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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I still say we look at my option in the future, itll keep the cap at 16 and give some new comers a chance. If we are doing it on a first post basis should those attending be required to make a post? Sorry if im bothering you guys with this, its just that I really much prefer things to be defined/declared before hand. It must come from my mathemtical/programming background.

Harold: I thought fighting Psycho Mantis was pretty cool.
sorry sorry! i forgot to mention this before, but yeah i think you're idea is logical, except i would take off the top 2 for two reasons:


1) It gives new people a chance to come in, and even the playing field a bit
2) It may stop the top 1-2 people from winning the money every 2nd friday and keep people more interested/gives others a higher chance of getting some money.

On this topic i also think we should do a 60/30/10 split or something...winner take all is...less epic IMO, but anyways discuss.

P.S. MaTh and PrOg FTW


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Suo: I'll probably be watching the whole thing on youtube when somebody posts it. From what I've read, half of it is cutscenes and codecs so I doubt I'll be missing too much from not playing it. Now that I think about it, nothing cool has ever happened in-game in either MGS1, 2, or 3. Everything has been in the cutscenes. I hope they're posted soon.
Yea pretty much every MGS is 50% if not more cutscenes/codec. I love playing the game, I'm super tempted to just watch the scenes too, but I think I'll wait until I get a PS3. The MGS games have had some pretty incredible boss battles, and Hideo Kojima leaves his quirky touch over almost every aspect of the game, something that you don't get from just the scenes.

I actually would totally pick it up if it was on PC. Metal Gear rocks. Konami's decision to keep it on PS3, however... :urg:
Definitely, If I wasn't also really interested in a bunch of other PS3 titles, (Street Fighter 4 anyone? BazBlue?) I'd probably just watch the scenes :D

I still say we look at my option in the future, itll keep the cap at 16 and give some new comers a chance.
I would agree that it would be nice to allow new players in, and your idea seems like a solid one.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Well, I'm glad I got the last two spots. I'm just curious about a few things.

[1] The next bi-weekly is on the 20th right?

[2] Generally, how old is everyone involved?

[3] Do you we need to bring our own controllers, TV, Wii, food and drink? I'm assuming just controller?

[4] Loser picks the stage, then the winner changes character, then the loser changes character?

[5] Is there time to set up custom controls before each game (at each station)?

[6] How are brackets paired up? I've been to tournament for other games where I've ended up matched against the person I came which, which isn't fun for either player. Would we be placed in separate blocks (1-8) + (9-16)?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
OH YEAH!!! Wow, I totally forgot about that one! I guess I'll have to watch some gameplay videos in-between the cutscenes then. :laugh:

I actually would totally pick it up if it was on PC. Metal Gear rocks. Konami's decision to keep it on PS3, however... :urg:
Well maybe if you wait long enough theyll release a MGS4 substanistensentklwajelkjsd;fj; on the 360/PC, and the 360 might be worth it since its got NG2 ;).

Thanks all for the feedback. We'll see what happens. Although I agree with Ian on the money split, but that could be because ive been so close to splitting the pot two times :p.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Kicking the top 2 out of the next biweekly? Hmm...it's an interesting idea, and your points are valid, but in a way it's punishing people for winning. It would be bad for competition if people stopped trying towards the end of the bracket just to avoid being 'banned' from the next biweekly.

Also, it's kinda funny that Ian mentioned me not being in my own biweeklies, because I'll start to be on call in August and I may not sign up for biweeklies on weeks where I'm on call, simply because I don't want to have to pause/delay matches if I get paged.

edit: I should mention that if you registered, and for some reason know you can't make it to a given biweekly, you should post here so that your spot can be given to someone else. I think there should be some kind of penalty for people who repeatedly register and don't show up (assuming they don't have a good reason of course).

Well, I'm glad I got the last two spots. I'm just curious about a few things.

[1] The next bi-weekly is on the 20th right?

[2] Generally, how old is everyone involved?

[3] Do you we need to bring our own controllers, TV, Wii, food and drink? I'm assuming just controller?

[4] Loser picks the stage, then the winner changes character, then the loser changes character?

[5] Is there time to set up custom controls before each game (at each station)?

[6] How are brackets paired up? I've been to tournament for other games where I've ended up matched against the person I came which, which isn't fun for either player. Would we be placed in separate blocks (1-8) + (9-16)?
1) Yes
2) High schoolers/early-mid 20s
3) Yes, bring all of the above (well, the TV and Wii aren't necessary per se, but they would be nice to have). And, just so it's clear on food/drink, I expect people to take care of themselves. I had some extra pop the past couple of weeks which I was giving away just to get rid of it, but it's gone now (I was afraid people would get used to it...). I don't want to feed 16 people every 2 weeks...
4) Yes
5) Yes
6) I believe Randy just sorts randomly, so the situation you mentioned could happen. It is possible to seed it so that doesn't happen, though, but it's up to Randy.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
An idea that just came to me about the 16 limit, and allowing new people in.

16 people pull papers from a hat, 2 papers marked with 'x' two with 'y'

x's square off against each other in a single 3 stock match, same for y's.

Winners are in for next bi-weekly, losers are out.

This system means that noone is penalized for winning, as the selection is random, and even if you are one of the unlucky 4, you still have control of your fate by defeating your opponent.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
An idea that just came to me about the 16 limit, and allowing new people in.

16 people pull papers from a hat, 2 papers marked with 'x' two with 'y'

x's square off against each other in a single 3 stock match, same for y's.

Winners are in for next bi-weekly, losers are out.

This system means that noone is penalized for winning, as the selection is random, and even if you are one of the unlucky 4, you still have control of your fate by defeating your opponent.
this was the other argument, which was instead of taking out the top X players you take out the bottom X players It is quite similar, but the reason why i say top two is if 1 person is consistently always winning money, eventually people will stop participating as they feel as though they are just paying this person. I would say bottom X besides that one reason.

although cam, even though it would seem as though the winners would be penalized, we would only ever take out top 2-3...so at least they would walk away with money so it wouldn't be so bad. Also...it will be a new feeling NOT be able to show up at smash fest some weeks. Lets hope it never really comes to that...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Ian has a point, even if it the players are randomly chosen the players that place higher will have a better chance of winning the match. It might almost be better if it were just random in general.

One thing to keep in mind, the players chosen arent out definitely kicked out rather just have to wait a bit longer to register. But considering how fast this weeks' slots filled up then it might be the case.

Just out of curiosity, what is it that you do that puts you on call? Some kind of support? I remember you said you did programming but thats before you switched jobs?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Just to continue the discussion a bit-The only thing I don't like about taking out the top 2-3 is that that directly weakens the competition, as instead of playing the very best players every two weeks, they'd only get to participate once a month.

With ToS5 coming up very quickly on the horizon, my personal feeling is that I want to play the absolute best guys in Ottawa as much as I can before that.

As far as the pot being an issue, and having a repeat winner/s each week, for me at least, that doesn't matter all that much. 2$ every 2 weeks is small change to participate in a bi-weekly for both singles and doubles. If someone keeps winning the pot, all its gonna do is motivate me to try to do better.

Take all this with a grain of salt, as it's just some of my random thoughts on the matter:)


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Hhhm. I'll talk to Nukls about it, but maybe Nukls and I can sit out the next Biweekly to free up spots. We're going to Iron Maiden in Montreal the next day, and an early night might not be so bad.

If there's enough demand for those 2 slots, well, I'll see.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Hhhm. I'll talk to Nukls about it, but maybe Nukls and I can sit out the next Biweekly to free up spots. We're going to Iron Maiden in Montreal the next day, and an early night might not be so bad.

If there's enough demand for those 2 slots, well, I'll see.
Hey you're going to Heavy MTL too? Nice! Maybe we can set something up while you're down here.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
[6] How are brackets paired up? I've been to tournament for other games where I've ended up matched against the person I came which, which isn't fun for either player. Would we be placed in separate blocks (1-8) + (9-16)?
alright, last time when two brothers got paired up, i switched the bracket so they wouldn't have to fight each other right away, and i got it so they never had to fight i don't think. I may be wrong.(just because Harold LOSTT!!!) hahaha...

what i was thinking of doing this week, is grouping friends into "locations" and then creating the brackets using the locations so that the program will minimize how many friends/brothers/people who play each other all the time, play vs each other in the first round.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Just out of curiosity, what is it that you do that puts you on call? Some kind of support? I remember you said you did programming but thats before you switched jobs?
The back story is kind of long, but yeah, I'm more of a support guy now (though I still do some coding...which is another long story...). If you want the details I can tell you on Friday. Anyway, we go on week-long shifts with the pager, and we have to provide 24/7 support, meaning if something goes wrong at 2am I have to wake up and fix it :(

I'm still new so I haven't started being on call yet, but that will start up for me in August. That's why I may sit out of biweeklies those weeks, because it's not fair to other people if I have to pause matches to handle pages/calls.

Just to continue the discussion a bit-The only thing I don't like about taking out the top 2-3 is that that directly weakens the competition, as instead of playing the very best players every two weeks, they'd only get to participate once a month.

With ToS5 coming up very quickly on the horizon, my personal feeling is that I want to play the absolute best guys in Ottawa as much as I can before that.

As far as the pot being an issue, and having a repeat winner/s each week, for me at least, that doesn't matter all that much. 2$ every 2 weeks is small change to participate in a bi-weekly for both singles and doubles. If someone keeps winning the pot, all its gonna do is motivate me to try to do better.

Take all this with a grain of salt, as it's just some of my random thoughts on the matter:)
Yeah, this is what I was trying to say about the competition thing, just not as clearly as you :)
Also, good point on the money. The point of setting admission at $1 is so that the money isn't a big deal (at least, I assume that's what the point was).

what i was thinking of doing this week, is grouping friends into "locations" and then creating the brackets using the locations so that the program will minimize how many friends/brothers/people who play each other all the time, play vs each other in the first round.
That's exactly how I did things for ToSes. I put people's 'location' as their crew, which ensures people are split up by crew. I then check to make sure people are divided up by location more evenly, but given that we're all from Ottawa we won't have to do that for biweeklies; sorting by crew should be good enough.

edit: Is there anyone out there who would have signed up had singles not been full? It would be good to know how many people want to participate, but can't because of the cap.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
I wont be able to make it this Friday, ill see you at the bi-weekly. Oh thanks for registering me for ToS5, was gonna leave a post but saw I was already on there. Ill see what I can bring and Ill get back to you.

The crew idea sounds good, you can put me with Harold and Ariel.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
alright, last time when two brothers got paired up, i switched the bracket so they wouldn't have to fight each other right away, and i got it so they never had to fight i don't think. I may be wrong.(just because Harold LOSTT!!!) hahaha...

what i was thinking of doing this week, is grouping friends into "locations" and then creating the brackets using the locations so that the program will minimize how many friends/brothers/people who play each other all the time, play vs each other in the first round.
It's great that you take these things into consideration. People normally use tournaments as a way to get to know other people, and play against players outside their group of friends; it's why they go to them in the first place. Matching them up against people they came with, and play with all the time, makes going to tournaments less desirable.

Also, my friend's name is Ben, and my team name is "Death and Taxes." I look forward to playing you guys next week.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cool, I didn't know you changed the bracket for us. Thanks, Ian. I'm bored of constantly three-stocking that G&W. :laugh: (if that doesn't get him to start posting, I don't know what will).

By the way, how do you get Starcraft on LAN? Like, both of my computers here can transfer files and such between the two. That 'network place' stuff is set up (whether it's set up properly or not is a different story - and possibly the problem...) so they are linked. However, when we select either IPX or UDP neither game shows up. We had to play on battle.net which was lame.

Which two computers here I suspect that we'll be playing a Starcraft match every night. Thus far it's 1-1.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I'm just here to annouce some changes to the bi-weekly (don't worry, its not earthshattering of the sort) then its back to the books for me in prep for the exam:

Harold's stupid but yet efficient numbering system:

1. 3rd place will get their money back, 2nd will get 2 dollars (including their money back) and the winner takes all
2. Using a trial bracket, I seperated everyone based on crew, and it turned out pretty good. So hopefully no one will get paired up with they play with.

Also, until confirmation, PNDMike and Nukls are staying on the registration.

I will also not be online for a majority of this week since I'll be too busy "studying" for the exams, so don't expect any response from me or any changes to the registrations until a while.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
IvanEva, there are a few things I'm going to throw out:

Play on UDP.
Make sure Port 6112 is forwarded on your router (*Pause* I'm fairly certain that you need to forward the ports on your router even if it's not Cloud -> PC)
Use Hamachi v1.0.2.4 if you're not using Vista. If you are using Vista, you're gay.
To get Hamachi, just Google it "Hamachi v1.0.2.4" it doesn't HAVE to be .2.4, but do NOT get .2.5, that's the really bad-and-doesn't-work Vista version.
I don't need to tell you how to use Hamachi, it's that awesome.

So, yeah. Port (may) needs forwarding, play under LAN(UDP), and get Hamachi (so I can own you :p). When you get Hamachi I'll tell you my server.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Actually you can use Chaoslauncher/ICCUP Launcher and play with LAN Latency enabled, it basically gives you the same latency as if you were in a LAN while playing online. Really sick feature.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
'Sup Smash buddies? I guess I'll sign up to be on the waiting list for next week.

If the cap is mostly because of time constraints, I can start bringing a Wii and monitor. It'll be soundless though, since I don't have an extra pair of speakers to go with it, and I haven't taken out a bank loan to buy some.

Also, I'm not coming to Smashfest this week, so those of you who usually get a ride home with me, keep that in mind. =P


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
First Joblin, now Jan! I knew that enough pestering would work! Be sure to bookmark this thread and check it out at least twenty times per day. At least!

Here's hoping (well, it's undoubtably a safe bet) that Starcraft II will have a much easier to use LAN system (not that my other computer will be able to run it).

By the way, a few little MGS4 parts are starting to be uploaded to Youtube. The ending thing with [spoiler character] talking to Snake about just about every loose end from MGS1, 2, 3, 5, etc. was SO boring I almost killed myself. The guys at Konami need to play some Shadow of the Colossus to see how to make a real ending.

By the way, everybody must play Shadow of the Colossus if you have yet to do so. It's the best game ever made. Yes, even better than Hello Kitty Island Adventure.


Smash Rookie
May 22, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hi everyone, this is Justin. I'll be going this friday if it's ok, and I had a question about the bi-weekly. Is it alright for people who aren't signed up to show up anyway, to play friendly matches or play cards? Or did you just want to limit the amount of people showing up.

I'd also like to sign up if any spots free up and for doubles if anyone doesn't have a partner yet.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hi everyone, this is Justin. I'll be going this friday if it's ok, and I had a question about the bi-weekly. Is it alright for people who aren't signed up to show up anyway, to play friendly matches or play cards? Or did you just want to limit the amount of people showing up.

I'd also like to sign up if any spots free up and for doubles if anyone doesn't have a partner yet.
This Friday is fine, and yeah, it's ok to show up to the biweekly for friendlies/munchkin/cards/whatever :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
First Joblin, now Jan! I knew that enough pestering would work! Be sure to bookmark this thread and check it out at least twenty times per day. At least!

Here's hoping (well, it's undoubtably a safe bet) that Starcraft II will have a much easier to use LAN system (not that my other computer will be able to run it).

By the way, a few little MGS4 parts are starting to be uploaded to Youtube. The ending thing with [spoiler character] talking to Snake about just about every loose end from MGS1, 2, 3, 5, etc. was SO boring I almost killed myself. The guys at Konami need to play some Shadow of the Colossus to see how to make a real ending.

By the way, everybody must play Shadow of the Colossus if you have yet to do so. It's the best game ever made. Yes, even better than Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Its funny how your opinion on games changes in a complete 180 degrees direction, I remember you didnt really like it at first.

Welcome Jan, Joblin, and now Justin.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Oh yeah, about the Bi-weekly, any addition of Wii's + Tv's will be a great addition to the bi-weekly, this way we might make the whole process faster and therefore have more people. We can even set up a "friendly" station upstairs if Cam permits.

Also, I found out that we often have situations where people don't bring their wii's in anticipation that someone else might. To eliminate this, I'm going to keep track of people who are bring wii's and TV's and hope that the utter lack of them might encourge people to bring them. And if they forget we can taunt them mercilessly.

So from the looks of it, we have still need 3 Wii's and 1 TV to set up 4 stations, please let me know if anyone wants to bring anything else. Thanks guys.

Oh yeah...I lost the game.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Oh yeah, about the Bi-weekly, any addition of Wii's + Tv's will be a great addition to the bi-weekly, this way we might make the whole process faster and therefore have more people. We can even set up a "friendly" station upstairs if Cam permits.

Also, I found out that we often have situations where people don't bring their wii's in anticipation that someone else might. To eliminate this, I'm going to keep track of people who are bring wii's and TV's and hope that the utter lack of them might encourge people to bring them. And if they forget we can taunt them mercilessly.

So from the looks of it, we have still need 3 Wii's and 1 TV to set up 4 stations, please let me know if anyone wants to bring anything else. Thanks guys.

Oh yeah...I lost the game.
If/when Mason brings his TV remote, that fourth TV will be available to use. At that point the basement should be fine for TVs.

For friendlies, I'm ok with 1 friendly station upstairs (but no more), but we'd need someone to bring another TV.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Nukls and I won't be going to the next biweekly, but if Haze and/or HiDef is still going I'll lend them my Wii.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
any tourneys coming up in TO??? btw GRATS ON 4th in teams!!!!! (greatest melee tourney and i missed it =( )<3<3
:( no TO tourneys seem to be coming up but we're trying to make a big one 'cuz wife and some of the americans said they'd travel if we had a big canadian tourney like the first transcan with 100+ people


yeah me and kage ***** teams. we beat chu and hat in losers omgwtfbbq (although we lost to them in winners >_>).

chu and hat are awesome btw.


i missed bracket by one set =(

lost a sheik ditto to plank (so close), lost to chaddd's fox (so close), jman's fox (so close), and darknessofheart (first game was so close).

but yeah i failed. they succeeded.

so we took their money in teams (except plank, he's a campy assgot but we love him anyways).


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
I can bring a Wii if I don't need to bring the sensor bar.

Also, quick check: Doubles is with Friendly Fire on right?


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
PNDMike and Nukls are off the registration, meaning that there are still 2 more spots for anyone to come in (Jan and Joblin?). I will say that we have 4 TV's assuming that Mason is coming and he WILL BRING THE REMOTE. Other than that, we need people to confirm that they will indeed bring a Wii, that would be helpful.

Also, register me for ToS5 Singles and Doubles. I don't have a doubles partner yet though.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I can bring a Wii if I don't need to bring the sensor bar.

Also, quick check: Doubles is with Friendly Fire on right?
Sounds good...does anyone know if you can actually use a sensor bar from another wii? I've never tried it.

And yes, FF is on for Doubles.

PNDMike and Nukls are off the registration, meaning that there are still 2 more spots for anyone to come in (Jan and Joblin?). I will say that we have 4 TV's assuming that Mason is coming and he WILL BRING THE REMOTE. Other than that, we need people to confirm that they will indeed bring a Wii, that would be helpful.

Also, register me for ToS5 Singles and Doubles. I don't have a doubles partner yet though.
Jan and Jobin both asked to be in the biweekly, so yes you should add them.

Randy, I put you in for ToS5 singles, let me know what you work out for doubles. I don't want to cause any e-drama but maybe you should talk with Derek about teaming again? Ian hates this game anyway :p


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Sounds good...does anyone know if you can actually use a sensor bar from another wii? I've never tried it.

And yes, FF is on for Doubles.

Jan and Jobin both asked to be in the biweekly, so yes you should add them.

Randy, I put you in for ToS5 singles, let me know what you work out for doubles. I don't want to cause any e-drama but maybe you should talk with Derek about teaming again? Ian hates this game anyway :p
Alright, Jan and Joblin are both in now, we now have 0 remaining spots. For those who didn't get in, you'll have to wait for the next one.

And I probably will go back with derek (if LaN permits :p) but I want to try out other teams first, I'm also intrested in seeing how teams with one of the Harold brothers will work out, so I'll see about it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Randy, I put you in for ToS5 singles, let me know what you work out for doubles. I don't want to cause any e-drama but maybe you should talk with Derek about teaming again? Ian hates this game anyway :p
**** **** ***** CAMERON **** ***** I **** GAY ***** EYEBALL **** WTF!!!!!

lol jkjkjk yeah if you talk to derek and he says you're pro at games then fine, i r outa teamzing partners again then.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Its funny how your opinion on games changes in a complete 180 degrees direction, I remember you didnt really like it at first.
Haha, yeah. First Beyond Good and Evil, then Shadow of the Colossus, then Devil May Cry... Wow, somehow I went from thinking nothing but the worse about these games to having them each become one of my favorites. I swear I'll never doubt your recommendations again.
Except for that Ninja Gaiden garbage. It looks like a ****ty Devil May Cry wannabe. Ugh. They're even making a sequal for it somehow. As if people bought that game... By the way Orlando, will your computer be able to handle Devil May Cry 4? I'm going to buy it when it comes out next month on PC. I always thought that the 360 version seemed a bit slow but apparently the PC version will have a DMC3-style turbo mode. :)
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