I actually like people who rate their own character higher than the average smasher does (unless they are low tier mains. No, your character is not "not that bad" :D).
Not that I necessarily agree. I think Peach is not too good at playing a truly offensive style, she just isn't fast enough for it and can't make up for it by sending in lasers (turnips are like worse lasers with higher start up commitment). Sure if she is allowed to get in on you, she is super good since her stuff is safe on hit / block and her downsmash is a great tool for disparaging crouch canceling. That however is just a part of playing offensive and being better than "good enough" is not that valuable.
You need to be able to get in on people and then have stuff that is good against their defensive options.
Fox has the speed and dd game to force favorable approach options and his nair / dair are good against shields, because he has the shine to back them up. Falco has a similar vs shield game, and while he doesn't have the speed of Fox he has his laser game. Next is CF in my book (note: isolated offensive game, CF is super bad defensive wise and therefore clearly worse than characters who aren't as good as him at approaching). He is even faster than fox... so fast that he can sh from one PS platform to the other, so everything in that range is pretty much in danger of being attacked by him immediately. His stuff is pretty decent against shield: fair actually has frame advantage, nair can be spaced really well, and his jabs are really good for stuffing oos responses, plus there's always the threat of him simply grabbing you since well... he is fast, and can combo off his throws really well (or directly kill with u / d throw to knee against many characters (Sheik, Peach, Marth come to mind and against spacies he gets good techchases at the very least... it's not like you had to do too much to spacies to make them die :D). I think after that I would name Peach / Pikachu, since they are really good at some part, but it doesn't do too much for them because they are lacking in some other department (peach doesn't get in too well, Pikachu doesn't really get valuable stuff from it compared to the high tiers).