I'm ambivalent as to the utility of guides... This one's really good, if you're already a good player. But I wonder if, in order to be able to understand your tips on spacing and such, a player doesn't need to already know it. It's a tricky idea, but it could at least help people who are having trouble with a particular matchup.
I'd like to see more in the way of character-specific strategies, because Sheik is really one of the most strategy-heavy fighters, the way I see it. Take Peach, for instance: your n-air has excellent range, and can keep you away from Peach, but if you hit her with it while she's on the ground, you have to jump out immediately, or you'll get d-smashed every time, and that's a terrible trade. Knowing to stand just at the edge of your f-tilt range against Peach and not be afraid of her, especially when she's in the air, makes a HUGE difference. When I finally figured out what I was doing in that match, I literally tripled my effectivity. Things like that.
I'd also like to get into a very detailed discussion about strats for fighting Falco, because I think that's one of the most difficult matches for Sheiks to learn. But that takes lots of time/space.