More important. I tried to find somebody who watched Eva. Everyone here just likes SAO.
What kind of ****ed up place is this.
if they don't like eva they're not worth being friends with
it was the day after finals at college and I was going home the next day and I had nothing really to do so I got catastrophically high and watched this weird anime called "evangelion" that I downloaded a few weeks before after seeing a picture of yung lean with a life-size rei model and saying "hmm that seems culturally important and has good reviews, I'll watch it"
so here I am, sitting in my room while my roommate and his friends are playing beer pong and being extremely loud. they might as well not be there, I'm high to the point where I'm getting tunnel vision and my neck/head are turning all numb and prickly and I feel like I can't move my face.
so I'm like, let's watch this evangelion thing
I start the first episode and set that **** to fullscreen (looking back this probably messed up the aspect ratio and stretched 4:3 to 16:9 but it didn't matter at that point)
and the intro starts, there's that white light that expands into a ring and the music starts playing and she starts singing and my jaw drops and I probably start to drool
and then I see the part of the intro where misato first appears and and tosses her head back while the late afternoon sun floats around her
and I said to myself, "that bit of animation is the best thing I have seen so far in my life. the perfect anime that I had created in my brain, all these loose inklings of ideas, this single 3 second clip of this girl is what i've wanted"
then the quick jumpcuts happen
I'm so happy and overwhelmed by the shot selection that I can only start to moan, bring my hands up to my mouth and cower in awe
then there's the bit at the end of the jumpcuts, the last jumpcut, where misato raises her head and looks up towards the horizon. at that point, after being so incredibly high and filled with a wordless sense of awe and amazement, my brain just starts convulsing into these fits of wonder, similar to an orgasm
by the time shinji smiles at the end of the intro I realize I'm crying
I just kinda watched the first three episodes astonished and dumbfounded and marathoned the rest of the first season the next night, and the second season the day after that. I just kinda had my world blown up by episodes 25 and 26 and stayed in a reverie that night. the next night I watched end of evangelion and felt the same kind of awe, even though I was sober for it. I cried multiple times during end of eva, there were points where I was so scared of the movie just because of how good it was
tl;dr: got really high, saw eva for the first time, cried because of the intro, eva ****ed me once, eva ****ed me twice, eva ****ed me twice, so it changed my life