As a former fan of smash, this situation boggles my mind.
Why would you make the Melee players wait for smash 4 to finish, all the while telling them to shut up and stop complaining and not expect that kind of backlash with the given circumstances?
That would be like forcing the Super Bowl's 4th Quarter to Wait for the Austaulian Tennis Open to finish.
I'm not saying that the ******** is justified, but to question the decision to make the Melee players wait for another game, a game known to run sluggishly mind you, with how late the tourney is already running, and how people have work/school in the morning, in tandem with other factors like Dabuz's "intersting" tactics and the Grab Ass coaches are playing with their players, is simply head scratching and borderline facepalm worthy.
Such a TERRIBLE decision on the Apex Staff's part. Both sides are at fault.