I'd actually been in the lab for like 75-80 minutes before people were on to start the room, so it isn't so much a matter of not knowing what to do, but people able to see and do it regardless of my mood and on what's going on. I warned myself that with Liz and Yosuke being characters I hate fighting against, I was going to wind up a bit annoyed or pissed off, but with stuff going on where it feels like I can't do anything due to it essentially feeling like 1 touch death due to me not quite knowing what is what (and feeling like I was getting punished ON punishes), I once again found myself increasingly frustrated and not letting myself think straight.
I say this, because I feel as the room went on, I, after doing a decent amount better in the first half of it, kinda could feel myself slipping into auto-pilot by the tail end. So, that being said, I think I need to work on how I actually handle unknown situations and on being able to keep my composure and think straight when facing things that make me feel like I want to panic since when I DO panic, I begin mashing, which causes me to mess up and drop inputs, which causes me to not block when I want to, which overall causes me to perform much worse than when I'm calm and allow myself to think. If I had properly stopped myself from freaking out and forced myself to keep my head together, I think it's safe to say I would've done much better. Perhaps I need to find something that will calm my anxiety.
By the way, do you have any advice on dealing with that grab of hers with the invincibility frames and that Persona one she does? I get the feeling that whether her Persona does the sort of roar sound or not has something to do with what happens after too, though that might just be that one attack.