"How dare everyone not have a positive or neutral outlook on this development!? Everyone should be positive or they don't deserve to have their voice heard!"
Sorry, but that's pretty much all I can hear whenever someone has the nerve to say "You people are never happy." regardless of what subject it is.
Well, unless it's in regards to the Sonic fanbase, in which case, it's 100% accurate but we won't get into that.
I see the game right now being in a state where edge-guarding is great and recoveries actually do their job and work when you use them right. The announcement seems to want to change recoveries globally and overall, so I'm afraid of things changing form how it is to being that edge-guarding is still great but recoveries might as well not even exist half of the time aka "knock opponent off the stage to win".
Well, that's kinda the basic point of Smash anyway, but I think you get what I mean.
I don't really have any faith in the PMBR at all, but it's not like I think they're a bunch of mindless lunatics save for Shadic who wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if he was anything else. When it comes to custom content, new modes and new abilities, they deliver spot on. When it comes to tweaking and balancing characters for the next release on the other hand...I personally feel they leave a lot to be desired on many aspects. But hey, they're only human. Not like I expect anything to be perfect.
I'm just wondering if I'm really going to have any reason or desire to play 3.5 over 3.0. I'm no seeing much of a reason to so far, but that'll change overtime, hopefully. If anything, the only real disappointment for me in this announcement is that the next release is 3.5 and not 4.0.
Seriously, all of this time gone by and we've only moved up by .5? What happened? Did we get lost? ¦D
Or is the plot twist that thee isn't going to be a "4.0" and the actual 4th version will become the mostly finalized/gold/standard version?