The new days system seems stupid...rather than adding replay value, it seems like that's just going to make people resort to trading or get bored and never complete the Pokédex. A week or two is reasonable, 100 days is a little more than a fourth of an entire year.
Anyway, progress:
I beat Brock, who was a combination of easy and hard. The first time, a combination of hax luck and doing a few things wrong caused me to begin to fail and turn off the DS. The second time I OHKO'd Graveler with Feraligatr's Surf, then swapped to Ninetales against Kabutops, survived a Rock Slide (NPCs never miss with that move, for crying out loud), Energy Ball'd it and OHKO'd it, then OHKO'd every Pokémon after with Energy Ball too.
Then I got the Rainbow Wing and headed to the Tin Tower (I'm still calling it that, screw this "Bell Tower" crap) immediately, which wasn't my brightest move considering my team is ~50 and I lack a status inflicter aside from moves like Discharge and Ice Fang which CAN inflict a status if I'm uber lucky.
Ho-Oh wiped out my team before I could catch it, since it's proving to be as obnoxious as the legendary dogs. I must've had zetta luck with Lugia to have caught it in one Dusk Ball. At least now I can Dusk Ball Ho-Oh.
Anyways, if all else fails I may have to train more / get a status inflicter and re-climb the tower.