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Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
LMFAOOO that black and white tv was too good

rockin u gots no money b/c u always MMing -_- u neeed 2 stop that RIGHT NOW...

yo rockin u wanna MM next weekly?
you're the reason I lost so many MMs in the past! XD

but seriously, I havn't been MMing anyone. the MM from Vanz was the last one I had, which was two or so weeklies ago. a friend I know suggest I should never really do one, and I'm gonna take their word for it. Ever since that MM with Vanz, I never MMed anyone else/

If ya wanna play me, then fight me in friendlies. I'll still play everyone with 110% effort


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I'm still pissed that I had to leave but...
Late Shout outs

Bum/Leo - Me and my brother really do end up playing you in teams everytime now -_- . Still, ggs as usual and thanks Bum for giving our team credit. Also, good friendlies Leo especially the Jiggs ditto lmao.

Pride - Next time I won't leave and give you the set lol. We'll have a real match and settle it for real. Great job though in singles, you made it really far. Best Brawl Yoshi I know of.

Luck - Thanks for the compliments but I think I'm like the ONLY ZSS player in NY. Actually, I heard Wes beat Ph.D with her, so I have to settle that with him... Good friendlies and nice mindgames predicting my rolls out of G&W's D throws.

Ether - Good Set. Another beast G&W, and I can't take too much credit from our set because it didn't seem like you've fought a ZSS before (not too many have).

Alucard/Dionis - Nice MMs. Our games were all very close, and you can try to take the $20 back from us next time if you want. (Not being cocky or something I just mean if you want a rematch I'm up for it lol)

Double Shins - Good **** in teams. I want to play this team sometime.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
This was my first brawl tourney and I loved every second of it, too bad someone messed up the brackets which forced me to leave but its still cool.

Next time if the tourny starts at 7 their really shouldn't be one we should just play each other online lol (lag) and their should be at least 4 ppl running the tourny. But overall great job guys!!

Yooooo DMB meta dittos r much gayer than ic dittos n melee. next time me & u r forbidden to play metaknight lol.

Blackenese-srry I had to **** ur ics in the tourny b/c I still got a soft spot for those guys :(

Also if there is going to be another weekly next friday imma need a new partner for teams it seems my bro lost faith in the game already but i keep tellin him "u need more trainin". Just like wes who is mainin sonic an extremly hard char to use in competitive play but with more time im pretty sure he will make him untouchable.

So? any takers? I need a good partner who uses a powerful char like DDD, Charizard, Ike, Bowser, ROB, Wario, DK, G&W or Snake I use Metakinght. If however say u want to use a Mario for teams I'm willin to experiment with him in a team friendly.

Other than that thats it. later NYC SMASH COMMUNITY!!


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
's Driedel. That is all.

EDIT: I lied. Since Leo is teaming with Bum, Shin is gonna be in Team Shin-Squared and D1 will more than likely team with Randall, I need a teammate for this week. Help a brother out. My dreidel and PEW PEW LAZERZ will be invaluable.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
's Driedel. That is all.

EDIT: I lied. Since Leo is teaming with Bum, Shin is gonna be in Team Shin-Squared and D1 will more than likely team with Randall, I need a teammate for this week. Help a brother out. My dreidel and PEW PEW LAZERZ will be invaluable.
I'll team if you want. Nobody ever EVER answers me on these boards. Lmao. When I ask, at least acknowledge it with a FU*K NO! it would be nice to at least know SOMEBODY answered... Lmao.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I'll team if you want. Nobody ever EVER answers me on these boards. Lmao. When I ask, at least acknowledge it with a FU*K NO! it would be nice to at least know SOMEBODY answered... Lmao.
Heh, I always thought things like that, but it's usually just that the person didn't read your post. This is a pretty active thread so you can't always expect people to get everything you say...btw I'm the "kid that had to leave" so you're welcome lol.


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2008
Heh, I always thought things like that, but it's usually just that the person didn't read your post. This is a pretty active thread so you can't always expect people to get everything you say...btw I'm the "kid that had to leave" so you're welcome lol.
yo snakeee let me get ur brawl fc please? =] this is dionis btw on my bros account


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Heh, I always thought things like that, but it's usually just that the person didn't read your post. This is a pretty active thread so you can't always expect people to get everything you say...btw I'm the "kid that had to leave" so you're welcome lol.

Haha. Yea it is. It's cool though. And we're you the kid that I beat round one, then left, or that I was gonna play (maybe) depending on if you or Pride lost? Two people left me. Lol.

I think for some reason I already have your friend code, Bum, but I'm not sure.

And... have I ever met you, Dial?
And it depends. What tag do you use (I know. Weird question, but I recognize people there better this way. Like, I didn't know who Dioni's was until I saw him using "PostL". Lmao), and were you at either of the weeklies these past two weeks?


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
And it depends. What tag do you use (I know. Weird question, but I recognize people there better this way. Like, I didn't know who Dioni's was until I saw him using "PostL". Lmao), and were you at either of the weeklies these past two weeks?
I go by either Holla Atcha Boy (HAB) or Yamete. And no, I wasn't at either of the past two weeklies due to having to see the family.

Teaming may be good. D1 and I proved that ROB/Marth is a pretty solid duo.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I go by either Holla Atcha Boy (HAB) or Yamete. And no, I wasn't at either of the past two weeklies due to having to see the family.

Teaming may be good. D1 and I proved that ROB/Marth is a pretty solid duo.
Well if you wanna play me before this Friday, just say it, and I can go wherever, or you could come to my place. I'm basically free after work every weekday, and I usually get out at 4, and I travel to the Bronx, so if you live before there, I could do w/e. I don't have a curfew. My Dad knows I'm old enough to do w/e the hell I want, and I'm aloud to have people over without his consent. So w/e is good is good man. Hit me up. But no Wi-Fi BS. I SUCK on it. =(. Freakin' input lag is a whole second. >_<!


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Well if you wanna play me before this Friday, just say it, and I can go wherever, or you could come to my place. I'm basically free after work every weekday, and I usually get out at 4, and I travel to the Bronx, so if you live before there, I could do w/e. I don't have a curfew. My Dad knows I'm old enough to do w/e the hell I want, and I'm aloud to have people over without his consent. So w/e is good is good man. Hit me up. But no Wi-Fi BS. I SUCK on it. =(. Freakin' input lag is a whole second. >_<!
I live about four blocks from w2z.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Hey DiALPWNS, I'm free all week expect monday to play if you wann play at my house if your willing to travel here. I'll try to get some people over too so it wont get boring, or I'll play you online.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The one that was playing against Pride...
Yea. You looked good dude, but Pride... Man he was a sick *** Yoshi. Lmao.

Hey DiALPWNS, I'm free all week expect monday to play if you wann play at my house if your willing to travel here. I'll try to get some people over too so it wont get boring, or I'll play you online.
Yea. I work in LIC, so I could come after work. I hate online. With a passion. I even refuse to play my best friends. Lmao. What day would be good for you?

Edit: Just call me Dial btw. I wanna become a premium member to change my ignorant name. -_-. Lol.


Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2007
Yoshi's Island
So I found time to post and just want to say ..this weekly was definitely FUN TIMES >:3 I'll be doing teams for the upcoming weekly so just need to find out details :3 Also sankyuu D1 for the shoutout ~ Im so aiming to that level for sure >:3 and Dial right ~ sankyuu for the fights as well as..everyone else I fought :D Blackanese....you have scary IC but I want to keep fighting them xD;;


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
How about tuesday?
Aight ma dude. What train do I take, when should I get there, and what stop I get off at? Uhm, you got a MySpace, so it's easier to communicate?

So I found time to post and just want to say ..this weekly was definitely FUN TIMES >:3 I'll be doing teams for the upcoming weekly so just need to find out details :3 Also sankyuu D1 for the shoutout ~ Im so aiming to that level for sure >:3 and Dial right ~ sankyuu for the fights as well as..everyone else I fought :D Blackanese....you have scary IC but I want to keep fighting them xD;;
And sankyuu for pwning my friend, PK***. I will never let him forget the day he got *****... By a female Yoshi. Mwahaha. I can't believe you two stocked him!. ROTFL!!!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY
Happy Easter Everyone

Late Shout-Outs

Shin Bowser --> One of the best Teams partners... We definitely gotta call ourselves Shin^2 (Shin Squared) We too good lol especially since we teamed for the first time. Told you no one is gonna kill that cow lol.

Alukard and Dionis --> Good matches. You guys definitely gave us a good challenge. Alukard.. your snake is too **** good so keep that up. Dionis.. your ganondorf was landing some nice **** as well. I remember getting hit by your ganon kicks lol. You guys are 2 good keep it up.

Bum and Leo --> Lmfao at that Donkey Kong... I was getting you with the Kirby Hammer but you and Leo had to do that OD **** on me at the end.. WHY? Kirby didn't deserve it lol. Leo.. good **** with that Triple D except when you had to be mad gay with eating me and suiciding yourself lol. Nahh but seriously you 2 guys did mad good together. Hopefully we get future fights and congrats on your win :) I still wanna have a singles match against your Triple D Leo.. hopefully the classic controller don't act gay again with the C stick.

De UNO and Jesus --> I f*cking love you too. That was a very epic fight. LOL at Chaingrabbing your fox with my Kirby D1 so you decided to go Marth and OD **** us back lol Good **** de uno lol. Jesus.. that Triple D is too good I'm laughing how we both fought good and evenly but as soon as I picked Marth your Triple D went overkill rapage on my poor Marth.. Good **** there and congrats on your win guys :p

Blackanese --> Good Friendly match with your Triple D and my Kirby. It was very close and epic. Hope we can have future fights. I told you you're maad good lol and I still wanna fight those crazy Ice Climbers lol.

Zro and Dionis --> Good MM duel we had even though it was $1 lmao. You guys are good. Keep up the hard work. Loved the crazy pikachu Dionis and that funny mindgaming luigi Branden :psycho:

GG's to everyone else I did not mention if I forgot. Hope to see you all at the next weekly :)
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