Smash Master
Just go out and meet other girls. In the street, the library, supermarket, out to lunch, wherever. You'll see this girl is nothing special soon enough.Oh boy. I get through EV training 5 perfect Pokemon, prepping to go get EXP and finish the night by leveling them all to 50.
Girl I like sends me a message saying that her friend's boyfriend is in town and that he wants to hook up with her sometime, and she's gonna go for it. She knows it bugs me and I can't really understand why she'd decide to tell me something like that, and go to bed.
Now I get to spend the rest of the night feeling crappy and I don't even understand fully why I feel the way that I do. I was making sandwiches before I got the news too, and now I don't even want to eat them.
I need Smash distractions.
She can hook up with whatever guy she wanted and it shouldn't matter to you. She isn't your girlfriend, your wife, not even your lover. It's a "girl you like", which tells me you haven't slept with her, which means she offers you nothing of any real value to your life, aside from her fleeting, passing approval.
Go out and meet girls who're actually into you than waste time worrying over one who, from the sound of it, isn't.