You can do it!

(Inspired by the Ganondorf Video Thread)
I'm really shocked there wasn't a video thread for Pikachu yet. Pikachu has plenty of gameplay videos to show off at this point.
Here you share videos of Pikachu gameplay whether it be Advance Techniques, Competitive Matches, or just For Fun.
User name: (Example @

In-Game name: (Example - Raccoon)
3DS Friend Code: 2294 - 4606 - 0767
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: RaccoonBL
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: (Your main Pikachu alt choice)
Message: (Tell us about how electrifyingly cool you are!)
Here are the Pikachu alts for those who don't know:

Pikachu Players:
(Please let me know if there are any mistakes in your information)
User name: @

In-Game name: Fire (or you could go with Tom)
3DS Friend Code: 0001 - 3873 - 0748
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Flargknight
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Gold's Hat/ Green Bandana
Message: This little guy was my first main, and will always be one of my mains!
User name: @

In-Game name: SyncNatsyu
3DS Friend Code: 3007 - 8406 - 9326
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: (I'll get back to you on this in 2 years)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Pichu's blue goggles, Serena's(?) hat
Message: Don't touch me...
User name: @

In-game name: Nobu
3DS code: 5129-1069-3589
NNID: smasheddrum697
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: Party Hat, Gold Hat, Green Headband I guess in that order
Message: Always down for Pika dittos, I suck but I'll get good eventually!
User name: @

In-Game name: Jmacz
3DS Friend Code: 3540-0353-1779
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Jmacz
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Red's had
Message: First main ever and I'm always best with him.
User name: @

In-Game name: Bunny ♪
3DS Friend Code: 2836-0116-0661
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Skybunny
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Colour: Blue Goggles
Message: Just some bun. Always down for a match. :3
User name: @

In-Game name: Pikabunz
3DS Friend Code: 1134-8730-8374
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Pikabunz
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: Goggleschu
Message: Future best Pika
User Name: @

In-Game name: Ben
3DS Friend Code: 5386-8160-2083
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Nebulax
Country of Residence: Australia
Palette Colour: Either headband/bandana (but especially green)
Message: Hey! Listen!
User name: @

In-Game name: ToTs
3DS Friend Code: 3454-0481-7210
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: x_ToTs_x
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Backwards Hat / Ash Hat / Party hat
User name: @

In-Game name: Illuvial
3DS Friend Code: 2294 - 4606 - 0767
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A (though it will be Illuvial once I get a WiiU)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Green Bandana or Pichu Goggles
Message: Just chillin
User name: @

In-Game name: Volt
3DS Friend Code: 5112-4219-4625
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
Palette Colour: Pichu Goggles / Gold's Hat
Message: Shockingly average.
User name: @

In-Game name: Bella
3DS Friend Code: 5026-4611-0782
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: BellaLunaWolf
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Pichu Goggles / Sunburnt Pikachu
Message: *crowd cheering* Pika Pika Pikachu!
User name: @

In-Game name: phili
3DS Friend Code: 2337-5526-4421
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Haven't turned my wii u on in months. on nov 21 i might update this
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Colour: White headband (sushi chef pika)
Message: Looking to get better with this awesome pokemon
User name: @

In-Game name: Detta
3DS Friend Code: 5215 - 0435 - 3531
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Detta (i think? need to double check)
Country of Residence: USA - Colorado
Palette Colour: Gold/Silver hat Pikachu
Message: to be a master
User name: @

In-Game name: Brandon
3DS Friend Code: 2449-4791-3879
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: LunarWingStorm
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: default Pikachu <3
Message: Confuse and confound the opponent with speed and versatility!
User name: @Pikagile
In-Game name: Agile
3DS Friend Code: None
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: bboyagile
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Headband, goggles, Gold's hat
User name: @Firewater1991
In-Game name firewater
3DS Friend Code: 4742-5319-5337
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Firewaterdm
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Colour: Gold's Hat, Goggles
Message: I'm down to play whenever i've got the opportunity
Pre-Final Build Footage:
E3 2013 Build: [Smash Bros for 3DS/Wii U 1st Trailer]
E3 2014 Build: [QAC] [E3 Moveset] [CT Chibo vs Doom: Greninja vs Pikachu]
Pikachu Advance Techniques: [Pikachu QALC][ZeRo's Breakdown Video] [Pikachu and Mr. Game & Watch: Oil Panic + Thunder] Submitted by @ [Pikachu's Custom Moves] Submitted by @NinjaLink [Zero's analysis video] Submitted by @

Pikachu Random/Other Videos: [What not to do against a Rosalina] Submitted by @ [Pikachu QALC to the extreme] Submitted by @ [A Great Pikachu Play] Submitted by @ [Pikachu Vine] Submitted by @ [Pikachu Vine 2] Submitted by @ [Pikachu Vine 3] Submitted by @ [Pikachu Vine 4] Submitted by @

Super Smash Bros. For 3DS Pikachu Videos: [Rogerbase Smash 3ds Demo Gameplay] [Pikachu Online Match] [CT Wizzrobe vs CT Esam Wifi: Pikachu vs. Sheik, Pikachu vs. Lucina x 2, Pikachu vs. Duck Hunt] (Timestamps: 9:04, 13:06, 16:04, 23:45) Submitted by @ N Nocally [Wizzrobe vs Esam matches!: Pikachu vs. Lucina, Pikachu vs. Duck Hunt x 3, Pikachu vs. Lucina x 2, Pikachu vs. Sheik x 2, Pikachu vs. Duck Hunt x 3, Pikachu vs. Sonic, Pikachu vs. Sheik x 4, Pikachu vs. Lucina x 3, Pikachu vs. Sheik, Pikachu vs. Lucina x 2, Pikachu vs. Duck Hunt] (Timestamps 16:21, 20:36, 23:24, 27:44, 32:23, 34:49, 45:32, 50:35, 1:01:08, 1:03:29, 1:08:10, 1:12:40, 2:22:28, 2:26:05, 3:37:40, 3:42:42, 3:48:21, 3:52:06, 3:56:02, 5:00:34, 5:04:34, 5:07:32, 5:15:14) Submitted by @ N Nocally [Styles: Megaman vs. Pikachu] [Shofu For Glory: Pikachu] <Note: Vulgar Langauge > [Detta vs. Funbun: Pikachu vs. ROB 7 matches playlist] Submitted by @ [Esam vs. FS NAKAT: Pikachu vs. Ness x 5] Submitted by @ [Esam vs. FS NAKAT: Pikachu vs. Fox x 5] Submitted by @ [Detta (Pikachu) vs. Steam (Lucario) 1] Submitted by @ [Detta (Pikachu) vs. Steam (Lucario) 2] Submitted by @ [Ayame Pikachu Matches: Pikachu vs. Bowser Jr, Pikachu vs. Pikachu, Pikachu vs. Rosalina] (Timestamps: 0:50, 4:29, 9:31) Submitted by @ [Ayame Pikachu Matches 2: Pikachu vs. Donkey Kong, Pikachu vs. Robin, Pikachu vs. Charizard, Pikachu vs. Bowser] (Timestamps: 1:31, 4:37, 8:04, 10:23) Submitted by @ [Captain L (Pikachu) vs. Gimpyfish62 (Bowser Jr.)] Submitted by @

https://youtu.be9kKLwer2kRg& [Captain L (Pikachu) vs. Jason! (Sheik)] Submitted by @ [Seibrik (Dedede) vs Captain L(Pikachu)] Submitted by @ [Captain L (Pikachu) vs Koss (Mr. Game & Watch)] Submitted by @ [Big D(Palutena/Wii Fit Trainer) v Captain L(Pikachu)] Submitted by @ [Pikachu vs Greninja For Glory] [Rain vs Hinata] Submitted by @ N Nocally
Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Pikachu Videos: [8-Player Smash Preview: Jwitz] [Mykelism (Pikachu) v.s. DarkBlues (Mega Man/ Shulk)] Submitted by @Mykelism [Kaminari (Pikachu) v.s. Grinch (Falco)] Submitted by @Mykelism Kaminari (Pikachu) v.s. Grinch (Falco)] Submitted by @Mykelism [Agile (Pikachu) vs Sid (Megaman)] Submitted by @DavidAgile [Esam (Pikachu) vs Nairo (Zelda)] Submitted by @Mocha [Esam (Pikachu) vs Mr. R (Sheik)] Submitted by @Mocha [Esam (Pikachu vs. FOW (Ness) Set 1] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. FOW (Ness) Set 2] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Zinoto (Diddy Kong)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Trela (Charizard, Shulk)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Sky (Captain Falcon, Fox)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. ZeRo (Fox)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Mr. R (Sheik)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Zucco (Megaman)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. Mr. E (Marth)] Submitted by @ [Esam (Pikachu) vs. ZeRo (Sheik)] Submitted by @

I'll make sure to update the thread with any videos of Pikachu found/submitted.
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