So, I was watching the (about 7 or so) replays I saved from the lobby last night, and counted up the AoAs I did per match because well, I thought "hell, they're probably over-exaggerating a good bit on how much it is" and I felt that if you weren't, I'd need to see it with my own two eyes. Note that in all of these except for the first one I used Chie and that in the first one I was Yu. Anyway, I made some....unsettling and startling discoveries. Note this represents AoAs per match and ONLY AoAs per match.
(Order of first to last, so the last one was the last one I played)
vs Minato (as Yu): 5
vs Minato: 9
vs Teczero: 5
vs Rutger: 4
vs Teczero: 3
vs Teczero: 10 (!)
vs Sakurazaki: 5
So, um....even though this includes blocked/whiffed ones, if my math is right that rounds to around 6 AoAs per match as an average if we're using those 7 as something to go by which sounds ridiculous even to me. I'm not expecting to be able to fix it overnight but...I don't think it's unreasonable to, for a start, aim to halve the amount so it's around 3 or something like that. And, uh...I'm sorry I ever doubted you guys on that.