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Pokemon Trainer (Red!) Discussion


Smash Journeyman
Nov 30, 2006
Cant wait to play as Pokemon Trainer. The thought of using flamethrower with Charizard in SSBB is great.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Well I guess I can't argue there. ._. I still don't see the other trainers being alternates to be honest. What's going to happen when it comes to team battles? You've got red, blue and green teams. Brendan (a.k.a Ruby) is the only one who can actually be green. I mean, let's look at how this would work:

On the character select screen, you put your icon on Red. The alternates would be Gold, Brendan and Lucas. That's all fine and dandy....

...until you reach team battles. Will you be forced to play as Red or can you somehow switch to the other four representatives? If Sakurai were to include such a feature I really think he would've explained it when Red first appeared.

But for everyone's sake, let's hope I'm wrong.

You sir, are the first character thread that ACTUALLY got confirmed on the website other than Ike, that was a completly unlikeble one.

Thank you, it's quite the honor. =)


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
when I first saw this thread, I really didn't take much thought to it because I didn't think Red had a chance... but that was because I thought he would be doing the fighting himself, which I just couldn't see happening. didn't think it was a bad idea... I just couldn't see it happening... at all...

this update just blew my mind! it took a character I thought couldn't work, and not only: A) made him work; but B) made him work in the best way possible! having him in the background, giving orders to his pokemon is not only INCREDABLY original, but the perfect (and I mean PERFECT) way to include him!

I never thought I would be typing this, but... I think Red might be my one of my mains


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Hi desert, Socal
Playing PTR (which should be his abbreviated name) would be like playing Zappa in Guilty Gear.
You gotta use all of his weapons (in this case Pokemon) to his disposal.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
I am one of those who believe the choice of naming him "Pokemon Trainer" instead of Red means that some color swaps will change his appearance. However, I think there will be just one change, and that will be to the female trainer of FR/LG. The Pokemon being used support this. I see something like:

Red/Yellow swaps = Male Trainer
Green/Blue swaps =Female Trainer

I cant see any of this Gold/Crystal/Brendan stuff happening because of the starters being used...


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
See, but I doubt that the other gen trainers will be alternate swaps, much less other gen Pokemon!

I doubt the Smash team would spend so much development time arranging different hitboxes and animations for 12 different Pokemon skins... Since the starters DO vary in size etc. And Charizard already poses a problem for other Fire starters - only he can fly.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
I know some of you people think that if they did have alternate costumes which changed the pokemon to like, Gold would have Typhlosion, Bayleef and Totodile, Brenden would have Blaziken, Grovyle and Mudkip and Lucas would have Infernape, Grotle and Piplup.

But, for what I'm about to suggest, lets just get rid of Lucas.

Anyways, with different costumes having different pokemon I think would be an excellent idea. I know some of you think, Oh oh it wouldn't work what with Charizard and the wings. However, if they reduced Charizards moves to where he only has 1 move ( his Up+B ) that he actually USES his wings to save him, I think it could work.

Heres what I mean,

Charizard - Up + B = Fly

He flaps his wings then he flys up into the air, like Fox's Firefox.

Typhlosion - Up + B = Flame Wheel

This works much like Samus' up+b but when it hits it knocks them back.

Blaziken - Up + B = Sky Uppercut

Obviously, Blaziken thrusts his arm up in the air and jumps, like Peaches Up+ b except faster and without the glide effect.

Also, with the Pokemon Trainer I really don't think that Adventure Mode will have different adventures depending on the Characters because PT would be difficult. Really, all you could do is battle other pokemon for an actual story and that may take alot of work, working on different moves for different pokemon.

Btw, this is my first post :D


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
i'm liking what they did with Red (cept of course for the name) but the onw thing has has me the most curious is what his subspace emissary will be like......story wise and gameplay wise
if its like an action game will he be running along side his pokemon or something???


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
Yes that indeed will be interesting... Honestly I was a Gold and Blue player but the name does not matter anyways...I do also wonder what is emmisary will be since he is not directly in the battle


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2006
For those of you thinking that he will have different Pokemon for his different costumes, let me ask you a question: why in the world would they waste their time programming and animating 6 more completely different Pokemon? That would just be a huge waste of time. That's not mentioning the fact that all of the Pokemon are so different that so much of the movesets would have to be changed, it would hardly be worth it to call them the same character. I just don't see them pouring so much time into something that would end up so (IMO) worthless.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
Yes that indeed will be interesting... Honestly I was a Gold and Blue player but the name does not matter anyways...I do also wonder what is emmisary will be since he is not directly in the battle
I'm pretty sure he'll just walk along side. He if has to ho oup he'll probaly has to use a flying pokemon. The popular choice for the flyer is pidgeotto or pidgeot.

Link Sharingan

Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
i tink the other trainers as atelnative would be stupid
1.Why would Brendan or Gold use first generation pokemon as a rep wendd they came from 2nd and 3rd generation
2.if the PT have voice i dont tink they would put Green but if he dont or nintendo give him another VA i can see green as a atl


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
Maybe alt. costumes could be the different starters from each generation and the trainer changes his look accordingly. Just a thought.
That would be a lot of costumes. I'd say at the most a female and maybe a rival costume. And that's even pushing it.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I can see some major flaws with this character. If he's in the backround, what will happen on scrolling stages like Rumble Falls? How will he keep up?

And, what will happen when one of the Pokemon die? What happens to Red? Does he jump after them? Does he (like in the game) black out? Does he (Like NaNa to PoPo) just disappear?

As for alternate Pokemon, not likely. Even a simple change from Charizard to Blaziken is a HUGE change for programmers. I see that Pokemon Trainer might have the styles of other Pokemon Trainers (Ruby, Diamond and Pearl etc.) or maybe even one of the female trainers, and the Pokemon might have slight color difrences too (Like Pikachu's alts.)


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2006
Abilene, TX
lol does costume matter dat much. jus change da color n i'll b cool. but then again yall prolly like pokemon, only think i like bout the new pokemon is apepalm lol

^^i don't think it matter if they see him or not. u da one controlling them

i bet red jus stands there then the pokemon that died comes back in the floaty thing. preety much same as everybody


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Those aren't major flaws, and yes people have mentioned them. Many people.

When PT loses all of his stock, I assume he'll just vannish like Nana does (and probably fall over or something) For scrolling stages, or places where he has no background to stand on, he may just get some type of special platform or Pokemon to rid on. =/


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2007
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I can see some major flaws with this character. If he's in the backround, what will happen on scrolling stages like Rumble Falls? How will he keep up?

And, what will happen when one of the Pokemon die? What happens to Red? Does he jump after them? Does he (like in the game) black out? Does he (Like NaNa to PoPo) just disappear?

As for alternate Pokemon, not likely. Even a simple change from Charizard to Blaziken is a HUGE change for programmers. I see that Pokemon Trainer might have the styles of other Pokemon Trainers (Ruby, Diamond and Pearl etc.) or maybe even one of the female trainers, and the Pokemon might have slight color difrences too (Like Pikachu's alts.)
i agree no pokemon changes just alternate trainers.
but its been discused how he can follow the stage he could just send out a flying pokemon(probably pidgeot) and fly along the stage, or float on one of those things you spawn on.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
yea i know that. thats y i sed i can hardly see it. i can see the Grass ones just fine. also the Water ones, although Squirtle's tail and Mudkip on all fours does something to that. yer also right about Charizard and his wings.
heres wut i thought about that tho:
the only problem is in the Fire Pokemon, which i will have something for them later. for Water pokemon, all their heights are near each other, same with Grass. and if things are based off the anime again (like Jiggs), they could all be the same size because Pokemon are basically animals, y wouldnt they grow?
water movesets: Squirtle can be seen as a Pokemon that scratch, bite, kick, and use his shell. i can see Mudkip, Totodile, Piplup scratching, biting, kicking, and...wait no shell. now i see Squirtle a bit like the way Bowser does, withdrawing and spinning and whatnot (Bowser's Nair). the animation of Pikachu's Bair then came to me. so the water pokemon could substitute the spinning shell for that. Squirtle doesnt have to withdraw tho, it could just use the shell by "backing up" and hitting. Totodile doesnt have a shell, but he has spines; Mudkip has that fin thing on its head; Piplup's head is big. and im pretty sure all of them can spit water...
the grass movesets: Grovile stands out, because he stands. i can still see all of them biting, kicking, head-butting, tail whipping, and using leaves. another difference is that Grovile cant use Vine Whip (for some reason), but has arms to grab...
this one is tricky...Charizard and Typhlosion have the exact same height of 5'7. Blaziken is 6'3 and Goukazaru (Infernape) is 3'11.
this hitbox is a strange one for all of them to be the same. this is the reason why i doubted my idea would work. the best i can say is that for the Fire hitbox to be the same, theyd have to shrink Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken or grow Goukazaru...
anywayz if they do happen to make it anywayz, regarding the fact that Charizard has wings. if he uses them for attacks, Typhlosion has that big fire thing on its back, Blaziken has blazing arms (Fire Punch). Goukazaru has blazing arms. now for the fact that Charizard can fly, well, depending on whether his weight kicks in, that also screwed my idea. i can however see them kicking, scratching, tail-whipping, biting, and fire breathing.
yea because of Charizard, the first part of my idea was obsolete. the only things that i meant to really put in there was the Pokemon Trainer costumes (without the Pokemon) and the Final Smash ideas. the Pokemon change came to my head along with the PT thing.
...oh well...that is the reason why i didnt put it in my sig, being obsolete...

edit: i put this in wayy later than it was supposed to. i kept the computer on, went to Seafood City (d*** filipino people XD), and came back, finished this and posted it. its way off topic im thinking


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I can see some major flaws with this character. If he's in the backround, what will happen on scrolling stages like Rumble Falls? How will he keep up?

And, what will happen when one of the Pokemon die? What happens to Red? Does he jump after them? Does he (like in the game) black out? Does he (Like NaNa to PoPo) just disappear?

As for alternate Pokemon, not likely. Even a simple change from Charizard to Blaziken is a HUGE change for programmers. I see that Pokemon Trainer might have the styles of other Pokemon Trainers (Ruby, Diamond and Pearl etc.) or maybe even one of the female trainers, and the Pokemon might have slight color difrences too (Like Pikachu's alts.)
These problems could easily be fixed.

Scrolling-He could jump platform to platform, or he could ride on a flying pokemon's back. Most likely pidgeotto.

Dead pokemon-Why would he die too. He could just stand there why would he go after them. My guess is he kinda drops his head in defeat then when the pokemon respawns he'll go back to normal.

Alt-Ther would only be a couple alt costumes. Probaly being female and rival. And for the pokemon costumes I was thinking have them shiny, dark, and whatever else there is.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Yes, good idea. I thought of that, but didn't think anyone else brought it up, guess I should have done my homework. In addition to that I couldn't be happier with the main protagonist from Pokemon series getting his spotlight. First there was Pikachu, a good addition and the face of Pokemon, but he wasn't the main hero. In fact he was nothing more than a tool Red used to get to the end of the game. Pikachu fought, but who trained him? Who had to beat all of the Team Rocket thugs? Who actually directed Pikachu to do the right thing? POKEMON TRAINER! So I am pleased with his well deserved inclusion.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
This is my very first post!
Has anyone else noticed that in the picture of squirtle where it shows the rotation of the pokemon change with arrows, his shell is blue?

EDIT: I now feel incredibly STOOPID. That was his tail. *shame*
I shall now proceed to redeem myself by posting this: In the picture of Rumble Falls with Squirtle and Mario, Red isn't standing on a platform OR flying. he's simply styanding in the background on a rock.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
Lund, Sweden
I will not bother reading whatever has been written here, but I tell you this:

PT is from now on always called Pete. (At least by me^^)
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