Brawl died in az because the players just stopped showing up to events. At my first few tourneys, it was just pm and brawl, because the az melee players generally only played at smash fests and then the one or two big az events, then cali events of course. This was like 2012 ish? Then pm started to get bigger, and a lot of the top players for brawl quit or moved (kiraflax went to cali, for example). People stopped showing up, Tucson people stopped traveling north to pheonix, the cali brawl players stopped coming over because the events were tiny.
it was only until then that melee had its big resergence with the Evo drive that next summer, and then all the documentary babys and the evo kids started coming for melee/pm only. The melee scene got more active thanks to gems asu weeklies.
For the last like two years we've always said well take brawl sign ups at our big events, and if there is a turnout we will host. Last time we did this, there were 120 people and only 6 signed up for brawl.
I agree with everything said above about the community killing brawl. The do have smash 4, but that game is going to be a lot different than all other smash games imo. The ledge changes change everything, shifts the risk/reward of comiting to offstage things, makes some characters super free getting back to the ledge, some characters struggle getting stocks because they can't gimp, etc. I really don't like the ledge. The rest of the game is still decent and feels like a better brawl, but **** the ledges man.