Smash Master
Three words: Delibirds delivery DepotAnyone remember that girl in D/P that said no one has ever actually seen a Pokemon lay an egg? Ever since then I've always imagined them making some sort of "Stork-like" Legendary Pokemon. Seeing as though no one has ever actually seen one lay an egg, maybe it's delivered by a Pokemon.
5th gen can hold a ton of things in store. Let me try and organize my thoughts:
The Pokes: I'd say that their really isn't anything with the current pokes I'd change. With the new pokes, I really like the balance between the real and the sureal. Most of the sprites I see are either not done in pokemon style or really abstract. 1/2 the apeal to the pokes I like are, sure some of them don't really fit the trend, but they feel realistic to the rest of the world. They aren't overly serious, overly kiddy, overly unatural, overly natural. Striking this balance really brings the apeal for a poke to me.
I like the idea of being able to control what you catch. Maybe bring in more one off pokes or make the safari zone more like pokemon snap (It would also make it feel more safari like). However, they still need to keep the random encounters at least in some places.
I'd kinda want to see some of the 1 stage pokes gain an evolution stage. The likes of spiritomb, tropious, and heracross would really be kinda fun if the gained a stage. I'd also say no 4 evolution lines.
The story: It might be Earthbound Fanboy talking, but I really would like to see the game do without the gyms at least up untill a point. They are fun, but most of the charm of everything else is nullified by a rush to the gym. Either I play the games too fast or the gyms are kind of big. Maybe having the gyms come after the E4 and have much more run ins with the evil organization (and maybe even having the first 1/2 of the game devoted to the organization).
The plot of the game needs to be deeper. My big problem with Diamond and Pearl (and with every game, but especially that) is that you have no idea what they are doing up until they spill it out for you. Even though I knew that galactic strived to awaken the dragons, it was still very unclear whether they were doing that or "Attracting Pokemon in great numbers." Give them a bit more universial plot and expand their role so that they aren't usless trainers activating a powerfull but almost just as useless legendary.
Post game in DP was weak (though they did fix that a bit in platinum). IMO, there should be some greater challange other than the usuall "Catch them test, train them cause." This could be by maybe an extended gym roster (to maybe 16 or one for each type), expand the plot past "You are the champion, now go home", make a much more extensive battle fronteer, etc.
Another thing I'd like implamented is the ability to battle yourself. Kinda fun to set your pokes against your own.
Legends: Ah, legendaries, the striving of kids to get and keep. They really don't need to expand on legends too much, just make 3-7 legends that are both powerful and tough to get (think mewtwo) and make some weaker ones one off pokes. I also like the idea of a story behind each poke. I always thought a fun idea would be that, instead of just runing up to say mewtwo, you'd have to overcome many challanges to find its location as well as fighting challanges allong the way.