but if you drive out to Wisconsin, you can play ST and I
haha dude, you do know i work a minimum wage job with a college degree?? haha as cool as ST and yourself are, i dont think i can drive 4+ hours to have a lil smash fest.
besides, id keep winning, and you guys would quit, cutting the day short.
bwahaha. work your social engineering skills, and get a chicago PM rep.
on another note, if its not feasible to get a rep in every state, you guys should revise a Release timeline. Not saying you need to get all the dev builds out to the players (no way in hell) but if your trying to promote and build a project M scene, youre totally going about it the wrong way. Maybe make a new test build release every couple months so the players can actually summon people over, and actually play the game and develop a competitive PM scene. I understand it is closed beta and thats fine, but since it seems you want to develop hype and have different regions be crazy about projectm, you gotta release something to the masses.
i prefer you just put a few reps in each state, and even if they dont have access to the Bleeding edge dev builds, at least they can take it upon themselves to develop the PM scene. its needs to be developed early while the game is in development... or if and when the game is ever released, it will take an absurd amount of effort to bring it to the level of recognition you guys deserve. I mean, at least when melee vets ridicule the game, if PM becomes commonplace in the smash community, they will succumb to the success it has delivered and will become part of the PM scene.
just get more reps in all corners of all states and countries. or follow a periodic release schedule.