Thats Reverse aerial rush?...Oh, my god, Ref, you HAVE to be doing this on purpose. My brain actually HURTS seeing what you type.
You did not just talk about the Reverse Aerial Rush like nobody's ever heard of it before. IT WAS LIKE THE FIRST THING EVER DISCOVERED BRAWL. And EB360 even has it in this guide!
I..just....I have no words...cept these...and these...and these...and these...and these...and these...and these....and these...and these....and these....and these....and these....
I'm gonna go sit in a corner and have a mental breakdown.
Nevermind... You make me feel dumb Ademisk...
I thought RAR was jumping forward then attacking with an aerial attack moving backwards....
If it makes you feel better, this is the purpose of this guide to clear up mix-ups like this.