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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I don't expect Banjo and Kazooie. But since I got PT right, I feel that now I'm just going to go whack and start listing off characters who 'will'be in there who in fact have little to no chance. So that I can laugh if they do somehow make it in, and shrug it off as nutty fun if they don't.



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Thats perfectly acceptable strategy with 1st party characters... but with ones that are owned by your rival company? Its like Sega giving Sonic to the SNES (I would say something else but what else did Sega have for the genesis that was valuable and not Sonic?)


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
Wind Waker Link isn't "very likely", he's "probable" at best.
I don't care if a lot of people want him. A lot of people wanted Samurai Goro, look what happened there.
He's probable at best.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I don't really think Sakura is going to show us Ridley so soon, he's a ****ing Dragon, if he's in the game he probably is very hard to unlock.

And if it IS part of nintendo mass metroid advertising, well... Prime 3 is not centered on Ridley is centered oon Dark Samus. As far as i know.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I don't really think Sakura is going to show us Ridley so soon, he's a ****ing Dragon, if he's in the game he probably is very hard to unlock.
Why is that the case? Ridley being a dragon wouldn't affect how good a character he is because everyone will be moderated for balance. Saying that he'd be very hard to unlock because he's a dragon suggests that by being a dragon he's somehow going to be far better than all the other characters which of course makes no sense whatsoever.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No, but if He is a Dragon that means he is suppossed to be powerfull, look at melee, Mewtwo was garbage but was suppossed to be strong and he was one of the last characters to unlock.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
No, but if He is a Dragon that means he is suppossed to be powerfull, look at melee, Mewtwo was garbage but was suppossed to be strong and he was one of the last characters to unlock.
Actually if you sat and played multiplayer for 20 hours before doing anything else he'd be the first one you unlocked. Plus by your logic, Mr. Game and Watch is more powerful than any other characters on the roster. Bowser is also main villain of a franchise and extremely powerful and a starter character.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Yep, but Game and Watch was a WTF character... i mean... he was Game and Watch, that why he was the last you unlocked, also who on his right mind would sit 20 continous hours playing Smash?

Besides, Bowser IIRC was one of the first announced characters, no need to make him Unlocable when the whole world knows about his existance in the game. Also Ridley doesn't really look like a Starter, why would he be a starter?

dan smith

Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2004
Lawrence, KS
I think Ness, Jiggz, Ness, Mewtwo, ICs, and Falco shall/should return.

Ness, Jiggz, and Ness because they were in the original. Mewtwo...because he is essentially the primary villain of pre-Deoxys Pokemon. ICs have a unique moveset and concept. And Falco...is frickin' Falco.

Sakurai stated that Brawl is based off of the code of Melee and that many characters will be transfered and modified. I think he shall drop very few old characters, seeing as how they only have to be transfered and slightly remodeled at the least. I think ICs took a lot of work in the creation of Melee and I bet Sakurai is proud of them. Same goes for Mewtwo.

The only characters I really feel should be dropped are Clones: Doc, Roy, Pichu, and Y. Link make my list. Sheik is logically gone. G&W might also be slated to go, although I would love for him to stay.

Your list is not very good Wiseguy. You make no bold predictions.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Yep, but Game and Watch was a WTF character... i mean... he was Game and Watch, that why he was the last you unlocked, also who on his right mind would sit 20 continous hours playing Smash?

Besides, Bowser IIRC was one of the first announced characters, no need to make him Unlocable when the whole world knows about his existance in the game. Also Ridley doesn't really look like a Starter, why would he be a starter?
..You are not too bright are you? A Retro character or as you say "WTF" character means nothing to be unlocked. Pit is a starter in Brawl[almost 95% sure]. Also, not 20 hours in a row. And, a lot of people would do it..have you heard of Fans!? Probably not.

Yeah, we know Ridley might be unlockable but it was your point of being a dragon that he will be better and the last to unlock.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Ok then, if those are not reasons to be unlocable, then what are they? uh? please explain.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Yep, but Game and Watch was a WTF character... i mean... he was Game and Watch, that why he was the last you unlocked, also who on his right mind would sit 20 continous hours playing Smash?

Besides, Bowser IIRC was one of the first announced characters, no need to make him Unlocable when the whole world knows about his existance in the game. Also Ridley doesn't really look like a Starter, why would he be a starter?
I know why G+W was left until last, it just doesn't fit into your logic pattern. Sitting and playing Smash? That'd be silly, but leaving Smash on a versus match between you and your friend overnight etc. is pure genius! Btw this is the unlock order in terms of VS matches needed to unlock them, and I can't really see any definite pattern. Mewtwo was also 7th out of 11 unlockables and is more towards the halfway point than the end. But he is in the latter "half" of the unlockables yes.

Dr. Mario
Young Link

Bowser was one of the first announced in Melee? Doesn't really matter since he was going to be in Melee + Brawl regardless of being announced or not, but the point is that powerful main villains don't have to be unlockable just because they're important and strong like that. There's no real reason that Ridley couldn't be a starter and "He doesn't look like a starter" is your opinion. Did Pichu, Luigi, Marth or Jigglypuff "look" like unlockables?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
In my Oppinion? Luigi and Marth Did, maybe Pichu since Pikachu was also a starter.

And that's how i unlocked mewtwo, leaving the Comp playing a lone :p.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
In my Oppinion? Luigi and Marth Did, maybe Pichu since Pikachu was also a starter.
Erm well Luigi and Pichu you're basing that on because they are clones. However I'm saying take an look at Luigi or Pichu as just characters in their own right and not worrying about who else was in Melee and you would not judge them to be unlockable. Pichu is rightfully one of the weakest characters in the game and looks puny to boot. The only reason why you're saying that Ridley should be unlockable is because he looks powerful, and yet this is not the case for Bowser. You have no way of determining who will be unlockable or not because there is no set rule or pattern for who will be a starter or who will be unlockable. By your logic that Marth looked like an unlockable then so should Ike, who has already been revealed on the Dojo and hence a starter. You're not basing what you're saying on anything but your opinion so please don't go around saying that Ridley will be unlockable when you couldn't possibly know. Thank you.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
No, he's right Rapht, Luigi isn't actually a clone. However what I was more referring to is that in design he's very similar to Mario and you wouldn't expect 2 characters that were clones (or very similar in design) to appear both as starters. I was being a bit more general in my terms but since Ferro has called me out I have to go and make this additional post on correcting my grevious error.

d*mn you Ferro! *shakes fist*

I couldn't leave this unedited because **** you Ferro! could mean something much more than my jokey fist shaking. :x


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Hi there. My name is Wiseguy and I used to post here quite a bit back in the day. Does anyone remember me?

Moar liek one aerial (forward air), neutral A, and one tilt (up tilt...though they could've just bumped up the time...). And, of course, his taunt and victory poses but all of the clones are given a (mostly) unique set of these. Everything else is identical. <_< Also, and this is just me being bored and rambling on, Dr. Mario (if the purple stuff doesn't count for Ganondorf, the fire for Roy and Young Link's arrows then the pills don't count as uncloned), Young Link, and Roy all have completely cloned movesets, and Falco and Pichu both have one move each. Luigi has eight from what I can see.

But ya...Hopefully this update will end the week on a good note. Diddy looks cool...yet another character I'm interested in. :/
Ganondorf's only unique moves are his Fair and neutral A. His up tilt has an extra pause in it, but that can be done with coding, same as all speed based modifications. Still, this is enough to earn Ganondorf his title as the clone with the most unique moves.
Now, Luigi, he also has a unique Fair and neutral A, but he also has his own up tilt, down A, running A, forward smash, Dair, neutal B, and over B, which edges him safely out of clone territory. Especially his over B, which is entirely unique from Mario and must require all sorts of new code to pull off.

Still, Luigi does share a lot in common with his brother, and I'm sure this did save some time during development, but then Kirby and Jigglypuff also probably saved a bunch of development time since their animators never had to worry about elbows, knees, fingers, wrists, ankles, tails, or necks. The point is that if Luigi was a clone, his design would've been tailored to time-saving measures, and he wouldn't have nearly as many unique moves as he does.
Fine, fine. I wave the white flag of surrender. I admit that Luigi can't really be considered a clone. I will purge all referances to his clone status in my post. I know when I'm beat.

I don't think that MK's FS should involve the Halred because there is a stage that already using the Halbred. Imagine, you're on the Halbred, and another Halbred flies up. Same thing with the Arwings.

Anyone else wondering what happens when you save only Peach/Zelda?
I heard that Metaknight has a team of knight minions in the Kirby games. Perhaps he can summon them, ala Pit?

I think this lowers Ridley's chances of being a PC
Petey is not a non-PC becuase of his size, but becuase of his insignifcance to his series of origin. I will eat my new pair of shoes if Ridley is not playable in Brawl.

For all we know, Petey is under orders of the Ancient Minister to capture Zelda and Peach as the payment to Bowser and Ganondorf to join his army in order to stop heroes like Mario and Link from thwarting his plans of taking the world into subspace for him to rule over. Petey enlisted to re-enact revenge upon the Mushroom Kingdom and became one of the AM's henchmen/peons whereas Bowser/Ganondorf were requested to join and are much higher up the chain of command.

Then that would fit into the order of:

Petey - Minor Villain - Boss encounter only
Ganondorf/Bowser/other archnemesis' of Brawl Heroes - Major Villain - Boss encounter + playable
Ancient Minister - Main Villain - Final boss?
Makes sense, but I theorize that the Minister's minions are actually all the characters who didn't make the cut for the playable roster, hell bent on taking out their jelousy against the playable cast. The Minister's true idenity?

ya dat wud b cul
I think you are lost, my friend. The Nsider forums are here: http://forums.nintendo.com/

From the way I look at it, you doon't play as the same character for the whole game, you take turns with each of the characters. Starting with Kirby.
Shouldn't it be:

Status: CONFIRMED!!!

On Sakurai’s poll: N/A
Fixed. My bad.

Posting this as a bump.
Thanks Numa.

Cool Balloon Fighter!! Now, re-edit your post and remove him from the Assist Trophies section XD :p
Urgh, I suck. Fixed.

I think that it's the unique thing that can make a game interesting. But that's just one idea.

Although not only am I stumped on FS's I am also stuck on this: What will Wario's other moves be? What kind of stage would he have? Why do I keep asking questions without waiting for an answer? Will there be more bosses introduced from the Mario Series? (As I said before there should be side scrollig areas like Mushroom Kingdom in Adventure Mode. Perhaps something from Donkey Kong or Pokemon.) Will Olimar be the next newcomer confirmed on the DOJO?
1) I suspect most will be simple punches and the like, but his Final will definitely be Super Wario!

2) Becasue of your indominable spirit of optimism. KEEP THE FAITH JIMMY! KEEP THE FAITH!

3) Yes. Bet the farm on it. Koopa Kids anyone? or (dare I say it...) COUNT BLECK?!

4) Please oh please be right! I care more about Olimar's presense than online play (and that's pretty dang important to me.)

Hate to double post but... WILL ANY OF MY BLOODY QUESTIONS BE ANSWERED!?!?

I've been waiting like, five hours!

But, on topic: I do think that Petey Pirahna (Pirnah? Piranah? Pirinah? Pirana?) is a good choice for a boss. I think that the Zelda bosses (I don't mean like, Ganon) should get in (Perhaps this breaths new life into Vaati or Skull Kid!)
Patience my friend. Petey may have been the first revealed boss, but you can bet he won't be the last.

What's this? 3rd page? Madness! Too many spam topics get created for sure :(. Been a bit lazy on creating the Lloyd moveset 'cause friends and Guitar Hero seem to be taking a bit of priority but oh well. Gotta refamilarise myself with some of the better moves before I start ya see and that might involve finding my Disc 1 of ToS which I think may still be in my GC. >.>

Wiseguy, I'd like to see the cutting of Mii off your predictions and the addition of Paper Mario! Post haste! Our flat friend is in need of support. Plus I noticed that the version of my Olimar moveset that you link to isn't the most updated one in the Olimar thread, so a little update there would be good please <3.
Thankd for bumping my thread Vali.

Miis will be removed from my list over my dead body (expect me to keep the faith until the bitter end, after Sakurai himself has an update to specifically deconfirm them) but it wouldn't take much to convince me to include PM for sure. The first tiniest hint of paintbrush boy's demise will be all I need.

As for the Olimar moveset, I'll gladly oblige. Could you provide me with a link? I'd do it, but I suffer from cronic laziness...

Yeah, Miis just seem to have more probability.






Sorry man, but sometimes the internets really start to get to me. I re-posted my "Smasher Unite" thread in the Nsider forums and... let's say the responce evaporated whatever faith I had in the human race. I had to take a weekend off for my own sanity.

His name was originally the Wise Messiah, but he had to modernize it into Wiseguy.

Wise Messiah, save this thread, like you saved the platypuses all those years ago, when they faced certain destruction at the hands of the kangaroos. Or when you invented light. Not the light bulb, light.
Wow, sometimes I amaze even myself. :laugh:

I don't think a moveset can sway me. I just don't like the idea of having two Marios in Brawl. Sorry :ohwell:.

But I just loved that game completely. Every character (even Collette) was amazingly awesome, except Genus the.. well you know.
FOOL! Vali's movesets are so awesome, they could stop a herd of speeding buffalo in their tracks. Click on this link. You know, if your MAN enough.


i think this list i really well thought out and has been pretty much on the money besides retro characters, and pokemon trainer. I was wondering if wiseguy is gonna make a list of the possible bosses that could appear in the story mode as they are kinda characters.
Cool idea. Off hand, I want to see Count Bleck from SPM, Andross and Dark Samus. Of course, with my new job taking up so much time, classes coming in the fall and Prime 3's realease I don't know if I'll find the time.

Wiseguy, I must respectfully say that I disagree with the addition of Wind Waker link. I believe with 40+ characters, they won't need clones.
CLones may or may not make it - but WW Link definitely will. His games have plenty of uniqe items that could set him apart from TP Link and, as a representative of all the "Young Links" in the Zelda series, you'd be hard pressed to find a character more worthy.


I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet but..

Wiseguy, I totally disagree on your opinion that Wolf will be a clone of Fox. He has tons of potential to not be a clone, and there are so many good movesets out there for him.
Oh, you're not the first. Most people agree with you.

Wolf could indeed be made unique from Fox, but for my purposes I needed 3 clones. Personally, I think it could either way.

Wtf? You took Bonk off your list? I guess that's your way of saying I was right. Apology accepted.

Now if you'd just take "Midna & Wolf Link" off of your list, cut down on the 3rd party characters, and put Falco as a returning character your list wouldn't look so stupid anymore.

They're not going to add a character called "Midna & Wolf Link". Not only is that name dumb, but so is that idea. It's as stupid as the people who thought Diddy & Dixie would be a team. It's almost as stupid as when you thought they would add Midna in her twili form instead of her imp form, which is how she appears through out the entire game.

They aren't going to remove Falco. He's probably more popular than Fox in the Star Fox games. Falco is basically Fox's Luigi. I don't know why so many people think they'd take him out. If they wanted to use Wolf over Falco, they'd have done so in Melee. Wolf sucks. There's nothing interesting about him at all. He has no personality, he has no significant back story, and nobody gives a crap about him. The other members of his team are 1,000 more interesting then he is.
Oh look. Freeman123 posted on my thread.


Moving on.

Apparently, because Metroid Prime 3 is being released this week, all the Ridley fans are CERTAIN that Ridley will be confirmed this week. One fan said it would be the "week of Metroid". Fools. They're being mindgamed by Sakurai, and he's not even doing anything.
Bet he confirms Ness or Captain Falcon. Even funnier would be an item, stage, and gameplay week. :cool:
I love how crazy the updates have gotten. Remember, folks, predicting Sakurai is as easy as filling out a perfect March Madness sheet. Possible, but mind-blowingly improbable.
Not that I have anything against Ridley, just people that still think there might be some sort of logic to Sakurai's posts.
I was CERTIAN today was the day, but I guess Sakurai had other plans. I guess Sakurai knew we would predict it, and purposely chose NOT to include him today.

On the plus side, I have high hopes that Olimar's time may have finally come.

Wind Waker Link isn't "very likely", he's "probable" at best.
I don't care if a lot of people want him. A lot of people wanted Samurai Goro, look what happened there.
He's probable at best.
AH, but Goroh did not star in the fastest selling Zelda in the history of Japan, did he? WW Link did, in Phantom Hourglass.

You made a mistake on Diddy Wiseguy...

It says Stats: Very Likely

On Sakurai's Poll: CONFIRMED!!!!!!!

Yeah, you should fix that.
Yeah, it's finally fixed.

Gief The skull kid from majoras mask :<
Awesome idea, but his best chance was in Melee - right after MM's release. Now SK's best shot in the TP-centric Brawl is as an Assist Trophy.

i would just like you to know. i think you are a moron.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll make a note of it.

By the way, even morons know that "I"s are supposed to uppercased. Just sayin.

I think Ness, Jiggz, Ness, Mewtwo, ICs, and Falco shall/should return.

Ness, Jiggz, and Ness because they were in the original. Mewtwo...because he is essentially the primary villain of pre-Deoxys Pokemon. ICs have a unique moveset and concept. And Falco...is frickin' Falco.

Sakurai stated that Brawl is based off of the code of Melee and that many characters will be transfered and modified. I think he shall drop very few old characters, seeing as how they only have to be transfered and slightly remodeled at the least. I think ICs took a lot of work in the creation of Melee and I bet Sakurai is proud of them. Same goes for Mewtwo.

The only characters I really feel should be dropped are Clones: Doc, Roy, Pichu, and Y. Link make my list. Sheik is logically gone. G&W might also be slated to go, although I would love for him to stay.

Your list is not very good Wiseguy. You make no bold predictions.
You make a fair argument, but I really suspect that quite a few characters will be cut for Brawl. The fewer time spent updating old character models and movesets, the more time that can be spent on new characters, stages, items, etc.

For the record, I think my precistions were more bold before Sakurai's update forced me to remove ROB and the Pokemon Trainer's 3 movesets required that I sqeeze out Bonk and Black Mage.

That's all for now, gents. Wiseguy out.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Austin, TX
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Boswer Jr.

Wario, Yoshi

Link, Zelda/Sheik, Ganondorf, WW Link, Vaati

Pikachu, Mew, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer

Samus/ Zamus, Ridley

Kirby, Metaknight, King Dedede

Fox, Falco, Krystal

Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong

Ike, Marth, Mia

Pit, Captain Falcon, Lucas, Olimar, Chibi-Robo, Geno, Ray 01, Lip

Snake, Sonic, Megaman


Comments? Suggestions? Is 3 Fire Emblem characters too much? Does anyone else think they may cut Mewtwo and Pichu for Mew?


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Hi there. My name is Wiseguy and I used to post here quite a bit back in the day. Does anyone remember me?
I remember something about Wall of Pains...that rings a bell for some reason.

Thanks for bumping my thread Vali.

Miis will be removed from my list over my dead body (expect me to keep the faith until the bitter end, after Sakurai himself has an update to specifically deconfirm them) but it wouldn't take much to convince me to include PM for sure. The first tiniest hint of paintbrush boy's demise will be all I need.

As for the Olimar moveset, I'll gladly oblige. Could you provide me with a link? I'd do it, but I suffer from cronic laziness...
It's my pleasure! I remember a time where it was literally just me, you and Smash Daddy posting a hell of a lot back when this thread was still only like 15 pages big. Keeping this thread alive seems to be one of my specialities although now it has enough regular posters to not really be all that necessary. ^^

Removing Miis over your dead body though? That's pretty serious dedication. I still want to know your opinion on the amount of Mario characters, 5 or 6? Oh and my case of cronic laziness is almost terminal, it's surely more severe than yours.

FOOL! Vali's movesets are so awesome, they could stop a herd of speeding buffalo in their tracks. Click on this link. You know, if your MAN enough.

Appreciated :).

On the plus side, I have high hopes that Olimar's time may have finally come.
We all do, we all do. Pikmin fans unite!

That's all for now, gents. Wiseguy out.
See you in about *checks watch* 3 days? :p


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Sorry it took me so long to Reply, but i do believe Ike is unlocable, Sakurai did say after all, that he was going to show Secret Characters on the Dojo sooner or Later.

And yes, right there's no Logic in saying Ridley is going to be a Secret Character, but it's common sense, i mean do you really think that Ridley is going to be a starter?


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
Ridley does strike me as an unlockable character. I can't imagine the two newcomer Metroid characters both being starters. But I do see Olimar being a starter. He seems like a starter to me.
I don't know. I think of Olimar as more of a WTF character or unlockable even though everyone knows he most likely will be in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Austin, TX
Okay, my last post is probably going to be overlooked. I realize I fell into the same hole that people do when they start a post with a roster and don't explain why... laziness I suppose, or a lack of time.
(noob status doesn't seem to help my credentials- I read this board a lot, but I only post when I have something to say.)

It seems to me that most predictions made for Brawl are done so linearly. People begin thinking along one easy frame of thought, such as "what characters from franchises that are in aren't in?" or "what main mascots/heroes aren't in?", or "what enemies aren't there?".
I admit to falling into this thinking too, and it is undeniable that many franchises will have more representatives- Metaknight, Zamus, Diddy are perfect examples. However, most rosters that I read that mostly expanded upon known franchises didn't feel like there were near 40 characters, due to the fact that it isn't quite new- it's all currently accepted.
So I wanted to stir it up a bit more.
Wiseguy, while I think you have a great roster, it seems to have that problem- it isn't new/uncomfortable enough to be real.

I propose that since Pichu and Mewtwo were both pretty bad (and with the advent of Pokemon Trainer and potentially Lucario), that they be replaced with a faster version of Mewtwo, equally significant to the series and different from the others: Mew.
I'd give Jigglypuff a decent chance of returning (original 12 status) were it not for a little personal distaste, similar appearance to Kirby, and doubts of Pokemon (with all the new franchises that could be included for diversity) taking up more than 4 spots on the roster (especially with Trainer as 3).

For the Fire Emblem series, I disagree with having Ike and The Black Knight. First, it falls into the auto-"series-needs-a-villian" thought, and second- it completely updates the series, providing no homage to earlier games. I also don't think The Black Knight is a good enough villain... as I've said earlier: he's pretty generic.
I went through lists of every main character from various FE games and came up with Ike, Marth, and Mia as cool looking contenders. I would have chosen Micaiah were her game actually out. I would have chosen Sothe had that not made the trio a sausage-fest.

When it comes to the Zelda series, I really feel like it deserves more than 4 reps: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Young Link; but when it comes time to choose someone, you end up with characters that have either minor roles, few recurrences, an overabundance of Twilight Princess style, or Tingle. And I hate Tingle.
So the debate went to Skull Kid or Vaati. I chose the boss.

I can't recall who, but someone disagreed with Wolf over Falco due to the fact that Falco has so much more personality, and that pretty much won the argument for me. Hopefully he'll be more original next time. Wolf could be a Fox skin (not that he Has to be, but he could be), the same way Wario was a Mario skin (albeit a poor representation).

Geno and Olimar are on the list because of their high recommendation to Sakurai in the poll. I can't see Sakurai sticking to the poll though, so there are many on it that won't be present.

Ray 01 and Lip were chosen haphazardly.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I think you are lost, my friend. The Nsider forums are here: http://forums.nintendo.com/
QFT (QFT towards the person he quoted not for me... )

Anyways I really don't understand those people that claim Petey hurt Ridley's chances its like saying because Waluigi is an assist (I'm hoping he is a sticker at best though) that it hurts Luigi's chances.

Anyways i hope Skull kid could at least get in as an assist (Maybe even its Majoras mask that is the SM ZOMG : P) just to represent the TRUE greatest Zelda game.

(And all Zelda fans a warning Gypsy Lee really hates the Zelda series... : P)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2007
Zorg, CA
Hey.. I don't quite get what you did, but you have Mr. Resetti under the characters you predict that are going to be in, but you put Tom Nook under your re-cap roster.


Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2007
For the Fire Emblem series, I disagree with having Ike and The Black Knight. First, it falls into the auto-"series-needs-a-villian" thought, and second- it completely updates the series, providing no homage to earlier games. I also don't think The Black Knight is a good enough villain... as I've said earlier: he's pretty generic.
I went through lists of every main character from various FE games and came up with Ike, Marth, and Mia as cool looking contenders. I would have chosen Micaiah were her game actually out. I would have chosen Sothe had that not made the trio a sausage-fest.
1. Maybe Nintendo wants to "update the series" to promote the newer games outside of Japan? We don't know what they are thinking

2. Mia is not a main character

3. Micaiah's game is already out in Japan and will be out before Brawl in NA

Although I agree that not every series needs a playable villian.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Today, I had this really weird dream.

Luigi has these huge muscles, he had his Luigi's Mansion outfit, he was pissed..

He was a character in Brawl O_O.
I had the same dream 2 days ago, but it was Roy. His cape was red on the outside, blue on the inside, his armor was more of a navy blue, he had some gold armor pieces, his hiar details were great, and the grpahics topped FFXIII. That is where I didn't believe it! :laugh:

Does it make me a bad person to say that OoT is somewhat overrated?
It's not overrateed IMO, it's just everyone loves it, because everyone else loves it. There is a real geniune lack of love for it from a few Zelda sites, who just go on and on about it, and seem so not real. Almost as if they get bored of it. I've beaten it lke 9 times! :)

Or, Ditto could just be the random character select option. Choose Ditto, and start the match as a random character. Just a thought.
BETTER: Character select screen ditto is a slot. Choose ditto, and you randomly become any character. Sorta wat you said. XD

I know that Nintendo said that TP falls between OoT and WW, but they didn't say that they fall in the same timeline.
It kinda did, since in the openinig of WW it says Ganon died [I believe=I could be wrong]. Ganon never died in OOT. Ganon died for good in WW, until in OoS/OoA where he was revived, and then was killed for good [so far].

How do you reconsile the fact that Ganondorf was killed in TP? The opening to WW says that the "evil" was sealed away, and then broke free. Not that it was impaled through the chest and inexplicably came back to life years later.
He was locked away like in OOT. Look at WW's opening. He came out of the darkness, last hour, blah blah blah. In other words, Zelda was his captive, he had Hyrule Castle, and he was going to wipe out Castle Town's population. In OOT no one was about to die in the final hour. Then G'drof returns again, and it actually is the REAL final hour, some people go to the mountains, get seperated on diffrent islands, and there you have X [probably inthe 100's] years fro mWW. Actually, I think WW could have taken place anywhere from 200 to 1,000 years after OOT/TP, since facts was just "a legend".

I see. Well, I guess I'll grant you that MC has a different Link and Zelda than FSA, so that part of your theory does fit. My mistake.
HEHE....it's actually pretty neat how Capcom actually helps=they did a good job if you think about it.

Yeah, I heard about that. Wasn't he involved with the old Metroids as well?

As for your advice, I'll give it some consideration.
Super Metroid was his last game, in which I believe he worked with Miyamoto. He spilled his love all over it, and the Virtual BOy [a attempt at a virtual handheld] failed, his life, and career went down the drain. No one at Nintendo appreciated him, he quit, he started his company, he dies in a car accident, and his company then re-joins with Nintendo. Really sad, actually.

Luigi could go either way (clone or original) but I'm leaning towards unique at this point. We'll have to see...
Agreed, but his moveset won't involve the vacuum other than maybe one attack/FS. BTW, Andross rocks! :) [where's Chief=???]...as a AT! XD Anyways, if anything he'll get moves from the M&L, but I only see a few moves changing. Again, I see super luigification, but hopefully making him original isn't out of the question. Heck, he's pretty much original already, just with a altered Mario moveset. ;)

Sounds like a cool idea for the story mode. Was Mario just knocked out of the stadium, or was he KO'd?
HEHE, and Mario was shot by one of Pettey's mudballs, it's confirmed in the trailer. Look it up on youtube, or just watch it on the dojo site, and pause right when you see it, and you'll see it's just PEttey's mudballs from SMS, and Pettey is covered by smoke in the background, but still visible. ;)

BTW, glad you added Balloon Fighter, but here's a idea. Make Simon Belmont a AT. Simply put, he pulls out his whip, whips everyone, occassionally grabbing and strangling them with his whip. He does good damage with it. :)

Eh... I'm amazed, I've become a convert. I now want Wind Waker Link in Brawl. Why? Well... if implemented well, he could provide a whole new sort of strategy to the game. Here's a moveset I cooked up to show you how he could make a significant change to gameplay when used:
Welcome to coversion. I'm glad I revised the WW Link following, because it was dead. Now it's doing good, and is one of the bigger and underestimated character for Brawl movements in the SWF, and Brawl in general! :)

A original moveset, I have nothing to say other than I think if you are to include bombs, they should be a part of the B moveset. Original to say the least, and expect me to post my SUPER LUIGIFIED WW Link moveset soon here. :) Also, sorry for taking so long to reply.

And long live Andross, the AT! Don't forget the 2nd update we got. 100 days til Brawl...I was expected Sonic for this momentous day. :(


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
It kinda did, since in the openinig of WW it says Ganon died [I believe=I could be wrong]. Ganon never died in OOT. Ganon died for good in WW, until in OoS/OoA where he was revived, and then was killed for good [so far].

No it said Ganon was sealed away by the Hero (Of time) but he returned the people thought the Hero would return but he didn't and then Ganon took over and the people pleded to the gods and the god flooded Hyrule.

Now you see they mentioned that he traveled between time which he did in OOT and of course Ganon was only sealed away in the future timeline so thus that puts WW in the future timeline (Which is confirmed to exist).

He was locked away like in OOT. Look at WW's opening. He came out of the darkness, last hour, blah blah blah. In other words, Zelda was his captive, he had Hyrule Castle, and he was going to wipe out Castle Town's population. In OOT no one was about to die in the final hour. Then G'drof returns again, and it actually is the REAL final hour, some people go to the mountains, get seperated on diffrent islands, and there you have X [probably inthe 100's] years fro mWW. Actually, I think WW could have taken place anywhere from 200 to 1,000 years after OOT/TP, since facts was just "a legend".

Tut tut in the end of OOT it was very much a final hour seeing as he caused MUCH more chaos than in TP where around the end of the game the only thing in trouble was Hyrule castle... nothing else just Hyrule castle but in OOT the entire town had been destroyed even Kakariko village was set on fire and he had Zelda.

But im not that good at discusing the time line better if i just quote others peoples seeing as we would be generally be saying the same thing
Here is mine BTW...

............................--- Zelda -- Zelda2 -- WW - Phantom hourglass -
Minish cap --- OOT-
............................--- TP --

This is all i got so far im not sure where to put the rest.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Just because I can...

The Minish Cap (? BOT) --- Ocarina of Time (0 OT - 7 AOT) / Majora’s Mask (0 AOT) --- Twilight Princess (c. 100-199 AOT) --- Four Swords/Four Swords Adventures --- A Link to the Past/Link’s Awakening/Ancient Stone Tablets --- Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages --- Legend of Zelda/Adventure of Link

The Minish Cap (? BOT) --- Ocarina of Time (0 OT – 7 AOT) --- The Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass (c. 100-999 AOT)

So, who here enjoys the presence of Andross as an AT? I do believe that's another tick for Wiseguy's List.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Thats good Vagrant i myself am not sure weather Zelda 1 and 2 goes after PH or before WW in my time line...

Anyways do you think the real (And not Panel) Andross will be a boss?

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
As a boss? Hard to say. In some ways I think it might be his only appearance, because it IS Andross, after all. I don't know Starfox as a series well enough to be able to judge on other possible judges, so I abstain from comment.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Well if he was id say that he would be in the background trying to hit you with his hands (He would slam down trying to smack you...) and you would have to hit his hand before he brings it back into the BG with him (You would have a few seconds to do that).

Its either him or just a random boss.

(Doubt every series will have a boss but Fox will likely be a main character in the story so i expect him to have one)
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