This is MADDNESS! >_<
kk...as it seems theres already been like at least THREE "i want to see Dain's responce" posts already....i've got some explaining to do...
kk...here it goes...
first off.....by some freak of nature turn of events...Red is in Brawl as a PC....meaning I was wrong...I still don't know how it happened, but Red is a PC >_<
but o a small credit to myself, most of my arguments stand still to reason....like I said said countless time, stuff like "Red can't fight, he just hides behind his pokemon, meaning he will not be playable"....I was partially right, it really isn't him fighting....like always, he just hides behind his pokemon...not really the centralized character...
but what I didn't see coming......was that someone could still be a PC.....without actually fighting (does that sound f'd up enough) you can't really blame me...I mean, Red's playstyle, is one that has NEVER been implemented into smash before....switching between three characters...NOBODY ever though of that >_>
I'm not saying I am all "Mr. Right" here....Red is in (ouch) and I was wrong....I accept that....
BUT...what I said many a times before is true....Red dosn't fight....he hides behind his pokemon......I just failed to see how sakurai could turn something like THAT into a character....
in all....in a sad twist of fate....I have to..."adjust" my sig a bit....and I force out an apology to all Red supoorters ( sorry ) ....however the F*#% this happened...I don't know...
ths update...is DainBramaging.....Red is PC ( O.o) ....the only small tad of remorce I get.....is that Charizard is playable (always wanted, though doubted charizard).....just never thought he'd be implemented this way.......
>_< and the other sad part....I can't even beat the $*^% out of Red for my revenge.....as he just stands there......taunting you during battle (time for a stage like......big blue?)
enjoy my screwed uo sig

...........I was wrong >_<
Edit~....this proves that Sakurai really is going all out on Brawl.....>_<