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Points of clarification about Casual Vs. Competitive that everyone needs to read(WOP)


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2006
Erm, I'd never lost to my friends while playing SSBM (a bit unfair, as they'd never got a Gamecube for starters...), but after seeing this thread, I feel like a total n00b! I'd already known about the Pokemon competitive battling but I didn't know there was a metagame for SSB too. ^^'

I'd say people should just play the game how they want, and come to like, a comprimise between casual and competitive gamers? As for me, I'm a casual, but I respect the competitives for their skills and such. Meanwhile, I still can't finish Event matches on 1-player! >.<'
Ah. If you really want info, check out the melee section where you just get pure useful information without being masked by the flames and arguing.

As for event matches, I have trouble, too, but that's because I always try to c-stick my aerials and end up moving the camera around instead. Nothing like leaping in for a perfect knee and finding that all you got was a different view Giga-bowser slamming you.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2007
California (NorCal)
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been stickied; it's a great read. The OP makes some great points and the original post itself is very well-written. Definately the best thread I've come across concerning the "casual vs competitive" argument.

Anyways, I'd recommend all casual players at least attempt to use and get into the habit of using "advanced techniques." Whether or not that player chooses to compete at tournaments or even to continue to use said techniques is entirely up to them, but even understanding the techniques opens up a whole new level of play. I've yet to meet a competitive smasher who prefers playing casually to tournament/competitive play.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Whoa, if the thread dies, it dies. It doesn't need to be bumped regularly. That's what sticky threads are for.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
You ruined an otherwise great post with language that clearly shows bias and disrespect toward casual players. I know for a fact that if I threw a Hyrule Temple-Item Tournament, a lot of people would come. Just because pros do not show up does not mean I wouldn't get a decent crowd.

Other then that, good post.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
You ruined an otherwise great post with language that clearly shows bias and disrespect toward casual players. I know for a fact that if I threw a Hyrule Temple-Item Tournament, a lot of people would come. Just because pros do not show up does not mean I wouldn't get a decent crowd.

Other then that, good post.
But no one actually does host them. It's always "I could if I wanted to".


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
But no one actually does host them. It's always "I could if I wanted to".
No one hosts them, because casual players are called casual players for a reason. :p

Maybe lazy players would be a better name.


Smash Rookie
Oct 26, 2007
I remember a time when it came down to either you sucked or you didn't. Now you have so many terms for skill levels that it's hard to even gauge someone.

I also remember times when the skill gauge was a great way to tell who you should be playing against. If you saw people playing Killer Instinct and getting 20 hit combos, they were probably really good, and should be avoided if new to the game. If you walked past a Street Fighter 2 game and heard nothing but projectile spam, it was a sign for you to stay away, as these people were really good.

The lines have been blurred though. We have a group of people who claim they're the best because they have learned their characters better while taking away some key elements of gameplay, and we have the people who claim the former people suck because they're afraid of a little randomness. There needs to be a way to satiate and pull these two groups apart.

Though no one will read this, as I have a low post count and a high post count means more credibility among the stupid, there needs to be two different sets of rules and two different sets of tournament types. I'm not talking about those few and far between "all items all levels" tournament deals, I'm talking about a set of rules for the people that enjoy the randomness. My proposal: Grab two dice. Roll said dice. The first die decides the game type; 1 for regular stock match, 2 for 8 minute match, 3 for coin match, 4 for lightning stock match, 5 for giant stock match, 6 for tiny melee stock. The second die decides the amount of items in the match; 1 for nothing, 2 for low, 3 for medium, 4 for high, 5 for very high, 6 for all pokeballs (or something, I don't know, I'm coming up with this on the top of my head). This way, every match is varied, different, and has a huge degree of randomness, which the so-called casual players seem to embrace so much. And the tourney players can keep going with their typical no scrubs, no items, fox only, FINAL DESTINATION kind of play. This way, the two camps can stay well away from each other, we remove the *********** that plagues both sides of this game, and everyone wins a ****ing Camry.

Nobody will read this.


Smash Rookie
Dec 20, 2007
You competitive players are so narrow-minded. There is only one way to find out who is truly better at Smash Bros. Here is a step-by-step guide.

Decide who will be Player 1 and who will be Player 2. DO NOT SWITCH PLACES UNTIL THE GAME IS OVER.

Set the game to a 2-life STOCK match.
Enable all stages for random selection.
Turn all items ON, but set them to LOW or VERY LOW to prevent someone from only using items.
Make sure Damage Ratio, Handicaps, and everything else is set to the default.

Now go to TOURNAMENT mode.
Set up a tournament with 64 entrants.
Set the number of combatants to 2.
Set the HUMAN(CPU) to 64(0).
Set Stage Selection to ALWAYS DIFFERENT.
Computer level can be whatever you want; it won't matter.

Begin the match immediately; don't change any of the randomly generated character selections. You play with whoever you get, on whatever stage shows up.

Keep track of each win and each loss. After 64 matches, whoever wins the most is better, end of story.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Hi guys, how's it going?
This doesn't deserve a sticky. You can't just sticky every good conversation, that's ridiculous.

I'll start off by saying that wavedashing IS a glitch (I'm not so certain on L-Canceling) and if you think it ISN'T a glitch, then I guess you'll be in for a shock when it's been removed from Brawl.

Secondly, you seem to be suffering from the same "I only want to play the way I like to play" syndrome that you frowned upon in your little speech up there. It seems to me like YOU are forcing wavedashing upon other people, and if we don't play by your rules, then you'll just take your dollies and dishes and go home. Some people don't like wavedashing because they think it's a glitch/exploit or simply just cheap. That doesn't mean they are bad people and necessarily suck at the game, it just means they don't like it.

Also, since when is Sakurai the king? He doesn't determine how I play my game and he's made quite a few blunders with Brawl already. Stop kissing his feet.

I don't think playing in tournaments is fun because there is no element of unpredictability. That element is why I like Smash. Play the way you want to, but don't call me bitter just because I don't like the way you play.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I'll start off by saying that wavedashing IS a glitch (I'm not so certain on L-Canceling) and if you think it ISN'T a glitch, then I guess you'll be in for a shock when it's been removed from Brawl.
I love how you people like to think wavedashing is a glitch just because you say it is. If being removed for Brawl is grounds for a glitch, I suppose Pichu is a glitch as well. Get your facts straight. You clearly do not know what a glitch is.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Hi guys, how's it going?
What would you call it then?

The game keeps track of your movement on the x-axis. When you dodge into the ground, it cancels your y-axis movement, but the game doesn't stop your x-axis speed due to a programming oversight. The game's built-in friction system eventually brings you to a stop. And by the way, a blog written by you doesn't really constitute an absolute definition of the word "glitch" in my eyes.

But understanding the way programming works isn't the key to understanding that it's a glitch. Any moron can tell that's a glitch just from looking at the move. Nintendo POLISHES their games, they're not going to purposely put in a fundamental action that looks like a glitch, feels like a glitch and, for the record, IS a glitch.

Pretending for a moment that it isn't a glitch (and I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you all that it is), the rest of my point remains valid. Bite me.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
What would you call it then?

The game keeps track of your movement on the x-axis. When you dodge into the ground, it cancels your y-axis movement, but the game doesn't stop your x-axis speed due to a programming oversight. The game's built-in friction system eventually brings you to a stop. And by the way, a blog written by you doesn't really constitute an absolute definition of the word "glitch" in my eyes.

But understanding the way programming works isn't the key to understanding that it's a glitch. Any moron can tell that's a glitch just from looking at the move. Nintendo POLISHES their games, they're not going to purposely put in a fundamental action that looks like a glitch, feels like a glitch and, for the record, IS a glitch.

Pretending for a moment that it isn't a glitch (and I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you all that it is), the rest of my point remains valid. Bite me.
Apparently, you lightly skimmed the articles instead of actually reading them. Wavedash is an 'exploit' and nothing more. Also, how can you disqualify "my" definition of glitch in favor of validating yours? Again, you clearly did not read the articles and attempt to truly understand the issue.

Next, the Dy stops but the Dx continuing is a glitch? WTF? Have you ever taken physics? When you approach a low friction surface at an angle, the Dy is absorbed by the surface, but the Dx continues as long as the friction allows it. Regardless, friction was put into the game. If you pound on someone who is shielding, they slide. Air dodging into the ground causes a slide. Try jumping really high and then air dodging into the ground at the last second. That is a waveland. A wavedash is the same thing only done at almost zero height.

Wavedashing is an exploit. Clearly, the designers did not foresee players using this tactic this way, but they probably did not foresee SHFFL, ledge-hop, and a whole plethora of other tricks... NONE of which are glitches.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Hi guys, how's it going?
I didn't read the articles because I don't care about your definition of a glitch. That's not the issue here. My point is, the developers didn't want wavedashing in the game. Call it a glitch, and exploit, or whatever you want. It's that simple. Same goes for wavelanding.

Dissimilarly, they didn't foresee shuffling, ledge-hopping and all those other great techniques, but the techniques do make some sort of sense in the context of the game. In other words, the developers wanted techniques like this to be discovered. They don't have to foresee every combo in the game, but if you can't see the difference between wavedashing and a really good combo, then I have no reason to talk to you.

You mentioned physics, also. I wish you wouldn't bring that up because most things in Brawl are in fact, physically impossible so it's hard to apply physics to wavedashing without applying it to everything else. But if you want my take on it, I say that when I jump into the air and come into the ground from an angle (my x-speed, for the sake of the argument), I would hit the ground and stop, not continue to slide forward. The speed of my body wouldn't be enough to break the ground's friction, see?

But it's really just splitting hairs at this point, don't you think? Wavedashing just doesn't look natural. It breaks the consistency of the game in my opinion, and I don't care if you think it's a glitch, and exploit, or a neat thing to do over a cup of tea with your friends, it was an unintentional oversight on the developers' part and that's why I don't like to use it. It ruins the spirit of the game.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Well said by both contenders here, I'm on autobzooty's side for the record though.

I'm just a little confused as to why physics has anything to do with this though. This is a video game we are talking about, so how would real-world physics have anything to do with this? The Physics-engine and real-world physics are very different things.

Wavedashing is a glitch. I'm not saying that using it is cheap or unfair, because it isn't. As long as both parties can use it, then it's fair. However, in my opinion, Melee would have been better without it.

Cereal Rabbit

Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2007
Davis, CA
Saying Wave Dashing is a glitch is like calling Cheese a glitch. If anyone is calling Wave Dashing a glitch, they should think that Milk isn't supposed to turn into Cheese. Milk turns into Cheese and Air Dodging against the ground Turns to Wave Dash. Cheese is a glitch WTF? No it's not.

If it's a glitch. Prove it. A glitch is something that wasn't supposed to be put in the game you say? That means when one is airdodging against the ground, they're not supposed to slide? So the programmers didn't want the characters to slide across the ground? If not, they would've not put air dodges (At Least The Ones That Go Down) At all.

Items? Everyone has used them at least once when they've played Super Smash Bros Melee. Items tell us who's the lucky one of the round and who's the unlucky one. In tournaments, Items are banned because tournaments are meants to place the stronger players up and weaker players to the bottom. If these items are interfered with the stronger then they would transform the tournament of who's better to the tournament of whose luckier.

omiz144 said:
Well said by both contenders here, I'm on autobzooty's side for the record though.
Buzz had smarter and more experienced replies. You both have very low post counts and probably a very low knowledge of the game. Join date doesn't matter, but rather experience and knowledge. Play the game. Try both out.

omiz144 said:
I'm just a little confused as to why physics has anything to do with this though. This is a video game we are talking about, so how would real-world physics have anything to do with this? The Physics-engine and real-world physics are very different things.
Agreed. Games can be as wierd as they can make it. I mean, who can jump that high seriously?

Because a game does have physics doesn't mean it needs to have perfect physics. One that falls faster than it raises is of breaking laws of physics unless there is air resistance attacking of the object. Seemingly character jump or fall faster or slower then they would the other way.

omiz144 said:
Wavedashing is a glitch. I'm not saying that using it is cheap or unfair, because it isn't. As long as both parties can use it, then it's fair. However, in my opinion, Melee would have been better without it.
Melee would be the same thing as Super Smash Bros if it didn't have wavedashing. You don't like it, then don't use it. It's like the real world. People don't like using technology, don't use it. Don't like cell phones? Don't use it. Don't like like advance skills, don't use it. Simple, easy, just like that. Everyone stop complaining. Pro smashers have come from a long line of playing to come this far and newcomers join and realize the rules that have been written out. You don't like the rules, then throw your copy of Smash away and call it dumb, because you can't be good enough at a game.



Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
I remember a time when it came down to either you sucked or you didn't. Now you have so many terms for skill levels that it's hard to even gauge someone.

I also remember times when the skill gauge was a great way to tell who you should be playing against. If you saw people playing Killer Instinct and getting 20 hit combos, they were probably really good, and should be avoided if new to the game. If you walked past a Street Fighter 2 game and heard nothing but projectile spam, it was a sign for you to stay away, as these people were really good.

The lines have been blurred though. We have a group of people who claim they're the best because they have learned their characters better while taking away some key elements of gameplay, and we have the people who claim the former people suck because they're afraid of a little randomness. There needs to be a way to satiate and pull these two groups apart.

Though no one will read this, as I have a low post count and a high post count means more credibility among the stupid, there needs to be two different sets of rules and two different sets of tournament types. I'm not talking about those few and far between "all items all levels" tournament deals, I'm talking about a set of rules for the people that enjoy the randomness. My proposal: Grab two dice. Roll said dice. The first die decides the game type; 1 for regular stock match, 2 for 8 minute match, 3 for coin match, 4 for lightning stock match, 5 for giant stock match, 6 for tiny melee stock. The second die decides the amount of items in the match; 1 for nothing, 2 for low, 3 for medium, 4 for high, 5 for very high, 6 for all pokeballs (or something, I don't know, I'm coming up with this on the top of my head). This way, every match is varied, different, and has a huge degree of randomness, which the so-called casual players seem to embrace so much. And the tourney players can keep going with their typical no scrubs, no items, fox only, FINAL DESTINATION kind of play. This way, the two camps can stay well away from each other, we remove the *********** that plagues both sides of this game, and everyone wins a ****ing Camry.

Nobody will read this.
There's largely no point, because a majority of the casuals will not even show up anyway, and the complete randomness won't help anyone if money's on the line

And CONGRATULATIONS! Talking down people, irregardless on what side you're on, is grounds for epic fail.

Deleted member

So you are saying that the developers never tested to see what would happen if u airdodge into the ground? If that was true, instead of wavedashing, ud fall through the stage. Wavedashing is exploiting the slide mechanic that happens when u waevdash into the ground.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I didn't read the articles because I don't care about your definition of a glitch. That's not the issue here. My point is, the developers didn't want wavedashing in the game. Call it a glitch, and exploit, or whatever you want. It's that simple. Same goes for wavelanding.

Dissimilarly, they didn't foresee shuffling, ledge-hopping and all those other great techniques, but the techniques do make some sort of sense in the context of the game. In other words, the developers wanted techniques like this to be discovered. They don't have to foresee every combo in the game, but if you can't see the difference between wavedashing and a really good combo, then I have no reason to talk to you.

You mentioned physics, also. I wish you wouldn't bring that up because most things in Brawl are in fact, physically impossible so it's hard to apply physics to wavedashing without applying it to everything else. But if you want my take on it, I say that when I jump into the air and come into the ground from an angle (my x-speed, for the sake of the argument), I would hit the ground and stop, not continue to slide forward. The speed of my body wouldn't be enough to break the ground's friction, see?

But it's really just splitting hairs at this point, don't you think? Wavedashing just doesn't look natural. It breaks the consistency of the game in my opinion, and I don't care if you think it's a glitch, and exploit, or a neat thing to do over a cup of tea with your friends, it was an unintentional oversight on the developers' part and that's why I don't like to use it. It ruins the spirit of the game.
Man, judging by the way you talk, I would think you knew the developers personally. Which Nintendo office do you work at, again? Seriously, you know nothing about the intention of the creators. Stop pretending you do. And "it ruins the spirit of the game"? No, it ruins it FOR YOU. No one I play with has a problem with it.

Brawl will be the same. Sure, wavedashing is out, but there will be plenty for people to complain about. There has never been a fighting game where EVERYONE agreed that it was exploit-free. There is always something that is "cheap" and whatnot.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Buzz had smarter and more experienced replies. You both have very low post counts and probably a very low knowledge of the game. Join date doesn't matter, but rather experience and knowledge. Play the game. Try both out.
So, just because I haven't been a member at Smashboards for long, our opinions are irrelevant?

That's silly. I had over 10,000 posts on the Nintendo NSider forums, after they closed, I decided to give this place a shot. Don't judge by post count.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
You competitive players are so narrow-minded. There is only one way to find out who is truly better at Smash Bros. Here is a step-by-step guide.

Decide who will be Player 1 and who will be Player 2. DO NOT SWITCH PLACES UNTIL THE GAME IS OVER.

Set the game to a 2-life STOCK match.
Enable all stages for random selection.
Turn all items ON, but set them to LOW or VERY LOW to prevent someone from only using items.
Make sure Damage Ratio, Handicaps, and everything else is set to the default.

Now go to TOURNAMENT mode.
Set up a tournament with 64 entrants.
Set the number of combatants to 2.
Set the HUMAN(CPU) to 64(0).
Set Stage Selection to ALWAYS DIFFERENT.
Computer level can be whatever you want; it won't matter.

Begin the match immediately; don't change any of the randomly generated character selections. You play with whoever you get, on whatever stage shows up.

Keep track of each win and each loss. After 64 matches, whoever wins the most is better, end of story.
Hahahaha, that has to be sarcasm.

Not only do you want to play on Game And Watch's stage, which Marth and Fox **** on, but you want to play with every items, with for some strange reason only two stock. To detrimies who has the most skill, and who is the better player you can't play with luck.

And Buzz, I know your right about the wavedashing, and they clearly can't read something that's longer than a few sentences. Otherwise they'd read the blogs you provided or my OP. Just please drop it, it doesn't even belong here, in this thread. AT ALL. I don't even understand how every thread goes about wavedashing.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Face it, there is no way to tell who is the better overall smash player when looking accross the gap of pro vs casual.


One will want items, one will not, one will want Final Destination, one will not. It's infuriated to see people claim and disclaim and claim and disclaim arguments that don't even matter in the first place.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
Face it, there is no way to tell who is the better overall smash player when looking accross the gap of pro vs casual.


One will want items, one will not, one will want Final Destination, one will not. It's infuriated to see people claim and disclaim and claim and disclaim arguments that don't even matter in the first place.
Failure for thinking we're obssesed with FD. Actually read the orginal post, counter all the points. Then we'll talk. ITEMS = LUCK and RANDOM EXPLOSIONS!


Smash Rookie
Dec 20, 2007
Have you ever played more than a couple of matches against the same person? Sometimes the better player just isn't doing well today, and loses to someone he can usually beat. Isn't that luck of the draw? How do your tournaments counter that?

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
Have you ever played more than a couple of matches against the same person? Sometimes the better player just isn't doing well today, and loses to someone he can usually beat. Isn't that luck of the draw? How do your tournaments counter that?
Ken and M2K are the best because they have won HUNDREDS of MATCHES, in DOZENS of Tournements. And frankly... Chu Dat could beat you and I with one hand... as Marth.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Hi guys, how's it going?
You both have very low post counts and probably a very low knowledge of the game. Join date doesn't matter, but rather experience and knowledge. Play the game. Try both out.

Are you seriously judging my points by my post count?

Everyone, get on your knees and bow down to the mighty Smash Apprentice for he is the bearer of all knowledge. I've had Melee since launch and play it pretty regularly. Just because I don't spend every minute of my free time posting about video games doesn't mean I don't have it in me to make a decent point.

And "it ruins the spirit of the game"? No, it ruins it FOR YOU. No one I play with has a problem with it.

Yeah, for me. What did you think I was trying to say? I'm talking from my point of view here, so obviously that's what I meant. If it doesn't ruin it for you, then great. Use it all you want. It's a matter of preference and I'm telling you mine. I don't need to personally know each and every person that worked on the game to have a valid opinion here, so how about you stop trying to change my mind and accept that not everyone agrees with you. No amount of arguing is going to make either one of us more correct.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I'm going to be completely blunt and to the point. Everyone's opinions aren't equal. *gasp* I've probably just pissed off a lot of people, but that doesn't make it any less true. If you are smart and educated, your opinion is worth a hell of a lot more than if you are smart and uneducated, or just plain dumb and uneducated.
Face it, there is no way to tell who is the better overall smash player when looking accross the gap of pro vs casual.

Yeah there is actually. Pros win, casuals don't. Pick virtually any ruleset you want, it doesn't matter.
So, just because I haven't been a member at Smashboards for long, our opinions are irrelevant?
Are you seriously judging my points by my post count?
It is apparent that you guys do not know much about the competitive scene. It's also apparent that given what you say and your join date that it is impossible to know much about it. It's not like this is some crazy way of excluding people and their arguments.
That's silly. I had over 10,000 posts on the Nintendo NSider forums, after they closed, I decided to give this place a shot. Don't judge by post count.
NSider doesn't mean anything here. This is a different community, one that primarily was the basis for smashes competitive community. There isn't another community that rivals this one in size, reputation, and skill. Also, to be completely honest, NSider is looked at as a joke here, especially when it comes to discussions about competitive play.

Does anyone here watch Kenny vs Spenny? A great example of the difference in mindset between a casual and a pro is very prevalent in that show. Spenny is a purist that creates his own rules and adheres to them while thinking he is "righteous" or good in his actions. Kenny on the other hand, uses everything at his disposal to win, and bends the rules as much as possible. He uses his knowledge of how Spenny reacts to orchestrate a BRILLIANT strategy that often predicts EVERY action Spenny takes. It's amazing really.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Hi guys, how's it going?
So judge me by what I say, not by how long I've been around to say it. Post count means nothing. It says nothing about how long I've been on the competitive scene and it certainly doesn't have any relevance to how long I've played the game.

There's a bigger world out there than smashboards.com, you know.


Smash Rookie
Dec 20, 2007
Does anyone here watch Kenny vs Spenny? A great example of the difference in mindset between a casual and a pro is very prevalent in that show. Spenny is a purist that creates his own rules and adheres to them while thinking he is "righteous" or good in his actions. Kenny on the other hand, uses everything at his disposal to win, and bends the rules as much as possible. He uses his knowledge of how Spenny reacts to orchestrate a BRILLIANT strategy that often predicts EVERY action Spenny takes. It's amazing really.
So in this analogy, is Kenny the casual player (using items) or the pro (using advanced techniques, being "cheap" etc)? Either way I think he's right, and Spenny deserves to lose.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
So judge me by what I say, not by how long I've been around to say it. Post count means nothing. It says nothing about how long I've been on the competitive scene and it certainly doesn't have any relevance to how long I've played the game.
We have been judging you by what you've said. We merely brought up the join date to get you to realize that you are new here and you need to learn more.
There's a bigger world out there than smashboards.com, you know.
You should realize that everywhere you go you are going to have to establish yourself. You should approach things with a bit of humility and be open to learning things. Also, while the world is bigger than smashboards, you won't find a better, more established site than smashboards for discussing the world of competitive smash.
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