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Project M Social Thread Gold


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Hah I see you read the opening paragraph then.
Implying I bothered to click your link at all in the first place. Already knew about it beforehand. ¦D

I disagree with that Rebuild comment and Battle of the Gods comment, though. Those both definitely count. Even if Battle of the Gods was terrible, it's still loads better than anything from GT.

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
Yeah I agree, but that comment was sarcasm directed at people who say things don't count because they go against their preconceived notions of personal headcanon.


That Smash Guy
Aug 11, 2013
Man I was hyped for the first few money matches, but now it's turning into what streaming Smash 4 is like - everyone is doing it yaay.

Back to Canada talk - yeah, a large majority of the population lives close to borders. But like whoever said it said, we have cities up here lol

I wonder if there's a Smash scene in Nunavut ... omg what do they do about hand warmers :000000

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
I googled meiling to find a better image to see if I would accept that, but who the heck is this meiling and why are they everywhere?
She's Xiaolan Li's cousin in Card Captor Sakura. She has an obvious crush on her cousin that he doesn't reciprocate in the same way that Sakura and Xiaolan have crushes on Sakura's brother's boyfriend and Tomoyo has on Sakura. She's super tsundere. Eventually she comes to terms with the fact that Sakura and Xiaolan like each other. I don't remember if she moves back to Hong Kong after that, but that's pretty much the end of the series.

Basically she's a Chinese elementary school student who knows magic and martial arts and is on a mission with her cousin to collect the Clow Cards that Sakura accidentally released in episode one. She's not a mahou shoujo like Sakura though.
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Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Yeah I agree, but that comment was sarcasm directed at people who say things don't count because they go against their preconceived notions of personal headcanon.
Ah, I can understand that. I'm only saying it doesn't because it isn't a full series so I don't find it to be anything really noteworthy. If it was on the level of Rebuild or BotG, I'd say otherwise.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2014
If I did a huge road trip this summer just to go around and play smash with people, would any of you potentially house me?
Just random spur of the moment impulses to go driving cross country
You're always welcome in space.
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Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2014
uraguay has 1 city and it's called montevideo and it's the size of Vancouver
So even a whole country with a tiny as balls population still has normal interactions like the rest of us folk
except for people who live in the mountains like some of those weird *** messed up smashers from other worlds

F. Blue

Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2011
2 frame DACUS is an arbitrary skill floor increase. Why not match everyone to the most lenient window, Snake?


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2014
You mean skill floor decrease because it's not stupidly nuanced character to character and 1 frame for some and not allowed to use some buttons for some of them?
Did you think that one through? ;)

I live in mountains too
Just in a city in the mountains where some peeps I know live in the mountains of the mountains and they all craycray
But yea mountains are cool
craycray is cool too


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
So some of the Smash Invitational cats some along with some Canadian's got Smash 4 Wii U early WTF.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
Sorry, but I can't agree with that. Paper Mario and Mega Man.EXE feel absolutely nothing like their usual series to me and I don't connect them together even in the slightest. I just consider them their own separate things since that's exactly what they are. Face value and all that.

And that's honestly what I like about Boom. All of the characters don't need to be extremely different. I'll take a character that's basically Sonic with a slight twist over a character that's a complete genre shift or different gameplay style overall since it'll just make the fanbase whine and moan and say it's the second coming of 06. This is exactly why Sonic Heroes is my favorite 3D Sonic game since the teams are pretty much the same at their core with just enough differences to tell the clear differences between them. It's also why I like the character mods for Generations since people tend to give the other characters slightly different attributes for Sonic. Plus, the majority of the fanbase will agree that the times they enjoyed playing as other characters is when they all played pretty much like Sonic, only a little different. Tails and Knux in the Classic and Advance games, Amy in the Advance games and Heroes, Shadow in SA2 and Heroes, Cream in Advance 2 and 3, Blaze in the Rush games..All of the characters are at their best when they play like Sonic. It works and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (A policy Sega and Sonic Team almost never follow)

There's a reason why people hated Silver so much in 06...Well, there's actually a lot of good reasons why, but gameplay is one of the big reasons. Then again, the current Silver is from the Rivals games and he's fast because of it, but nobody played those so most don't know that. lol

In full agreement about the whole run button thing, though. I'm honestly not even a fan of it in Mario games, but it's been there since the retro days, so I put up with it. In any Sonic related game though? Different franchise or not, I agree, it just feels wrong.
I wasn't saying that Paper Mario and Megaman.exe feel like the same series, but they feel like similar characters. Paper Mario is still the guy who jumps, hammers, and runs his way through things (Even if that run happens to be more of a papery spin). Megaman.exe's gameplay is vastly different, but the majority of his time he still uses fires his buster while dodging around the field, and manages to steal chips from enemy bosses so the connection to Megaman is there. The characters in Sonic Boom really feel nothing like their mainline selves and that bugs me a great deal.

The problem I have with them all being basically the same is that these characters for the most part have built up a history of being different, except as you said in Sonic Heroes, and that's why I despise Heroes. (Everyone basically plays identically asides from perhaps that little super thing they do, let's not get started on the horrible designs as the game progresses and how obnoxiously glitchy everything becomes towards the end) People didn't whine about Sonic 06 because the characters were different, they whined because the game was sloppily put together and it was a massive glitchfest with a terrible plot. That's the only way that this series would ever be considered the second coming of that, and even then, they still have the other horribly designed Sonic games like Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog to tear apart for overall glitchiness. The characters all feeling essentially the same hurts replay value too, as after I finished the game, I would probably never touch it again, nor would I buy a sequel game in the same style.

The basic gameplay of the classic games put all the characters almost at the same level, but as you said, there were differences. Those were the differences that made the characters unique. The things that separated them from being an orange Sonic or a red Sonic, flight for Tails, Strength/Gliding/Climbing for Knuckles. Shadow is basically a straight Sonic clone in terms of gameplay (Probably why I find him to be so pointless). Amy is different enough in that she doesn't Spindash, she primarily uses her hammer to get everything done, including timing the swings while in the air to follow attacks up. Cream plays like Tails with the addition of Cheese, so essentially Super Tails without the invincibility or extra bird buddies. Blaze in the Rush series was barely different from Sonic, mostly just in terms of speed and possibly jumping height. (Again, kind of pointless, but her jumping was a little different and her speed a little less....so not as eh as playing as Black Sonic)

I'm going to assume people hate Silver, not because of Silver but because Sonic 06 and how horrible the game was. The fact that he can lock you into an infinite loop as a boss probably gave people some issues with him. I have no problem with him possessing the tools that made him unique, so long as it's carefully considered and not half-assedly put together like they did in Sonic 06.

On another note, have you played the 3D fan game Sonic World? Every character gets their own individual style, even those who haven't really been playable characters before. I can't get enough of that, which could be why I hate how everyone feels like a Sonic clone in Boom. (I also get Knuckles in a non-Emerald hunting quest...which probably makes the most difference to me.)

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
This would be an actually feasible trip, I've always wanted to go to Texas for a tournament, I know florida is full of homies because Hbox told me so when he was in az. Plus I have relatives in wisconsin I need to visit, and then I want to go to a wave-dash wednesday or some other chicago-land tourney.

Canada is so huge it scare me, I think canadians are so nice because they have to live so far apart, that if they weren't nice to people no one would bother to come visit them.

If I had a plane/unnecessary amounts of time/money I'd do something like AZ>socal>norcal>washington>Bamseys>Ontario>Quebec>Tri-state>MD/VA>Chicago>Florida>Texas>home. That would be an obscene amount of traveling though, don't know if I could handle it.
You're more than welcome to stay in Tampa.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
People excited for likely an advanced port.
No one is hype for the crazy world that Xenoblade X looks like it'll be.

God damn it people.
I mean, it looks cool, but damn it guys.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
I wasn't saying that Paper Mario and Megaman.exe feel like the same series, but they feel like similar characters. Paper Mario is still the guy who jumps, hammers, and runs his way through things (Even if that run happens to be more of a papery spin). Megaman.exe's gameplay is vastly different, but the majority of his time he still uses fires his buster while dodging around the field, and manages to steal chips from enemy bosses so the connection to Megaman is there. The characters in Sonic Boom really feel nothing like their mainline selves and that bugs me a great deal.

The problem I have with them all being basically the same is that these characters for the most part have built up a history of being different, except as you said in Sonic Heroes, and that's why I despise Heroes. (Everyone basically plays identically asides from perhaps that little super thing they do, let's not get started on the horrible designs as the game progresses and how obnoxiously glitchy everything becomes towards the end) People didn't whine about Sonic 06 because the characters were different, they whined because the game was sloppily put together and it was a massive glitchfest with a terrible plot. That's the only way that this series would ever be considered the second coming of that, and even then, they still have the other horribly designed Sonic games like Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog to tear apart for overall glitchiness. The characters all feeling essentially the same hurts replay value too, as after I finished the game, I would probably never touch it again, nor would I buy a sequel game in the same style.

The basic gameplay of the classic games put all the characters almost at the same level, but as you said, there were differences. Those were the differences that made the characters unique. The things that separated them from being an orange Sonic or a red Sonic, flight for Tails, Strength/Gliding/Climbing for Knuckles. Shadow is basically a straight Sonic clone in terms of gameplay (Probably why I find him to be so pointless). Amy is different enough in that she doesn't Spindash, she primarily uses her hammer to get everything done, including timing the swings while in the air to follow attacks up. Cream plays like Tails with the addition of Cheese, so essentially Super Tails without the invincibility or extra bird buddies. Blaze in the Rush series was barely different from Sonic, mostly just in terms of speed and possibly jumping height. (Again, kind of pointless, but her jumping was a little different and her speed a little less....so not as eh as playing as Black Sonic)

I'm going to assume people hate Silver, not because of Silver but because Sonic 06 and how horrible the game was. The fact that he can lock you into an infinite loop as a boss probably gave people some issues with him. I have no problem with him possessing the tools that made him unique, so long as it's carefully considered and not half-assedly put together like they did in Sonic 06.

On another note, have you played the 3D fan game Sonic World? Every character gets their own individual style, even those who haven't really been playable characters before. I can't get enough of that, which could be why I hate how everyone feels like a Sonic clone in Boom. (I also get Knuckles in a non-Emerald hunting quest...which probably makes the most difference to me.)

They're not supposed to feel like their mainline selves. That's the exact point of Boom, so they're doing their jobs. Sorry if that bothers you, but it attracts me instead since the mainline Sonic characters bore me now. I prefer their versions from other series like the current Archie universe and now Sonic Boom from what I've seen.

Also, Sonic World? That slippery mess? Thanks, but no thanks. I've yet to see a decent 3D fangame that really hit home with me. I'll stick with 2D ones like Before the Sequel and After the Sequel until a good and polished 3D one finally happens.

Amy only doesn't Spindash in Advance 1. In Advance 2 and 3, she's capable of doing so. Cream doesn't fly as high or as long as Tails, but can fly faster than him and can run faster, being the 2nd fastest character in Advance 2 only behind Sonic and Amy who are tied at 1st. Blaze is slightly slower than Sonic but can jump higher and has a hover move as well as a quicker airdash that goes straight an through enemies instead of descending slowly like his. And Shadow playing just like Sonic? No issues with that.

And I don't know what rock you've been living under since 2006 because all of the characters being different from Sonic is one of the biggest complaints of 06. That's where the "Sonic's ****ty Friends" joke and syndrome comes from. Literally the only character that plays at remotely the same style and speed as Sonic is Blaze, who is basically a better Sonic in that game thanks to having two homing attacks, her flame move that cuts through enemies, and a double jump, all in addition to being a little faster than him. And Silver? His gameplay style was easily one of the worst in the game and one of the biggest detriments to it. It's bad enough he was a horribly written character (Though that does for everyone in 06, but him especially) and pretty much a generic anime protagonist in hedgehog form, but his gameplay style had a lot more potential that ended up being wasted on the very slow dragfest that we got instead. Also, ball puzzle. Never forget, never forgive.

And I'm sorry, but Heroes was only a glitchy mess if you were dumb enough to get any version that wasn't the Gamecube version. I've played that game constantly since it's release and haven't had any sort of issues like the ones people bring up from the PS2 and Xbox versions.

And I've played the Shattered Crystal demo now. I actually like it a whole lot. I was worried when I heard about the run butting, but it's X instead of R and it really just feels like a slower, more controlled version of the boost. I like the boost so, I'm cool with it. It's good. I also like what I've played of the 3 levels and I really enjoy how I can just easily switch between whoever I was on the fly with no pause or anything getting in the way. I'm a little vexed that Tails can only hover instead of fly and Knux isn't gliding, but eh, as long as the game is fun for me, I'm not gonna nitpick about the small things. It doesn't stop any of them from being fun to play as. I actually really like Sticks a lot, too.

Welp, I think you and are a good visual example of how there are various types of different Sonic fans. Our tastes clearly don't match, so I don't see us seeing eye-to-eye on this. Let's just agree to disagree and respect each others tastes, eh? I don't think the others in the thread wanna see a huge Sonic discussion take over the place anyways and I really don't have anything else to say. ¦D

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
People excited for likely an advanced port.
No one is hype for the crazy world that Xenoblade X looks like it'll be.

God damn it people.
I mean, it looks cool, but damn it guys.
Xenoblade X honestly looks pretty slow and boring. It was one of the 3 things I fell asleep to during E3 at the Treehouse segments.

It's probably a lot more fun to play than it is to watch, though.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Xenoblade X honestly looks pretty slow and boring. It was one of the 3 things I fell asleep to during E3 at the Treehouse segments.

It's probably a lot more fun to play than it is to watch, though.
It really is.
But damn, that trailer showed a huge scale for the game. You also had other new IPs like Splattoon and Stream, but the most hype went to a port.
It's just mind boggling.
Although, I will admit that trailer was great
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Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
It really is.
But damn, that trailer showed a huge scale for the game. You also had other new IPs like Splattoon and Stream, but the most hype went to a port.
It's just mind boggling.
Although, I will admit that trailer was great
My hype went entirely to Splatoon, honestly. I was already badly in love with that game from what we saw at E3. It already was a 10 for me.

Then they had the guts to turn it up to eleven with a single player campaign that looks like an incredibly crazy fun TPS platformer adventure.

I've never been so enamored with a game so long before it's release before. I can't wait for that game. <3


still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
SA1&2 were the only Sonic games I've ever enjoyed, and they're not even that good.
Good music though, I blasted that **** in the back of my school bus with my Walkman.


Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
People excited for likely an advanced port.
No one is hype for the crazy world that Xenoblade X looks like it'll be.

God damn it people.
I mean, it looks cool, but damn it guys.
If Xenoblade's battle system was action oriented rather than push button watch character go attack i'd prolly be more hyped for it. I dont like mmo style gameplay

The game looks super badass, but the battle system is a gamebreaker for me.
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