Yeah, I'm pretty sure I need to stop the whole "holy crap, did it hit? what now? oh right, this! do I have space? oh crap, I dropped it" thing when I get counter hits, or actually have things go right. When you practice something enough and the situation you go for comes up, there really isn't a reason for me to be second guessing it. Still in no way, excuses panic A>B mashing turning into an AoA that I take 3k as a result of. I'm tempted to get into some wall-bounce AoA combos, but I'm trying to not bite off too much, though there's a big difference between "learning 1 to get a feel for how they work" and "feeling you have to learn ALL of them at once".
Thanks for clearing up the Stagger thing (though oddly with that definition, I feel I've sometimes done that before), though I kinda have a slight question mark with the "And as Chie, she can attempt to block during each dash in on her 5A." sentence. It kinda sounds like you're saying if you do dash 5A and it whiffs or gets blocked, that it recovers fast enough that you can block after, but I might have mis-read it.