Let me paint a picture...
We have a leak, brought forward to us by a mod, that he found on 4chan. (Every fake leak ever posted there, anonymous)Mod claims he has sources that work at Nintendo, and support this. (My dad is sakurai, typical response.)
Some Mod's have inside sources, but must keep secret to protect friend. (Every single fake leak response ever.)
Several mods have impeccable computer art skills with the ability to create original renders, or in the very least have close friends that are capable.
The mods also have a very seasoned experience in debunking leaks, they know exactly what hurts them and what promotes them. They would know exactly what to include and what not to include.
My point is the formula for a fake leak is there, it's pretty much the same, the only new factor here, (if it is fake) is that it's really well done, and who else would be capable of creating a very well constructed organized leak.
Furthermore nearly every mod has taken a supporting stance toward the leak, either they made it, or they know something.
Why believe so strongly in something that could really go either way.
Where's the typical non-partisan neutral stance usually taken towards leaks by mods?