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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
1. Again with the duoing topic for DIddy and Dixie...It WOULD NOT be worth it. Diddy is GREAT on his own, noone mention that or Pulse and Minu or ANY about that again. The only other possible candidat(s) are Bub & Bob the Bubble Bobble Dragons...THAT'S IT!!! jeez...

2. Luigi is not a clone, he is a weird Mario in melee because he is a weird Mario in everything he's existed in. Hence the term "Luigified". A good Mario player cannot automatically be a good Luigi player but Marth and Roy players Yes! That is cloning. If you made Luigi look like Bomberman...you wouldn't even think they were close because of the great differences. At most you'll go "Down Smash is similar and he kicks with Uair and Bair the same way. He's cool!" So there, don't mention THAT again...

3. G&W doesn't deserve the graveyard, if he had a better stage, he'd have more respect. He brought a lot of inovation to melee which helped Brawl exceed it's limits. We all need to give him more credit. Baloon Fighter was always first imo. Little Mac second.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
Takamaru needs more appreciation,sure he's another sword fighter, but unlike the rest he's a samurai. I think he might be that obscure/japan only that will appear in brawl to surprise the westerners (at least I hope so). He did pretty well on sakurai's poll afterall and the game he stars in, is a sakurai favorite.

Now that you mentioned it dynamism......Diddy confirmed! SOLO!!!!!!!!! sakurai mindgamed us thinking he'll add dixie into the mix, i'm glad he didn't.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I think this post might be the one Johnknight1 was talking about:

http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=2748589&postcount=5971 :1

But ya, awesome week so far. Love the Link tweeks, love the Subspace Emissary stuff...Hopefully we get the rumored Lucas update this week. Eeeee...

And stuff.
Exactly! :)

And Diddy in Brawl...I'm crying with joy! I'm happy! I'm more happy! I get happier by the second. Good thing I took Sakurai's family hostage! :chuckle:

*Releases Sakurai''s family*

And Diddy without his girlfriend=solo FTW! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brawl is better than Mele just from this! :)


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I dont know what a Mele is but... hey! if you had Sakurais family who did i have?... o never mind it was just the_sandman.

Anyways... how is Diddy NECESSARY to the franchise?

: P Diddy without GF FTW!!!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Paper Mario is the most horrible character suggestion ever...

MARIO is already in...

Just because Paper Mario COULD have a different move set doesn't mean he should be in...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
And i guess you think that WW Link shouldn't be in?

OMG Luigi is just Mario except green!!! he shouldn't be in!!

Your logic = FAIL!

Metaknight X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2001
Reading, England
It's been a bitter/sweet week for you, hasn't it Wiseguy. First ROB gets deconfirmed, then Diddy Kong, another one of your picks, gets confirmed the very next day! Here's hoping that next week we get another character confirmed...


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud

OH YEAH! *dances around the computer* Diddy is confirmed! Surely no one except myself could have predicted this crazy turn of events, right? ;)

I didn't do a real update last night because the SWF servers were down until 1:00 AM. But I swear I'll do one tonight. For now, I've gotta jet.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I dont know what a Mele is but... hey! if you had Sakurais family who did i have?... o never mind it was just the_sandman.

Anyways... how is Diddy NECESSARY to the franchise?

: P Diddy without GF FTW!!!
Diddy is the 2nd most important character in Nintendo's #4 best selling franchise, and has 4 of his own games [Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest, Donkey Kong Land 2, Diddy Kong Racing, Diddy Kong Racing DS], as well as the DKC2 remake. In other words, the most deserving character for BRAWL IS IN! I literally cried, njk...and I screamed, yelled, hollered, jumped up and down. My family hates me now! :chuckle: And I did Barrel Rolls, BAckflips, sommersaults, hell I even made a vid for youtube so they can be that much smarter! :laugh:


dumb link thing is tweaking out on me! XD

BTW, the ROB replacement shall be....Game and Watch! :grin: He is after all, a very unique fighter, but hey, at least ROB's awsomeness is in Brawl! :)

The reason being: http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=2748589&postcount=5971


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
JK1 you didn't quite get what i was going for with my question... well you didn't go on the Anti Lucario thread so i guess you don't get that joke XD

(Just PM Stryk's and say "Why is [Insert any character you want] NECESSARY to the franchise")

Im sure he will get a few kicks out of it XD

Anyways Lanky kong for brawl!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Clone characters were created because of time contraints. The main purpose of a clone is to save on required development time, and the main way to save on time is to recycle animations. These recycled animations are the mark of a clone.
Luigi's moves are similar to Mario's, but they all have different animations.
This means that no attempt to save time was made for Luigi, and thus he's not a clone, just a character who was designed to be similar to Mario.
Luigi's moveset is based on Mario's. For most of Luigi's moves, the team only needed to make new animations and tweak some damage and knockback values. A huge amount of time surely goes into moveset design, programming, and balance. The core of Luigi's moveset is the same as Mario's, except that Luigi has new animations and tweaked impact properties, along with a few unique moves of is own. A "Luigified clone" would take more time to create than a normal clone, but it would still take less time to create than a normal character.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
JK1 you didn't quite get what i was going for with my question... well you didn't go on the Anti Lucario thread so i guess you don't get that joke XD

(Just PM Stryk's and say "Why is [Insert any character you want] NECESSARY to the franchise")

Im sure he will get a few kicks out of it XD

Anyways Lanky kong for brawl!
Ya I got it, I just felt like not responding. Except I thought it was a joke for me....not Stryks. That now makes it hilarious! :chuckle: Seriously, how does me saying "Pikachu is the only Pokémon that matters in the long run" confirm Jigglypuff and Mewtwo and Brawl [Pokémon Trainer is already in Brawl], and leave Lucario out in the cold=??? WTF????=twisting wat I said to extremes. And I'm sure you and I are going to bug Stryks with that a lot, lol! XD


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Diddy? Wow, didn't see that one coming! Also,the AC boy and AC girl are in the background for one of the screenshots,so they're confirmed!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2007
Saint John, NB
Diddy? Wow, didn't see that one coming! Also,the AC boy and AC girl are in the background for one of the screenshots,so they're confirmed!
Actually they're practically debunked. They're in the background of Smashville along with with the NPC's on that stage. Granted it's possible we may still see an AC guy/girl on field AND on the stage, but it's highly unlikely...

And Wise, Props for the DK call, another one down, only 26 left.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Worst character suggestion ever? You gotta be frickin' kidding me.

Paper Mario is the most horrible character suggestion ever...

MARIO is already in...

Just because Paper Mario COULD have a different move set doesn't mean he should be in...
Paper Mario

Weight: 1
Size: 2.5
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Reach: 3
Fallspeed: 1.5

Paper Mario's strengths lies in decent speed and strength but has a major weakness in being easily KOable since...well he's made out of paper and thus shouldn't weigh hardly anything at all.


First of all, he isn't a clone of Mario whatsoever. The fact that he has many attacks RPG style and certain signature moves from his games (such as hammer attacks) that wouldn't befit regular Mario at all proves this, as well as Mario using attacks (punches and kicks) and signature moves (fireball) that have absolutely nothing to do with Paper Mario and when you really take a look back on the moves they actually share in common, that amounts to practically nothing. This ain't a Doc Mario/Mario sort of relationship, Paper Mario really can hold his own against his rather more weighty alter ego.

You may be thinking to yourself now "Yeah, OK, I see your point, he won't be a clone. So what? That isn't a 'why' he should be in!" Well if you actually need a why he should be in, you've obviously never played the Paper Mario games. They are utterly fantastic, RPG brilliance in such a fresh way that breathes life back into a franchise which doesn't deviate from the norm as much as it should. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to play SPM yet (thanks Nintendo! Screwing over Europe since 1975!) but from what I've heard and read it's equally fantastic (deserving in the +9.0 scorewise) as both PM1 and 2 which I can thoroughly recommend. With 3 vastly successful installments in the series, and arguably one of the best Mario spin-offs (in my opinion better than Mario Kart) of all time, I would think that it deserves a little representation.

To those that have never played Paper Mario games, let me explain. In the first 2 you are playing as Paper Mario in a wonderfully colourful and stylised world (different in each game of course). The entire world is 3D yet 2D at the same time and they use this to great advantage in both conveying the art form and style of the game as well as using it in puzzles and environments. The second one also introduces different field abilities and puzzles which use this feature more predominantly too. The whole story is told through the device of a storybook and your goal of both is to collect an amount of object X to thwart the evil doer. It is obviously much more complicated than that (kinda, it's Mario after all) but it illustrates nicely how the game is split up as you play through "Chapters". Character customisation is simple yet effective, at level up you can choose to increase either HP or FP (like mana points for all attacks other than default moves) by 5 or BP (badge points) by 3. Badges are the real ingenius part of Paper Mario 1 and 2 because by equipping them it allows great character customisation, and they add such things as new moves, different stat upgrades and added effects. Anyway if you haven't played either and are a fan of RPGs, I strongly recommend either (Wii VC download for the first if you can or cheap GC buy for the second).

Onto more moveset related things.

Paper Mario brings uniqueness, my moveset will attempt to prove that. Since I haven't played SPM I obviously cannot really use any of those elements found in it for a moveset but since it is more platformer I think I would make a better moveset from using the more RPG orientated first 2. What Mario brings to the table that no other would is partners. Any character could have a moveset based on their game with hammer moves and aerial attacks but what they can't offer are interchangable B moves reaching into a wealthy backcatalogue of partners. If this moveset was done more for SPM I would have a standard B moveset with interchangable B moves with different Pixels, but since the design PM1 and PM2 are so similar it wouldn't make sense to not take advantage of that. After all, half the partners in PM2 are revamped, improved versions of some of those found in PM1.

So what we're looking at here is a potentially very fun, unique moveset with the protagonist from an under-repped but very successful spinoff franchise who just happens to be Mario, albeit a bit flatter. Paintbrush boy (I'm looking at you Bowser Jr.!) can go suck a lemon, or something. That a big enough wall of text? I think so, right, onto the actual moves.

The Moveset

Ok, so here I'll just list the moves that Paper Mario will use, drawn from PM1 and 2 with references showing which game they're coming from. If there ain't a reference, it's because I couldn't think of anything and so yeah, made it up or stole it. Just as a little disclaimer, don't expect this moveset to be balanced or anything since I wouldn't have a clue where to start, any figures produced for damage or lagtime are purely placeholders for if a developer should choose to pick this up (never going to happen) and put some proper figures in their place.

A moves

A - Swings the hammer horizontally to the right - 2%
A,A - Swings the hammer horizontally to the left - 2%
A,A,A - Standard over-the-head hammer attack (PM1+2) - 5% (not an infinite A combo)

A->(tilt) - Fire Drive, creates a fireball and hits it with his hammer which then travels in a straight line for a short distance before fizzling out. Projectile A move? A tilt move? Yeah I went there. (PM2) - 9% (If anyone wants to ***** about it, the far more generic "Ice Smash with a small chance of freezing could be used, but this is far more fun isn't it?)
Av(tilt) - Quake Hammer, slams the hammer down infront of him causing major damage to those infront of him and a small quakey splash damage to those in a line infront of him for a small distance. Those hit by the hammer will also suffer the quake damage. (Adaptation from PM1+2, since he doesn't actually hit them with the hammer) - 7% / 4%
A^(tilt) - Hammer Throw, throws the hammer vertically up and then catches it again (PM1+2) - 8%

A->(smash) - Ultra Hammer, Paper Mario winds up (literally) and then unleashes a devastating blow for large damage. He continues to spin afterwards, doing minor damage to those who contact him for that brief period. The more you charge the smash, the more he winds up, just to be clear (PM2) - 15-23% / 4%
Av(smash) - Mega Quake, slams the hammer into the ground beneath him sending out devastating quakes either side of him. This move has high vertical knockback (Adaptation from PM1) - 14-21%
A^(smash) - Spring Jump, Paper Mario winds down (again, literally, he's paper you know) and then launches himself up vertically. Winds the more you charge and goes a greater vertical distance on top of additional damage (PM2). - 10-20%

Dash attack - Spindash (attack version), Paper Mario spins like a whirlwind dealing damage to anyone in his path (PM1). 8%

Nair - Spin Jump, Paper Mario rotates himself midair, proving a deadly blow to anyone that gets in the way of his spinning legs or finds themselves on the receiving end of Mario's bottom. While this move won't propel you downwards it will stop all upwards momentum (due to no downward stompyness, more of an adaptation of PM1+2) - 12%
Fair - Tornado Jump (PM2 version), Paper Mario spins forward, creating a tornado which combos enemies for 7 hits - 2% per hit, 14% max damage
Dair - Tornado Jump (PM1 version), Paper Mario spins vertically upwards before sharply coming back down again. While it propels you up vertically at first, the overall effect of the move is that you end up lower than you originally started. The downwards component only brings you down for a limited amount of time, and is also a meteor smash - 2% per combo on the way up (max 3 hits for 6%), 8% for the stomp
Bair - Power Jump, Paper Mario kicks behind him with vast power (PM1+2 adaptation) - 13%
Uair - Hammer Jab, jabs vertically upward with his hammer - 10%

Grab Moves

Paper Mario doesn't grab. Feet or hammer to the face is as about as close and personal as he gets, so this section will be improvised.

A - Hammer bonk, hits them on the head with the hammer - 3%

Forward - Throws them up slightly and hits them away with the hammer similar to Fire Drive but with human(ish) fireballs - 10%
Up - Spins round and then throws them vertically upwards - 8%
Backward - Winds up, spins around similar to Ultra Hammer and releases them flying backwards - 12%
Down - Hammers them down towards the ground - 9%

B Moves and Partners

This is where it gets interesting and unique. A simple tap of B will perform "Quick Change" which will simply swap to the next partner of which there are 4. The partner mechanics are simple, they provide the Bv and B> moves for Paper Mario and follow him around wherever he goes but never attack unless initiated with Bv or B>. They also affect the final smash for Paper Mario, as his final smash (to be expounded upon later) will be partner based. First the 2 moves which don't change.

B^ - Paper Mario plane (PM2) - Sure every little boy knows how to make a paper airplane, but only Paper Mario knows how to turn himself into one. He's that awesome. This move is controlled like it in the game, being that you need to push up to control it's descent otherwise it'll fall and be very ineffective, thus decent Paper Mario players will need to master the intricacies of aviation. This move has great horizontal recovery, potentially really awesome if you're good, but no vertical recovery whatsoever. However with Tornado Jump (PM1 version), Paper Mario does has (albeit a very limited) vertical recovery. Should players bump into the plane, they'll suffer a paper cut. Fools! - 8%

B - Quick change (PM2 badge) - Paper Mario switches between his 3 partners; Kooper (PM1), Bobbery (PM2) and Vivian (PM2) which rotate in that order, Kooper being the default partner but holding different buttons (Z for Bobbery, A Vivian) between stage selection and the match starting will result in different starting partners. Not much delay on the partner change and Paper Mario can't attack during it.



Best Koopa going, even with the slightly tacky name.

B> - Dizzy Shell (PM1 Dark Koopa version minus the hilarious grin), Kooper is shot out spinning creating a tornado which disables/dizzies players who run into and then continues to spin on the spot for 2 seconds before returning - Anyone hit by the shell takes 9% damage, tornado does none

Bv - Shell Toss (PM2 improved version), Kooper is jumped on by Paper Mario and shoots out forwards before rocketing backwards past Paper Mario. If B continues to be held, Kooper will stay fixed on the spot until B is released at which point he will fire backwards - 14%

Admiral Bobbery!

You can't not love him, it's technically impossible.

B> - Bomb Squad (PM2), With a cheeky wink, Bobbery throws 3 miniature bomb-ombs in an arc over Paper Mario's head to land apart in a line infront of him. The bombs explode a short time later - 5% each

Bv - Bomb, with a cheeky wink, Bobbery starts to walk at his leisurely pace forwards for 3 seconds before exploding and landing back at Paper Mario's side. Another press of Bv at any time will stop Bobbery in his tracks, but he won't explode instantaneously as he'll take the remaining time of the 3 seconds to explode instead - 20%


Much better than Casper.

B> - Shade Fist (PM2), Vivian appears infront of Paper Mario and punches forth with a flaming spectral fist - 14%
Bv - Veil (PM2), Vivian grabs Paper Mario and hides him in the ground for upwards of 1.5 seconds, at which point they resurface and Paper Mario suffers 0.5 seconds of delay. Paper Mario is immune to all attacks while under Vivian's Veil - 0%

Final Smash

Alright so Paper Mario technically has 3 final smashes depending on which partner he has out.

With Kooper out: The Koopa Bros. for PM1 appear and stack onto of Koopa in his shell, making a 5 man Koopa tower. Each Koopa in the tower adds to the height, making the Shell Toss move much harder to avoid. Dizzy Shell is replaced with "Fire Shell" (PM1) which does 22% per hit but you lose 1 of the Koopa Bros. each time you use it until all 4 Koopa Bros. are lost. Affect ends prematurely if Paper Mario is KO'd. Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

With Admiral Bobbery out: Bob-ombast, Admiral Bobbery walks foward, gives a cheeky wink and explodes feriociously damaging all in the blast radius for 50% damage with huge knockback (PM2). Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

With Vivian out: Fiery Jinx, Vivian engulfs the arena in pillars of flame which do 30% damage each. Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

Worst character suggestion ever, eh?

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Dude, that Paper Mario moveset is brilliant, I love it muchly. I'll do more in-depth comment later on when I've slept.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2007
Saint John, NB
You can't not love him, it's technically impossible.
So true, So true... Not just technically impossible, also emotionally, psychologically, physically and artistically impossible for that matter...

Great moveset, Paper Mario will be in or out depending on Sakurai's whimsy level, so predicting in or out with any confidence is all but impossible.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Paper Mario

Weight: 1
Size: 2.5
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Reach: 3
Fallspeed: 1.5

Paper Mario's strengths lies in decent speed and strength but has a major weakness in being easily KOable since...well he's made out of paper and thus shouldn't weigh hardly anything at all.


First of all, he isn't a clone of Mario whatsoever. The fact that he has many attacks RPG style and certain signature moves from his games (such as hammer attacks) that wouldn't befit regular Mario at all proves this, as well as Mario using attacks (punches and kicks) and signature moves (fireball) that have absolutely nothing to do with Paper Mario and when you really take a look back on the moves they actually share in common, that amounts to practically nothing. This ain't a Doc Mario/Mario sort of relationship, Paper Mario really can hold his own against his rather more weighty alter ego.

You may be thinking to yourself now "Yeah, OK, I see your point, he won't be a clone. So what? That isn't a 'why' he should be in!" Well if you actually need a why he should be in, you've obviously never played the Paper Mario games. They are utterly fantastic, RPG brilliance in such a fresh way that breathes life back into a franchise which doesn't deviate from the norm as much as it should. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to play SPM yet (thanks Nintendo! Screwing over Europe since 1975!) but from what I've heard and read it's equally fantastic (deserving in the +9.0 scorewise) as both PM1 and 2 which I can thoroughly recommend. With 3 vastly successful installments in the series, and arguably one of the best Mario spin-offs (in my opinion better than Mario Kart) of all time, I would think that it deserves a little representation.

To those that have never played Paper Mario games, let me explain. In the first 2 you are playing as Paper Mario in a wonderfully colourful and stylised world (different in each game of course). The entire world is 3D yet 2D at the same time and they use this to great advantage in both conveying the art form and style of the game as well as using it in puzzles and environments. The second one also introduces different field abilities and puzzles which use this feature more predominantly too. The whole story is told through the device of a storybook and your goal of both is to collect an amount of object X to thwart the evil doer. It is obviously much more complicated than that (kinda, it's Mario after all) but it illustrates nicely how the game is split up as you play through "Chapters". Character customisation is simple yet effective, at level up you can choose to increase either HP or FP (like mana points for all attacks other than default moves) by 5 or BP (badge points) by 3. Badges are the real ingenius part of Paper Mario 1 and 2 because by equipping them it allows great character customisation, and they add such things as new moves, different stat upgrades and added effects. Anyway if you haven't played either and are a fan of RPGs, I strongly recommend either (Wii VC download for the first if you can or cheap GC buy for the second).

Onto more moveset related things.

Paper Mario brings uniqueness, my moveset will attempt to prove that. Since I haven't played SPM I obviously cannot really use any of those elements found in it for a moveset but since it is more platformer I think I would make a better moveset from using the more RPG orientated first 2. What Mario brings to the table that no other would is partners. Any character could have a moveset based on their game with hammer moves and aerial attacks but what they can't offer are interchangable B moves reaching into a wealthy backcatalogue of partners. If this moveset was done more for SPM I would have a standard B moveset with interchangable B moves with different Pixels, but since the design PM1 and PM2 are so similar it wouldn't make sense to not take advantage of that. After all, half the partners in PM2 are revamped, improved versions of some of those found in PM1.

So what we're looking at here is a potentially very fun, unique moveset with the protagonist from an under-repped but very successful spinoff franchise who just happens to be Mario, albeit a bit flatter. Paintbrush boy (I'm looking at you Bowser Jr.!) can go suck a lemon, or something. That a big enough wall of text? I think so, right, onto the actual moves.

The Moveset

Ok, so here I'll just list the moves that Paper Mario will use, drawn from PM1 and 2 with references showing which game they're coming from. If there ain't a reference, it's because I couldn't think of anything and so yeah, made it up or stole it. Just as a little disclaimer, don't expect this moveset to be balanced or anything since I wouldn't have a clue where to start, any figures produced for damage or lagtime are purely placeholders for if a developer should choose to pick this up (never going to happen) and put some proper figures in their place.

A moves

A - Swings the hammer horizontally to the right - 2%
A,A - Swings the hammer horizontally to the left - 2%
A,A,A - Standard over-the-head hammer attack (PM1+2) - 5% (not an infinite A combo)

A->(tilt) - Fire Drive, creates a fireball and hits it with his hammer which then travels in a straight line for a short distance before fizzling out. Projectile A move? A tilt move? Yeah I went there. (PM2) - 9% (If anyone wants to ***** about it, the far more generic "Ice Smash with a small chance of freezing could be used, but this is far more fun isn't it?)
Av(tilt) - Quake Hammer, slams the hammer down infront of him causing major damage to those infront of him and a small quakey splash damage to those in a line infront of him for a small distance. Those hit by the hammer will also suffer the quake damage. (Adaptation from PM1+2, since he doesn't actually hit them with the hammer) - 7% / 4%
A^(tilt) - Hammer Throw, throws the hammer vertically up and then catches it again (PM1+2) - 8%

A->(smash) - Ultra Hammer, Paper Mario winds up (literally) and then unleashes a devastating blow for large damage. He continues to spin afterwards, doing minor damage to those who contact him for that brief period. The more you charge the smash, the more he winds up, just to be clear (PM2) - 15-23% / 4%
Av(smash) - Mega Quake, slams the hammer into the ground beneath him sending out devastating quakes either side of him. This move has high vertical knockback (Adaptation from PM1) - 14-21%
A^(smash) - Spring Jump, Paper Mario winds down (again, literally, he's paper you know) and then launches himself up vertically. Winds the more you charge and goes a greater vertical distance on top of additional damage (PM2). - 10-20%

Dash attack - Spindash (attack version), Paper Mario spins like a whirlwind dealing damage to anyone in his path (PM1). 8%

Nair - Spin Jump, Paper Mario rotates himself midair, proving a deadly blow to anyone that gets in the way of his spinning legs or finds themselves on the receiving end of Mario's bottom. While this move won't propel you downwards it will stop all upwards momentum (due to no downward stompyness, more of an adaptation of PM1+2) - 12%
Fair - Tornado Jump (PM2 version), Paper Mario spins forward, creating a tornado which combos enemies for 7 hits - 2% per hit, 14% max damage
Dair - Tornado Jump (PM1 version), Paper Mario spins vertically upwards before sharply coming back down again. While it propels you up vertically at first, the overall effect of the move is that you end up lower than you originally started. The downwards component only brings you down for a limited amount of time, and is also a meteor smash - 2% per combo on the way up (max 3 hits for 6%), 8% for the stomp
Bair - Power Jump, Paper Mario kicks behind him with vast power (PM1+2 adaptation) - 13%
Uair - Hammer Jab, jabs vertically upward with his hammer - 10%

Grab Moves

Paper Mario doesn't grab. Feet or hammer to the face is as about as close and personal as he gets, so this section will be improvised.

A - Hammer bonk, hits them on the head with the hammer - 3%

Forward - Throws them up slightly and hits them away with the hammer similar to Fire Drive but with human(ish) fireballs - 10%
Up - Spins round and then throws them vertically upwards - 8%
Backward - Winds up, spins around similar to Ultra Hammer and releases them flying backwards - 12%
Down - Hammers them down towards the ground - 9%

B Moves and Partners

This is where it gets interesting and unique. A simple tap of B will perform "Quick Change" which will simply swap to the next partner of which there are 4. The partner mechanics are simple, they provide the Bv and B> moves for Paper Mario and follow him around wherever he goes but never attack unless initiated with Bv or B>. They also affect the final smash for Paper Mario, as his final smash (to be expounded upon later) will be partner based. First the 2 moves which don't change.

B^ - Paper Mario plane (PM2) - Sure every little boy knows how to make a paper airplane, but only Paper Mario knows how to turn himself into one. He's that awesome. This move is controlled like it in the game, being that you need to push up to control it's descent otherwise it'll fall and be very ineffective, thus decent Paper Mario players will need to master the intricacies of aviation. This move has great horizontal recovery, potentially really awesome if you're good, but no vertical recovery whatsoever. However with Tornado Jump (PM1 version), Paper Mario does has (albeit a very limited) vertical recovery. Should players bump into the plane, they'll suffer a paper cut. Fools! - 8%

B - Quick change (PM2 badge) - Paper Mario switches between his 3 partners; Kooper (PM1), Bobbery (PM2) and Vivian (PM2) which rotate in that order, Kooper being the default partner but holding different buttons (Z for Bobbery, A Vivian) between stage selection and the match starting will result in different starting partners. Not much delay on the partner change and Paper Mario can't attack during it.



Best Koopa going, even with the slightly tacky name.

B> - Dizzy Shell (PM1 Dark Koopa version minus the hilarious grin), Kooper is shot out spinning creating a tornado which disables/dizzies players who run into and then continues to spin on the spot for 2 seconds before returning - Anyone hit by the shell takes 9% damage, tornado does none

Bv - Shell Toss (PM2 improved version), Kooper is jumped on by Paper Mario and shoots out forwards before rocketing backwards past Paper Mario. If B continues to be held, Kooper will stay fixed on the spot until B is released at which point he will fire backwards - 14%

Admiral Bobbery!

You can't not love him, it's technically impossible.

B> - Bomb Squad (PM2), With a cheeky wink, Bobbery throws 3 miniature bomb-ombs in an arc over Paper Mario's head to land apart in a line infront of him. The bombs explode a short time later - 5% each

Bv - Bomb, with a cheeky wink, Bobbery starts to walk at his leisurely pace forwards for 3 seconds before exploding and landing back at Paper Mario's side. Another press of Bv at any time will stop Bobbery in his tracks, but he won't explode instantaneously as he'll take the remaining time of the 3 seconds to explode instead - 20%


Much better than Casper.

B> - Shade Fist (PM2), Vivian appears infront of Paper Mario and punches forth with a flaming spectral fist - 14%
Bv - Veil (PM2), Vivian grabs Paper Mario and hides him in the ground for upwards of 1.5 seconds, at which point they resurface and Paper Mario suffers 0.5 seconds of delay. Paper Mario is immune to all attacks while under Vivian's Veil - 0%

Final Smash

Alright so Paper Mario technically has 3 final smashes depending on which partner he has out.

With Kooper out: The Koopa Bros. for PM1 appear and stack onto of Koopa in his shell, making a 5 man Koopa tower. Each Koopa in the tower adds to the height, making the Shell Toss move much harder to avoid. Dizzy Shell is replaced with "Fire Shell" (PM1) which does 22% per hit but you lose 1 of the Koopa Bros. each time you use it until all 4 Koopa Bros. are lost. Affect ends prematurely if Paper Mario is KO'd. Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

With Admiral Bobbery out: Bob-ombast, Admiral Bobbery walks foward, gives a cheeky wink and explodes feriociously damaging all in the blast radius for 50% damage with huge knockback (PM2). Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

With Vivian out: Fiery Jinx, Vivian engulfs the arena in pillars of flame which do 30% damage each. Figures and effects subject to change depending on how overpowered FS are meant to be.

Worst character suggestion ever, eh?
Kick *** moveset!

Also,a replacement for ROB could be either Mr.Game and Watch or Ballon Fighter.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Paper Mario is a cool 'rendition' of our favorite plumber, but that in itself is the whole problem. He is Mario. They aren't different characters, despite their difference in looks. This isn't like Legend of Zelda, where you can get away with saying Link changes from game to game. Paper Mario is the same Mario we already have in the game.

Though, it's not like they've botched all rhyme and reason before. Take Mario Baseball, for example. Baby Mario/Luigi are in the game and can even play alongside their aged counterparts. Now, I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that they are one and the same. So, I suppose it is possible that Sakurai could transcend time and space and squish two Mario's into the same game; it just seems a bit . . . distasteful, for lack of a better word.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Sadly i agree with you. Paper plumber is cool but we already hae enough mario reps in the game!!!.

That spot could be used for a newcomer... or something more original.

He could be an AT tho =)


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Paper Mario is a cool 'rendition' of our favorite plumber, but that in itself is the whole problem. He is Mario. They aren't different characters, despite their difference in looks. This isn't like Legend of Zelda, where you can get away with saying Link changes from game to game. Paper Mario is the same Mario we already have in the game.

Though, it's not like they've botched all rhyme and reason before. Take Mario Baseball, for example. Baby Mario/Luigi are in the game and can even play alongside their aged counterparts. Now, I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that they are one and the same. So, I suppose it is possible that Sakurai could transcend time and space and squish two Mario's into the same game; it just seems a bit . . . distasteful, for lack of a better word.
I saw no real problem with having 4 people play as Mario in Smash Bros before. or 2 Doc. Mario and 2 Mario (even though Doc to return would be completely wasting a slot). Paper Mario is Mario yes but with a distinctly different flavour, and I think he's different enough to not feel like "just another Mario inclusion". Plus with his addition you get to use 3 of his partners too (with my moveset at least) who all kick ***, so it's not like it's just solely Mario in paper form.

If you want botched rhyme and reason, just ask yourself where on earth Bowser Jr. or all the other Koopa Kids came from. When you actually think about it, it's really, really worrying.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
And i guess you think that WW Link shouldn't be in?

OMG Luigi is just Mario except green!!! he shouldn't be in!!

Your logic = FAIL!
Luigi is his own character...

Paper Mario is just Mario...And the paper Mario series, though somewhat good...sucks in comparison to Mario RPG which it was suppose to be a sequel to.

Unfortunetly I hate WWLink, I think the game itself is a mockery to the Zelda series but technically he is a different character, Links Reincarnation...Same soul, different body and mind.

How the f*ckin hell did you get that Luigi was just a green mario...Because they wear the same clothing?


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
I saw no real problem with having 4 people play as Mario in Smash Bros before. or 2 Doc. Mario and 2 Mario (even though Doc to return would be completely wasting a slot). Paper Mario is Mario yes but with a distinctly different flavour, and I think he's different enough to not feel like "just another Mario inclusion". Plus with his addition you get to use 3 of his partners too (with my moveset at least) who all kick ***, so it's not like it's just solely Mario in paper form.

If you want botched rhyme and reason, just ask yourself where on earth Bowser Jr. or all the other Koopa Kids came from. When you actually think about it, it's really, really worrying.
Well, I saw no real problem with playing as 4 Mario's in Melee either. Doc is a different story. He shouldn't have even been there.

The problem resides in playing as 4 of the same character that takes up an additional spot on the roster. Why have 2-3 different versions of Mario? I don't want to see Mario 'A' fighting Mario 'B'. I want to see Mario 'A' fighting Little Mac, Ridley, Dedede, etc.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Well, I saw no real problem with playing as 4 Mario's in Melee either. Doc is a different story. He shouldn't have even been there.

The problem resides in playing as 4 of the same character that takes up an additional spot on the roster. Why have 2-3 different versions of Mario? I don't want to see Mario 'A' fighting Mario 'B'. I want to see Mario 'A' fighting Little Mac, Ridley, Dedede, etc.
While that much is true, I can see another Mario representative getting in, especially with Doc being cut for sure. I would personally prefer to see Paper Mario with partners be included ahead of pretty much every Mario character that isn't already in with the perhaps exception of Bowser Jr. Reason for that being that he is a major villain and seems to be getting a large role pretty quickly and the paintbrush would lend itself to a cool moveset. Unfortunately he just seems more likely :(. I would never want to see Paper Mario bump out a spot of another franchise, but with an increased roster size and the cutting of the Mario representation to 4 there will be another addition or 2. All I ask is why not Paper Mario to fill in that gap? Who's more deserving? Toad? Of course, but I doubt that will happen now with the disappointing revelation that Peach's moves brought. Bowser JR. is really the only threat in my opinion.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Here's another color code chart. This time for Mario characters!


Bowser Jr.
Paper Mario
Doctor Mario (Returning)

Red- Confirmed
Dark Orange- Practically Confirmed
Orange- Probable
Yellow- Possible
Light Orange- Slightly Possible
Light Yellow- Nearly Impossible

No oranges here, seems like very few Mario characters have a probable spot.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2007
Saint John, NB
If Paper Mario isn't in (or even maybe if he is) they could have an item that turns you 2 dimensional, then we could have paper everyone (granted it isn't character related (off-topic, The Horror!) but I'm compromising on a character inclusion, so close enough...) Granted your moveset isn't included (unfortunate) but the character gets some sort of props...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.

OH YEAH! *dances around the computer* Diddy is confirmed! Surely no one except myself could have predicted this crazy turn of events, right? ;)

I didn't do a real update last night because the SWF servers were down until 1:00 AM. But I swear I'll do one tonight. For now, I've gotta jet.


Haha, boy was I wrong. Could've sworn that Sakurai would've chosen to do a team Diddy. Well, who cares? This solo Diddy looks awesome. And he scampers! I love scampering!
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