Livewire, you seriously need to stop doing this. Unless you plan on just playing this game super casually, then you can mash it out with people on ranked and not care. We've been telling you this stuff for a long time (some of us longer than others). If you want to get better, stop making excuses. Start learning about the games you play.
You don't make good use of training mode. You talk about how you print off huge long lists of combos, and practice those. Well, that's great and all, but you really don't need to do that. What you should be using training mode for:
- learn combos
- learn the properties of your moves
- learn to pressure (blockstrings)
- learn to block (set the training dummy to randomly attack or record blockstrings, try it with different characters)
- absorb concept of spacing
- improving hitconfirming
Utilizing training mode to the fullest makes you a better player. Learn to use it! That's what it's there for. Do you think that all FG players do is memorize a bunch of combos? That's not all there is to it. I probably spend about 80 to 90 percent of my time with a FG in training mode, and that's not just practicing combos. And I'm sure other people here will tell you the same. Once you get good enough to do all of those things reliably, then it mostly comes down to working on match-ups.
Do some research. This ties into what I said about learning the properties of your character. If I'm not feeling like training or playing, but I would like to learn something, then here's what I usually do:
- read about match-ups
- check frame data
- watch match videos
Learning what to take away from these is especially important. Honestly, not to sound mean, but I don't think you know a lot about the characters you play. Do you know the invulnerability properties of Noel's drive moves? Do you know how unsafe Ziocar is? Do you know if your normals are special or jump cancellable? The internet is a hugely valuable resource for FGs nowadays. You don't have to guess if someone is going to be able to punish a move, you can check that information. You can watch some of the best players from around the world play the game that you play, and you can learn by what they do, and steal their tech. Use your resources wisely!
And this is probably your biggest downfall: YOU DON'T LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. You clearly know that you're making mistakes, and it's okay to make mistakes. But you don't work on correcting them. If you keep getting hit by Aisight's DP, then maybe you should block. If Minato keeps punishing you for abusing drive, then maybe you should try a move that isn't so punishable or blocking on wakeup. STOP AUTOPILOTING AND START THINKING. Remember when we played a FT5 at MAD, and you asked me how I kept breaking your throws? And I told you it was because you used the same throw bad pink throw set-up every time? Learn to mix things up. Learn to think on the fly. We tell you to record your matches, so that you can see your mistakes, and you should be able to recognize them. We also tell you what you're doing wrong, so you already know what your mistakes are. Only you can work on correcting them.
I hope this is the last time I have to write up something like this. If you have questions, ask us, but don't make excuses. Excuses won't help you get improve, effort will. Everyone here is at a different level, and everyone started off the same, but we're all always trying to get better.