There's some megas that stand out as immediately uber to me, Mega TTar and Mega Gengar at the top of the list. This isnt counting Mega Blaziken because that ****ers normal form should still be Uber >_>
I think M-Tyranitar being on your list interests me. Would you care going into more detail on that? Gengar I can
somewhat see, but I personally don't have a problem with it other than finding a ghost resist is annoying sometimes.
Mega Luke strikes me as a Limbo mon. In theory it's absurd, SD Adaptability Close Combat literally wrecks the whole meta, but his actual moveset is pretty easily walled by something like Bulky Gyara and he's pretty easy to OHKO honestly. Maybe it's because I play sticky web on my team but he also doesnt seem to be fast enough to be a solid threat. He loses outright to any strong Scarfer with a super effective move.
Agreed. I personally don't use SD because I think it hit hard enough naturally(2HKOing Skarmory without SR with CC), but I haven;t touched it since a M-Gengar was not OHKOed by Crunch.
I honestly feel like the most dangerous Mega in the game right now is Mega Khangaskan. Power Up Punch putting it at +2 and access to Sucker Punch is stupid. Most pokemon cant survive that, not even those that resist it. 105/100/100 defenses are nothing to scoff at either, especially when you're sitting on only one weakness.
The problem is that running sucker punch as your only way to hit ghosts gets you ****ed, but not running fake out loses you a lot of utility. He just BARELY suffers enough from 4MSS to just be handleable. He just swept me twice the last day or two, though. Nonetheless, he is more than decent as I'm playing vs him and using him.
I havent been running into too many other megas but a few are really common but dont seem that amazing. Mega Mawile will probably be OU, it's a really strong physical attacker with a great typing but it's still pretty manageable. Mega Medicham is sort of in the same boat only I feel like it could be a serious problem behind Sticky Web. Base 100 speed outspeeds pretty much everything when they're at -1 and Medicham is more than capable of OHKOing most of the meta. Still intimidate ruines that pokemon and it is slow and somewhat frail.
Mega Scizor is good imo. Me and Sami theoretically think that M-Gyarados has some things going for it thanks to its new bulk and ability to hit rotom with EQ. But on the topic of sticky web I don't like it because it makes you play a 5v6 because every pokemon that uses it is terrible. Against bulky offense teams they care less about going second, stall teams couldn't care less, and finally hyper offense teams get ****ed, sure, but they get ****ed by the previous two anyway imo. There are teams that don't use hazards and don't want SR on their side, so they throw defog somewhere. When everyone was spamming Sticky Web I put it as the extra fourth move on my LO scizor, but most of the time it didn't bother me anyway.
I've run into Mega Charizard quite a bit both X and Y. They've been somewhat bothersome but only because I dont run Stealth Rocks but honestly neither of them strike me as that great. M!Charizard X is probably the superior of the two despite M!Charizard Y having Drought and access to an instant Solar Beam. Dragon Dance is just too necessary and Charizard X does it so much better with the additional resistances and neutralities that dragon types bring.
I haven't run into any LOL excpet like two of each. But yeah I think X is better[sadly] just due to the typing change and the fact that it's standard move makes it break speed tiers. STAB Flare Blitz + Outrage(Dragon claw?) too OP xD
I've been playing with Excadrill a lot recently and it seems very much not Uber in this gen. Lack of permanent sand honestly isnt his biggest problem, Trevenant/Gourgeist are his biggest problem. He has like, no answer to those pokemon. Also lack of permanent sand is very very easily rectified by Sticky Web. Base 88 Speed suddenly seems amazing when everything is at -1 haha.
I tried to make a SS abuse team using Smooth Rock Hippowdon, but honestly Excadrill has some new counters in the forms you met and he can't cover everything with 3 moves + SD, and he doesn't have enough time to just throw out moves because of weather limits. Good changes overall, he'll probably be useful as an offensive spinner as the game goes on.
Also not uber this gen: Salamence. It apparently exists in gen 6 but I havent seen one and that doesnt surprise me. It's sort of a moot pokemon currently, it's physical set is a lot less threatening as it basically cant even damage Togekiss and it's special set lacks great options and is honestly better left to Goodra or Noivern the former for it's better typing and bulk and the latter for it's better speed and movepool. I do think Mence will remain a great pokemon but it's looking less and less threatening honestly.
Salamence is not less threatening, per se, but there are enough spots to contend for him as an attacker on a team. Dragonite/ Garchomp/ Goodra/ Latios/ Noivern(?)/ other pokemon do all of his jobs better. Him and metagross should have gotten mega evolutions hahaha
Speaking of which:
Also Branden, Max has been telling me you think Metagross is bad this generation? Idk what you're on man but that pokemon is bonkers. Im all about that Assault Vest Meta. Basically nothing OHKOs that beast in gen 6 but you can be damn sure it can OHKO stuff back. It is probably THE BEST user of assault vest in the game, though im heavily considering trying out Agility Weakness Policy haha.
There are too many pokemon that cause problems for bulky offensive teams that metagross likes to be a part of, but he helps NONE in handling those particular pokemon. First one that comes to mind is Rotom and Landorus(the latter can't come into too many MMs, but more than last gen because of the base power nerf). With the nerfed explosion it's just fodder for defensive teams, and sure I guess offensive teams have trouble with Assault vest metagross... but that's all. Your team seems well designed vs those players, but I'm not sure how well it would ever handle a stall team unless they just literally don't check one of your six team members.
Galvantula is OU unquestionably. Sticky Web is just that good. It's bar none the best entry hazard and Galvantula is great at setting it up with that 108 speed stat. It's also not that bad of a pokemon, STAB Thunder/Bug Buzz isnt too bad and it has been surviving things I feel like it shouldnt have lol.
I admit it has enough offensive prowess to not be completely useless, but OU? I just don't see sticky web as that good since off the top of my head there is water, dark, ghost, FLYING priority all up in ou. Oh and normal with +2 priority. Defog also hurts it, and if it gets to the point where it really is that good then both people use it and cancel each other's out? Or we use good flying type pokemon? Don't we do that anyway? >_>
Doublade is too strong to be in UU. It just is. It's definitely outclassed by Aegislash in OU but SD Shadow Sneak with Eviolite is insane. 110 Attack and 150 Defense should not exist on a pokemon that still evolves and has that absurd of a typing. It will probably just go to UU right away when the tiers come out then be banned from it shortly thereafter.
I could agree, but I also don't really care about its UU viability[yet]. I only just learned it had 110 attack, pretty insane haha. It suffers too much from the same problems as aegislash.
Aegislash is weird. Art you said it was overhyped earlier but you're definitely wrong. That pokemon is too good at setting up. The fact that it comes in in defense form is silly, but even worse, the fact that you get to stay in defense form if your opponent is faster than you before you attack is ridiculous. Thank god Taunt is a move or that pokemon would literally be broken. As it stands I see Aegislash being the core of the 6th gen meta. It's typing, stats, movepool, they're all amazing and the fact that it's immune to every trapping move is amazing.
I even said it will always set up; and to that I say, so what? Maybe(again!) vs hyper aggressive teams it's very good, but from my experience it doesn't do anything. If it got WoW it would be broken, but without that just intimidaters **** it up, EQ ****s it up, you always get free switches on it, and Shadow Sneak isn't that powerful. I dunno, on my teams I have Landorus, Garchomp, Gyarados, Dragonite... just a few pokemon that **** it up. It's a flexible enough pokemon to stay OU, for sure. One thing I hate about it is that if you understand how pokemon works you can force 50/50's with it using King's Shield which is bull****, but it's the opponent's fault to even have that be a potential problem.
Goodra: Is adorable. OU For sure
Talonflame: THE **** IS THIS POKEMON? Staraptor 2.0 and honestly I feel like it will end up BL simply because it's too strong for UU the same way Staraptor is. It's base attack isnt that great but access to SD and Brave Bird/Flare Blitz is not to be underestimated. The damn thing nearly OHKO'd my chomp with Brave Bird unboosted. It's worth noting that Band Talonflame is one of the best revenge killers in the game. Priority Brave Bird letting you beat Scarfers and DD Sweepers is awesome.
It is one of the better revenge killers in the game. You know what that's good against? Very offensive teams. Sticky Web... hmmmmm.... I wonder how you form your opinion.
Trevenant/Gourgeist: What weird pokemon. I expect one, the other, or both to be OU simply on account of being basically the best bulky spin blockers in the game. They are the new DPP Rotom Formes. Access to Leech Seed+WoW is awesome and their typing is not to be underestimated.
I've only seen these pokemon show up recently(mainly the super version of the latter), but god are they annoying. If anything they are a weird combination of Rotom and Ferrothorn. >_>
Tyrantrum: I was using DD Tyrantrum to quite a bit of success. I actually use Expert Belt DD Tyrantrum with Strong Jaw and feign Choice early. It's a good pokemon, it feels sort of like the new DDTar. It's definitely got a lot of weaknesses but it's ability to OHKO so many common pokemon and it's 71 speed allowing it to hit a super crucial speed stat at +1 I feel like it will be OU. Definitely not the best pokemon for OU but a solid Mon.
I think the amount of priority in the game hurts it, and I don't see how exactly it will get the free speed boost:btw, new DDTar is megaDDTar. Try it =D
Noivern: Sort of in the same boat as Tyrantrum it feels like a pokemon easily compared to another, Hydreigon. It's weaker but has a much better speed stat and a more diverse movepool. Key resistances alongside that I could see it being solid in OU. That said it wouldnt surprise me if it fell to UU since it's not an overly powerful pokemon and there are other good options for special attacking Dragons.
It's stats are unimpressive, but it seems to hit hard enough in practice. I'll keep an eye out on it to see if it develops.
Fairy Types: There are 3 Fairy types that are legitimately OU in gen 6. Klefki, Florges and Togekiss. Klefki's stats are pretty *** but it's typing is absurd and Prankster with stuff like Spikes and Dual Screens will make it OU. Florges is just, the best special dragon counter in the game and one of the best special walls period. Fairy Typing is a great special defensive typing, resisting common physical moves. Togekiss is just the best Fairy Type pokemon bar none. It's bulky as ****, it's strong and has access to an outright absurd movepool. That things jumping to the top of OU unquestionably.
What the **** is Florges? I actually have no idea what it is... Klefki is annoying because what you mentioned... to an annoying point. I'm scared of the day someone makes a team that actually abuses it well. Thank GOD it didn't get SR!!! Togekiss is good yeah, it really abuses Garchomp and most physical oriented dragons to force them to run SE. Me and Sami use Expert Belt Garchomp with SE =)
Azumarill: Is not OU. Sorry Art, sorry Max, it's true. Belly Drum Aqua Jet is great and all but it's not a pokemon that can pull it off well even with the new fairy typing. It's still a strong pokemon, it's still viable and you can definitely make it work in OU, but it just dies so easily and isnt particularly dangerous honestly.
Completely agree. I think if it makes OU it'll be because of a similar effect to that of gen IV electivire(oh god does that pokemon suck)
Greninja: God damn this pokemon. If it wasnt for Protean this pokemon wouldnt even matter. But it gets it. And as such it's so god damn annoying to try and counter it. STAB on everything is really freaking annoying lol. Thank god it's not super strong and has poor defenses. Still, it gets STAB on everything, even Hidden Power. As an offensive Spiker it's probably the best in the game.
It's great when it gets going, but without something offering its life first it hard a rough time getting in outside of the obvious U-turn / volt switch. I will try it as an offensive spiker sometime, though, thank you for reminding me of that option.
Malamar: Is bad haha. I've seen it so much, everyone wants that contrary Superpower. It just isnt that good lol. It straight up folds to so many pokemon, WoW completely shuts it down, it's slow and it's typing honestly isnt that great. Still, it's a surefire counter to people with Sticky Web I guess haha.
I can't wait for the release of contrary serperior, on that note. Anyway I agree, 4x U-turn weakness is available only to this and Celebi and even with defense boosts it just can't handle ****.
Heliolisk: Is a really cool pokemon and I wish more people would use it. Normal/Electric is weird for a typing but interesting especially with Dry Skin. It's immune to Ghost, Water and paralysis, it's in a speed tier basically all by itself and it has a really weird movepool. Grass Knot? Surf? Dark Pulse? Sure why not. It's definitely not OU but it's a cool pokemon.
I wouldn't know it just dies when I see it T_T
Anything else?