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Peoria/Springfield, IL Discussion: Surprisingly active o_O! That's good eats.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
well there's winning with grace, and there's winning, and there's winning whilst being a douchebag
I'm not accusing you of being any of these things, Josh, but perhaps Dave's saltiness is a combination of perceived **** talking from you and losing


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Dart, MM me. =P

hey guys, should i come down labor day weekend? Yay or nay?


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Come to home, son.

And dayum, I didn't realize how hard we ***** in those last 3 doubles matches in our MM against Sveet and ORLY. Grab -> knee -> dair was too **** good xD


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
i don't trash talk when i win anymore...too many people get mad. i think we just need a break, the tournament was rough and school just started. so i'm guessing stress is just kinda big right now.

or i could be a complete dickface and if so i'm gonna stop playing, because i don't deserve to be a douche and have fun.

ANTHONY MM ME! XD yeah come down labor day weekend so i can haz ur munnies :) i'll see whats going on and i can house you if it works out.

EDIT: going to S3BO tomorrow


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Wow, laser dropping is quite possibly the most annoying AT to learn as Falco. It's like....you're all hyped doing some crazy combo and then you gotta be gentle with the **** things...seems impossible even though Zhu does it consistently >=/


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
I played the game sooo fast, that I've bowed my flexor tendon and all of the tissues and ligaments are all inflammed. Why da fux doesn't this happen to Silent Wolf lol. I talked to him before and he said he had minor issues with pain but it never affected his game same with Eggz. Why must the black man suffer?!?!

I'm gettin a second opinion on what I could do to alleviate this without having to quit the game because if I quit, I'm quitting entirely no use in playing if I can't use my full potential plus it has somethin to do with a superiority complex I can't stand losin to any of you especially when I know you would all get owned if my hand worked correctly so yeah I'll quit if I can't play with my thumb.

I'm really hopin that somethin can be done though. They said I don't need surgery, just a lot of rest and anti inflammatory medication, so wish me luck I'm not gonna play for a while unless it's a special occasion like Anthony comin into town or some other fruitcake that I like lol.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
I played the game sooo fast, that I've bowed my flexor tendon and all of the tissues and ligaments are all inflammed. Why da fux doesn't this happen to Silent Wolf lol. I talked to him before and he said he had minor issues with pain but it never affected his game same with Eggz. Why must the black man suffer?!?!

I'm gettin a second opinion on what I could do to alleviate this without having to quit the game because if I quit, I'm quitting entirely no use in playing if I can't use my full potential plus it has somethin to do with a superiority complex I can't stand losin to any of you especially when I know you would all get owned if my hand worked correctly so yeah I'll quit if I can't play with my thumb.

I'm really hopin that somethin can be done though. They said I don't need surgery, just a lot of rest and anti inflammatory medication, so wish me luck I'm not gonna play for a while unless it's a special occasion like Anthony comin into town or some other fruitcake that I like lol.
This is really sad (and strange--I've had no problems). However, I am ecstatic to hear you have finally received an explanation for your pains.
I suggest smoking copious amounts of cannabis


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
Haha! Maybe when I find a job. I don't want to take the fun out of smoking plus I have no need for it I get high on liiiife xD. But yeah, thanks Luke and I don't know it coulda been my technique, but I don't see how it would be any different from other peoples technique hmmm maybe I was pressing too hard? I don't know I wish I had videos of my hands in action. "Hands of Destruction" doesn't count because that was post injury -_-.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
Well why the hell don't you have any problems then? That's my biggest issue. The people I was faster/more technical than are gettin away scott free it seems. It's just soo ****ing upsetting when I can't enjoy one of my most favorite things to do in the world because I can't play 100% and sayin bull**** like play a slower character doesn't change **** because Fox is the only character I truly love playing :confused:


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
sucks to be a fox
throwing out 15 moves and not hitting with any of them has never been my hobby
Lol such a lame generalization which I guess is true for the most part but that didn't apply to me. I barely used any ultra technical stuff in tournament matches and if I did that was because my opponent didn't pose any threat to me.

At any rate, I probably won't post as much as I had very little need to in the first place. I'll probably just post here and there to keep you guys updated on anymore news or progress on my healing Imma try ultra hard not to play unless it's someone I haven't played with for a while *cough*anthony*cough* or some of you nubs decide to visit the P. A lot of you guys have fb anyway so I'll just talk to yall there.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
lol @ *cough*anthony*cough part ^^^ <3

btw, I'm coming back friday night. Smash saturday perhaps?
And i just realized smashing with contacts makes my vision really blurry afterwards T.T
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