Look, I know it's not luck, so you don't really have to be like that, Minato, and I know you weren't offensive or bad in your intentions, Teczero. What happened tonight was my fault, and whether it was me trying to many things at once, or whatever the hell it wound up being isn't important because those are still things that are under my control. It's up to me to figure out why times like this when I felt that I had been learning and taking things away from the matches that turns out not to be the case (such as tonight), and why the times I feel I'm not taking things from it and that I'm doing awfully are the times that I wind up learning things.
Something out of my control would be somebody else shutting off the PS3, disconnecting my stick, or the power going out mid match. That would be luck, because that would be something I didn't control. What direction I make my stick move and which buttons I press, those are in my control. That stick doesn't move and those buttons don't get pressed until somebody tells them to, and since I was the only one moving and pressing them, that means I was the one responsible and that I have to not do what I was doing.