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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Odd, I can pisture Ganondorf fighting the SA in order to get Zelda. I mean, if he has Zelda, he has two peices of the Triforce (Power and Wisdom) or perhaps he's working as a double spy or is trying to manipulate the Minister like he did with Zant and Agahnim.

I can also see Ridley wanting revenge on Samus. Seeing Zamus in that Control-looking Room in one screenshot makes me think that she took information from the Space Pirates and Ridley wants it back, but that's a total shot in the dark. I'm probably wrong.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Odd, I can pisture Ganondorf fighting the SA in order to get Zelda. I mean, if he has Zelda, he has two peices of the Triforce (Power and Wisdom) or perhaps he's working as a double spy or is trying to manipulate the Minister like he did with Zant and Agahnim.

I can also see Ridley wanting revenge on Samus. Seeing Zamus in that Control-looking Room in one screenshot makes me think that she took information from the Space Pirates and Ridley wants it back, but that's a total shot in the dark. I'm probably wrong.
I don't think that'll you will be able to choose your character is SubS Emiss. For some reason, i think the game makes you control certain characters at certain times. LOL, what is worse then Ridley saving a princess, is having Peach or Zelda save themselves. 0_o


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
For all we know, Petey is under orders of the Ancient Minister to capture Zelda and Peach as the payment to Bowser and Ganondorf to join his army in order to stop heroes like Mario and Link from thwarting his plans of taking the world into subspace for him to rule over. Petey enlisted to re-enact revenge upon the Mushroom Kingdom and became one of the AM's henchmen/peons whereas Bowser/Ganondorf were requested to join and are much higher up the chain of command.

Then that would fit into the order of:

Petey - Minor Villain - Boss encounter only
Ganondorf/Bowser/other archnemesis' of Brawl Heroes - Major Villain - Boss encounter + playable
Ancient Minister - Main Villain - Final boss?


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
For all we know, Petey is under orders of the Ancient Minister to capture Zelda and Peach as the payment to Bowser and Ganondorf to join his army in order to stop heroes like Mario and Link from thwarting his plans of taking the world into subspace for him to rule over. Petey enlisted to re-enact revenge upon the Mushroom Kingdom and became one of the AM's henchmen/peons whereas Bowser/Ganondorf were requested to join and are much higher up the chain of command.

Then that would fit into the order of:

Petey - Minor Villain - Boss encounter only
Ganondorf/Bowser/other archnemesis' of Brawl Heroes - Major Villain - Boss encounter + playable
Ancient Minister - Main Villain - Final boss?
(sigh) i just wish Sakauri updated 2 or more every day instead of most of them being only one.:urg:


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007
I dunno, the way I see it most of the major villains are probably none to happy with the Ancient Minister. I mean, Petey's just a minion, really. Everyone knows minions and henchmen are easy to bribe :chuckle:

Bowser wants Peach and rule over the Mushroom Kingdom, right? Well, when the AM comes in, steals his henchmen, "his" princess, and threatens to destroy what he wants to rule? I'm sure he's none too happy. Heck, look at SMRPG or the Paper Mario games and you've got that scenario right there.

Gannondorf is much in the same boat. If he really wants to turn the world into his own Dark World, well, I'd wager he'd be none to happy with the AM horning in on his territory.

And as for Metaknight? Well, it could be any of a few things. Perhaps the AM stole the Halberd and Metaknight is questing to get it back and save Dream Land (after all, he seems to have the good of Dream Land as his highest perogative most of the time). He really is more of an antihero than a villain. On that note, maybe he was mislead by the AM into thinking he was helping Dream Land.

Point being, I doubt any of the major villains are truly in league with the AM. Or, perhaps they've been duped or offered false promises and will switch sides after a good beating...gotta unlock 'em somehow :laugh:


Yung Zuby the Falco God
Aug 6, 2007
Fairport, NY
(sigh) i just wish Sakauri updated 2 or more every day instead of most of them being only one.:urg:
Maybe, but I kinda liked the way the updates have been going. Although it could go a little better. These 5 things should happen every week.

-Revealing A Character, Newcomer, Veteran or Boss
-A New Stage
-A New Item
-Subspace Emissary Update
-Sakurai's choice.

Perfect week.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Let's hope that these keep coming. I'm just worried that with all of these new characters in a row, I have a bad feeling that this won't last. Sakurai has over two months of updates left and if he gives out all of the cool stuff now, they'll be no cool stuff left and we'll be stuck with an entire week of 'You Must Recover!' Or this cold be a good thing. He's revealing a lot of Newcomers early in the game, this would lead one to believe that he has enought Newcomers to have one every week!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
Starfox Series:

2) Diddy Kong

Diddy preprares to use his mad mankey mojo to destroy Squirtle. Someone's having turtle soup tonight...

Status: Very Likely

On Sakurai’s poll: CONFIRMED!!!

Comments: Diddy Kong is probably the most deserving of a spot in Brawl out of the potential newcomers. Introduced as one of the main protagonists in the Donkey Kong Country games, Diddy Kong quickly became one of Nintendo's most well known characters. Diddy has also starred in the Diddy Kong Racing series and made numerous appearances in games like Mario Baseball and Mario Kart Double Dash. The fact that he did not appear in Melee was a crime against humanity, so now is as good a time as any to give Diddy his due by allowing him to join his fellow videogame legends in Brawl.

Donkey Kong 64 might have been a boring collect-athon, but Diddy Kong's awesome abilities in the game almost made up for it. Diddy's moveset should consist of his jetpack
and his dual peanut guns as well as an assortment of cartwheel attacks and tailwhips. His superattack should be his guitar attack.

EDIT: Oh yeah! Totally called it!
Shouldn't it be:

Status: CONFIRMED!!!

On Sakurai’s poll: N/A


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Someone mentioned that the enemies like Koopas and other such, when sucked up by Kirby, Kirby should gain their powers.

Koopa- Shell Spin. Like the Whirling Fortress but without the lift.

Sworded Enemies- Sword Kirby (Duh!) for enemies like Stalfos or Fire Emblem soldiers.

Kremlins- Gets a Crocodile-like mouth

Some would only change physical appearance.

ReDead- Get's the Redead mask (Because no one wants to see Kirby hump)

Like Like- Nothing

Goomba- Nothing


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
Hyrule, Right next to the Triforce
I'm not sure, Kirby has already got a little bit of an edge already, having him copy the abilities of baddies would just be a little too much.

Having said that, I think that there needs to be a little more love for Earthbound/MOTHER I want the whole Ness/Lucas debate to finally be settled.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Admittedly, I know nil about programing. But it seems to me that if they started with even a "modified rig" of Mario before altering his animations and stats, they would have saved more time than if they started from scratch. Some moves, such as he back-aerial and down-smash, are clearly copied from Mario.

I also think you aren't giving credit to how many of Ganondorf's animations are unique from Falcon. Many of his A-tilts and aerial attacks are completely different.
Ganondorf's only unique moves are his Fair and neutral A. His up tilt has an extra pause in it, but that can be done with coding, same as all speed based modifications. Still, this is enough to earn Ganondorf his title as the clone with the most unique moves.
Now, Luigi, he also has a unique Fair and neutral A, but he also has his own up tilt, down A, running A, forward smash, Dair, neutal B, and over B, which edges him safely out of clone territory. Especially his over B, which is entirely unique from Mario and must require all sorts of new code to pull off.

Still, Luigi does share a lot in common with his brother, and I'm sure this did save some time during development, but then Kirby and Jigglypuff also probably saved a bunch of development time since their animators never had to worry about elbows, knees, fingers, wrists, ankles, tails, or necks. The point is that if Luigi was a clone, his design would've been tailored to time-saving measures, and he wouldn't have nearly as many unique moves as he does.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I think that it's the unique thing that can make a game interesting. But that's just one idea.

Although not only am I stumped on FS's I am also stuck on this: What will Wario's other moves be? What kind of stage would he have? Why do I keep asking questions without waiting for an answer? Will there be more bosses introduced from the Mario Series? (As I said before there should be side scrollig areas like Mushroom Kingdom in Adventure Mode. Perhaps something from Donkey Kong or Pokemon.) Will Olimar be the next newcomer confirmed on the DOJO?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Hate to double post but... WILL ANY OF MY BLOODY QUESTIONS BE ANSWERED!?!?

I've been waiting like, five hours!

But, on topic: I do think that Petey Pirahna (Pirnah? Piranah? Pirinah? Pirana?) is a good choice for a boss. I think that the Zelda bosses (I don't mean like, Ganon) should get in (Perhaps this breaths new life into Vaati or Skull Kid!)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
OKAY OKAY! lol jk
Warios ^B should be an inflation and float at 45 degrees into an angled belly flop. B could be a hula hoop spin reflector.

3 months...3 chars a month (one per week with one missed week each)...9 chars...hm..?
doubt it
It's gonna slow down!

Mar 21, 2007
Someone mentioned that the enemies like Koopas and other such, when sucked up by Kirby, Kirby should gain their powers.

Koopa- Shell Spin. Like the Whirling Fortress but without the lift.

Sworded Enemies- Sword Kirby (Duh!) for enemies like Stalfos or Fire Emblem soldiers.

Kremlins- Gets a Crocodile-like mouth

Some would only change physical appearance.

ReDead- Get's the Redead mask (Because no one wants to see Kirby hump)

Like Like- Nothing

Goomba- Nothing
I think he should get the character that represents that franchise's power... Like if he eats a goomba he gets mario's hat


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
What's this? 3rd page? Madness! Too many spam topics get created for sure :(. Been a bit lazy on creating the Lloyd moveset 'cause friends and Guitar Hero seem to be taking a bit of priority but oh well. Gotta refamilarise myself with some of the better moves before I start ya see and that might involve finding my Disc 1 of ToS which I think may still be in my GC. >.>

Wiseguy, I'd like to see the cutting of Mii off your predictions and the addition of Paper Mario! Post haste! Our flat friend is in need of support. Plus I noticed that the version of my Olimar moveset that you link to isn't the most updated one in the Olimar thread, so a little update there would be good please <3.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
What's this? 3rd page? Madness! Too many spam topics get created for sure :(. Been a bit lazy on creating the Lloyd moveset 'cause friends and Guitar Hero seem to be taking a bit of priority but oh well. Gotta refamilarise myself with some of the better moves before I start ya see and that might involve finding my Disc 1 of ToS which I think may still be in my GC. >.>

Wiseguy, I'd like to see the cutting of Mii off your predictions and the addition of Paper Mario! Post haste! Our flat friend is in need of support. Plus I noticed that the version of my Olimar moveset that you link to isn't the most updated one in the Olimar thread, so a little update there would be good please <3.
Madness? This is SMASH BOARDS!

Sorry, but you asked for it. But yeah, there are too many spam topics. Paper Mario looks better every second, although I still can't get fired up about Olimar. Miis would be interesting in my opinion, but only if they make them work effectively. I've seen good moveset for Oli, though, so I am not totally devoid of thoughts of Olimar's entry.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Don't cut mii's! as cool as paper mario is, i think you should leave the mii's be, and replace ROB with paper mario. (or don't add him at all)


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
His name was originally the Wise Messiah, but he had to modernize it into Wiseguy.

Wise Messiah, save this thread, like you saved the platypuses all those years ago, when they faced certain destruction at the hands of the kangaroos. Or when you invented light. Not the light bulb, light.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
What's this? 3rd page? Madness! Too many spam topics get created for sure :(. Been a bit lazy on creating the Lloyd moveset 'cause friends and Guitar Hero seem to be taking a bit of priority but oh well. Gotta refamilarise myself with some of the better moves before I start ya see and that might involve finding my Disc 1 of ToS which I think may still be in my GC. >.>

Wiseguy, I'd like to see the cutting of Mii off your predictions and the addition of Paper Mario! Post haste! Our flat friend is in need of support. Plus I noticed that the version of my Olimar moveset that you link to isn't the most updated one in the Olimar thread, so a little update there would be good please <3.
Lloyd Irving I hope your talking about.. loved him in Tales of Symphonia. And I completely agree with cutting of the Mii's.. still hate the idea of having them in Brawl. Although, i don't know if I'd like Paper Mario in either.:dizzy:


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Lloyd Irving I hope your talking about.. loved him in Tales of Symphonia. And I completely agree with cutting of the Mii's.. still hate the idea of having them in Brawl. Although, i don't know if I'd like Paper Mario in either.:dizzy:
Look back around page 200 for my moveset and then edit your response ^^.

And yes, Lloyd Irving from ToS. He wasn't my favourite character (it had to be Kratos) but he's got the best chance out of any of them, as slim as that may be.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
Look back around page 200 for my moveset and then edit your response ^^.

And yes, Lloyd Irving from ToS. He wasn't my favourite character (it had to be Kratos) but he's got the best chance out of any of them, as slim as that may be.
I don't think a moveset can sway me. I just don't like the idea of having two Marios in Brawl. Sorry :ohwell:.

But I just loved that game completely. Every character (even Collette) was amazingly awesome, except Genus the.. well you know.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I don't think a moveset can sway me. I just don't like the idea of having two Marios in Brawl. Sorry :ohwell:.

But I just loved that game completely. Every character (even Collette) was amazingly awesome, except Genus the.. well you know.
It's not so different from having ZSamus in, I don't even know why on earth she's been included. Paper Mario is a much, much better alter-ego than any other character "double"s that you could care to name and I'd actually prefer to have him over every other Mario character. However I am a realist in that I can only see him getting in if 2 Mario characters are added, with Bowser Jr. taking the first slot.

ToS was an awesome game yes and of the best RPGs (of the few) to grace the GC during it's lifespan, I think possibly only edged out by Paper Mario 2. The characters and story while fun and cliched weren't exactly great and the voice acting was cringingly bad, but what it lacked for in non-prepubescent voices it made up for in a great battle system. The game certainly worked though and was a blast, although nowhere near FFVI->FFIX standards but comfortably kicking FFX square in the balls.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
It's not so different from having ZSamus in, I don't even know why on earth she's been included. Paper Mario is a much, much better alter-ego than any other character "double"s that you could care to name and I'd actually prefer to have him over every other Mario character. However I am a realist in that I can only see him getting in if 2 Mario characters are added, with Bowser Jr. taking the first slot. .
Yeah, but ZSamus and Samus are the same person AND the same character, at least they're not the same person and different characters. That made me hate Dr. Mario and Young Link.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
I don't think a moveset can sway me. I just don't like the idea of having two Marios in Brawl. Sorry :ohwell:.
I truely think that since a double Mario was in melee, there'll be a double Mario in Brawl. Same with the links. Paper Mario would be a great addition and would give G&W and run for his 2D money lol. I personally like the thought of Baby Mario replacing Pichu, but I geuss Toad, Olimar (kind of) or others could too. They'd just have to be a bit better.

It's not so different from having ZSamus in, I don't even know why on earth she's been included. Paper Mario is a much, much better alter-ego than any other character "double"s that you could care to name and I'd actually prefer to have him over every other Mario character. However I am a realist in that I can only see him getting in if 2 Mario characters are added, with Bowser Jr. taking the first slot.
If Bower Jr is in, would he have the Shadow...probably because it's freakin sweet! But that in a way would be like considering Sheik and Zelda as 2 chars in melee. hopefully Shadow has a stamina thing too, I'm guessing he just has 100% and once that's gone, you turn into BJr and 50% is added to him. Only 1 Shadow per stock too and Shadow is (because of the games balance) actually the only low tier to balance Bowser Jr for the extra life he gets.
The second would fit well with Paper...or baby...lol


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Yeah, but ZSamus and Samus are the same person AND the same character, at least they're not the same person and different characters. That made me hate Dr. Mario and Young Link.
What does it matter if they're a transformation or not? They're still a character in their own right. Think of it from a Brawl production point of view, which in the end is going to be the limiting factor on how many characters they put in, hence why we decide to include ZSamus as a character in prediction lists because it's still the development time of a character.

If you made a character list of 40 characters which each had their own transformation, that would take slightly less time to make the characters than it would to make 80. Thus to say only 40 characters are included would be rediculous since there is 80 characters worth of movesets/models/animations/sounds/ideas even though only 40 would be "selectable" as such from the character selection screen.

It would equate to a lot loss time overall for the 40 due to single player modes and whatnot, but for a couple of characters the production time isn't really worth thinking about for including 1p stuff because there'd be more than enough time to get it done in. Overall being a transformation doesn't justify a character's inclusion because really it's practically like including another character. Is there any difference between Sheik and another playable character other than you have to select Zelda and hold a button to start with he/she/it/potatoe and he/she/it/potatoe doesn't technically have a Down B "attack"? Overall ZSamus takes just as long to make as other characters, so I'm still baffled as to why she is worthy of inclusion and yet somehow Paper Mario isn't.
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