WW Link is just as deserving as TP Link. He is a separate character entirely and he has his own unique personality and abilities. He also represents LoZ: Windwaker: one of the greatest games in the series, and the upcoming sequel LoZ: Phantom Hourglass.
WW Link for GOD TIER!!! He's obviously my top pick for newcomer to the SSB series, and he'd totally pwn all=TOTAL N00B ANNILANATION!!!! *evil laugh*
Poor Goroh. Noone seems to like him...
Raises his hand really, really fast. I love F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, they are totally underrated, and totally friggen awsome!!! Seriously though, we need a F-Zero DS and Wii game though, that would be pretty sick!
Since Ness' game was the only one to see international release, I don't see any characters from the other two games as very likely. Still, I could be wrong.
Lucas still would be awsome, and none of the Mother 1 characters serve that much importance (other than Ness, or Ninten as he's called in Mother 1), plus Mother 2 (Earthbound) is wayyyy more popular worldwide, as well as in Japan!
1) Why isn't Olimar very likely? His series is owned by Nintendo, he represents one of the Gamecubes more successful new franchises and he would be the more original than any other character in the series.
Not against this one....at all!!!
) Nook may be hard to picture, but I think we would have said the same about Snake year ago.
Snake is bigger, badder, and more reconizable. Plus he's wayyy more awsome that Nook. Honestly, most of the characters in smash need to be reconizable, and I think Kahn, Belmont, and Sora are enough of a stretch.
3) The only thing different about each Mii would be their face. Their size, shape and moveset would be standardized.
Just as long as they weight the same, are the same height, have the same attacks, I'm all for them, other than I think they could take too many character spots. Remove them from your list Wiseguy, and you can change two or three of those clones to originals!
4) Kahn is from Elite Beat Agents for the DS. You should really check it out.
=Awsome game, though I still like Metroid Prime: Hunters (best DS game ever), NEW SMB, and Mario Kart DS more, it's still a sick game though!
Ike has had as many appearances in FE games as Marth (2) and unlike Marth, both of them have been released internationally. Ike is also popular in both Japan and North America - as well as every where else. Any way you slice it, Ike makes a better representative for the series.
Marth is more popular worldwide thanks to smash, and I'm pretty sure he's Japan's favorite FE character, though I could be wrong. He's up there with Ike at least, well above the Black Knight.
If Canada were vaporized, you would regret it. As America's largest source of Maple Syrup, snow cones, and Hockey Players your civilaztion would crumble without us.
Not maple syrup!
OMFG Hockey (even if I like Basketball and Football more). The fall of all civilization=the end of any NA country, or at least Mexico, USA, or Canada...
If It were up to me, all the Pokemon and Earthdound characters would be cut to make way for more Fire emblem reps - but it ain't gonna happen. FE is a very niche franchise - and I think one character and one clone is pretty fair.
Earthbound>FE, Earthbound is up there with Chrono Trigger and FF VI as the best RPG's on the SNES IMO, and the only SNES games I like more are: tLOZ: ALTTP (as good as Ocarina, play it you "super Zelda fans"), SMW 1&2, DKC 1-3 (especially 2), and FFVI.
Melee was more than a remake of SSB 64 - it was a acomplete reimagining of the series. As much as I love melee, I'd much rather see Sakurai reinvent the series all over again. I highly doubt that Sakurai will be content to just remake Melee, but we'll have to wait and see.
That's what I'm saying, do everything right in Melee and SSB64+add it's own awsome personal twist=awsome! That is reinvention my friends, and that is how Brawl should look like in the end, plus online!!!
A series importance is judged by more than its popularity. Dragon Ball Z games far outsell Metal Gear Solid games - but the later is considered my many to be one of the greatest series in history while the former is not.
As a DBZ fan, all the DBZ games suck IMO, and there's like 10 billion of them. There's like MG 1&2, MGS 1-4 (once 4 comes out), Twin Snakes, those 2 for the PSP, and Portable Opts (I know I spelled that wrong). Plus the re-releases of MGS 2&3=like 12 MGS games. Plus DBZ didn't start in video gaming, so it's not going to happen. Again,
ALL the DBZ games suck IMO!
Pokemon games might sell well, but they haven't set the standard for what a videogame can be. The Zelda series has - multiple times.
Remade and reinvented the RPG standards, raised the bar with FF to a level of extreme expectations, and almost everytime they deliver it, minus a few cheap and stupid spinoffs. They're far more popular than tLOZ, and this is coming from a LOZ nut!
While the reasons behind including Ness, G&W and Snake were all different, they were all characters that no one would have expected. Sakurai loves to surprise us with seemigly unlikely characters - so someone like Kahn is all but guaranteed.
Mach Rider, Mii's, Balloon Fight, etc. Need anymore=???
A character's worthiness for Smash can't be judged by how many people will play as them. Yoshi, for example, is the most likely character is reurn from Melee - yet hardly anyone plays as him in my experience. The thing that determines whether a character is worthy to appear in Brawl is their importance to their imporatnce in their respective franchise and whether that franchise deserves representation. Character originality is also important - and Nook would definitely be original.
More people would play Falco than Nook. I could even go as far as saying there would be 4 times the number of Falco mains vs. Nook mains, and c'mon wat's Nook going to do, just use his tail and a shovel=??? Resetti is better anyways...
Besides, I'm not the only person who would like to play as Nook:
But you'd be part of the smallest character minorty, with other Nook players. Face it, not many people want to play as him, and he'd be nowhere near as played as Falco. And I could also go as far as saying that if it came down to Nook or Falco, 95% of us at least would prefer Falco.
I thnk you are overplaying the character depth of the Star Fox characters. SF isn't about the story as much as it is about shooting stuff.
Command sure as heck is, plus the series is a perfect balance of blasting in ships, with guns, and story. I could argue the same thing with FE or tLOZ, but they all have that perfect balance of story, action, and fighting.
Regardless, Nook's role as the forst most important Animal Crossing character outweighs Falco's role as third or fourth most important SF character. Last time I checked, Animal Crossing DS sold far for than Satr Fox Command.
Falco is in a far more popular series, about fighting in ships and with guns. Nook is the star of a real life simulator that involves no fighting watsoever, and probably never will. C'mon, honestly how many Smash players actually want a AC character,=??? Even many of the AC fans like myself don't want a AC character in Brawl (maybe Resetti if done right).
Vader doesn't have a dark side. He has an awesome side:
and a wimpy side:
I wish they had gotten Kiefer Sutherland to play Anakin in the prequel trilogy. He could have single handed prevented those movies from sucking.
Wat, Episode III was the best, and sure II had too many romance scenes, but the action in it was friggen the best in the series (especially the clone wars, the Jedi Arena, and the Count Dooku fighs). I actually like Hayden as Vader, he fits the roll perfectly, and is friggen awsome. I'm guessing you like 24 as much as I like Star Wars=too much! Besides, as awsome as Keifer is, "He's too old"
Ian McDiarmidd as Darth Sidious/Chancellor Palpetine, Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu, and Christopher Lee as Count Dooku/Darth Thyranus fit the movie perfectly! Overall it's more like friggen awsome, and friggen unpredictably awsome. Plus the new trilogy totally pwns the old, even if the old is pretty awsome.
Ya, I've seen all those movies wayyyyy toooo many times, I think they all friggen own, and how come noone agree with me that Empire is the best of the original trilogy! Empire totally pwns Jedi and ANH, even if those two are still friggen awsome!
Hopfully, you're right about Capcom. But why all the pacman hate? Would he really be so terrible?
No, but there are way better choices than Pac-man. I like Pac-Man and all, but I can name like 10 wayyyy better 3rd party choices that are at least somewhat likely. The only reason I'm hating on him is he isn't a fighter like Sonic, Megaman, Geno, and Crono, and I like those four a lot more than Pac-Man.
No, Belmont doesn't star in the DS games to my knowlege (haven't played them either) but I unserdtand he is the most prominent character in the series so he probably stands the best shot.
With minimal chances, sure he's the main character and all, but watever.
1) Everyone's entitled to an opinion. But I still think that EBA is a great enough series to deserve a rep in Brawl.
2) Forgive me if I'm unimpressed that G&W has appeared in Wario Ware mini games. I'd hardly consider that a revivla of the series.
3) Current series trump retro series. Having a few forgotten characters as guests in Smash is fine, but not as peramanent characters in the series.
4) G&W is neat, but so are alot of other potential characters who deserve a turn in Smash.
5) Sorry, but 24 owns all those shows. Brawl news would be pretty much the only thing that could keep from going nuts as I wait for the next season.
1.Duh EBA is friggen awsome, noone can
LEGALLY deny it, even in a capitolist government!
2.He has his own games in Japan that could become worldwide, though I'm not willing to bet on that.
3.Why not, G&W is awsome! Idc about the newest characters for the most part, I want to play as the classic characters we all know. Besides, G&W's impact on Nintendo, as well as video gaming, is far more than EBA (or just about any other series or charcter) ever will.
4.Classics forever! Classics are friggen awsome, and they never die, and new characters come and go. Kahn is cool, but how long will he last, compared to G&W who has games coming out today, 27 years after his first game=straight up amazing!
5.Comedy compaired to action drama=apples and oranges. I like comedy, but 24 is still pretty awsome!
IF Mother 3 gets localized, then fine. Otherwise, no deal.
If I find a website asking for signatures to have Mother 3 go worldwide, I'll sign it a million times! "Join me, and together we can bring peace,justice, and freedom to the galaxy!" *evil laugh*=Darth Sidious! Mother 3 would own, if it goes worldwide I might cry with excitement! Seriously though Wiseguy, you and anyone else would enjoy Earthbound (Mother 2), and we'd probably all love Mother 3 just as much! Seriously, Nintendo needs to stop being retarted and sell Mother 3 worldwide=they're biggest flaw, EVER!
Side note: I hear this constantly that Samurai Goroh is in every F-Zero game, but in one (or the only) GBA F-Zero game he wasn't in it, along with Capt. Falcon as well. Just thought I'd throw tha out there.
Originally Posted by Classic-Black
I've played DKC 1, 2, and 3. I will; admit that I didn't enjoy 3 as much as the first two, but I still don't find Dixie that appealing, at least to the extent that she would be a decent character without riding on Diddy's coattails.
As long as she isn't paired with Diddy llike Sakurai said he liked the idea, I want her, really badly! Idc if Sakurai wantes Diddy and Dixie as a team, IC should be the only team characters period. Seriously though, she could have some awsome combos with that hair, have some neat beat down combos, and is definitely better than a lot of the dumb ideas out there (like Metroids=who the **** wants to play as them=????)
again, how is Chrono not overpowered? by the Endgame (which is where the characters seem to stem from) You've got two levels of lighting, and Luminaire witch is the Ultimate Kill-all. You've got seriously damaging sword techs, and a chrono with maxed stats and the best armor and weaponry. Crono is overpowered the same way Sora, or any main hero is by the end of the game. He's a Parisite God killer. Now, I don't think Sora will be included, but to say he's overpowered whi;le Crono isn't is laughable.
Then give Crono mainly his earlier moves, a few of his stronger moves, and his strongest move as his Final Smash attack. There he isn't overpowered, while Sora does those crazy air combos he whole game through. Crono is overpowered, but Sora is far more overpowered, seriously, I could do 1,00 hit combos, triple finishing attacks, mad elemental and gravity and time stopping attacks by the end of Kingdom Heats II, plus I can fly=awsome, but not for Brawl.
I never said that Chrono and Geno didn't have chances, only that one is purely retro, and the other developed a cult following. The simple fact is that Sora is more recent, and while CoM is his only nintendo related title, is not where most of his popularity stems from (the same with Snake.) ALso Crono only starred in Chrono trigger, he cameod in Cross as one of those 'ghost' children along with Nadia and Lucca. In Radical Dreamers, the game from which Chrono Cross was born, the only recurring player from the first game was Magus, under the alias of Gil. By the time CC was released, this was no longer the case.
They both (Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger) are cult classics, retro, and legendary games IMO, but that's just me, and everyone should agree with me! I barely know anything about Chrono Cross, I've only seen it and never really played it (how the **** does it not have Crono=???). Sora is more recent, but he still doesn't stand as much as a chance as Geno and Crono, and that we all should agree on. Unless Kingdom Hearts III comes out on the Wii, in which KH III might not even star Sora, I don't see Sora happening.
@ Wiseguy
Add Mach Rider at least to the runner ups, because he's friggen awsome, and has a decent chance at making it into Brawl.
Woah that was long! Too long, so I'll end it nice and cool!
^^^^ That is what I'm talking about!