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Project M Social Thread Gold

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
The big problem with Zelda as a whole now-a-days is that the games are designed for idiots. It's for players that can't find a dungeon or their next objective without a big glowing target around it on their map or being told exactly where to go and what to do. A Link to the Past, my favorite game suffered from this as well and sometimes I can't understand why it's as beloved as it is because of it.

Link's Awakening, probably the best portable Zelda game is closest in game design to the original Zelda, yet it's not a blind search for the next dungeon. We need another Zelda game where exploration is encouraged and locations are not giant shiny beacons on a map telling you exactly where your objective lies.

The games need quests apart from the main story and quest that don't hold your hand and aren't necessarily fetch quests. Majora's Mask had this in spades and a good deal of interesting stories and characters to know. Even though you were usually rewarded with a mask, the stories of the citizens cowering in fear of the moon were often engaging enough that you would try to help them purely to make them feel better. You wanted to be the hero because you felt it was what you should do, not because you were forced into it by some princess or tree telling you what to do. (Though the scary moon threatening to crush you and the a-hole that stole your horse certainly was a factor)

Wind Waker was a great game with some interesting characters, a unique setting that advanced the story of Zelda, and served as a massive sense of nostalgia and a direct connection to Ocarina of Time. The sailing could get old after a while, but that's mostly because the ocean was vast and felt empty. I think if they want to make a new Zelda that captures the feel of exploration they were clearly going for in WW, they should put you on your feet and force you to explore the entire world in order to get a handle on your surroundings.

Twilight Princess was a game that I feel was just trying too hard to follow Ocarina of Time, while ignoring many of the things that made Ocarina as beloved as it was. It's a game that got made because fans are idiots and couldn't appreciate a fantastic game because of it's art-direction. I get what it was going for, but it feels to me like it was trying way too hard to be dark and add adult characters and they lost a lot of what made characters memorable. It isn't a bad game, but it's misguided and lacked a lot of what the other games had.

Majora's Mask > Wind Waker > Ocarina of Time > Link's Awakening > A Link to the Past > Seasons games > Minish Cap/Four Sword > Twilight Princess > The Legend of Zelda > Zelda II: Adventure of Link > CDI games.

Any not listed are games that I haven't had the chance to play. (Or I forgot them, but I don't think I've forgotten the games that I have played)


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
I never played Skyward Sword, was it really as bad as people say? I'm gonna have to watch some playthrough of it.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2013
British Columbia, Canada
Skyward Sword isn't that bad, it just holds your hand pretty much the entire game. Some parts are filler (Tadtones), others just feel way too long (Silent Realm), and the game could have done with Majora's Mask Owl Statues for overworld warping instead of having to go to the sky and re-descend after flying for like 5 wasted minutes. That being said, it has its fair share of awesome moments and, as always, has an amazing soundtrack.

a vehicle

Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2013
It's ok if Majora's Mask isn't your favourite Zelda game, but you can't deny it's definitely the best one.
Those sidequests
Those heartbreaking stories
That time travel
The way that events repeat every 3 days (amazing feat in a n64 game)
That fast pause buffering
All those meaningful and backstories the masks had
That music
Upside-down dungeon
The way the game forces you to explore and find new stuff because of it's very weak leads.

TP was an exceedingly narrow game compared to majora's, there's no point in doing something not related to ending the game and it feels as if every room has two doors: the one you came in and the one you have to go through. No space to discover
WW is hard to adapt to, as many have mentioned already, some don't like sailing. If you ask me, the reason the game isn't better is because some islands just lay there no explanation, no story. You go to that island, do whatever you're supposed to do there and leave. And there's no joy of sailing to some place where there's nothing but a palm tree and a chest.

| Kailex |

I smell like salty coins and milk
Jun 3, 2013
Dubai - UAE
I actually want a "daily life of ganon" if possible; waking up, brushing his teeth, breakfast, a sad story, dramatic, and dbz action


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
They should really make a Zelda game where you play as Ganon trying to take back your throne from your son that rebelled against you. (Alternate ending to OoT where Ganon wins and banishes Link/Zelda somewhere)
And you have to fight off armies with your Ganon stuff.

And as a side quest there's a little arena where you can battle all the different Links from all the different Zelda games.

*copyright Eli


Nov 26, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
surprised there hasn't been discussion about the big house 3 roy station

So yes, as stated in the video JTsm posted, stations will be present with Roy selectable for a pre-release sneak peek at Roy.
To clarify, these stations will be set up after the Project M portion of the tournament has concluded on day 2. Roy's awesome and all, but the TO staff's primary objective is to complete the tournament efficiently and on-time. We'll have a limited number of setups there (not sure how many yet), so depending on demand we'll limit people to one or two games before getting back in line, similar to an E3 kiosk. This will be going on while Melee Singles bracket is working toward completion, and they should be there until closing unless the owner of the Wii's need to leave early for whatever reason.

EDIT: Almost forgot to mention.... Turbo mode will also be playable at these stations!


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I don't know what it is about Zelda games, but it always takes a few years before people truly start to appreciate the title, since it's around the early years when it's still new, fans will rip it apart, and reviewers will praise it to the moon.

You know what, after seeing all your guys' thoughts on WW and how much you love it, I'm getting jealous. So it settles it. I will be open-minded, learn to be more patient, and I'll give this game another chance, starting right from the beginning all the way to the end. I haven't touched the game in many years, so I've forgotten what to do, making it almost blind. Even though I've gotten close to beating it, a clean slate will definitely give me a better experience. Maybe trying it out again after growing a bit will help me appreciate it better than back then. Because I REALLY want to enjoy this game like everyone else and see what I am missing.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Once he got to TP I died laughing

"Oh this brown muddy sh*t! Wind Waker was the most beautiful, best Zelda game ever"


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
As soon as I had that final boss in Windwaker, I declared it the best 3d Zelda. Didn't have to be part of no cycle at all to love that game. Skywards Sword is also amazing and I hope every Zelda game has motion controlled items/fighting from here on out. I think they could have actually done SO much more with the motion.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
I actually liked the motion control in Skyward Sword. I actually liked a decent amount of things in Skyward Sword. Upgradable items, shield life (even though it was made pointless with the third shield and the fact that parrying was easy as hell), and the new potions and upgrades that were equip-able by putting them in your adventure pouches.

The game ruined itself though by being way too straight forward. Having no exploration of any kind was boring, and you rarely needed to use any of the items they gave you save for the beetle. If you ever didn't know what you were supposed to do, the beetle was almost always the right answer. When it wasn't the right answer it was either some dumb motion sword motion control thing or the item you got from the dungeon.

Bosses kind of sucked too. Lately Zelda has a bad habit of "get this item and use it for this temple and the temple boss then never use it again" on anything that's not bombs, arrows or the hookshot. Skyward Sword made it worse, having some bosses not require any item except your sword.

Also, most disappointing last boss ever.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
TP was awful.
Can we get a dislike button? lol

You know what, after seeing all your guys' thoughts on WW and how much you love it, I'm getting jealous. So it settles it. I will be open-minded, learn to be more patient, and I'll give this game another chance, starting right from the beginning all the way to the end. I haven't touched the game in many years, so I've forgotten what to do, making it almost blind. Even though I've gotten close to beating it, a clean slate will definitely give me a better experience. Maybe trying it out again after growing a bit will help me appreciate it better than back then. Because I REALLY want to enjoy this game like everyone else and see what I am missing.
Tried this about 3 years back, managed to get a little past the first temple and I was done, sooooo boring, besides the sailing(which got annoying very quick) and the main ocean theme, absolutely nothing was memorable about the game, can't even remember the majority of the music or temples

I never played Skyward Sword, was it really as bad as people say? I'm gonna have to watch some playthrough of it.
It was indeed awful, notice how no one is buying it? Quite a few long-time Zelda fans tried the game out at my house(including my mom lol) when I bought it, they all hated the visuals and atmosphere, but the real killer were the motion controls, the way you kill enemies(chop this way only to kill!), the lack of an open field(the sky was a barren wasteland) and Fi, that ******* thing never shut up

I already sold WW 2 years ago, next one I'm getting rid of is SS, no point in keeping them, no one is gonna play either one

For me, the only good Zelda games were:

  1. Majora's Mask
  2. Twilight Princess
  3. Ocarina of Time
  4. Link's Awakening
  5. A Link to the Past
That's it, I've tried every other one(besides the one with the Trains, but really I don't need to) at some point but none of them interest me much, the very worst for me were WW, SS, and PH

Minish Cap was probably the only other one I'd ever consider playing again

surprised there hasn't been discussion about the big house 3 roy station
Well, I mean, how many P:M players live out there? I live on the east coast so it's irrelevant lol

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
i decided to start training with charizard/mk because GNW is boring

i cant remember if i already said that

but yeah


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I think Skyward Sword did enough things right to make it enjoyable enough to play through, but relative to what we've grown to expect from Zelda games it's definitely lacking, and at some points just disappointing.
The story never really failed to pull me into it. It's just another save Zelda story right from the start. We've been there and done that plenty of times, and I kind of expect more at this point.
Few of the characters are truly memorable, and I never had the desire to go on their sidequests because of it.
I think some of the temples really got it right, but some of them felt like rehashed material from previous games. Boss fights were overall weak.
The skyworld was just kind of boring and empty. If you didn't like the ocean in Wind Waker, the sky is even worse. At least with Wind Waker there were a lot of interesting things in the ocean to do while sailing from one island to the next. You had the giant octopus battles, cyclones, treasure to find and fellow treasure hunters, enemy ships to plunder, lookout towers, sharks, and more. The ocean was huge but there were at least things going on.
The overworld also doesn't have much room if any to explore. So the game itself just doesn't have that feeling of exploration that you want in Zelda. The adventure isn't exactly there because you're basically always told where to go next.

But it did get some things right. The combat system was a step in the right direction although it wasn't quite fully fleshed out imo. Having to attack in certain directions to get past an enemies guard felt good. It made the combat dynamic, and more natural. Having my shield break because I wasn't using it properly felt good and made good shield use rewarding. Being able to upgrade my equipment as the game went on felt good. Having dungeons not always be an actual dungeon was a nice change, like the City in the Sky in Twilight Princess. And like I said, there were parts of the game that just nailed it, and were as much fun to play as any other Zelda game for me. But the things they did right were basically offset by what they missed the mark on, and overall it made Skyward Sword average.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I wasn't a huge fan of TP, I guess if you are a big fan of TP you wouldn't like WW since they are basically as opposite as zelda games get haha.

I'm glad we can all agree that MM is one of the best games ever made though :).


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I don't see why it's impossible to like both open exploration as well as linear games. I love pretty much all the Zelda games, especially WW and TP :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2010
I never played Skyward Sword, was it really as bad as people say? I'm gonna have to watch some playthrough of it.
It's by far the worse game in the franchise, not counting the DS ones. The controls are unresponsive, there is no left-handed option, exploration has been greatly diminished to the point where you just have a tiny hub world and you just choose your dungeon, dungeons are repetitive, you revisit the same areas again over and over, the need to constantly recalibrate Wii Motion Plus makes for a frustrating experience, it killed my future wife and went back to the past and gave me a weggie. Also, the game is mindlessly easy and the controls have a significant lag delay. Finally, I don't like it.

The story is cute and engaging though, so I would propose just watching a Let's Play. The game is not worth your money.

Skyward Sword got away with its gimmicks because it bears the brand "Zelda", the brand that the fanboys will go insane about if a website dares give it a rating below 9.8.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I disagree about the Skyward Sword controls complaints. I found them perfectly responsive and hardly ever had to recalibrate, with the exception of the awkward swimming control. A lot of people though they had calibration issues because they didnt realize the wiimotes neutral position is reset every time Link takes his sword or an item out, regardless of how the wiimote is being held when he does this. Not sure if this is the issue you had or not, Vigilante.

Also as as a side note, good work on that P:M Google+ blog thing. I love reading about your thoughts on P:M development.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
Zelda II .
Okay, I can give you Zelda II, but none of the others compare to it to begin with. It's a black sheep in more than just one way.

By easy, I meant in comparison with other Zelda games... If they're easy, then imagine this one.
I've played SS though, it didn't feel any easier than past titles to me.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2010
Nope the controls would lose focus while I was fighting usually. And by lose focus, I mean I could (and have) put the Wiimote on a table, and he would slash away repeatedly like he had a seizure. It happens more often when you play in a smaller space. I've actually died because I couldn't stop Link from attacking an electric thingy when I attempted to keep the sword stable. I don't appear to be the only person to have had this issue. Also, my Wii was calibrated to perfection, I tried on several Wiis, using several Wiimotes in several rooms. Same result, albeit larger rooms provided less issues (Still had them).

Edit: Also, I am glad Skyward Sword sold poorly. I want to sit on my ass and relax when playing games.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
If you aren't able to sit and relax while you play Skyward Sword, then either a critical piece of hardware is busted in some way or you are doing it wrong. Its not like you had to put any weight into your swings or anything, the movements were rather subtle in my view.

Crescent Monkey

Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2011
Olney, MD
It was incredibly annoying when I clearly swing the wiimote vertically, and yet the game registers it as horizontal. This happened entirely too often to me. I may be a tad biased because I really dislike the concept of motion controls, but I thought they were very intrusive to gameplay, not to mention the fact that they made the whole game seem like a gimmick/marketing ploy.

Also the graphics, I'm fine with the art style, but it seems to me like the graphics "activate" when Link gets near them. When I say activate, I mean get good. Everything more than a few feet away from link looks like complete trash, and it makes it seem like Link is running in a spotlight of acceptable graphics for the whole game, while the world as a whole is just terrible looking.


Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
HERE'S MY OFFICIAL ZELDA OPINION (now to be referred to as "zeldpinion"):

TP's main quest is only justified through stallord, because stallord is one of the best boss battles in any game, period

also SS has a really cool world but I really cannot get into the motion controls SORRY SHIGGY

so uh
how about that smash
Mar 18, 2007
glad to see props being given to MM. definitely my favorite of all time. **** that water temple. btw what happend to water temples being hard?? alot of people tend to get caught up in OoT that they choose to overlook how much more difficult MM was. OoT was long, but not so much hard. the complexity of MM is why they needed an expansion pack for the game in the first place

oh smash? seriously weve gone over this once already. they have a P:M thread


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I wasn't a huge fan of TP, I guess if you are a big fan of TP you wouldn't like WW since they are basically as opposite as zelda games get haha.

I'm glad we can all agree that MM is one of the best games ever made though :).
I dont know about this as WW is my 3rd fav zelda after TP and OOT. The ocean and exploration just make that game for me.
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