Wow, this is a really fantastic thread. Thanks for all of your work Earthbound360!
I also feel B-Sticking is underrated. Ease of use, especially for certain techniques w/ pk fire, should not be discounted. The ability to AutoRAR into a bair helps to make up for the loss of C-stick aerials. *note the "helps"
Most players don't seem to use tap-jump. Why? Probably because it f***s up Utilts... Regardless, I use tap jump, not only for the meteor cancelling (or whatever term we're using for that now), but because it simplifies the execution of some Lucas / Ness B-stick techniques. I won't list the lucas examples as this is a Ness thread.
Firebounding consists of 3 steps: holding forward, pk-fire + double jump. With tap-jump (and B-stick), you can simplify this by limiting weird finger gymnastics. The thumbs do all the work (that sounds somewhat perverse
). Tap jump diagonally forwards (don't release the control stick immediately) + c-stick back = b-sticked (wavebounced) pk-jump. Sweet!
All pk-jump centric techniques are easier (for me) and can be performed more quickly and consistently.
Sorry if this is already posted... I couldn't find any evidence of that.
[Edit: clarified a bit... I think there may be a finer degree of control of the "bounce" and general placement of the character when using the control-stick for the jumping. I've noticed it when using lucas' wave-zap. I'll add more when I understand it a bit better. Or I'll find out nothing and pretend I never said this.]