redfeatherrave said:
If punctuation in names is a hallmark of a skilled pika player, I think my name is amazingly apt.
If that's the case, I have yet to earn the capitalization of the first letter in my name.
My name is the name I go by in real life because most people can't properly pronounce Thornton. And Thor sounds fine as it is, no need to make people spend extra time talking to me when no one wants to anyway.
Geoberos said:
You may not like conforming to the social meta, but it feels like there's unwritten rules about posting, which when broken can set you up for some troll fodder and get picked on for.
When a certain style of posting doesn't work, it's best to find another way. Much what happened to TG's old ways. Took him a while, but he somewhat changed his ways, but that notoriety still silently looms over him, remembered by those who knew him then.
The are aspects that I do find personally bothersome that if I was *** enough, I would pick on you too. But opinions are opinions and you're free to style your posts however you want. Though I do prefer to check how my posts appear to everyone else and not give them anything to pick about.
People lash out, people vent. But don't delude yourself in "nothing I can do about it." That's some enabling **** right there. Lashing out just breaks **** (ephy and leaf for me), but if I didn't keep that in check, I would've been demoted and banned in the xat and probably would've said something to receive an infraction after that spat with you in the threads.
Still learning to let go of grudges though. Damn myself if I say "nothing I can do about it" so I'll say "it's a slow process."
Just because there are unwritten rules doesn't mean you have to enforce them on someone who doesn't fully understand them. And that also doesn't mean we can't make those rules irrelevant or different on the PGD.
Your attempt to make it sound inevitable is merely complicity in the fact that those who lack communication skills are actively ostracized. Attack someone for race or sexual orientation and a wall of hate washes back over that person. Attack someone because they're bad at communication or new and don't fully understand how to communicate and they're celebrated and get "Likes." Pathetic.
Angiance said:
I get hurt pretty easily, and take things to heart
Sounds like me-
Angiance said:
It's difficult to control my impulsive behavior
Never mind. I've sort of given up on receiving anything resembling respect from people, so I just sort of don't care. Apathy can work wonders, AngelRibbon (I think that's right).
Angiance said:
*sigh* Does, NOBODY understand what emotional instability is? IT'S SOMETHING I HAVE EXTREME DIFFICULTY WORKING WITH, JESUS CHRIST
I can't help the way I am as a person, I like to feel CUTE, but I do have mood shifts, so ****, I'm sorry if...know what, I'm done.
Try this: figure out what sort of mood you want to be in when you post, and if you aren't feeling A) that your post reflects how you're feeling and B) that you're in the right mood to post, don't hit the post button.
Then as stuff gets easier over time, this can become irrelevant or less used.
1Pokemastr said:
What they're trying to say is that we don't care.
What you're trying to say is that you lack empathy. Maybe if you had some you'd go easier on him or take his posts in stride, considering that you expect him to take the various crap y'all dish out in stride then rage at him when he responds. Maybe he started it, but you escalating the situation is the perfect way to create the gigantic mess of posts that add up to a pity-party rage-fest, or something like that.
And since it's your kind of statement, the argument "or he could just not start stuff" is condescending and makes the assumption that he knows exactly what you want/ what will start something and how to avoid it, which is on-face absurd (a lot of this seems accidental). Application of Vygotsky's Theorem by all sides would do this thread a lot of good right about now...