seilper sdrawkcaB
I decided to remix-it-up a bit and reply from the most recent posts on back, as opposed to the usual 'last post on' method. Be prepared.
Wiseguy said:
I understood the part about wanting Issac in the game (which is actually pretty likely) but after that it sounds like you two are speking another language.
Psyneegy=magic, Djinni=summons, and Ragnarok is a (pretty bit**in) spell where a giant energy sword falls on an enemy.
[Quote='Wiseguy"]I really should play Golden Sun. It sounds like I'm missing out. Maybe we'll hear of a new game in the series on Wii at E3..[/QUOTE]I don't think you're missing out on much. They're good games, but there are better GBA RPGs, and the GS games aren't exactly known for their originality or innovation. And apparently, Camelot's working on a "RPG for Wii", and most people assume that they're making GS3 (since it was supposed to be a trilogy anyway). If not E3, then TGS or something.
Wiseguy said:
As Samusrules93 pointed out, the mechanics don't seem too different at first blush. However, once we get our hands on it we may discover that the entire engine has been overhauled. Crawling and supermoves are new, obviously, but there seems to be a greater emphasis on midair attack also, if I'm not mistaken.
In almost every screenshot there's a character using an air attack. But then, that's just them using composition to make every pic look exciting and full of energy. I've also heard tell that the game's going to be slowed down a little bit (think Soul Calibur 2 to Soul Calibur 3, only backwards).
Wiseguy said:
Sure, he must have a sword (though I've never seen him use it. Admittedly, I haven't completed the story mode in F-Zero GX yet...)
You and me both brother; that mode is pure heck. It might help though, if my copy wasn't busted.
Pip said:
As far as Sakurai's statement of no more than 50 characters, I suspect that's based on him already having a good idea of the ratios of returning characters/new original characters/new clones that he'll have in the game, and an idea of how much development time that it will take.
Noone welcomed me when I started out here, so NYEHH!
More than that, I think his "no more then 50" thing was just to keep us in check until the roster's revealed. I'm fairly sure that he's known how many (give or take a couple 3rd party characters still in talks) people will be in the game.
What's really cool about what I just wrote is that it contributes nothing to the discussion, since I basically repeated what you already wrote. Oh well. I'd rather write asecond paragraph than delete my mistake.
Wiseguy said:
I've heard rumors that Brawl is essentially based on Melee's engine, but I can't say if that's true or not.
On the late, in that section about the game being made, it states that Sakurai was not only given a 50 man studio built just for Brawl, but that he also received the complete Melee code/engine. I think Brawl being Melee-based is a fair assumption.
Drascin said:
The Ouendan cheerleaders, SISSY!?!? *stabs Wiseguy with a rusty spork*. I have played both EBA and Ouendan 2, and let me tell you, the Agents have got nothing on the sheer awesome of Ryuta Ippongi and his squad.
I haven'tgottenaround to Ouendan 2 yet, but comparing the guys from EBA to the guys from Ouendan (1) is just silly. Everyone knows Ouendan's better than EBA.
If only Wiseguy would import one of them.....his life would be complete.
Drascin said:
Vagrant is like Chrono Trigger: no gamer should be forced to live without having at least tried it.
I'm likin' this 'Drascin' fella' more and more!
Drascin said:
I'm with Mendez in the Zelda argument. For all of the awesome TP had, WW still felt a fresher experience. I keep saying, WW was brutally underrated. Yeah, it was easy as pie, but so was TP (really, TP may have some of the coolest characters to date, and give plenty of roleplaying epic for us RP buffs, but my 8-year-old cousin can beat the dungeons) and the pacing in WW was just perfectly designed.
WW's about as close to the original LOZ as you can get outside of the game itself. The huge overworld, complete with no load times and a whole crapton of things to find really harkened back to the glory days of the NES. And the story was
way better than any other Zelda. And then there's the characters: no other Zelda (
maybe Majora) has had so much personality in it's populace.
The only flaw was the Triforce shards, but that can be overlooked if you play the game with a mindset not founded on the linearity of Ocarina. If all you'd played of Zelda prior to WW was the original, you'd have had a perfect experience.
Wiseguy said:
That's a very well conceived, well written moveset Mendez. But the idea of a wrench weilding fighter hust doesn't sound that appealing to me. I've been a strong advocate for similar ideas admittedly (paint brush wielders, Staff weilders, giant key weilders, etc) but a wrench is where I draw the line. What's next? Someone who fights with a flower pot? Someone who fights with a lawn ornament? Sorry, but a wrech just doesn't sound that exciting to me and I doubt that it would do justice to the Advance Wars series.
Trode doesn't exactly appeal to me either.
Fact of the matter: Andy is "the" Advance Wars guy, and there's not many other choices (I'd prefer Grit myself) that are as iconic as he. Also, a wrench is in the
freakin' Advance Wars logo...I'd say it does justice.
Drascin said:
Nice Andy moveset there, Mendez. A bit generic maybe, but certainly workable. What would his final smash be? A bomber run? Though I am still convinced Andy has a snowball's chance in hell to be in Brawl (but who knows. Sakurai likes to thow us curveballs. Anyone here can honestly said they expected the next SSB would star Pit?)
Let's start from the back on this one.
1. I wasn't at all surprised to see Pit. Before Melee, almost everyone was sure he'd be in that game. I can't say why (being maybe 10 or 11 years of age), but he was strongly rumored to be playabale, but it just never happened.
2. His Final Smash would something. But I don't know what. I usually make movesets for characters I really, really want to see make it (see: the Phoenix Wright and/or Mach Rider threads), and I only made one for Andy to illustrate my point to Wiseguy: that he'd be fun to play as, and not at all impossible to program.
Wiseguy said:
He may have started as Kirk's nemesis, but now a days he's the leader of a group of secret agents who solve the world's problems with superhuman dance moves! I'm sorry, but that beats some lawyer...
Wiseguy said:
Silly me, trying to tell the Encyclopedia Brown of videogames something he didn't already know.
stop, you're making me blush!
Wiseguy said:
The original Perfect dark was published by Nintendo, was I'm guessing Nintendo owns some of the rights to that game. Or am I just grasping at strws becuase its my favorite N64 game ever?
But MS owns the franchise (by proxy, of course) now, so any rights Ninty had were lost when they sold Rare. Oh well.
Wiseguy said:
I don't understand people who label WW's sea exploration as "boring". In addition to being visually great, the ocean has plenty of octorocks to defeat, islands to explore, rubies to collect and enemy outposts to plunder.
Anonymous said:
Once you clear a watchtower, there's really no point in going back to it. In fact, there's rarely any incentive to go to it in the first place, outside of the few that have heart pieces on them. Slaying Octoroks has little value, since you get nothing of worth from it, it eats up time trying to maneuver towards your spoils, and in the end, it's faster to go right past them. Most of the islands you can't access until the end of the game, and by that point your "adventuring spirit" has been crushed by the triforce quest. And rupees are so plentiful in the game that exploring for them is just about the stupidest thing you could do int he game.
I don't agree with the guy I'm quoting, but that's, I think, what most detractors seem to think about it.
Wiseguy said:
You HATE Paper Mario games? Do you also hate sun beams, weekends, Christmas Mornings, puppies and chocolate ice cream?
You forgot true love.
I just don't like em' that much. The writing's always good (oft hilarious), but I can't stand the pacing, the music, the difficulty (it's too easy) or the cross of Mario and random RPG sterotypes. And the gameplay just gets terrifically boring after a while, especially in Super Paper Mario. I realize I'm an anomaly on this board, but that's just how I feel about them. The only Mario RPGs I like are the AlphaDream-developed ones (the Mario & Luigi games), because the writing's better, the games are actually challenging, and getting to your destination isn't as boring. Again: opinion. I'd rather not get into an argument over this, so whenever you see my username on these boards, I give you permission to scoff.
Wiseguy said:
If Abyss comes close to Symphonia's level of quality, I should really enjoy.
Oh it does. And then it gets better. Instead of being stuck on one line all the time in battles, you can depress R2 to break off of the line and run around freely. When you let go of R2, you lock back into a 2D plane (and your enemy). Plus it's got a cool theme song: (Again, but in Japanese!)
Also, Luke's much cooler than Lloyd. He also gave a certain SWF member his username...
Drascin said:
And the synchronization of some songs is EBA
Now that you mention it...yeah, I vaguely thought a few of the tracks were weird in EBA.
Drascin said:
Well, Disgaea is not a true RPG per se, given it's light in the "roleplaying" part. It's a tactic RPG, in the vein of FFTactics or even Fire Emblem. Basically, to get Disgaea, take a part of FFT, take out the epics, add a quirky and fun storyline with some of the most lovable characters ever, a sense of humor, improve every single mechanic of the game to a power of infinite (adding some peculiar mechanics of its own, too, such as the Dark Assembly or the Item World), and voila, Disgaea. I could write a freaking essay on these games, but this is not the time nor the place.
You forgot the best reason to play Disgaea: undead exploding penguin murderers.
Drascin said:
And you better get comfortable if you intend to complete all those games in a single summer. You're not leaving your gaming chair often . I'd suggest tubefeeding to eliminate the need to lose gaming time for lunch and such.
Invest in bedpans.
Wiseguy said:
Anyway, you have at least convinced me to give Ouendean a try. If it's sequel graces my shores, you can bet I'll check it out.
Ouendan's never coming stateside, so import them while you can. Seriously, you need zero Japanese skills to play them, and it only costs 5-10 extra bucks to import them. The DS is region-free, so no need to worry about that either.
Wiseguy said:
And yeah, it puzzles me how Mendez and others seem to disregard TP's incredible storyline. Though I still prefer Majora's mask story by a tiny margin.
The story wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as WWs, and frankly, with all the hype surrounding the game (Aonuma: IT'LL BE THE BEST ZELDA EVAR, 10X BETTER THAN OCARINA!!!!!!!!!), I was dissapointed. All of the plot twists were predictable, and then the story sort of "left" for four or so dungeons...
Woo! Done for now. Hopefully FFXII won't keep me away for so long next time!