Fun tourney, glad we happened to be in Portland at that time.Thanks everyone for coming, pretty good turn out for portland, Minh NICE matches! Russel nice friendlies, you know what to do now so Im prolly screwed. Juce quit using Marth against me. Tommy relax before and during tournaments your way better than people think you are.
And, yeah... well, the only way I can relax is not caring and that's about as bad. Russel has been incredible at teaching a good player mentality. Everyone who came to Jesse's had a mini tournament to see how things went after we all got in a positive mood and I managed to win the cash prize. Everyone learned a few things from him, he's even motivated Jesse into a better mindset. I have to say he has really impressed me in a number of ways. Him and Shin are my fav smashers at the moment.
t1mmy and Chris are doing tech practice now.
Nobody is telling racist jokes anymore.