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Peach can wavedash! (In Brawl) (Video should work now)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Heh heh :p

I'm not gonna go crazt like I use do back then and want to quit and go wild. (flashbacks..........> . >)

Ah well, I dont have a problem with you anyway. And I'll try to score high just for you 2morrow....ok no not really......> . >


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
Yeah, I'm with Cort on this, Dark Pch. Sorry, but your peach wasn't very spectacular in melee, but your unbelievably long list of johns was, you out-john everyone. Vanz is way better than you, as is Crismas. Lets not get started on reputations Dark Pch. I really don't think you want to be insulting me, I didn't start with you, I just said you aren't the best peach...anywhere. Vanz is ranked regionally, I'm not saying this cause i train with him and tec0.

Lets just say, if i were you dark pch. i would just take my criticism to heart and work harder and not post something horrendously emo like you always do, trust me I've heard stories about you and you don't want them posted on the boards. Lets just say I know things you don't want on the boards cause mods and people in ny talk. Lets not start throwing insults around ok bud? I was giving you advice as one peach player to another...not stating the fact that i am better than you (even though i am)

Edit: I have never had a problem with dark pch. I do not have a problem with dark pch. I like all peach mains, i just don't like being insulted...you don't know me and i've seen and played with you....you gotta relax


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Ok my friend let's look at DoH's Post shall we?

As you can see from DoH's Post I highlighting the problem Areas in that Post in Bold.

1) DoH comes in and already makes a judgment on Peach on where she'll stand on the Tier List. In the Beginning of this No one was concerned about this. All they thought about was how they could apply it to their gameplay or would it be even useful.
Yeah, no one was talking about tiers and the effect this fauxdashing would have on it.

Wow, i'm sort of speachless.

In the hands of a master, that's an amazing technique. That's enough to effect tier lists.
Peach for god tier? :psycho:

2) Terrible, Horrible, suck, ****, garbage, etc. Almost every Peach player here is tired of hearing that all the time. The same word repeats and repeats and repeats. We're not hear to put down anyone. So why is he here saying something that is irrelevant and we heard before. Is he trying to tell us his opinion or a fact. I'm confused by the way he's saying it.
I'm not putting down anyone, unless for some reason you think you are Peach, which I hope for your mental state is not true. It's not irrelevant, I'm trying to dispel a myth that this "tactic" will fundamentally alter gameplay, as some people were still under the impression that fauxdashing would make Peach broken or overplayed. Logic tells us that these impressions are fallacious.
3) If he was here to help us he would tell us about Peach's flaws and how we can improve them to make her better. People always come here and say something negative that can't help us get any better with Peach. And for that fact they Don't want to help us because they always say crap. If they really wanted to help us they would stop with the negative comments say something useful about Peach's flaws so we can improve.
The only thing Cort and I have tried to do is prevent you from wasting your time with meaningless tactics or, in Cort's case, a character that can't win (hence the "Maybe you shouldn't waste 4 years of tournament experience like I did" quote). While I haven't advocated that you abandon Peach, I'm saying that you should have a realistic perspective on your character and her limitations.Instead of biting our heads off for critiquing a character in a video game, maybe you should listen to our advice. While not to brag or show off how huge our e-peens are, we do have a vast amount of tournament experience and an indepth understanding of smash and what makes a character or match up advantageous. Just because someone has a lot of posts or appears to be a forum leader does not translate to skill or applicable knowledge.

To the members of the Peach forum; it wasn't my intention to pick a fight, but be careful who you listen to.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
I think we should all love each other before Master Peach turns into another PoF.

My Point of View (Please, dont respond to this post =[ );

Although the full potential of Peach might have not been reached,
Peach pales in comparison to some of the better characters in Brawl.
BUT that doesnt eliminate the possibility of being good with her.
ALTHOUGH, it is just that - a possibility.
We may find a game-breaking technique with Peach that makes her top tier,
but most likely not.

Check out my sig, cause its cute.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Yeah, I'm with Cort on this, Dark Pch. Sorry, but your peach wasn't very spectacular in melee, but your unbelievably long list of johns was, you out-john everyone. Vanz is way better than you, as is Crismas. Lets not get started on reputations Dark Pch. I really don't think you want to be insulting me, I didn't start with you, I just said you aren't the best peach...anywhere. Vanz is ranked regionally, I'm not saying this cause i train with him and tec0.

Lets just say, if i were you dark pch. i would just take my criticism to heart and work harder and not post something horrendously emo like you always do, trust me I've heard stories about you and you don't want them posted on the boards. Lets just say I know things you don't want on the boards cause mods and people in ny talk. Lets not start throwing insults around ok bud? I was giving you advice as one peach player to another...not stating the fact that i am better than you (even though i am)

Edit: I have never had a problem with dark pch. I do not have a problem with dark pch. I like all peach mains, i just don't like being insulted...you don't know me and i've seen and played with you....you gotta relax
Hold on one sec.

Crimas never beats me in fights, and I score way better than her in tournaments. Vanz, I'll give he is better. But Crismas. No, she beats once in a blue. when we play. Its been a while since she has beaten me. I dont know how you came to that logic,

And second, of all The way you post came off as an attack. Now I dont care what you hard about me. Thats old school. I'm a new man and done with all that crap (thanks to cort and a few other good people. Mike G as well.) So if you wanna get at my history, lets go. I'll get my emo threads, I get people in this thread to get at me, even my friends, hell I even pay them to get at me about my history in here since they wont just do it like that.

Look I dont care for any of this, this is stupid. Vanz is better and I told all Peach players that ask me that between me and him. But saying the only good one in N.Y was a cold shot. When I do decent in tournaments here. That was an insult to me, thats why I made my post. Like your out to put me down or something. Days I get destroyed. other days I hit top 10 at weeklies, once in a blue top 5. But I have not done them in a while.

I dont have a problem with you, and I dont tend to have one. But that Comment about the really good Peach player in N.Y was out of line and I did not like that. Ask my boys around this city and they will tell you I'm up there. And can bring the hurt.

But the only way for me to proof this to you is to just show you, so I'll play you. Since you think your better than me, You have to play me to make that statement a fact.

So this with you and me ends here, no problems. The drama is doe, If we ever see each other I'll just play you and thats that. So end this like mature men? Cause this lil fight is seriously not needed. Make Peace, not war. wise man told me that one.

Edit: You seen and played me? Just who are you then cause I dont recall.

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
Yeah, no one was talking about tiers and the effect this fauxdashing would have on it.

I'm not putting down anyone, unless for some reason you think you are Peach, which I hope for your mental state is not true. It's not irrelevant, I'm trying to dispel a myth that this "tactic" will fundamentally alter gameplay, as some people were still under the impression that fauxdashing would make Peach broken or overplayed. Logic tells us that these impressions are fallacious.

The only thing Cort and I have tried to do is prevent you from wasting your time with meaningless tactics or, in Cort's case, a character that can't win (hence the "Maybe you shouldn't waste 4 years of tournament experience like I did" quote). While I haven't advocated that you abandon Peach, I'm saying that you should have a realistic perspective on your character and her limitations.Instead of biting our heads off for critiquing a character in a video game, maybe you should listen to our advice. While not to brag or show off how huge our e-peens are, we do have a vast amount of tournament experience and an indepth understanding of smash and what makes a character or match up advantageous. Just because someone has a lot of posts or appears to be a forum leader does not translate to skill or applicable knowledge.

To the members of the Peach forum; it wasn't my intention to pick a fight, but be careful who you listen to.
You've been gone for a while. I'm done with this. I'm not gonna argue. You guys seem to know everything, So I'm not going to say anything. Any time I make a statement it's either fanboyish, false or emotional, so I'm done with this.

I'm just gonna wait and how long it will be before someone else comes and tries this. I won't be involved this time. But I'm sure I'm gonna see an Epic Flame war.

Also I want everyone to know. I like arguing. I Like putting words, opinions, whatever into an argument because I like to see how well and how I can take it. I do this a lot, so I'm use to it. This why I write a lot of text in my arguments. Call me crazy but that's just how I am.

Oh one last thing. I know Peach's limitations ok. But I don't let that hold me down. As I've always done, I enter a tournament with Peach a only Peach. For Brawl though I'm entering with Peach and Pit. No matter what you say I'll win at least 1 tournament with Peach. That's a promise I'll make to myself.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Do what you gotta do MP.

Cause once someone does it, she will be looked in another way. And ever if she is still viewed the same, your owing in tournaments. thats whar matters, you own in tournies.

I think I'll lay a low profile. People tend to think that I see myself as agodly player with Peach cause of what my sig says. I think I am decent for thats that see this and anyone else who wants to get at me. You should of just asked. I don't think I'm a hotshot. But a good player yes I do think so. And for brawl I think i'm one of the best Peach players around. Biut this means nothing till I do my justice in tournaments with her. I think I should put in my sig I think I am decent. So people wont think I am arrogant or cocky. Cause I see thats the reason I get attack and all.

But yea, Go for it man. I wanna see this too :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Houston, Tx
ima still use this new techniqe toplay major mindgames along with speed..........not a wave dash but shure does look like it though!!!!


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2007
0_0 This video just gave me a HUGE boost of inspiration for Brawl.
Even though its just float cancelling, it seems to be extremely helpful.
HUGE thanks to the one who discovered this application first, you deserve some kind of reward ^ ~


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
0_0 This video just gave me a HUGE boost of inspiration for Brawl.
Even though its just float cancelling, it seems to be extremely helpful.
HUGE thanks to the one who discovered this application first, you deserve some kind of reward ^ ~
I want 1,000 bucks ;)


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2007
*Reaches over and gives Drk.Pch $1000*
APRIL FOOLS!! whahahahahaha

Sorry for that . . .

Good job man!!! I mean it!
*Gives pat on the back*

^ ^


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2008
How exactly do the thing the person does with Peach in the original first post in the video?

I want to screw around with it for fun, is it just press left-down or right-down and tapping jump? How exactly do you do what the person did in the video.

I'm no pro, but if walking is too slow... can't you just run?
There's a tripping chance when you run. It worth straining your fingers for this if you ensure you don't trip.
Dashing and running is of course easier and faster, it isn't that bad. Sure there is a tripping chance but in my experience, I rarely trip(and even if you do, you can just roll back up quickly).

I still don't get why they included the "tripping" thing in Brawl though. Guess they wanted the game to be more random.
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