Please read all of this, I spent about an hour writing all this and I know some of thin time it sounds like I don't like the ideas, but I really do.
I like some of your ideas, but not all. The idea for combining all four regions is good, also adding a fifth regon to explore too. But the whole new world thing just wouldn't do, or make a lot of sense. Now the people walking around doing the same thing, changing it to having days cycling around would make it hard to get all items and alll battles, but changing it to a bigger than usually, but not as big as you were thinking cycle would be nice, including a cycle of a few sayings rather than them telling you the same thing over and over again. As for the pathways ans such, making exploring forests, with thin and thick trees, thin and thick paths through them would take quite a bit of work, but a good idea to add a little change to the paths. Now with the wild pokemon, I think it went a little to far again, a little to much work for the creators, maybe showing the pokemon it is and asking you if you want to fight it, all before the: A wild pokemon has appeared, go turdy ( my torterra ), whoosh whoosh. what will you do. THe player having his/her own health is and awesome idea think, a chance to run away, or use an item. The type system is sort of okay. but I would suggest making maybe dragon high and water low. The system explanation below the table is very confusing. Maybe (again) not so much intensity or pressure on the idea, because we have to keep some originality, for if all of this changes, it might not be called pokemon anymore, I'm not trying to critize to much, the ideas are good, just not so much emphasizing. The breeding part (The Fire and Poison example you used) is a good idea, but not changing there appearances, for it would take much time to combine all types to all pokemon and it would be much work for the creators, but adding a 15% change in type is a good idea. I don't think the "pure" type idea would be a good choice. For it would again change originality and every pokemon would have to be changed. The Water/Fire Charizard (combining types) idea is not one of the bests, again having to change appearances on all pokemon, while some players way want all pokemon all the different types of each pokemon, creating a big confusing mess, not to mention it would be very hard to achieve all of that. But I do think that it would be cool, but also there would have to be a different type of environment for each type of pokemon, which might be hard to accomplish. The Darkizard idea is good, and they could make it but it would take a great amount of years and destroy some of the originality, which I stick to and am a great fan of, but since new pokeon are not as original, the thought of changing their types is not as, (I cna't find a good word, not sardonic, a combination of canfusing and saddening maybe?) I get what you mean about the pokemon creation. What I think is to have a pokemon creation system outside of the games. A program set up by Nintendo or Pokemon. Have kids send in there creations, describe it in detail because some kids aren't that great at drawing( like me) send it in and it would go through a process of grading. and if it made it through all the processes be shown to the main pokemon creators and the would grade it and then draw it from the picture and description and creating a pokemon, hopefully, on the path of the childs image and of the pokemon flare. About the legendaries, I don't fully agree, because if some wants all 493, or however many in the future, and you aren't able to catch one or two, that would not be exciting. I know what you mean about Mewtwo and a kid catching him and Palkia nd stuff, but I guess he/she has some super talent and is a pokemon prodegy. I think make them a little more special and tougher to catch, but as for Creators of all pokemon and killer of scientists, just keep that in the movies and shows. The legendary thing is all confusing to me. If someone wanted all the pokemon and they only had one chance at some and didn't know and found out about getting legendaries later wouldn't be able to get all the pokemon, I think it is just a confusing mess. I know your probably thinking I'm only saying bad things about your ideas and ruinging your hopes, but I do like a lot of your ideas. As for the legendary catching, each idea that you had would be good, but they shouldn't put it in the main game. They could make another game or a few others and have those missions in them,(Pokemon Legendaries, would be a nice title, or maybe Pokemon Legendary Birds, Legendary Beasts [or Dogs], Legendary Golems, Pokemon Revenge of Mewtwo [You could catch Mew, Mewtwo, the birds, maybe Lugia], etc. just some ideas.) but not those missions in the main game. I'm not sure exactly how I feel, (it is getting kind of late) so for now a game with all regions with a few simpler ideas of yours in them. The "Pokemon" name would be good, but kind of late, since we're talking about the 5th generation, I also am thinking about originality again and the name is always a color of jewelry or whatever you call FireRed. So I do like about all your ideas and I hope you don't think I didn't like any of them. Thanks for listening
- aflyinglamppost