shuckle was on the top ten stickied bad things in pokemon that people think are good.
i have a question about latios
I just caught a timid latios, and plan on training this one (my other lati sucks)
my problem is that follows, its stats in speed
(according to serebii)
Latios max speed as a base 110 is 350(with timid)
350-63(evs)= 287
287-31(ivs)= 256
256 would be the speed of a latios at level 100 without ev training an with 0 ivs in speed
well, my timid latios has 249 speed, and the serebii iv calculator says i have 2 ivs in speed, meaning 247 stats in speed, wothout ivs or evs, and that 341 must be the highest possible speed
now, how does 256=247
serebii iv calc also says that
249 speed=2ivs
247 speed= o ivs
281=31 ivs
281-31=250=0 ivs??
which is the truth???, what is the truth?
im crying here
well, yeah, thats it
marriland also says between l247-382l=35