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Project M Social Thread Gold

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
They're not supposed to feel like their mainline selves. That's the exact point of Boom, so they're doing their jobs. Sorry if that bothers you, but it attracts me instead since the mainline Sonic characters bore me now. I prefer their versions from other series like the current Archie universe and now Sonic Boom from what I've seen.

Also, Sonic World? That slippery mess? Thanks, but no thanks. I've yet to see a decent 3D fangame that really hit home with me. I'll stick with 2D ones like Before the Sequel and After the Sequel until a good and polished 3D one finally happens.

Amy only doesn't Spindash in Advance 1. In Advance 2 and 3, she's capable of doing so. Cream doesn't fly as high or as long as Tails, but can fly faster than him and can run faster, being the 2nd fastest character in Advance 2 only behind Sonic and Amy who are tied at 1st. Blaze is slightly slower than Sonic but can jump higher and has a hover move as well as a quicker airdash that goes straight an through enemies instead of descending slowly like his. And Shadow playing just like Sonic? No issues with that.

And I don't know what rock you've been living under since 2006 because all of the characters being different from Sonic is one of the biggest complaints of 06. That's where the "Sonic's ****ty Friends" joke and syndrome comes from. Literally the only character that plays at remotely the same style and speed as Sonic is Blaze, who is basically a better Sonic in that game thanks to having two homing attacks, her flame move that cuts through enemies, and a double jump, all in addition to being a little faster than him. And Silver? His gameplay style was easily one of the worst in the game and one of the biggest detriments to it. It's bad enough he was a horribly written character (Though that does for everyone in 06, but him especially) and pretty much a generic anime protagonist in hedgehog form, but his gameplay style had a lot more potential that ended up being wasted on the very slow dragfest that we got instead. Also, ball puzzle. Never forget, never forgive.

And I'm sorry, but Heroes was only a glitchy mess if you were dumb enough to get any version that wasn't the Gamecube version. I've played that game constantly since it's release and haven't had any sort of issues like the ones people bring up from the PS2 and Xbox versions.

And I've played the Shattered Crystal demo now. I actually like it a whole lot. I was worried when I heard about the run butting, but it's X instead of R and it really just feels like a slower, more controlled version of the boost. I like the boost so, I'm cool with it. It's good. I also like what I've played of the 3 levels and I really enjoy how I can just easily switch between whoever I was on the fly with no pause or anything getting in the way. I'm a little vexed that Tails can only hover instead of fly and Knux isn't gliding, but eh, as long as the game is fun for me, I'm not gonna nitpick about the small things. It doesn't stop any of them from being fun to play as. I actually really like Sticks a lot, too.

Welp, I think you and are a good visual example of how there are various types of different Sonic fans. Our tastes clearly don't match, so I don't see us seeing eye-to-eye on this. Let's just agree to disagree and respect each others tastes, eh? I don't think the others in the thread wanna see a huge Sonic discussion take over the place anyways and I really don't have anything else to say. ¦D
I haven't seen much of the recent Archie comics, though I did read through the Megaman crossover and thought the writing was damn good, better in fact than the writing that's gone into the games in recent years. They should just let those guys handle stories since they seem to get the characters and at least appear to have a love for it.

Yeah, Sonic World definitely has a lot of work to do. No doubts there at all. I mostly appreciate getting to play as real Knuckles in a 3D game outside of the stupid emerald hunts that Sega doesn't seem to be able to forget about. Camera issues, slipperiness, and some terrible fan-made stages add to the frustration, yet it's still an interesting direction to go in, despite the flaws.

Is that really what you think the Sonic's ****ty friends syndrome comes from? I never assumed it had come from them playing different, but that they keep adding and adding and adding them, For a while, nearly every game added or re-introduced more of Sonic's (Or Knuckles' in the case of the Chaotix) derpy animal pals. It didn't really matter how they played, just that they surrounded the blue hedgehog at every turn and wouldn't let him go back to the days of his solo adventures on the Genesis. From the finale of Sonic and Knuckles, we only had Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy (From Sonic CD)....and then they started coming in droves....and they're still coming.

Yeah, Silver was essentially Trunks the psychic Hedgehog, which is as good a reason as any to hate him, that and a lack of speed. I don't think his psychic powers make him unlikeable though, just that Sega did such a terrible job with him and the stages that he was to be used in. Had Sonic 06 been put through QA and had everything fixed, he could have been deemed a decent addition, but if Sega can rush things...they probably will and so our terrible Silver was born.

Heroes on GCN is glitchy too, just not to the same extent that the Ps2 and Xbox versions.

The default run button is Y in Boom. Though I suppose you could be playing on the alt control scheme. The changes to the characters in Boom is what bothers me. Tails doesn't feel like Tails and Knuckles doesn't feel like Knuckles. Sonic feels....alright, but I still dislike that there's almost no reason to play as anyone not named Sonic in that game (Asides from the minor bits).

Yeah, we don't necessarily have the same opinions, but I like the ability to discuss them all the same. Project Sonic Social go >.>

F. Blue

Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2011
You mean skill floor decrease because it's not stupidly nuanced character to character and 1 frame for some and not allowed to use some buttons for some of them?
Did you think that one through? ;)
I'm sorry, I mistakenly thought Snake was 3 frames instead of 2. But my point stands for Ganondorf, Link, and R.O.B. Their DACUSes are now harder, why not bring everyone up to 3 frames?

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
I haven't seen much of the recent Archie comics, though I did read through the Megaman crossover and thought the writing was damn good, better in fact than the writing that's gone into the games in recent years. They should just let those guys handle stories since they seem to get the characters and at least appear to have a love for it.

Yeah, Sonic World definitely has a lot of work to do. No doubts there at all. I mostly appreciate getting to play as real Knuckles in a 3D game outside of the stupid emerald hunts that Sega doesn't seem to be able to forget about. Camera issues, slipperiness, and some terrible fan-made stages add to the frustration, yet it's still an interesting direction to go in, despite the flaws.

Is that really what you think the Sonic's ****ty friends syndrome comes from? I never assumed it had come from them playing different, but that they keep adding and adding and adding them, For a while, nearly every game added or re-introduced more of Sonic's (Or Knuckles' in the case of the Chaotix) derpy animal pals. It didn't really matter how they played, just that they surrounded the blue hedgehog at every turn and wouldn't let him go back to the days of his solo adventures on the Genesis. From the finale of Sonic and Knuckles, we only had Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy (From Sonic CD)....and then they started coming in droves....and they're still coming.

Yeah, Silver was essentially Trunks the psychic Hedgehog, which is as good a reason as any to hate him, that and a lack of speed. I don't think his psychic powers make him unlikeable though, just that Sega did such a terrible job with him and the stages that he was to be used in. Had Sonic 06 been put through QA and had everything fixed, he could have been deemed a decent addition, but if Sega can rush things...they probably will and so our terrible Silver was born.

Heroes on GCN is glitchy too, just not to the same extent that the Ps2 and Xbox versions.

The default run button is Y in Boom. Though I suppose you could be playing on the alt control scheme. The changes to the characters in Boom is what bothers me. Tails doesn't feel like Tails and Knuckles doesn't feel like Knuckles. Sonic feels....alright, but I still dislike that there's almost no reason to play as anyone not named Sonic in that game (Asides from the minor bits).

Yeah, we don't necessarily have the same opinions, but I like the ability to discuss them all the same. Project Sonic Social go >.>
I don't think that's where it came from, I know. The actual majority, not the loud numbskulls you always hear, don't hate the new characters themselves at all. (Well, except maybe Marine, but we don't talk about that.) Only their playstyles if they're done terribly. Gameplay takes precedence over all else when it comes to Sonic games and that's what was lacking. Any person or even review will tell you as such. There's a reason people hate characters like Big and Silver but love characters like Shadow and Blaze. (Though I personally feel that Big redeemed himself in Heroes)

And I wasn't saying his powers made him unlikeable, but the way they were handled. It just could've been better. Psychokinesis itself is pretty damn awesome...And also, Silver just needs a design change overall. That pothead leaf has gotta go.

And yeah, I meant to say Y. For some reason, I always forget which one is where. I never memorize the button schemes for Nintendo controllers outside of the Gamecube ones for some reason. XD;

Sharing opinions respectfully without outright trashing the whole series is definitely a nice change of pace. However, that's also exactly why a Sonic Social Thread would never work. As splintered as this fanbase is, it'd just be a cesspool of rage, bickering and hate and ain't nobody got fo dat.

Thanks for the discussion, though. It's always nice to hear what someone else thinks in this sort of manner. It's just a shame that I'm going to continue being the only person who legitimately likes Sonic Boom, but I'm cool with that since all I care about is that I enjoy it anyways. ¦)


insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
SA1&2 were the only Sonic games I've ever enjoyed, and they're not even that good.
Good music though, I blasted that **** in the back of my school bus with my Walkman.
Generations was ight
No chao garden after those and DX...like really Wdf that was one of the best parts of the game.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I already lived a life-time with my Chao in SA2, it would be an insult for the game to try and make me relive it

..I can't remember what his name was

I'm sorry, I mistakenly thought Snake was 3 frames instead of 2. But my point stands for Ganondorf, Link, and R.O.B. Their DACUSes are now harder, why not bring everyone up to 3 frames?
Yeah it's kind of a decision between 2 or 3, I wonder what their reasoning was. They pry went with 2 to be on the more difficult side as that's the general vibe of the year. I could pry make a list of changes regarding tight windows, they generally make things easier.
Samus SWD: 1 frame > 2 frames
B-reversal: Brawl 2 frames > PM 3 frames.
Pika QAC: Added buffer (? amount?)
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Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
I played the Shattered Crystal demo and it is literally nothing new: automated speed sections like every Dimps made title, blocky level design, races from Rivals, no sense of flow or even decent speed.

If you're going to advocate for Sonic doing something new at least don't hang your hat on a total piece of crap.
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Smash Master
Dec 15, 2013
I'm sorry, I mistakenly thought Snake was 3 frames instead of 2. But my point stands for Ganondorf, Link, and R.O.B. Their DACUSes are now harder, why not bring everyone up to 3 frames?
ROB's is 2 frames, it's only Ganon and Link that are getting harder dacuses.
Which I'm kinda miffed about, though it should be noted that it's only harder for those who used A or binded something to attack. Dunno how many people that actually is affecting.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I've been through the ff12 battle system. Nothing could ever be as bad

Hella hyped for X
2nd most wanted announced game for wii u tied with new Zelda
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Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I wonder if most of those people will use Z now, I pry will. I'll miss having to go to that hand position; making me feel like a badass

So with Z being same as Attack, and C-stick MW trick possibly not existing no'ma (which I brought to the public, and then everyone made copy videos). There's no reason to make one of my shoulders Attack (R), so I can pry set it to Footstool if I wanted (in the rare occasions when I care to put on custom controls).
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
I wonder if most of those people will use Z now, I pry will. I'll miss having to go to that hand position; making me feel like a badass

So with Z being same as Attack, and C-stick MW trick possibly not existing no'ma (which I brought to the public, and then everyone made copy videos). There's no reason to make one of my shoulders Attack (R), so I can pry set it to Footstool if I wanted (in the rare occasions when I care to put on custom controls).
Yeah I dont think I'll be running custom controls anymore, or it wont be as important as it used to. I always did dacus with swiping c-stick and hitting A, but I dont know if I'll be having R as footstool. I'll probably keep it and make sure I have it in some MU's, depending on how the footstools work in the air for combos now, like how high above them I'll fly.

RIP c-dashing

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
I don't think that's where it came from, I know. The actual majority, not the loud numbskulls you always hear, don't hate the new characters themselves at all. (Well, except maybe Marine, but we don't talk about that.) Only their playstyles if they're done terribly. Gameplay takes precedence over all else when it comes to Sonic games and that's what was lacking. Any person or even review will tell you as such. There's a reason people hate characters like Big and Silver but love characters like Shadow and Blaze. (Though I personally feel that Big redeemed himself in Heroes)

And I wasn't saying his powers made him unlikeable, but the way they were handled. It just could've been better. Psychokinesis itself is pretty damn awesome...And also, Silver just needs a design change overall. That pothead leaf has gotta go.

And yeah, I meant to say Y. For some reason, I always forget which one is where. I never memorize the button schemes for Nintendo controllers outside of the Gamecube ones for some reason. XD;

Sharing opinions respectfully without outright trashing the whole series is definitely a nice change of pace. However, that's also exactly why a Sonic Social Thread would never work. As splintered as this fanbase is, it'd just be a cesspool of rage, bickering and hate and ain't nobody got fo dat.

Thanks for the discussion, though. It's always nice to hear what someone else thinks in this sort of manner. It's just a shame that I'm going to continue being the only person who legitimately likes Sonic Boom, but I'm cool with that since all I care about is that I enjoy it anyways. ¦)
The first part reminds me of this comic.
That's why I feel it's more than they just keep coming and coming. It didn't help that they kept adding new characters and kind of ignoring the classic characters (asides from minor supporting roles.) It felt like they wanted to forget the classics and make more and more new main characters. Though maybe they got the idea that we wanted more characters, because all the really popular games were the ones that introduced fan favorites (Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure 2)...though I still wonder where Heavy and Bomb are. If we got all the Chaotix characters, we may as well get the rejects too.

I think people hated Big for a few reasons though...both due to his fishing gameplay being kind of poorly implemented in SA and the fact that he's basically a massive simpleton. When we got to experience him in a different light, he was a little better, but I'd argue that it's Sonic Chronicles that makes Big look good, since he was pretty useful in it.

Eh, Silver's design is fine. So long as they put him in some games that don't suck, as well as make him worth using, I'll be happy.

The only people I feel should be raged at over Sonic are Sega themselves for being stupid regarding the characters. I feel about them much in the same way that I feel about Sakurai for Smash. I expect more than I get out of new games, though Generations was pretty cool. If I could have played as Knuckles, I would have been completely satisfied.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2012
Yeah I dont think I'll be running custom controls anymore, or it wont be as important as it used to. I always did dacus with swiping c-stick and hitting A, but I dont know if I'll be having R as footstool. I'll probably keep it and make sure I have it in some MU's, depending on how the footstools work in the air for combos now, like how high above them I'll fly.

RIP c-dashing
Lol, you gave up C-stick Attack? Did you discover how deep the rabbit hole of the neutral issue goes?

Currently I can't use footstool at all without my WhammyBar-less D-pad; and generally don't use R at all: so I probably should set it and don't see why you wouldn't either. Unless you want to use the WD OOS with the 2nd trigger's hard press (and possibly with light press now in the Wifi set? By the way they better keep custom buffer in the Wifi set or I'ma scream) that was implemented.

I'm scared of the new landing detection, right now PM has platforms a lot easier to get onto where as Melee you have to be noticeably higher over the platform making it a little bit higher than you have to be in PM to then WL onto one without just air dodging through.

O = Person
---- = Platform

Melee height to WL onto platform


PM height to WL onto platform


Beyond that too, there's all the newly created early aerials from something going on with more air time; which you'll have to say possibly good bye too (Fox's SH Bair AC, Falco's SH Uair AC, Jiggly SH Bair Nair, Marth's SH Bair Fair/Dair/Uair etc. Marth's gonna hurt the most, well probably Diddy too.. THEY ALL ARE) all of which aren't possible in Melee.

SH Bair to Fair/Uair/Dair/Side-b (also WL since Brawl allows AD through IASA) -> All you can do in Melee is SH Bair to.. DJ.... that's BORING, Incredibly dull. Right now people aren't good enough at Early aerials to notice when he and the rest of the cast gets ****ed over back to Melee to play the same way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1J176yjTN8#t=90 Bair Fair
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1J176yjTN8#t=54 Bair Fair
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gyIS-HdUgw Bair Fair/Uair/Side-b (missing Dair?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9EllNfEZ-8#t=867 Bair Uair
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeLklmmYyNk#t=70 Marth Section
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
I'm giving up on c stick attack until 3.5 and I see the Diddy changes. If I still enjoy his item stuffs I'll relearn everything with c stick attack so I can do agzdrops and pivot ftilts better. I don't like it for spacies though, so I'll just have 1 tag and when I go fox/wolf I'll just go tagless, they don't really need footstools. Making 2 tags on every setup is a pain.
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Your favorite anime is bad.
Nov 16, 2013
Laval, QC
Taunt is still useful for taunt canceling, which actually helps in positioning on platforms


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Yoo, XCX looks amazing don't get me wrong. MM3D was just shown first lol. If XCX makes up for even a chunk of Xenoblade's deficiencies, this game is 10/10 material by an insane margin.

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
Lmao everybody ignored my explanation of Meiling in CCS. Even 1FD, and he's the one who asked.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2013
Could you tell me where I can find a program to display button inputs in game, on screen for PM please? I've searched and searched and cannot find anything, but I know such a thing exists!

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Player -0

Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
Could you tell me where I can find a program to display button inputs in game, on screen for PM please? I've searched and searched and cannot find anything, but I know such a thing exists!

I remember seeing one of the PMDT members working on a project of the such. He had a thread somewhere around here...

Edit - You been there, done that.
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That Smash Guy
Aug 11, 2013

I missed Sonic talk. Favorite series.


And lame.

Ganon has harder DACUS

Unless he has actually mobility then this will suck.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
So, some American engineer just published plans for people to build fully functional 3D printed guns.

We have 3D printers in France. As a matter of fact, my brother is an entrepreneur who 3D prints stuff for a living.
What we don't have is guns. Criminals have to pay thousands to get their hands on a gun that was manufactured in other countries. And thanks to that one guy, anyone with a couple hundred bucks and low moral codes can now make one.

I am seriously pissed off at this.


That Smash Guy
Aug 11, 2013
I was talking about this a few weeks ago in my digital cultures class.

This market is on the rise and in coming years, we'll start seeing the extents of it. It's going to remove the delivery process of ordered items and will altogether cut the need out for physically having to go out and buy stuff. For example, if you want to purchase a chair, you can 3-D the pieces needed to assemble it, and all you need to do is purchase it online, use the code it gives you can it prints you out chair pieces.

This new business model isn't gonna happen for awhile for reasons you've pointed out already. It's pretty dangerous letting a participatory culture have the power to remove the need for control and handle their own shopping of products.

Also, piracy. How would that get controlled too? Sooner or later, people will start pirating spoons and forks.

Sorry, this is stuff we talk about in my program at school, so if i can be a smart ass somewhere, may as well be here.


Smash Master
Dec 15, 2013
So, some American engineer just published plans for people to build fully functional 3D printed guns.

We have 3D printers in France. As a matter of fact, my brother is an entrepreneur who 3D prints stuff for a living.
What we don't have is guns. Criminals have to pay thousands to get their hands on a gun that was manufactured in other countries. And thanks to that one guy, anyone with a couple hundred bucks and low moral codes can now make one.

I am seriously pissed off at this.
3D printed guns was pretty much inevitable anyways.
They're pretty ****ty, though I suppose that may not be particularly important to your run-of-the-mill criminal.
But yeah 100% was gonna happen regardless of that guy.

I'd also wager you're probably way overestimating the price of black market firearms, though I could be wrong.
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Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2013
I remember seeing one of the PMDT members working on a project of the such. He had a thread somewhere around here...

Edit - You been there, done that.
It wasn't what I was looking for, it didn't look like the thing streamers use.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012

I missed Sonic talk. Favorite series.


And lame.

Ganon has harder DACUS

Unless he has actually mobility then this will suck.
There will be weeks of Sonic talk in the future. Did you get your Chao to the point it turns Silver and then rebirths?

And 3 frames to 2 frames isn't that bad, and if you already used Z it's the same. He's obviously getting baluffel'd.

DACUS is surprising easily to get use to, I use to be upset it wasn't easier. You just have to spam it all match like you're a malfunctioning Go-Kart like Strong Bad does and you'll get it in within the hour.

Taunt is still useful for taunt canceling, which actually helps in positioning on platforms
Never used taunt cancelling for that and I don't believe it can be that useful.
after playing pm I dislike melee landing detection so this change is worrisome

also rip footstools now setting R to taunt is useless too
Just the footstool on shield, we're not updated if footstools in the air were changed at all.
I'm giving up on c stick attack until 3.5 and I see the Diddy changes. If I still enjoy his item stuffs I'll relearn everything with c stick attack so I can do agzdrops and pivot ftilts better. I don't like it for spacies though, so I'll just have 1 tag and when I go fox/wolf I'll just go tagless, they don't really need footstools. Making 2 tags on every setup is a pain.
What exactly is this agzdrop again? If the custom controls panel were closer it'd be less of a pain

I was thinking again about people playing with headphones, if you have songs with lyrics I can imagine that possibly distracting your brain. I think similar conclusions were drawn in research on music for studying, but that's a little different.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Naruto is finally over well the manga anyway.
Speaking of which, the chapter 700 of Naruto is priceless and I strongly advise that anyone that has more or less followed the manga go read it. I know it's not socially acceptable amongst nerds to read Naruto but you should go read it nonetheless.

If I had to describe it in 2 words : [collapse=SPOILERS]
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Did anyone that played SA1&2 ever manage to get a chaos chao? I spent forever trying to get my little pal, Buttface, to become one. I spent countless hours raising it, giving it every animal, even getting all its stats to level 99. And then it reincarnated and went back to level 1 in everything and I realized I would have to do it all again in order to get a chaos chao and that the summer was over and now I was in sixth grade, so I was like F*CK THIS SH*T I'M DONE
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
I know it's not socially acceptable amongst nerds to read Naruto
I'd rather read Naruto than be another piece of garbage brony talking to his pedophile friends about which Madoka character he jacks off to most often


insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
Did anyone that played SA1&2 ever manage to get a chaos chao? I spent forever trying to get my little pal, Buttface, to become one. I spent countless hours raising it, giving it every animal, even getting all its stats to level 99. And then it reincarnated and went back to level 1 in everything and I realized I was only half done and that the summer was over and now I was in sixth grade, so I was like F*CK THIS SH*T I'M DONE
Yes, I had like, all 3. You see, I not only no life'd harder than you, but I no life'd more efficiently as well.
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