That's a pretty reasonable prediction. I could definitely live with that, though I'm one of the few who is actually hoping for quite a few clones as it would increase the total number of characters dramatically. Making them as unique as Luigi would be great, but like you said its probably not realistic.
Yes, while many say they are lazy, they are actually nice. Having Fox and Falco being almost the same, but have their attacks have the exact opposite effects were nice. I wouldn't mind 6 of them or so, which I'm assuming 6 or 7 is the most we'll see.
A one in two chance is probably fair - maing Mii one of the more likely candidates but nowhere near the level of Diddy or Dedede (funny how those two sound alike) which isn't too shaby considering that none of use would have even considered the character a year ago.
Did any of us know about Miis a year ago=??? I didn't know about them until well...I got my Wii!
The only problem I have with them is well, they're totally customizable (it's sorta a good/bad thing, but mroe good)! When online, we'll have to be prepared to face stupid looking Miis, plain hidious looking Miis, the most ridiculous looking Miis, and maybe even my worst fear...a Napolean Dynamite Mii! I think I'm going to have nightmares just thinking about someone wasting their time to make one!
It may have polished the forulae introduced by Mario's earlier games - but I wouldn't call DKC as revolutionary as the original Zelda (which basically invented the adventure game and was the first to use a save feature) or OoT which set a new standard for what a videogame could be at the time. That legacy of breaking the mold multiple times is why I consider Zelda to be a more important franchise than Pokemon of DKC.
I wasn't comparing DKC to the level of tLOZ, I said it reinvented the formula a few steps below it. There aren't many games that reinvented video gaming like tLOZ (the first worldwide release where you could save, some Japan only game beat it to it), Zelda II (one with the most impact IMO), ALTTP, LA, OOT, etc.
But still, the legacy of DKC is a classic one, that will probably never fade. The DKC series is truely a classic one, along with DK 1-3, and I'd even say DK64 was pretty good too. Still have to get, or at least try DK: King of Swing....
Say JohnKight1, could you draw a pic of Commander Kahn in Brawl and leave the paper unattended for an hour or two?
Maybe, if i knew how to draw him. To be honest, I'm only decent at drawing, and the only reasons I drew the characters I did is they were awsome, and were relatively easy to draw from a distance. Kahn would be harder I imagine, but he'd be neat. Darn, maybe I should have made it like the boxart, and sayu "Wi-Fi compatible, with up to 8 players online", or something like that. the thing about Kahn is I'd be worried about his moveset, but by SSB4 I'm sure I'll use my "magical drawing powers" to confirm him!
I'm little confused in that regard. Are there two FE stages (one inside the castle and one on top of it) or is one massive Hyrule Temple style stage? Time will tell...
I'll explain this, I didn't get it for a while=confusing if you don't know about it. It could be one stage, but more than likely it's two stages. I've got a link here to explain. Watch 1:47-1:52 to see the other FE stage that I'm talking about.
If you want any more stage info, I highly suggest you check out the official stage discussion thread=very helpful, and very intresting. I learned a lot from that thread, and i'm sure anyone could learn and notice some intresting stuff there.
That could work, but not before many of the other characters get a clone. Fox already has one clone, he doesn't need tow - in my humble opinion.
It'd be like the Doc, Mario, and Luigi relationship, in fact exactly like that! You got the original character (Fox), the past clone sorta decloned (Falco, but not entirely to the Luigi extremes), and the new clone (Wolf, but somewhere closer to Falco in Melee). That could work again, maybe....
Good call. Since I don't own a PS2, I'm limited to GC, Wii and DS games at the moment. Of the few PS2 games I've played, I also recomend Dragon Quest VIII and Metal Gear Solid 3. If only I could play 24 the Game....
I looked everywhere for MGS3, and I was mad because everytime they had just sold out of it!
If I got MGS3, I'd be entertained for a LONG time, because I played it=sick! I played either DQ VI or VII, but I don't remeber a few years back. I'll definitely check out DQ VIII=Square Enix is probably one of the best 3rd party developers. Seriously, Square Enix has mad so many legendary RPG's and action RPG's, it's insane!
I hope we see three, but I somehow doubt it. If we do see three FE characters in Brawl, Marth's chances increase - though I'd personally prefer to see both the Black Knight and Miciaiah ahead of him.
I say its safe to assume we'll see three. Look at the facts, the series hit video games worldwide with a boom!!!, that continues to get louder each game. FE may well be up there with Star Fox and Metroid as flagship series owned by Nintendo's 1st/2nd parties. Well, if the series keeps getting more popular at the rate it's going in 5 or 6 years or such.
Most of them, but not all. Ike is arguably ahead of him (since non-Japanese people can actually but his games...) but Miciaiah is pretty close since her inclusion would help her game sell this fall.
I think Ike and Marth are the most desired, but Miciah, Roy, and Hector are close behind. Still, I think if we get 3 FE characters (very likely), we'll see Ike and Marth almost guarenteed, and then either Miciah or Roy (I'll root for Roy).
No arguments here. Nintendo's decision to neglect the non-Japanese FE and Earthboud fans by failing to localize these game on VC is just a poor bussiness decision - plain and simple.
But if they turn it around, it would be nice. Maybe with all the major titles they are releasing this year (Pokemon, SM Galaxy, MP3, BRAWL!!!), they'll try to destroy the competition. Still, it is a little overhopeful, but doing this could definitely turn things around, and would be a huge step forward for the Wii and Nintendo. The VC already pwns all non-online PS3 and 360 features, add these games, and it's pwnage to the max, plus happy us!
All those are great ideas, though my heart is still set on Perfect Dark, Golden Eye and SSB64. If you REALLY want to dream, how about Starcraft - not the N64 version but the REAL game. With motion controls for a precise RTS interface and online play. Now THAT would print money.
SSB64 might come out soon on the VC (I heard rumors, and they could be true), and Nintendo is bound to put Perfect Dark and 007 Golden Eye up on the VC. Starcraft, well I never heard or it until the SC2 release stuff, which is odd because I love RTS=how had I not heard of it. However, to cancel that out I played it at a friend's house, and it was pretty awsome. The motion controls and online...well if the motion controls worked like Twilight Princess over several crap Wii motion sensor games.
Cahnge is good. Embrace it. Hardly anyone had heard of Marth or G&W before their Smash debut. If they are cut, their replacemnts would soon become just as well known as beloved. Chances are, noone will like ALL the characters who make it - but everyone chould be able to find at least one character they love.
Everyone except the people who are like "zomg, where is Master Chief, he's teh best character 3vr!", or "zomg, where is Crash Bandicoot, he is ownde by Ninteedndo", with that exact spelling!
Other than that, everyone should be happy, even if they're main is cut (which would suck).
Nothing is for certain, and I doubt the validity of the rumor you metioned, but I still think Ness' status as one of the original 12 makes him safe. He, Captain Falcon and Jiggs have been with the series since the beggining, so I suspect that Sakurai will keep them for the sake of continuity. Its the same reason why Goldeen is making his third appearance - some things have been with Smash so long that they take on a life of their own.
What about Oynx or Hitmonlee=poor them, got dropped in Melee.
Ness has a cult following, Jiggs was (get this) the original starting Pokemon, and Capt. Falcon is still the star of the F-Zero series, which is still running! If Ness was cut, well loyal follwers to the Earthbound cult (myself included) would be extremely upset! in other words, some retro characters could leave, but cult classic characters have little chance at leaving, ever!
I'm all for retro characters appearing - as a guest appearance. Intead of keeping the same retro chaacters game afater game, each instalment of Smash should include a new batch of cool but forgotten characters. Melee had ICs and G%W. Brawl can have Pit and one or two others (Geno and Balloon Fighter come to mind). Only characters from a currently thriving series deserve to hang with legends like Mario, Link and Snake permanently.
Well I think the only other new retro character than Pit we could see is Geno, but Balloon Fight and Mach Rider are definitely possilbities. When I posted that, I could only think of Olimar and Miis as new modern characters, but I forgot my main man WW Link (wtf? How did I forget him=???), Midna, Dark Samus, Lucario, Deoxys, and Krystal. Still, most of the random spots will go to retro characters, so I don't think Kahn is quite possible.
So here we go:
Modern Characters: Miis, Olimar, Midna, WW Link, Dark Samus, Deoxys, Lucario, and Krystal.
Retro Characters: Ness (keep in mind Earthbound is over 12 years old!), Pit, G&W, Geno, Marth, IC. Maybe one more, but that is generally what it could very well look like.
Overall: 7 or 8 Modern Characters, 5-7 classic characters, the rest will generally be long-ruinning series' major characters.
No, retros should be replaces by other retros. Supporting characters like Falco (if they are replaced) will be replaced by other supporting characters like Krytal and Wolf. Four SF reps is certainly possible, but given the huge list of worthy characters I think it's going a bit overboard.
But many lists resemble it, and if some are clones, how cna it go overboard? 44 characters isn't that high, and if you have 4 or 5 clones it is a safe assumption. Heck, Sakurai could have 41 or 42 originals for all we know, and considering how this is probably the biggest title that will ever hit the Wii, Nintendo has got to be backing it up with more help and staff than ever before. Not to mention this will probably the #1 online Wii game for as long as the Wii is out.
There's no arguing with that. All I'm saying is that he shouldn't be counted as Mario series rep in Smash Bros, but rather a represantaive of his own series.
Same here, but Yoshi can't forget his roots.
I'll give you that Pokeom has had its inovations, just not to same extent as Zelda - which is constantly pushing barriers. For the record, a game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be great. Some of my favorite games (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Tetris DS) didn't reinvent a genre but perfected what was already great.
LOL, everytime i go to school, I see more and more people at my school playing one of the Pokemon games, or at least talking about it. Seriously, the number of people playing it is astonding, every single Pokemon game. I even saw people facing each other, a lot of people, a lot of times. It's getting scary high=reminds me of 3rd and 4th grade.
The thing that I find odd about Pokemon is the number of Pokemon. Honestly, there are just a few short of 500 Pokemon, and the memory on the DS D/P cartidges is great since it can all those endless Pokemon! "Gotta catch em' all" has never been harder, and it keeps getting harder! In ten more years, we'll have 9,000 Pokemon, there won't be graphics anymore (video games will look exactly like real life), and SSB5 will have 100 characters, all the past SSB characters, plus a few 40 more!
Overhopeful, but the Pokemon part could be true, well minus a zero at least!
Or we can have our cake and eat it too. Nook can represnt past AC games while Mii represents any future games. Everyone wins. And I, for one, totally want to play as that Racoon.
I'm not technically against Nook, I jsut think there are better characters. I want Miis in 1st, but if he's a last minute addition, i'm fine with it. Just as long as he isn't the Pichu of Brawl, but he should definitely be held out on to on e of the last possible characters.
Point taken, but I think you'll admit that not all Smash characters have to be like Ridley and Ganondorf. Smash is about including a wide variety of character styles - so Brawl can have characters like Solid Snake for people who like that kind of character and it can also have characters like WW Link and Tom Nook who appeal to a different crowd. Fortunatly for me, I like both realistic and cartoony characters.
LOL, Ness is a dirty little boy=njk!
The cel-shaded characters work, and for anyone who doesn't believe me, just look at Kirby. Plus behind the mask WW Link is as brutal and uber powerful as TP Link, plus he can like do triple backflips! Nintendo is going to attract all ages with Brawl, from 5 (with Pikachu) to 100 (*Snake* okay, maybe not that old, but you never know!
Fortunately for me, idc about graphics, and for the people who believe in graphics>gameplay/fun need to takek a fresh walk outdoors. People like that annoy me=only care about graphics=not n00bs, scrubs! I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just rambling about how I hate fools who care about graphics over gameplay. Have fun watching while I play!
Fair enough. I'll rent it ASAP and we'll discuss this afterwards.
I don't even own it!
Then again, like EBA now I can't find SF: Command! I swear, something is wrong with me, I see a game that looks neat, go back and try to buy it, and it's all sold out. Maybe I got it from my friend, whom saw the Wii TP all over, everywhere, he get's a Wii, and it's sold out everywhere for 2 weeks. I feel bad for him, that two weeks he could have been playing one of the closest things to video game perfection we'll ever know.
Message to George Lucas: Light Saber game on Wii. NOW!
Message to George Lucas: Have the Force Unleashed come to the Wii with online, and awsome jedi saber skillz like the movies. If it was half as good as Jedi Academy II (best Star Wars game, ever!), then we'd be in for a treat. Plus, starting 08' Nintendo will allow it's 3rd party developers to make online games! w00t, took them long enough, only half a year to go!
Message 2 to George Lucas: Make the game be half as good as TP, plus online (*cough* up to 16 people=maybe a little high for Nintendo), and it'll be one of the most played Wii online games.
I've heard about the Clone Wars from my brother - who caught the whole series on the Cartoon Network. Since it was made by Gendi Tartakofski (the genius behind the beyond awesome Saumerai Jack) I've been searching for the series on DVD. Know anywhere on the interweb where I could view it?
Yotube=how I viewed all of them. It is a pretty sick series, definitely a lot like the ever awsome Samurai Jak. The story actually makes it make sense, just type in Clone Wars Episode (ie: 1, 22), and it should pop up.
Like you should have to be forced to watch the BSG series!
It's the pinacle of what a Sci-Fi drama can deliver. Anyways, you got to see a great series and there's one more Smash fan out there. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Yae, I enjoyed it, and I'm pushing my friend to become addicted to Smash. Everyone wins!
Don't worry about getting off topic. This is the Wiseguy thread, and the topic is whatever I say it is, dang it!
I love the idea of including a greater range of alternate costumes for Link and others as long as it isn't too time consuming. How about a Big Boss alternate costume with an eye patch for Snake?
Sounds good to me, and how about as another Snake outfit, he's his old form like in MGS4. Plus giving him a beard would be pretty funny and neat as well. But he should get a diffrent color outfit, how about Pink, lol to show off his manlyness=???
Welcome back Mendez. We were getting worried about your absence and were beggining to organize search parties. Incidentilly, don't belive anyone on the Zelda Discussion Thread who tells you that I spread rumors that you and I are the same person.
It was all me!
See JohnKnight1? Nook is more popular than you realize. Nook for Brawl!
You have your alter ego, Chief on your side!
Any you don't like Shiek/Zelda, shame on you!
Poor Joe. Did Capcom really have to ruin his reputation before they killed him?
Maybe we'll see the read wonder revived one day...
Plus Clover, the division of Capcom that made him was closed after the production of Okami, so he's got about as close to 0% as you can get. Well, next to Plusle and Minun at least.
If you're referring to the fact that you can make a Miamoto Mii, then yeah. But by that logic, we'll also see Abraham Lincoln, Simon Cowell and Paris Hilton in Brawl.
Paris Hilton for Brawl! Who needs online multiplayer when you can beat up a mindless wierdo! Abraham Lincoln will totally be awosme, and we could have the ultimate President showdown! Washington vs. Jefferson, Licoln vs. Roosevelt (FDR), Kenedy (JFK) vs. Clinton, and Reagon vs. Truman! Plus Bush and Bush vs. Adams and Adams=the ultimate team battle! Now who wouldn't pay money to see that=???
Really? It seems to be Spire's one-shot-kill sniper lazer that gets me every time. Regardless, I'm going to stubornly stick to playing as Samus - like the true Metroid fan I am.
Spire's 1 headshot kill pwns me everytime! However, I use Samus, Kraden, and Spire, so I think I'm good off. Hope all of them (or some of them at least) are playable in MP3, assuming it has online=better be better than MP2's multiplayer=just like a mini-game you only occasionally play. Hope we get a MP1/2+Fusion and Zero Mission like story+MP Hunter's awsome online with MP3. *fingers crossed*
Thanks. To be honest, I think I heard someone else mention it, which is where I got the idea. I just want to see Ressetti in the Brawl in some form.
I mentioned Resetti is better for Brawl than Nook IMO. Seriously, there should be a level where you fight on Nintendo systems (sorta like Big Blue) as they scroll by, and if you hit that reset button...well our favorite angry mole pops up, or that one random quiet one!
Not for very long he wasn't. He met te bussiness end of Samuel L. Jackson's lightsaber before you could could say : waisted oppurtunity". One of many in those movies.
Much was wasted, but I bet a fight scene between Jango Fett and Mace Windu was cut because Episode II was too long=the longest Star Wars movie. O well, that fight with Dooku and the Clone Wars scenes are intensely amazing! It doesn't get much better than that! Or maybe it was a real life recreation of how Samuel L. Jackson pwns all=???
Yep. Bowser Jr. has been in many games, from Mario Tennis, Kart, Baseball, Golf and of course Sunshine.
And NEW Super Mario Bros.
I too loved WW, but Twilight Princess is a much better game overall. More dungeons, more fun items, more mini games and side quests, more memorable characters mean that there is simply more of TP to love. I also consider TP's Wii controls to be a vast improvement over all Zelda control schemes. I will give you that WW's graphics are more visually appealing that TP's.
Twilight Princess>Ocarina of Time=A Link to the Past>Majora's Mask=Wind Waker>Link's Awakening>tLOZ>Zelda II>Four Swords>Four Swords Adventures. Need to play more Minish Cap, Oracles of Seasons, and Oracles of Ages=too true. Seriously though, the only LOZ game I beat more than WW is tLOZ (too many times to be healthy), but I've played WW by far the most. Still, it would be awsome to get a Wii release of OOT, MM, and WW with the Wii remote and numchuck=uber pwnage!
Regardless, we're finally getting a WW sequel with LoZ: Phantom Hourglass on the DS so now everyone can be happy.
YIPEE! *goes off and jumps for joy*
Seriously Mendez, is there any game you HAVEN'T played?!?!
Ask if he's played Superman 64=most (myself included) consider it to be the worst game ever made! Thank god I didn't buy it on the N64=almost did=saw my friend play it and there was no camera, Superman was suppose to be able to pick up cars (in which if he touched them he glitched up or it didn't work), and he was suppose to be able to fly (in which while flying the control stick only makes you go left or right, sorta like walking!). If you think that game is the best game ever, you have no soul!
The inovations brought forth by the original LoZ and Oot are nothing to sneeze at. Also, Windwaker introduced its revolutionary art style which proved that a videogame could be an artistic masterpiece. Also, TP introduced Wii controls - the ultimate inovation. Pokemon may be great, but it hasn't been nearly as inovative as Zelda.
tLOZ introduced us to saving the game, a world map larger than any before it, multiple weapons (basically impossible to make then), and a second quest! Zelda II is the birth of action RPG's as we know them, ALTTP was the first game to have a alternate world or dimension (the Dark World), and had more items than you could count with your fingers, LA totally remade the combat system, OOT was the perfect 3rd person translation, that is attempted to be copied after by nearly every 3rd person game to date.
MM brought a mask system that is revolutionary, a challenging timed game, and a very Empire Strikes Back like story. WW introuduced a revampted combat system and combat commands, FS and FSA brought four person play, and 4 person control to play, MC brought a intresting shrinking and growing system back, and TP...well we should all know that by now!
Good point. I'll have to consider it. But this is the Brawl Character Discussion section, so stage discussion should probably belong in general Brawl discussion. But then, if we can discuss the merits of Star Wars and Communism on this thread, Stage discussion should also be allowed.
More like counter-Communism. In terms of strength, democratic republics and democracy are like Ganondorf, while Communism is like Tingle=pwned!
The PS2's library is great, no doubt. The down side: all proceeds go to the evil Sony executives. Did you know that Sony heats their company buildings by burning baby seal oil?
Al Gore would be ashamed, as if Jack Thompson isn't ashamed enough! Plus it contributes to Sony PS3 fanboyism, in which they talk about their virtual reality controllers they stole from Nintendo, their rumble stolen from Nintendo (Microsoft was honorable and bought it), the Blue Ray that noone cares about (the Wii should get it to pwn all Sony fanboys!), and a huge PS3 library that is no-existent. All they got is Resistance=amazing, and MotorStorm which is pretty good, but Resistance: FoM<GoW<god<god<tLOZ:TP.