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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
:rolleyes:@the Wikipedia skepticism - the info on Wikipedia has footnotes you know. And links for them. To Bungie's website. Where they confirm what I just said - Microsoft still partially owns Bungie. Ergo it is a second party.

Not to mention that regardless of that, Microsoft owns the rights to Halo anyway and Bungie couldn't give the ok for Master Chief to be in the next SSB even if they wanted to.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Oh? Well I remember on the Brawl article they once put up that false rumor about the Ice Climbers and Mr. Game & Watch being taken out. They left it up long after it was disproved.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
:rolleyes:@the Wikipedia skepticism - the info on Wikipedia has footnotes you know. And links for them. To Bungie's website. Where they confirm what I just said - Microsoft still partially owns Bungie. Ergo it is a second party.

Not to mention that regardless of that, Microsoft owns the rights to Halo anyway and Bungie couldn't give the ok for Master Chief to be in the next SSB even if they wanted to.
Yeah, but microsoft still owns Halo, so it doesn't matter
Guys, guys! Perhaps you haven't realized, but it actually pays to watch the stock market! (I know, surprising for me too!) and reading Gaming Mags like EGM, Game Informer and the like. In fact, it's a pretty big deal, now Bungie, one of Microsoft's biggest assets have gone into open water.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Machspeed and thethirdkoopa, I post in the Geno thread every once in awhile and have debated with Fatmanonice a few times. I must not be very rememberable. :(
Just PM Him, That's the way to REALLY Get your attention out for sure :laugh: I Advise you to do that.

Guys, guys! Perhaps you haven't realized, but it actually pays to watch the stock market! (I know, surprising for me too!) and reading Gaming Mags like EGM, Game Informer and the like. In fact, it's a pretty big deal, now Bungie, one of Microsoft's biggest assets have gone into open water.

THE WORLD HAS ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And dude; Master chief is unlikely in brawl/Has no chances, You totally strayed away from the REAL Discussion on this topic, About geno.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten

THE WORLD HAS ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And dude; Master chief is unlikely in brawl/Has no chances, You totally strayed away from the REAL Discussion on this topic, About geno.
Sigh, yes, of course. Geno, listen, I've already stated my case that Geno has little to no chance and you've stated the little bits that give him a chance. Obviously you won't see the full picture, so I'm not going to keep debating with a brick wall. I've stated all of the facts and drawn the most logical conclusion, and you ignore it, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give you the pleasure of debating with you if all your going to do is see it only from one limited perspective. I've learned to stop trying to get you to see reason, so stop antagonizing and let me move on to other topics.

I only say "'Nuff said" when I have made a powerful point that people woiuldn't understand otherwise, in this instance all I was doing was informing people, not debating. Your disgustingly immature sarcasm is unneeded nor is it wanted.

I never said the Master Cheif was likely in Brawl, but this division of Bungie and Microsoft shows prospect for the future, and if you were paying attention I said that he had a chance to get in Super Smash Bros. 4. Not Brawl. Honestly, I have told you this so many, many times: Do not jump into something unless you've got enough information to prove that you aren't an ingnoramous that is falsifying the illusion that he actually knows what he's doing.

This is where I will say the line that is so long overdue for you, Koopie:

'Nuff said.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Sigh, yes, of course. Geno, listen, I've already stated my case that Geno has little to no chance and you've stated the little bits that give him a chance. Obviously you won't see the full picture, so I'm not going to keep debating with a brick wall. I've stated all of the facts and drawn the most logical conclusion, and you ignore it, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give you the pleasure of debating with you if all your going to do is see it only from one limited perspective. I've learned to stop trying to get you to see reason, so stop antagonizing and let me move on to other topics.

I only say "'Nuff said" when I have made a powerful point that people woiuldn't understand otherwise, in this instance all I was doing was informing people, not debating. Your disgustingly immature sarcasm is unneeded nor is it wanted.

I never said the Master Cheif was likely in Brawl, but this division of Bungie and Microsoft shows prospect for the future, and if you were paying attention I said that he had a chance to get in Super Smash Bros. 4. Not Brawl. Honestly, I have told you this so many, many times: Do not jump into something unless you've got enough information to prove that you aren't an ingnoramous that is falsifying the illusion that he actually knows what he's doing.

This is where I will say the line that is so long overdue for you, Koopie:

'Nuff said.
Overkill much?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Overkill much?
Perhaps, but I want to lay this whole thing to rest. I honestly don't want to be known as "The Anti-Geno Guy" all I want to be known as is a simple guy who can debate, I don't want to be hounded by this one gy an this one topic, I want to be able to be a part of multiple debates.

But yeah, maybe I went to far, but all I want to do is get my point across.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
This would normally be the junction where I hop on the bandwagon and start yammering about Geno's position, but, Jimmy, you and I have knocked around that debate so many times that even the pulp has been beaten to a pulp. If anyone feels the need to read the discussion, you can feel free to browse my post history a ways back.

At any rate, it seems as though a lot of us need to at least try to be somewhat more objective when we post. A lot of the posts within the past few pages have been littered with assumptions and completely ridiculous scenarios that will ultimately vary from their real-life counterparts.

Before anyone responds, I know that a lot of this is to pass time. Hell, I'm posting this right now just to put a few minutes behind me. But, do we really need to be so animalistic just because our otherwise empty list of "Things to Talk About" don't coincide with each others?

Lets all take a step back, give each other some breathing room, and enjoy the upcoming holiday, eh?

And on the topic of Brawl, who else liked the new trailer today?!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
The trailer was awesome! The arwing getting in a dogfight with the Halbred? I've been waiting for that since I saw the screenshot of it! And Bowser with a machine gun-like thing fighting a giant ape with a tie? How more awesome can this storyline get? I've wanted a story mde sice Melee, and now it's been brough to glorious frutation! All I can do is say that Brawl will be the most awesome game ever. Period.

And to Brawl's greatness I toast with a

'Nuff said.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
Probable means that it will probably happen, meaning more likely that not, while possible indicates that there is a possibility, meaning that it could happen, but not more likely that not.
uh yeah.....anyways it would be epically awsome if there was a way to splice characters together. Just the thought of combining bowser and ridley to make the ultimate evil is giving me chills.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
alright how about donkey kong and pit? How about that a flying monkey. Pit kong perhaps? sorta reminds me of wizard of oz....
but in all seriousness i would love to see a customization type thing ooo new idea mid sentance: What if you could unlock more moves for characters. Like moves that have to do with their game. Like say you could unlock dk's coconut gun. or diddy's chimpy charge, if he doesn't already have it.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Flatzone, right behind the reset button.
Tis' like "Bowletta" from that one Superstar Saga. How's about"Ice Knights", "Giga Mr. Game & Watch" "Zeldamon Trainer" "Mr. Tatanga & Game & Watch" "Zero Suit Zelda" "Kirbit" "Solid Wario" "Didonkey Kong" "Bowsoshi" "Peachamus" "Pikox" "King Dedelink" "Lucigi" "Capt. Olimar-Falcon" "Sonicfox" "Cramster Hand" "The Ancient Dedede" "Pike" and, last but not least (or maybe least) "Pichutwo".


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Tis' like "Bowletta" from that one Superstar Saga. How's about"Ice Knights", "Giga Mr. Game & Watch" "Zeldamon Trainer" "Mr. Tatanga & Game & Watch" "Zero Suit Zelda" "Kirbit" "Solid Wario" "Didonkey Kong" "Bowsoshi" "Peachamus" "Pikox" "King Dedelink" "Lucigi" "Capt. Olimar-Falcon" "Sonicfox" "Cramster Hand" "The Ancient Dedede" "Pike" and, last but not least (or maybe least) "Pichutwo".
Woah. Do we have absolutely nothing better to do than come up with combo names?


"Gannonchu", "Marioth", "Fonic", "Waluigi... Oh, wait", "DeDeDiddy", "Pididdy" (Just had to do it), "Bowsonic", "Pink" (That's not as masculine as it thought it would be), "Mr. Ice & Climbers", "Capt. Olimario", "Solid Sonic", "Kirbypuff", "King Kong" (Had to do that too), "Pokemon Climber", "Linkas", "Captain Zelda" (Either captain, it's still freaky), "Pike", "Captain Falco", and "Kirbichu"


Wow. I could do this all night.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
When does the next argument start? Or more importantly, how does the next argument start, I mean, if we're all doing this name thing, none of us are arguing.


He, he. Ridleypuff.
Ok let's start an arguement.
Who thinks WWLink should be in?
Who thinks claus should be in?
Who thinks isaac should be in?
Who thinks that wiseguy should add marth to his list?
What are your thoughts on the third FE Rep (If there is one.)
Why should starfox get 3 Reps?


I Got one also.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
1. Marth is a guarentee. He's staring 3 games, and is the future of Fire Emblem. IF Sakurai wants to help the series sell and rep the most recent game's main character, Marth is in. And Marth and Roy are no longer Japan-only characters (FE11 going worldwide, and FE7 having a Roy cameo apperance), so Lucas is the last remaining despised Japan-only character.

Ike using a two-handed moveset more similar to Link's power based moveset in Melee, in which Link is now more balanced, like in smash 64 (minus sucking). Ike is all power, okay speed, while Marth is all speed attacks, and is quite agile. They are bipolar opposites, and honestly Mario is closer to Ike then Marth! Another thing I can mark as "I was right!" :laugh: Too bad about Goroh (despite being 5 month old news! XD). >_<

2. No Falco? NO FALCO!? FALCO!!!! Seriously, Falco is popular, and shall be in Brawl. If some nobody obscure character named Takamaru from a Japan-only failed game gets in over a smash fan's favorite character like Falco, Smash fans in general will be pissed. Hell, I'll raise a storm, because Falco is the s***, and is a Melee fan favorite.

3. Claus is probably going to be a alternate outfit, and Miciah won't make it, ever. Her game will not be the most recent, and that is a fact. MOTHER has sold less then F-Zero, and won't get another rep after Ness being pretty much deconfirmed. Why the crap give one game two reps in a series when there are three to work from=??? Doesn't make sense to me! XD

4. Takamaru comes from a Japan-only game that flopped, and he's never reappeared. Replace him with Balloon Fighter, if you must! XD

5. Issac: Hasn't appeared in a game as of late. Unless the Golden Sun 3 rumors are real, he is a big "NO!"

6. If it's one character on the Dojo, it's one character in character predictions. If it's two characters on the Dojo, it's two characters in character predictions. Yes, that is the rule. Now stick to it.

7. Lack of international retro characters. Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, and so on.

8. Sora has no chance. Two out of Five of his games are on Nintendo systems, only. Plus Sora is like Disney based, and I'm not sure if we want Mickey Mouse in Brawl. Let alone Donald Duck, and Goofey! :laugh:

9. Belmont has no chance for the reason no Final Fantasy character has no chance....LACK OF MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER! Still, I guess being on the secondary 3rd party character lists suits him, though if it's in order, Bomberman is above him. About time the Bomberman series sells 10 million units, after more games then Megaman! :laugh:

10. Pacman is too random. Try Rayman as a potential 3rd party character. Also, don't be afraid to try other random ones. Put Master Chief as #5 and say how much you want him, and how awsome he'd be. Followed by "jk, guys" just to rile people up! :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
3. Claus is probably going to be a alternate outfit, and Miciah won't make it, ever. Her game will not be the most recent, and that is a fact. MOTHER has sold less then F-Zero, and won't get another rep after Ness being pretty much deconfirmed. Why the crap give one game two reps in a series when there are three to work from=??? Doesn't make sense to me! XD
You know about Maskman? And Sakurai seems to be interested in another Mother char. On Sakurai's poll 3 of 20 characters who had more than 2 voices are Mother chars.

5. Issac: Hasn't appeared in a game as of late. Unless the Golden Sun 3 rumors are real, he is a big "NO!"
2002 - There are much more characters in Brawl, who haven't appeared a longer time.
But I would put him on the originality edition and replace him with another character.

4. Takamaru comes from a Japan-only game that flopped, and he's never reappeared. Replace him with Balloon Fighter, if you must! XD
7. Lack of international retro characters. Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, and so on.
Takamaru is highly popular in Japan and was highly ranked on Sakurai's poll. Sakurai is asking what the Japanese players want and not what we want.

Don't agree with 8-10, but I really agree with 1+2. There's no chance Falco and Marth won't be in Brawl.



Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
1. Marth is a guarentee. He's staring 3 games, and is the future of Fire Emblem. IF Sakurai wants to help the series sell and rep the most recent game's main character, Marth is in. And Marth and Roy are no longer Japan-only characters (FE11 going worldwide, and FE7 having a Roy cameo apperance), so Lucas is the last remaining despised Japan-only character.
I cannot express how much I do not care. No insult to people who do care, but I honestly do not care if Marth gets back in, in fact I think that his chances are around fifty-fifty, he has as much stuf againt him as for him, and personally, I don't care for the diferecne between Marth or Machiah. It wouldn't even cause me to blink if Marth was confirmed or deconfirmed tomorrow. I cannot say anything about my stance on this, because I honestly do not have one, but I can really see the logic in this.

And I dispise Lucas too.

Ike using a two-handed moveset more similar to Link's power based moveset in Melee, in which Link is now more balanced, like in smash 64 (minus sucking). Ike is all power, okay speed, while Marth is all speed attacks, and is quite agile. They are bipolar opposites, and honestly Mario is closer to Ike then Marth! Another thing I can mark as "I was right!" :laugh: Too bad about Goroh (despite being 5 month old news! XD). >_<
Yeah, the Goroh thing got me, as I was an advocate for at least having two characters for every rep spot (except third party). It really bummed me out.

2. No Falco? NO FALCO!? FALCO!!!! Seriously, Falco is popular, and shall be in Brawl. If some nobody obscure character named Takamaru from a Japan-only failed game gets in over a smash fan's favorite character like Falco, Smash fans in general will be pissed. Hell, I'll raise a storm, because Falco is the s***, and is a Melee fan favorite.
Woah! I didn't notice that on the new list, but now that you mention it, I'm at a deep conflict with that decision. Falco was a popular character, he was like Fox's right hand man, but I really don't want to have another saxrifice in roster... Oh, wait! Wisey, if you remove the rediculously improbable characters like Geno you can make more room for Falco! I mean, if on your list Sheik is returning, you might as well have the more likely canidates return too.

3. Claus is probably going to be a alternate outfit, and Miciah won't make it, ever. Her game will not be the most recent, and that is a fact. MOTHER has sold less then F-Zero, and won't get another rep after Ness being pretty much deconfirmed. Why the crap give one game two reps in a series when there are three to work from=??? Doesn't make sense to me! XD
Amen to that! If anyone's getting in with Lucas, it's going to be Ness. Why? Because Ness was in the Original Twelve and has been there ever since, replacing him with Lucas and then replacing the second spot with Claus is like pouring lemon juice soaked salt onto an open wound. And I think your right, even if Sakurai's getting more into the Japan only MOTHER that doesn't mean that that's the only thing that he's going to be drawing from. Pulling from all games in the franchise just makes more sense than focusing on one, particularly if Ness had become a fairly popular character since then.

4. Takamaru comes from a Japan-only game that flopped, and he's never reappeared. Replace him with Balloon Fighter, if you must! XD
Man, you're right on the ball here! Iv'e been calling for this for a long long time. Wisey, I have no idea what made you put Takkey on the list, but you seriously need to take him/her out!

5. Issac: Hasn't appeared in a game as of late. Unless the Golden Sun 3 rumors are real, he is a big "NO!"
You make a fine point here, when I heard about this third party thing images of powerful icons sprung to mind, like Bomberman, Megaman, or Cloud duking it out. These third party slots are too costly to use trying to ressurect old characters. This goes for Geno too. Now, some people will say that there have been retro characters like the Ice Climbers who have gotten in, but Nintendo was able to do that because Nintendo owned those characters, and thusly, didn't spend any money trying to get them, with third party characters however, you need to finagle with another company and dice up the profit of the game with them, then give them commitment to the character,and in the end, it's just a waste of money and time because half of the people don't even recognize the character. Heck, I didn't even recognize the character when you put him up, and I play a pretty good sum of video games.

6. If it's one character on the Dojo, it's one character in character predictions. If it's two characters on the Dojo, it's two characters in character predictions. Yes, that is the rule. Now stick to it.
Yep, dem's the rules.

7. Lack of international retro characters. Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, and so on.
Well, with Wario's bike moves it seems that Nintendo isn't really looking much into Mach Rider being original, as they gave the only move he could have to Wario, however, with the new idea of humans getting multiple jumps, gliding, and the fact that he was nearly in Melee raises his chances a crapload I say. However, there is the matter of the Baloon Fighter fish on an Ice Climber stage. Why would they put that there unless they weren't planning on a Balloon Fighter stage? Personally, I'm affled at the dicisions right now, so currently I'm at standstill.

8. Sora has no chance. Two out of Five of his games are on Nintendo systems, only. Plus Sora is like Disney based, and I'm not sure if we want Mickey Mouse in Brawl. Let alone Donald Duck, and Goofey! :laugh:
Actually, here is where I need to intervene, as Nintendo already has a Kingdom Hearts lined up for the Wii, in my book that skyrockets Sora's chances amazingly as Nintendo would definitely want to publicize Sora then. And, believe it or not, you can have a character in the game without needing the whole cast. It doesn't quite stretch the mind to imagine Sora alone, fighting, and not mentioning any Disney character. He isn't Disney, in fact, he's a fish ou of water with Disney, actually more of a FF like character than anything.

9. Belmont has no chance for the reason no Final Fantasy character has no chance....LACK OF MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER! Still, I guess being on the secondary 3rd party character lists suits him, though if it's in order, Bomberman is above him. About time the Bomberman series sells 10 million units, after more games then Megaman! :laugh:
I can only see Belmont getting in if Nintendo has failed at getting a character from an outside source, then, and only then, would they go back to Konami and say "Gimme another one.", which I find pretty unlikely.

10. Pacman is too random. Try Rayman as a potential 3rd party character. Also, don't be afraid to try other random ones. Put Master Chief as #5 and say how much you want him, and how awsome he'd be. Followed by "jk, guys" just to rile people up! :chuckle:
I don't find Pac-Man random, if Nintendo wants iconic, definitely go with Pac-Man. But I agree, Rayman is just such a good, underrated character, and I would love to see him Brawl.

To the Master Cheif thing: HEy, Bungie's left Microsoft, and is now second party, maybe we will see him, but perhaps only in SSB4.

'Nuff said.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2007
You all seem to forget that Falco WAS A CLONE CHARACTER. Sheik wasn't, thus she has more chance of coming back.

And Sora is Square Enix based, not Disney.
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