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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Oh boy. I get through EV training 5 perfect Pokemon, prepping to go get EXP and finish the night by leveling them all to 50.
Girl I like sends me a message saying that her friend's boyfriend is in town and that he wants to hook up with her sometime, and she's gonna go for it. She knows it bugs me and I can't really understand why she'd decide to tell me something like that, and go to bed.

Now I get to spend the rest of the night feeling crappy and I don't even understand fully why I feel the way that I do. I was making sandwiches before I got the news too, and now I don't even want to eat them.

I need Smash distractions.
Just go out and meet other girls. In the street, the library, supermarket, out to lunch, wherever. You'll see this girl is nothing special soon enough.

She can hook up with whatever guy she wanted and it shouldn't matter to you. She isn't your girlfriend, your wife, not even your lover. It's a "girl you like", which tells me you haven't slept with her, which means she offers you nothing of any real value to your life, aside from her fleeting, passing approval.

Go out and meet girls who're actually into you than waste time worrying over one who, from the sound of it, isn't.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Girl I like sends me a message saying that her friend's boyfriend is in town and that he wants to hook up with her sometime, and she's gonna go for it. She knows it bugs me and I can't really understand why she'd decide to tell me something like that, and go to bed.
So you like this girl, but she does things like this that she knows presses your buttons? Imagine if you got serious with her. What's to stop her from doing those things like this throughout the relationship? Maybe you have an argument, next thing you know she's suddenly hanging around another friend's bf to suit her needs. That doesn't sound like a very good quality... Red flag raising to me.

It's the womens, man. If she has no interest in getting with you, then you're not leaving that 'zone anytime soon. There are some people worth fighting for - then there are ones like this who just take advantage of your affections. Keep her friendly if you want, but I'd seriously suggest to keep looking around. There are better girls out there :upsidedown:

...and yeah, still playing PM on occasion. cBliss is great.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
Just go out and meet other girls. In the street, the library, supermarket, out to lunch, wherever. You'll see this girl is nothing special soon enough.

She can hook up with whatever guy she wanted and it shouldn't matter to you. She isn't your girlfriend, your wife, not even your lover. It's a "girl you like", which tells me you haven't slept with her, which means she offers you nothing of any real value to your life, aside from her fleeting, passing approval.

Go out and meet girls who're actually into you than waste time worrying over one who, from the sound of it, isn't.
You're 100% right. It shouldn't matter to me, which is why I'm completely baffled over why it has an emotional effect on me at all right now. Logically and rationally, it's not my business and I have absolutely no right to tell her what to do or expect her to do anything. The fact that she told me in a long message and then went to bed is probably what bothered me as much as it did, if I had to guess.

My history with her is more complicated and personal than "The girl I like" but I really don't know how to classify things based upon the manner in which they currently match. It's more an Ex that things are constantly on-off for different reasons, but it's complicated and I'd rather not bother Smashboards more than I have.

I appreciate the comment though. Thanks.

So you like this girl, but she does things like this that she knows presses your buttons? Imagine if you got serious with her. What's to stop her from doing those things like this throughout the relationship? Maybe you have an argument, next thing you know she's suddenly hanging around another friend's bf to suit her needs. That doesn't sound like a very good quality... Red flag raising to me.

It's the womens, man. If she has no interest in getting with you, then you're not leaving that 'zone anytime soon. There are some people worth fighting for - then there are ones like this who just take advantage of your affections. Keep her friendly if you want, but I'd seriously suggest to keep looking around. There are better girls out there :upsidedown:

...and yeah, still playing PM on occasion. cBliss is great.
It's a complicated issue, but I should know better and I should in fact be more mature about the subject. We're not always in control over how things affect us though. I'm still a little confused as to why she decided to tell me and then go to bed, she said she didn't want to omit it from me, but I would have honestly preferred that. As I'd mentioned previously, she's an EX, but as they say,"They're exes for a reason."

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
As I read that, I imaged Arnold Schwarzenegger saying it. "Get out! GO! GET OUT! GET TO DA CHOPPPAAAA!!!"
I'm serious though, if you need Arnold to set you straight, then listen to him. Cut off ALL communication with this person. They are toxic. They will try to reconnect with you, because you give them emotional validation. Ignore them. If you continue your broken relationship with them, it will result in you both being unhappy.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Pwnz0rz Man, from now on you are never allowed to see that girl again.

Really, don't worry too much about this. Girls are a dime a dozen. Actually, more like a dime a billion. They are everywhere.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
I'm serious though, if you need Arnold to set you straight, then listen to him. Cut off ALL communication with this person. They are toxic. They will try to reconnect with you, because you give them emotional validation. Ignore them. If you continue your broken relationship with them, it will result in you both being unhappy.
Yeah, I know. I just couldn't help but read it like Arnold. It was true, but it still made me laugh. It's about time to end things, I'm usually smarter when it comes to stuff like this, but I guess this was my period of dumbness.

Pwnz0rz Man, from now on you are never allowed to see that girl again.

Really, don't worry too much about this. Girls are a dime a dozen. Actually, more like a dime a billion. They are everywhere.
Not in China. :o

Yeah, I've calmed down pretty well now. Sitting and stewing was a crappy idea and just seeing someone else tell me that it was pointless and a waste of my time made the entire thing that much easier. Thanks everyone. :)

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Yeah, I know. I just couldn't help but read it like Arnold. It was true, but it still made me laugh. It's about time to end things, I'm usually smarter when it comes to stuff like this, but I guess this was my period of dumbness.

Not in China. :o

Yeah, I've calmed down pretty well now. Sitting and stewing was a crappy idea and just seeing someone else tell me that it was pointless and a waste of my time made the entire thing that much easier. Thanks everyone. :)
I've been in two, count 'em, TWO relationships like that. It's taken me TWICE to realize that even though those ******* were evil succubus sent from hell, I was a ****ing idiot to let them string me along. The 2nd one even got money out of me. Trust me, you're better off. Find someone who doesn't push your buttons for a living. Manipulative ******* are the worst.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
At least you have a smash scene. I have to wait 'til I go to college next year to get involved
I'm a freshman in college, and I've just recently started attending tournaments (with my younger friends still in high school). I know the feels. However, I would have started sooner if there were a PM scene in my county. I'm lucky enough to have people that drive around.

It's just that a lot of girls are uninterested in gaming, and they are treated so differently in these types of environments. And our use of language doesn't help either, I agree we should at least try and bring hype to both genders
There's a decent number of grills familiar with Smash Bros. out there, but it's so weird listening to people outside the tourney-influenced community talk about Smash. Casual players who are at least familiar with the hardcore concepts are fine, but the casual casuals are quite different. I guess the same could be said about hearing any interest of yours being discussed by someone outside your immediate group of friends/community, though. I want to make friends with grills that know DI, the definition of hitbox, all that good stuff.
Last edited:

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
I've been in two, count 'em, TWO relationships like that. It's taken me TWICE to realize that even though those *****es were evil succubus sent from hell, I was a ****ing idiot to let them string me along. The 2nd one even got money out of me. Trust me, you're better off. Find someone who doesn't push your buttons for a living. Manipulative *****es are the worst.
She's not exactly manipulative, as I said, it's more complicated than I probably was able to convey. What I do need to do is get on with stuff so I don't sit around caring what she's doing. It just takes effort on my part that I hadn't really been willing to put out, but all in all that was the last straw and I'm done with that now.

Now then, back to the fun socialness of the thread. Any fans of MC Chris or Del the Funky Homosapien around the Project M scene?


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
I doubt she did it out of spite. She probably just texted you because she could. It didn't matter to her if she hooked up with this guy or not. She knew already you really liked her, and since you've been on-off with her rather than just ending it for good, you've more or less given her security. She can rest safe knowing you're not going anywhere, no matter what she does. You're her back-up option, simple as that.

This is why again, the best advice is to meet other girls.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
I doubt she did it out of spite. She probably just texted you because she could. It didn't matter to her if she hooked up with this guy or not. She knew already you really liked her, and since you've been on-off with her rather than just ending it for good, you've more or less given her security. She can rest safe knowing you're not going anywhere, no matter what she does. You're her back-up option, simple as that.

This is why again, the best advice is to meet other girls.
Not anymore. I told her how what she did affected me and told her to stay the hell away from me from now on. No response, but I think the message will be quite clear.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2009
Sounds like when my Ex decides to text me after a week of breaking up to be like "Hey, so I got a boyfriend you ****ing ***"

At the time I felt completely defeated, but now the chick is a druggy and no longer very attractive or nice, losing all her redeemable values.

Essentially I'm saying that if a chick is telling you this stuff knowing that you are in to her, don't even bother.

PM Social thread- the only place on smash boards where I feel inclined to give life lessons.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
PM Social thread - the only place on the internet where you can feel safe talking about your real life problems


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Not anymore. I told her how what she did affected me and told her to stay the hell away from me from now on. No response, but I think the message will be quite clear.
That's....not exactly the smoothest way to handle it, but whatever. Water under the bridge.

Next time, just cut all contact with them. Don't even bother texting back. If you happen to meet them in person and they wonder where've you been, either play dumb or tell her you've been busy with your girlfriend, even if you don't have one.

Or you can just tell her straight-up it's time you both moved on. I like making people feel silly though.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2009
That's....not exactly the smoothest way to handle it, but whatever. Water under the bridge.

Next time, just cut all contact with them. Don't even bother texting back. If you happen to meet them in person and they wonder where've you been, either play dumb or tell her you've been busy with your girlfriend, even if you don't have one.
I'd agree with this, unless their are crazy like my ex was (like SUPER crazy) Then you shouldn't worry about cutting contact, unless of course they are your "friend" But eh, anyone that has the gaul to the would be no friend of mine.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
I had that same kind of girlfriend three years back. I cut contact with her, the problem was that we were part of the same group of friends and I was pretty much forced to cut contact with them too.

Last month she showed up out of the blue, got drunk and texted all of them saying she's been using them because she wants people to think she's super social and stuff.
I got my friends back.

Teneban 2 - angry ***** 0


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Project M texted me, and I quote: "I'm getting Smashed by 2 guys right now"

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
That's....not exactly the smoothest way to handle it, but whatever. Water under the bridge.

Next time, just cut all contact with them. Don't even bother texting back. If you happen to meet them in person and they wonder where've you been, either play dumb or tell her you've been busy with your girlfriend, even if you don't have one.

Or you can just tell her straight-up it's time you both moved on. I like making people feel silly though.
The cutting off is complete. After I'd sent her a message calling her out for her ****....I found out that she had the guy over tonight. After that, it all just kind of severed with me specifically saying "Stay away from me,"

I feel kind of ****ty now, but it'll get better.


Stopmotion Love.
Oct 11, 2011

absolutely ****ing disgusting

tl;dr: thousands of females get bum baffled over some teenager and his buddies (who is apparently vine famous) making a video about what they like in girls. you'd think they'd be saying some **** like "hurr i like gurls with big **** lol" or something but what they did is just bring up how they prefer girls to have a bit of personality, be hygenic, etc things you'd expect a sensible man to like in a woman but these feminists/tumblrettes/white knights/sjw just can't handle that for some reason

i try my best to not generalize but goddamn does it get extremely difficult especially with proof of established stereotypes by the tens of thousands


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
Having an issue along the relative lines of what Pwnz0rz Man is having.

Not her pressing my buttons, but.. Bleh, this girl can be so damn confusing even though we've been dating for close to a year now.

Meh, don't feel like posting the details at the moment (very tired) but I'm very much so hoping to keep the relationship alive.

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
absolutely ****ing disgusting

tl;dr: thousands of females get bum baffled over some teenager and his buddies (who is apparently vine famous) making a video about what they like in girls. you'd think they'd be saying some **** like "hurr i like gurls with big **** lol" or something but what they did is just bring up how they prefer girls to have a bit of personality, be hygenic, etc things you'd expect a sensible man to like in a woman but these feminists/tumblrettes/white knights/sjw just can't handle that for some reason

i try my best to not generalize but goddamn does it get extremely difficult especially with proof of established stereotypes by the tens of thousands
This is a little....angry and ranty. Which is itself a stereotype.

I've learned that all you can do in the face of stupidity is ignore it, because you can't win a verbal disagreement with such an irrational person, and ultimately these sorts of tumblr ladies will get EXACTLY the sort of jerk or wimp they deserve.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2013
I sympathize with those in relationship problems atm, but that's all I can do. I can't say I've had much experience in that department but the way things are sounding here, I'm wondering if that's a good thing.

Vashimus seems to be doing alright though, so we got that going for us, which is nice.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
All the solutions offered in this thread are pretty obvious, most people are just to afraid to acknowledge what they know is the best thing to do. That's how a lot of problems are though, the answer is usually right in front of our noses

anyone want to 1v1 me right now? over netplay?


Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
straight people are awful and the fact that y'all obsess over using "females" as a term like you're talking about a specimen of dog and not a breathing human being isn't helping you here

I'm perfectly satisfied w/ my gay ol' time over here, you can all be creepy as **** in a corner somewhere. preferably one far away from here

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
Having an issue along the relative lines of what Pwnz0rz Man is having.

Not her pressing my buttons, but.. Bleh, this girl can be so damn confusing even though we've been dating for close to a year now.

Meh, don't feel like posting the details at the moment (very tired) but I'm very much so hoping to keep the relationship alive.
I hope you have better luck than me. It's stupid, but I'm still kind of in disbelief that she'd do that to me.

While we weren't together, the fact that she'd been recently telling me that she loved me and then dropped that on me, out of nowhere for me still has me kind of reeling. I have no right at all to tell her what to do or to expect things from her. I hope that you can end up with a more satisfying conclusion than I seem to.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Woo, Project Relationship thread. Sounds fun.

As a female I can tell you that we are not all crazy, and if you find one that is, leave immediately. When women are actually crazy and/or young and stupid and/or PMSing we can do many things without a twinge of remorse.

That said, if you find a loving woman- she will have her moments, but please keep her. When you treat her right, keep interest and support in her, and honor her, she will love you for the rest of your life. Know the difference between the crazy one with "good" moments and the loving woman with some down moments, we all have them.

I'm currently in the process of teaching my girlfriend how to play competitive Smash. We also met playing Brawl at a mutual friend's house. Just gotta find the right one.
I actually met my boyfriend at a local Brawl tournament, so yeah. :p
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