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we're doing greece.I always thing the Magan region would be a good name for a mexican region, I don't know just feels right
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we're doing greece.I always thing the Magan region would be a good name for a mexican region, I don't know just feels right
Oh then the Gorah Region, thenwe're doing greece.
I think a good name would be Taillos.The votes are in!
Canada (Pokelego999/Perkilator) = 2
Russia (CashRegister) = 5
Africa (Venus) = 7
US West Coast (Jomosensual) = 2
New England (Ramen) = 0
Australia (Noipoi) = 10
Italy (Yoshi and Toad) = 6
Greece (Mr. Robotto) = 18
Brazil (Shark Lord) = 4
Israel (Grubhub) = 3
Mexico (Peridot) = 16
Our region is themed around Greece! Congrats toMr. Robotto for winning.
Job #2: What should we name our Region?
No Pokemon region takes it's basis's name directly (well, all but Kanto...), we need to come up with a name for our Greek region! Be creative. For reference, Alola is a variation of the Hawaiian word for "hello"/"goodbye", and Galar might come from "Gallic". This will be open for 24 hours.
Job #3: Who is the Region's Professor?
Every region worth it's salt has a good old fashined tree-named professor! Submit the name of the professor, what they study, and a brief physical description (or a drawing, if you so desire). For example... "Professor Oak. He's an older fellow with grey hair. He studies Pokemon, and is trying to invent a Pokedex" would be sufficient. It's OK if multiple submissions share a name, but please don't go with any professors already in canon. This will be open for at least 24 hours, and might be extended.
I don't think anything is stopping you so yeah.This looks interesting, got some ideas for Pokemon later on.
Mind if I join?
Region Nane: The Enea Region
Derived from the Greek word for Nine seeing as how it’s the ninth region
Professor Name: Professor Cypress
The cypress is a tree commonly found in Greece and the Mediterranean region and its name has its roots in Greek. There is also an island near to Greece called Cypress.
For the Professor, we're doing a brief character synopsis as well.Job 2
The Orthia Region
This would be named after one of the Epithets and sanctuaries of Artemis, The Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Wild Animals. Wild Animals = Pokemon and all that.
Job 3
Professor Olea.
Olea is the scientific name of the Olive Tree, The national tree of Greece
Thanks! I updated it.My Submission for round 2 is Thryca. It's a portmanteau of Ithica (Odysseus's home town in the Greek epic The Oddessy) and thrylos (a greek word for legend). I don't have a professor (yet). One hour until voting starts for the region, I'll extend the professor for a day.
For the Professor, we're doing a brief character synopsis as well.
Updated my submission.My Submission for round 2 is Thryca. It's a portmanteau of Ithica (Odysseus's home town in the Greek epic The Oddessy) and thrylos (a greek word for legend). I don't have a professor (yet). One hour until voting starts for the region, I'll extend the professor for a day.
For the Professor, we're doing a brief character synopsis as well.
ElenikOK time to vote for the region name. Two choices, ranked voting, you can vote for your own.
Mytholympia byPerkilator
Gorah byGlubbfubb
Iroa byJomosensual
Tallios byPokelego999
Elenik bySharkLord
Orthia bycashregister9
Noris byKrookodilian
Enea byVenus of the Desert Bloom
Alchedes byJoinallthreacs.smash
Thryca byPeridotGX
I feel like it would help to link the original posts, so we can know what the names are based on. Feel like it'd be nice to know the origins.OK time to vote for the region name. Two choices, ranked voting, you can vote for your own.
Mytholympia byPerkilator
Gorah byGlubbfubb
Iroa byJomosensual
Tallios byPokelego999
Elenik bySharkLord
Orthia bycashregister9
Noris byKrookodilian
Enea byVenus of the Desert Bloom
Alchedes byJoinallthreacs.smash
Thryca byPeridotGX
Yeah the ideal region name is 3 syllables at most in my opnion
Just asking forThe votes are in!
Mytholympia byPerkilator -
Gorah byGlubbfubb +2 + 2 = 4
Iroa byJomosensual +2 + 1 +1+1+2 = 7
Tallios byPokelego999 +1 + 1 +2 + 2 = 6
Elenik bySharkLord +2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Orthia bycashregister9 +1+1 = 2
Noris byKrookodilian =1
Enea byVenus of the Desert Bloom +2 +1 + 1 = 4
Alchedes byJoinallthreacs.smash =1
Thryca byPeridotGX =4
Ladies, Gentleman, and none of the above, I introduce you to the Iroa region! Congrats to Jomosensual. Last call for Professor submission, and then we vote on that.
Quick suggestion, it might make things a bit easier to directly link everyone's submissions. That way, we can access and view them a bit easier.Professor voting time! Ranked voting, 3 votes, your own is OK. 24 hours.
YoshiandToad 's Professor Olive
Perkilator 's Professor Oregano
Jomosensual 's Professor
Pokelego999 's Professor Douglass
SharkLord 's Professor Olive
cashregister9 's Professor Olea
Venus of the Desert Bloom 's Professor Cypress
That's not all, though. It's high time we start designing some Pokemans! We're not going directly into the starters, though. We have to make sure the starters are perfect, and it's unlikely our first Pokemon are perfect. We're going to ease ourselves into the Pokemon creation process, and will do the starters after we are no longer rusty. That being said...
Rattata and Zigzagoon both got dark type regional variants, we're going to continue that. Please submit the base form (and only the base form) of a regional variant that is at least partially dark type. It doesn't have to be a regional rodent, just something that makes sense appearing on an early route (if you're unsure, please just run it by me first). You have 48 hours to submit. For reference on how a submission can look, here's an example. bolded stuff is mandatory.
Pikachu, the Mouse Pokemon
Electric Type
(some sort of visual, either a text explanation or an illustration)
Professor CyprusProfessor voting time! Ranked voting, 3 votes, your own is OK. 24 hours.
YoshiandToad 's Professor Olive
Perkilator 's Professor Oregano
Jomosensual 's Professor
Pokelego999 's Professor Douglass
SharkLord 's Professor Olive
cashregister9 's Professor Olea
Venus of the Desert Bloom 's Professor Cypress
That's not all, though. It's high time we start designing some Pokemans! We're not going directly into the starters, though. We have to make sure the starters are perfect, and it's unlikely our first Pokemon are perfect. We're going to ease ourselves into the Pokemon creation process, and will do the starters after we are no longer rusty. That being said...
Rattata and Zigzagoon both got dark type regional variants, we're going to continue that. Please submit the base form (and only the base form) of a regional variant that is at least partially dark type. It doesn't have to be a regional rodent, just something that makes sense appearing on an early route (if you're unsure, please just run it by me first). You have 48 hours to submit. For reference on how a submission can look, here's an example. bolded stuff is mandatory.
Pikachu, the Mouse Pokemon
Electric Type
(some sort of visual, either a text explanation or an illustration)
Specifiy which olive, pleaseProfessor Cyprus
Professor Olea
Professor Olive
I'll submit my dark type later.