I don't think I am a better person OVERALL because I can beat someone at Smash Bros.
I do KNOW I am better then people who do not use advanced techniques AT Smash Bros.
Seasoned competitive players will almost ALWAYS beat casual players. This is an observation based off of my past experience of being a casual player and getting my *** handed to me by competitive people (Jiano 4 stocked me twice my very first tournament (Oct 2005)). I have since played many casuals at tournaments (GameJunkie in Cincinnati attracts a lot of casuals because they advertise their tournament to all of their customers), and I have wrecked them all.
My favorite part is their response to doing crazy things like up throw rest (some guy was flipping out about this), SHL, chain grabbing, etc.
Even better are the people that whine about ****, especially when it isn't broken. I Kirbycided all 4 of some guys stock AND made it back with Kirby's neutral b, and claimed Kirby was cheap and broken. Good times.
I have never encountered ANYONE that doesn't use AT'S and had an even remotely close match with them.
I will challenge anyone to a $100 money match. We'll have to agree on the ruleset, but I would prefer something like a stock match, best 3 out of 5, advanced slob picks.
We can play with items, without items. We can play on all stages or MLG stages. I don't care.
However, I will not do any ridiculous **** like 99 stock Pichu dittos on Brinstar depths. Use some sense.
I will drive to you If you live within 100 miles of East Canton, OH; Cincinnati, OH, or Lexington, OH; simply post in this thread with your preferred ruleset, and I'll see if it is worth my time.
You are more than welcome to come to my place and play, or even designate a neutral place like a gamestore or lan center if you're afraid I'm like and internet predator or something (despite the fact that my picture is in my signature, as well as a gif of me getting dragged through the VLS hallway).
Then when I say, "I am better than you," you will ****ing know, as opposed to blubbering about how you are good because you can beat your friends and other local nubs.
NOTE: If you accept my challenge, I will be recording the matches, so people will see your embarrassing defeat.