If it helps, I'll tell you that my fans aren't really random, XD
At least, I don't intend them to be. Otherwise, I just screwed up the input or trying to mess with you. I use them to cover my Persona as part of the blockstring and to stop incoming aggression. Also, I actually try to aim at you or aim ahead of your movement in the case of j.fan. If you were moving a lot more (e.g. stuff like Dashing and Mirage to evade my projectiles, etc.), I think you'd be better off against me. Yosuke's a fast dude. If I whiff a fan (which I do a lot) you probably can close in. It's why I hate the matchup a lot, lol.
If anyone is interested in P4U stuff,
http://www.youtube.com/user/BanchouJP is a good channel