Zen, my point was I thought a lot of your discussions with Gova relied too much on how the night actions could have worked and etc. I did not mean "Joey shenanigans" as literally discussing Joey while Joey was still playing this game. Even
I know that is useless and just wastes time. I like / liked how you continued in discussion with Gova, since getting information out of is pretty crucial at this point. This also applies with your previous posts against Evil Soup. I apologize if I worded stuff improperly. Wording / grammar / phrasing is not my strength...
Also, Evil Soup did not label Roxy and I with similar reads, are you serious. They think Roxy is Mafia for being less active and vocal. They think I'm null / Mafia for not knowing my town style and coasting.
3.) Your justification for Tery being on your null-list as opposed to Roxy is straight-up garbage. Because Roxy doesn't lurk as town as you say? Because he isn't vocal now? You know that he might just be flat-out inactive. Why are you lenient on Tery in that regard? Because you know no instance of scum Tery lurking? Yeah, that's complete BS.
I like how people are comparing Roxy with me, albeit Roxy not having posted anywhere in this thread since forever, despite posting numerous times in other threads from yesterday / today. Roxy, if you're seriously not following this game, then just replace out.
@Mod - Does / Has Roxy received a prod?
T-Block, what're your opinions to this point? Haven't seen you around too much.