he's impossible but his Dwn.B needs to have some kind of penalty for being used in the Air. maybe a free fall animation or something, because as it stands, its very hard to ledge guard someone who can block in the air.

Snakes invincibility on his Up.B is annoying also, its to the point you can initiate the animation cancel, and do it again while being completely invincible.

Lucario's and Toon Link's and Peach's Wavedash is kinda clunky they hardly travel anywhere, not really worth doing. I dont know if that was inteintional are not.

not trying to bash the game is amazing, im just giving my first opinions of the characters, but as it stands snake's up.B needs to be relooked at. and Pit needs a penalty for doing Down.B in the Air
I've been testing snake's upB and he doesnt seem to have any invincibility, it's just a hitbox that covers him. Any large disjointed hitbox should hit him, try charizards side B or jiggz bair or a projectile for example

If you wavedash correctly TL gets pretty good distance (relative to his size). Its definitely better than link's WD

I've tested Pit's downB and even though it is good at stopping attacks, it puts him in an unfavorable position to then recover from. He can only really use it once, so just mindgame the downB and then punish it


Aug 23, 2011
Salt, CA
Be creative! Come up with your own strategies. :)

I, personally being extremely comfortable with Captain Falcon already, am probably going to pick up Charizard as my Project: M main instead of sticking with Falcon for the sake of challenging my creativity as a player. Play around with every character until you find one you really really feel comfortable with and just be creative when you play him/her. Trying new things never hurts.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
So Demo 2 is awesome, great work PMBR

Question though, is Link still able to drop bombs, then catch them while doing an aerial attack? I've been trying but I can't get it to work, is it just a timing issue? Cause all he does is kick the bomb and it goes flying lol

And are some hitboxes supposed to be a decent distance away from the character's attack, like Pikachu's upaerial(I think) the tail wasn't even close to me but I got hit


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Well given off playing for a few hours, I can tell you off hand that Pit needs to be relooked at. Not saying he's impossible but his Dwn.B needs to have some kind of penalty for being used in the Air. maybe a free fall animation or something, because as it stands, its very hard to ledge guard someone who can block in the air.

Snakes invincibility on his Up.B is annoying also, its to the point you can initiate the animation cancel, and do it again while being completely invincible.

Lucario's and Toon Link's and Peach's Wavedash is kinda clunky they hardly travel anywhere, not really worth doing. I dont know if that was inteintional are not.

not trying to bash the game is amazing, im just giving my first opinions of the characters, but as it stands snake's up.B needs to be relooked at. and Pit needs a penalty for doing Down.B in the Air
Well, there is a penalty for doing DownB in the air. If someone really is downB-ing every time you go to edgeguard him, just run out after him and if he downBs, just let him fall. He has to get out of it eventually. It isnt like he can downb and just fly back to the stage at the same time. Just run out, bait the downb, watch him sink, punish when he tries to jump out. Not a problem =]


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
So Demo 2 is awesome, great work PMBR

Question though, is Link still able to drop bombs, then catch them while doing an aerial attack? I've been trying but I can't get it to work, is it just a timing issue? Cause all he does is kick the bomb and it goes flying lol

And are some hitboxes supposed to be a decent distance away from the character's attack, like Pikachu's upaerial(I think) the tail wasn't even close to me but I got hit
that's just pikachu's upair in melee :p you get used to it

Btw, i have noticed something that will make charizards sad... he cant hit a peach lying on the floor with his jab. So when he downthrows, he can't follow up with a jab. Its like bowsers dthrow not hitting G&W in the original or sheik being able to crouch under falcons grab


Aug 23, 2011
Salt, CA
So you can't Jab Reset a peach after D-throw? That sucks. :/
At least Charizard can D-smash the missed tech or followup with more grabs if they do tech.


Aug 23, 2011
Salt, CA
Oh, I see! Very interesting! I'll have to remember that. :)

Just tried it. Holy jeez, it really does work. That is so AWESOME. Thanks for the tip!


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Oh, I see! Very interesting! I'll have to remember that. :)

Just tried it. Holy jeez, it really does work. That is so AWESOME. Thanks for the tip!
No problem :)

Its fine against a non DIing AI but against a human it'd get pretty hard.. Angled down ftilt is difficult to do consistently, especially under pressure. Still, good thing to know :)


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Charizards jab functions more like an uptilt than a traditional Jab. If you "jab reset" with Charizard you will knock them up and be able to combo the heck out of them midair.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Charizards jab functions more like an uptilt than a traditional Jab. If you "jab reset" with Charizard you will knock them up and be able to combo the heck out of them midair.
Or you could get a grounded jab reset and go for the sideB finish :)

or not, you can only jab reset with the ftilt until about 20%, after about 30% the computer could jump out (I was setting it up with dthrow, so in reality she was at 27%)


Aug 23, 2011
Salt, CA
Yeah, good point. :o
But still useful. ^__^
I will have to try that one out, too.
EDIT: Ah, okay. Makes sense.

Yeah, good point.
It's a good thing Peach is easy to kill of the top.
EDIT: Never mind, I'm being stupoid, lol.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Hi everyone, while we appreciate your feedback most of it will unfortunately get lost in this thread. If you're interested in making sure your feedback gets heard by the relevant people, please head on over to our forums on Smashmods and make a thread or post in already existing ones. Thanks and I hope you're all enjoying Project M!
(By the way, it might take a 24 hour period after making an account before you can post. It's a measure added to prevent bot abuse. Sorry!)


Jan 3, 2006
Thank you PMBR for this awesome awesomeness! Must've been frustrating to find out about that freeze bug right before releasing it. But that's not important now. It's out and it's epic! Thanks guys! ;D

By the way, it looks like Marth can't Dair right after dropping down a moving platform (like on Smashville). Marth will just land on the platform again with his normal landing animation. This was also in demo 1, but I figured it had something to do with the landing detection. I guess that's not the case.
It is a mechanic called platform cancelling in vBrawl.



Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Why give bowser heavy armor instead of maybe a better dash speed or shield?

Heavy armor is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lame.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
I wonder how you guys deal with complaints

I mean how do you distinguish a players lack of skill or adaptability against a truly valid complaint

The way i see it, unless it is blatantly broken or unfair... just deal with it


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
also everyone please submit our release to your favorite gaming sites (i.e. kotaku, gonintendo, ign, pikigeek, etc)!

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
Project M - First Impressions

I just want to say, you guys did amazing. Really enjoying everything about this demo, and I really appreciate all the hard work you put in (especially under the pressure of a late release).

Anyway, I'll start with my opinions of the characters.

Mario - Like a better Dr. Mario. His attacks link better though (dair and especially uair), and his new cape is really cool for edge-guarding (reverses DI). Feels like Doc with better punishes.

Luigi - His ground game is slightly buffed from Melee, nothing major but its nice. Biggest difference is recovery. Luigi Cyclone gives him enough height for an extra Luigi Missile. More likely to Misfire is nice (1 in every 6). Also makes it easier to predict when you will Misfire (if you've done 4 Missiles and none have Misfired, one of the next two will). You can store Misfires for your next Missile as well, which gives him a new KO move or guaranteed recovery. All in all, he still runs the risk of getting gimped, but it won't happen as often so his amazing on-stage game will matter more.

Bowser - Bowser KOs really easy, you don't want to **** up against him. His armour lets him muscle through things with good prediction. You can't just rush in on Bowser anymore with on/off pressure cause if he predicts your approach, your dead. He is still slow (outside of Fortress) so he is going to get counter-picked pretty hard by agile characters and big stages I think :/

Peach - Same as Melee Peach. Up Tilt, Toad and Side-B buffs are nice, but won't make much of a difference in the long run.

Donkey Kong - Nice overall buffs from Melee. His Up Smash has a better hitbox which I like, lets you use it as a combo finisher in more situations. His nair has a better hitbox too so he isn't helpless when he is facing towards you. He doesn't really have anything remarkable to make him good though; his chain-grabs on fast-fallers don't matter as much when there are more viable non-fast-faller characters. His new Dash Attack is cool I guess.

Captain Falcon - Slightly better recovery with Brawl Raptor Boost, but it won't make much of a difference in the long run. I think Falcon Kick is buffed too. Unfortunately, he hasn't been given anything to deal with spacies, but spacies matter less now so he'll be like he was in Melee - Average high tier (I foresee lots of even or close to even match-ups).

Ganondorf - Overall buffs are nice, Flame Choke is VERY nice. Basically, same Ganon as Melee but he can punish you harder depending on the situation. His recovery is slightly buffed too, which is nice. He was good in demo 1, but now that everyone else has been buffed he is out-shadowed a bit.

Wolf - He is good, but not as good as Fox/Falco imo (I think they are all top 3 though... Wolf might be top 4/5). His combos are better than Fox's, but not quite as good as Falco and he doesn't have as many auto-combos; needs to read DI and techs more. His nair isn't a sex kick and it doesn't have a very good hitbox, but its good for shield pressure and comboing sometimes (maybe). B'n'b combos are just aerial > shine, shine > aerial; basic stuff. His laser is nice, situational, but nice (moves really slowly), good for shutting off aerial options and covering techs. His crippling weakness (why I think he is the worst spacie): his lack of a sex kick = no good forward-facing aerial. His fair has a meh hitbox and is slow, his nair has a meh hitbox and can be DI'd. He is going to need to use his bair a lot when spacing instead of nair. He can still deal with facing towards the opponent (he isn't as bad as Melee DK), he'll just have a harder time than Fox/Falco.

Melee Spacies - Still amazing. Fox is NTSC Fox, so better than what I am used to. All the other characters have _easier_ combos/punishes on them, but not necessarily better. They'll seem worse at low/mid level, but I think they will still dominate top level play due to shine/good movesets/falco's laser. Falco will do slightly worse against characters who can crawl for obvious reasons, haha.

King Dedede - KOs like a boss, even better than Bowser. Don't make a mistake against him. Ever. Other than that, seems kind-of unimpressive. He has good range which can stop people getting in with ease, but he still has no outs once they DO get in (and they can). He will get worse as his opponent's get better, because he relies on punishing mistakes and doesn't have amazing ways to force them imo.

Sheik - Melee Sheik. Better down throw angle than I am used to, but no ridiculous 70% chain-grabs.

Link - Very, very underwhelmed tbh. He is just an overall better Melee Link, still has nothing extraordinary about him. Not slow anymore (not fast either, but yeah) but his moveset is just... average. He is still a lot better (everyone is), but compared to the buffs other characters have received? I'm worried. His bombs are fun though, less fragile. You can hit them with zair or boomerang and they get knocked away instead of exploding :p Worth noting is that when he walks he holds his shield in front of him, so he might be immune to laser camping.

Toon Link - Like Link but better. More mobile (though his wavedash feels worse than YL in Melee...?), faster attacks and more solid KO moves (Melee down smash, Brawl up smash and easier combos into dair than Link). His dair flame spike is better and easier to do, which makes it a cool combo finisher. Moving spin attack is cool, but I don't think it will be very useful as an attack (too easy to SDI).

Ness - He can do rising aerials now and his PK Thunder recovery is buffed, so he isn't as fragile off-stage (can still get gimped though). PK Fire triggers off shields and PK Thunder is faster, so his ranged game is slightly better. Everything is just better lol, which is cool. Dair is faster, improves his combo game a bit. He still isn't spacie impressive though

Pikachu - Melee Pikachu with buffs and Quick Attack Cancel. Best uses of QAC (from my knowledge of Melee Pichu) are 1. mind-gaming by doing it horizontally to get behind the opponent and 2. backing out of approaches (Jump towards, quick attack away) for mind-game approaches, poking (seeing what the opponent does) and conditioning.

Jigglypuff - Melee Jigglypuff. Except now more characters are fit to counter her. Bad news for the gay little puff-ball. All those random mid tiers who gave her a fight in Melee now either beat her or go even.

Marth - Melee Marth. More viable stages = more stages that Marth is bad on. Its nice that he has an extra counterpick in the form of the Metal Mario stage, but he is gonna do worse games 1 and 3 (assuming he loses game 1). Also, his good match-up against the spacies matters less now because there are more viable characters and all the other characters do better against spacies on average.

Ike - His forward smash. Is ridiculous. OMG.
Other than that, he reminds me a lot of Marth. He is obviously slower which gives the opponent a bigger window to hit him than Marth, but he is probably one of the scariest characters to fight regardless. Big range + big power = you need to be sure that your approach is going to work. I'm a bit worried about him getting counter-***** (big stages + fast characters), but he definitely has one of the best spacing games in PM. His jump cancel quick draw stuff is cool, but gimmicky. It doesn't define him as a character or anything, its just an extra tool for his arsenal imo. Most of this only applies to small, platform heavy stages. I don't think he will fare very well on larger stages with few/spaced out platforms, the gaps between his attacks are just too big.

Mr. Game & Watch - Short hop double bacon is pretty good at controlling space, situational, but good (like Wolf's laser). He is mobile, he can space, he can combo decently, he can KO and he can recover. Just a basic jack-of-all-trades. I don't really see anything boosting him to top tier, or anything keeping him in bottom tier. Not much to say really lol

Charizard/Pit - They make my Wii Freeze LOL (silly broken laser!). This isn't Project M's fault though, they freeze in Brawl too.


Wario - Looking really good. Doesn't seem to have much range but he is mobile and he can combo and KO very well at mid percents (I think he might have some trouble at higher percents though, like Marth). I also think he will get juggled easily and stuck on platforms, due to his janky dair.

Zelda - She seems ok. Fragile if they get in but she has tools to keep opponents out and her recovery is good. Not too impressed by her, unfortunately.

Lucas - He is like Ness but with more versatile combos and easier KOs; but a steeper learning curve, as far as I can see. His spacing game is a little worse cause of lack of fair, but I think he makes up for it by being a boss at punishing.

Lucario - No comment. Can't be bothered learning his combo system yet lol.

R.O.B. - Another jack-of-all-trades kind-of character. I'm too used to Brawl ROB to use him properly, unfortunately. But I see the potential for cool stuff... but nothing "spacie amazing".

Snake - Really impressed with him, actually. I was expecting him to be a lot more awkward to use, but he feels really natural. Tilts, jab and aerials are all really good at keeping people out and giving him time to set up as well as KO. I'm worried about how well he will do on large stages for obvious reasons. Also worried about tanks just powering through his 'defensive wall' and punishing harder in the long run. The real indication for me will be seeing the extent of Snake's punishment game. If he can punish hard, he will be scary (like Ike). Otherwise, I can see fast characters steam-rolling him when he gets out-played. Time will tell.

Sonic - Reminds me of a really exaggerated Melee Falcon. I can't decide whether he is good or bad at the moment and it all hinges on his speed for me. If I see someone taking advantage of his speed to make up for the (apparent) difficulty KO'ing/punishing, lack of solid approaches and average hitboxes, then I believe he can hang with the big boys. Otherwise... ehhhh, he could be the worst in PM. Time will tell.

Lots of cool new starters and counter-picks to learn, the variety will be fun.

Frigate Orpheon is the only recommended legal stage I have a problem with. The flip is very obtrusive in PM (momentum works differently compared to Brawl) and KOs you much easier as well (worse recoveries + faster falling).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2010
Played P:M with a few friends last night..


Jk. I'm REALLY liking Pit and Ike. Then again, that's the only two characters I played lol. I suck with Pit though, I need to remember that this is not Bwarl. I can only get better though :D I'll try to upload sometime today.

This game is God's gift to earth.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Can someone help me out. Brawl Vault doesn't seem to be working. Where else can i get textures and stages? I want that Melee battlefield dynadash was using.


Project M Back Roomer
Nov 29, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Well given off playing for a few hours, I can tell you off hand that Pit needs to be relooked at. Not saying he's impossible but his Dwn.B needs to have some kind of penalty for being used in the Air. maybe a free fall animation or something, because as it stands, its very hard to ledge guard someone who can block in the air.

Snakes invincibility on his Up.B is annoying also, its to the point you can initiate the animation cancel, and do it again while being completely invincible.

Lucario's and Toon Link's and Peach's Wavedash is kinda clunky they hardly travel anywhere, not really worth doing. I dont know if that was inteintional are not.

not trying to bash the game is amazing, im just giving my first opinions of the characters, but as it stands snake's up.B needs to be relooked at. and Pit needs a penalty for doing Down.B in the Air
Attack Pit over or behind the shield. He can't do anything about that.

So I thought there was supposed to be a new Norfair stage...Was it just not included in this demo or something?
There was a Norfair: M that was made many months ago, but it was an incomplete stage without hazards and such. Basically a WIP, so we have included vBrawl Norfair instead.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
You can? On the ground?
Everything you could do with Side B in Brawl has been shifted over to Down B instead. Down B also keeps what it could do from Brawl as well. Side B, depending on how long you hold the B button, changes the height of the little "hop" you get at the start of it. So you can do quick Side Bs on the ground with no hop, or a hop first. The hop also obviously helps in recovery a bit. Experiment with Homing Attack as well, with his specials. ;)

Hope that helped some.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
So i'm DEFINITELY going to try this out because it looks ****ing awesome.

Just a question though, when I download this will I have a cool and sexy menu like the ones that are scene on the site? If that's not happening, can someone point me to where I can get said sexy background?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
So i'm DEFINITELY going to try this out because it looks ****ing awesome.

Just a question though, when I download this will I have a cool and sexy menu like the ones that are scene on the site? If that's not happening, can someone point me to where I can get said sexy background?
Yes, the menu backgrounds, CSS, etc are all in the package. We made them, so it only makes sense to include them! It wouldn't be professional otherwise. ;)
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