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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Smashfest stuff: Wow, a lot of random people from the past showed up! Hi to Mikey, Corin, Fan (yes, he actually came back), and Afro; thanks for coming out. Also, thanks to Jan for bringing Yomi; it was a lot of fun and I would definitely buy some decks for this if Sirlin makes a real product out of it.

Now, on a less positive note. To whomever left a bunch of random garbage in the furnace room: I'm not sure who did this, because I went to sleep early, but I'm pretty sure this was intentional. While I do somewhat appreciate you gathering all the garbage together, leaving it in one big pile in the furnace room was a bad location. Not many people visit their furnace room often; I found it by chance the next morning, so nothing happened, but it could have stunk up my house at best (it was obvious to most people there that I would be gone for the weekend, so it would have gotten nasty), or even attracted bugs in the worst case. Most people who attend know where my garbage can/recycling bin are; you could have asked around if you just didn't know where to put it.

To avoid things like this, and to minimize the cleanup I have to do after gatherings, there is a new rule for all smashfests and biweeklies. From now on, no food or drink in the basement. Even water will have to be taken upstairs.

It's A Trap stuff: For singles, Ben got 4th, I think Alan got 9th, and I got last because I'm bad at Brawl. Ben already summed up doubles. As for who went, it was just us three. We waited until 8:15, but Moses didn't show up and we had to get going. Sorry Moses if you were just really late and didn't actually bail out. Ben said you were considering not going, so we assumed you decided not to come in the end.

@Mike: To try and follow your advice on picking up Snake, I vowed to play only Snake this month; including at It's A Trap :) Most Ottawa people seem to think it's better than my other characters already, so I think it's going well. There are still a couple of things I need to learn though, after watching Dom/Swordgard's Snake play. I'll keep you updated.

also, all mai vids from Almost-as-Cool-as-Genesis are up in this playlist:

Ottawa players, I recommendz you watch your matches and find your mistakes / predictable habits.
Thanks for the vids; I'm going to watch a few of those later. None of me though, so I can't figure out what I did wrong there :(

hey guys, thanks for letting me stop by Friday- good times! Glad to hear things are going well in mtl. You guys probably won't see me too often since I'm pretty busy with band stuff and camping, but I'll try to make it once every 6 weeks or so- it'll help me improve, I obviously have some (major) catching up to do :) Any key threads/vids you recommend me checking out in the meantime when I'm bored at work?


Nice to meet you; keep coming out and you'll definitely learn! BTW, I think you forgot your hat here.

So it seems as though I've completely missed a new melee player coming out - **** me.
In your defense, he did show up pretty late.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Wow, glad to hear that a bunch of new (and old) people showing up. Also it's good to hear that you guys did pretty well in the tournament. The garbage thing sucks though and I don't know who'd purposely leave it down there. Though, I kinda take my meds with water, but hey, I'll be able to adjust next time I can make it out, I'm sure.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Wow, glad to hear that a bunch of new (and old) people showing up. Also it's good to hear that you guys did pretty well in the tournament. The garbage thing sucks though and I don't know who'd purposely leave it down there. Though, I kinda take my meds with water, but hey, I'll be able to adjust next time I can make it out, I'm sure.
It's not like I'm banning food or drink...I just don't want it in the basement.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Oh, I so misread that. Sorry, dude. Yeah, making sure we go upstairs if we're going to be eating or drinking anything is fine. I'm just skeptical about leaving food/drink unattended upstairs while I'm downstairs, I guess.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
@Mike: To try and follow your advice on picking up Snake, I vowed to play only Snake this month; including at It's A Trap :) Most Ottawa people seem to think it's better than my other characters already, so I think it's going well. There are still a couple of things I need to learn though, after watching Dom/Swordgard's Snake play. I'll keep you updated.
Good to hear. I thought Snake would fit your style well, he's a very cerebral and defensive character. He also combines the characteristics of your 3 best characters into one super character. He has the projectile game and beast nair of ROB, the range of Marth, and the power and weight of DK.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
actually that was me... it was all recycling and I was looking for it :( i'm sorry it was in the wrong spot!.. I tried to clean up and failed

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Guyyysss you have to post more or I'll have nothing to do when I'm bored at work!

PPS, this friday is my old man's birthday so I'll have to miss the bi-weekly.
(I suppose I could invite Harold ^^)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Man, isnt that loser banned yet? His next glitch will be him beating up the winner at the win screen and taking the win for himself(assuming he's going to lose).

Guyyysss you have to post more or I'll have nothing to do when I'm bored at work!
Same. Only, I don't work; I do nothing.

69 posts? Perfect, time for Remilia to retire.
...Can I still call you remi on the boards? It's still shorter than your other names.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Yay, more ways for MK to stall matches! :psycho:

Good to hear. I thought Snake would fit your style well, he's a very cerebral and defensive character. He also combines the characteristics of your 3 best characters into one super character. He has the projectile game and beast nair of ROB, the range of Marth, and the power and weight of DK.
Hmm, I never thought of it that way. Interesting point!

actually that was me... it was all recycling and I was looking for it :( i'm sorry it was in the wrong spot!.. I tried to clean up and failed
No worries. For the record, the blue box is through the garage door...I'll bring it inside the house in the future.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Guyyysss you have to post more or I'll have nothing to do when I'm bored at work!
Agreed!! When I hit F5 on the Ottawa thread 10 times a day, I expect a new response each time!

PPS, this friday is my old man's birthday so I'll have to miss the bi-weekly.
(I suppose I could invite Harold ^^)
John Willman's the man! Say hi and happy birthday for me! (If he still remembers me...:p)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
John Willman's the man! Say hi and happy birthday for me! (If he still remembers me...)
Yeah, he sometimes asks how you guys are doing after I go to smashfests. He liked your class :)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Haha, I thought I was the only one :p.

Well heres something id like to ask you guys. Im always on the search for new music/artists to uhh purchase through itunes and such. So whats some stuff that you guys listen to that you would recommend. Im open to all types of music except for country cause its well country. Im also not to into the stuff heard on the radio but if I like it than ill listen to it. So what do you got?

Note, videogame music does not count. Mainly cause if I havent played the game I dont really like listening to the music. And obviously if ive played the game than ive heard the music and already enjoyed it.

Ill make my own list later. This doesnt have to be a one time thing, if you hear some good music down the line (weeks or whatever) let me know.

If you have a hard time starting just post what you are currently listening to and work from there. Also if you could post Artist name and genre that would be great. Single songs are ok if you only like one song from one album/artist.

Thanks alot.

P.S. Im currently listening to Moby. I cant believe I didnt find this guy sooner hes a genius, ive been hooked on many of his songs.

tl;dr: post music NAO


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wow, Wilman, this'll mark our one-year anniversary of sort-of knowing each other! Tell John that I'll be there in spirit, despite being a total atheist who abhors anything spirit related.

Haha, I'm glad to hear that Fan and the like showed up. When I ran into him on the bus I wasn't sure if he'd actually show or not. Stephan, start posting again!

Jan, bring Yomi to Jason's tomorrow.

I myself will probably not be showing up at Cam's smashfests for a while. I find that I'm currently not in the mood to be playing SBR-Brawl. On that note, Alan, since I never lose my character marathon battles, especially when items are involved, I demand a rematch one of these days... with $10 on the line! 'Up for it?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613

A band I've been digging a lot recently is Kiss Kiss, specifically their album Reality vs the Optimist. Their vocalist is very passionate without screaming, which lends a lot of weight to the lyrics. As well, they have a concert violinist and occasional pianist, creating a fusion of genres that I find astounding. As far as genre goes, I would classify them as a indie / post hardcore band, but they bring the passion of screamo (without the screaming, as I mentioned, which makes it bearable) and classical instrumentation. Very somber, with haunting melodies. Worth a listen, at least.

If you're looking for some fun, snotty, if your face rock / punk I would recommend The Falcon, specifically the album Unicornography. They're a supergroup featuring members from a whole bunch of pop punk bands, including the Lawrence Arms and I believe the Bouncing Souls. The best way to describe the sound would dirty punk, if it were influenced by classic and southern rock. It's catchy, fun, high energy, and just a little bit abrasive.

And if you're looking for something like you've never heard before, check out The World Inferno Friendship Society. It's almost a circus / folk / polka rock kind of sound. I can't really describe it, but it's definitely a love it or hate it kind of thing. All of their albums have high points, so I'll just recommend a few songs to listen to, if only to determine whether or not it will be your style or not. Here goes: Brother of the Mayor of Bridgewater; My Ancestral Homeland, New Jersey; Cats Are Not Lucky Creatures; Glamour Ghouls. They have such a range of styles that's it's hard to narrow down to genre, so if you can find any of those songs give them a whirl, see if any of it catches your fancy.

So there's 3 really obscure bands of varying types, hopefully you'll find something you like. :)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
if you like electronic music, I've been listening to a lot of Mylo recently... I also like 6 Notes... they're pretty solid "alternative", nothing unheard of but they are fun to listen to

For lolz, I would suggest you download the free album "Q-unit" which is 50-cent (g-unit) backed up by queen songs (Dr. Dre's beats removed, replaced by remixes of queen songs)... it's epicly awesome

and again, don't forget debusy or chopin, classic pimps


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
on an unrelated note... anyone down for ribfest tomorrow? 8pm?

I went today and it was pretty awesome, I get off work at 7 and would like to head back, but it's better with more people of course


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Coolio. Thanks for the suggestions Mike and Ben and keep em coming whenever you get a chance. Ill have to keep a list of the artists since itll probably be a little hard to keep up.

I do like electronic music but I tend to like all or some stuff from just about all genres. I tend to listen to everything nowadays. I used to be pretty closed minded when it came to music but then once I realized that listening to more genres increases the chance ill get hooked on a song which to me is like being high (I assume anyways :p).

On another note, what/where is ribfest? Cant guarantee I can make it tomorrow but it does sound interesting.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
on an unrelated note... anyone down for ribfest tomorrow? 8pm?

I went today and it was pretty awesome, I get off work at 7 and would like to head back, but it's better with more people of course
Yes! I missed this last year and was quite disappointed. Where should we meet up?

On another note, what/where is ribfest? Cant guarantee I can make it tomorrow but it does sound interesting.
It's downtown on Sparks Street; basically it's a competition where a bunch of rib vendors get together and try and win the prize for best ribs. More importantly, they sell ribs to people like us, and they are very tasty :) The standard prices last time I went were $13 for a half rack or $20 for a full rack. They sell chicken as well, but I've never tried it because it would have meant less space for ribs.

edit: http://www.sparksstreetmall.com/Chicken_Rib_cook_off_standard.htm

edit2: I forgot; Ben/Alan, you owe me $10 for gas for It's A Trap!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Coolio. Thanks for the suggestions Mike and Ben and keep em coming whenever you get a chance. Ill have to keep a list of the artists since itll probably be a little hard to keep up.

I do like electronic music but I tend to like all or some stuff from just about all genres. I tend to listen to everything nowadays. I used to be pretty closed minded when it came to music but then once I realized that listening to more genres increases the chance ill get hooked on a song which to me is like being high (I assume anyways :p).

On another note, what/where is ribfest? Cant guarantee I can make it tomorrow but it does sound interesting.
Sure. If you check out those bands, let me know what you like and dislike and I'll guide my recommendations from there. I'm such a huge music geek it's ridiculous.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'm a bit dated, but here are the trackz I've been mad hooked on lately... with (low-quality) youtube links so you can try 'em out: (I take no responsibility for the videos tho lol)

Tracks I love but really really shouldn't, but I'm lame and emo and like them so leave brinfzy alone!
^^ list cut short, cuz most of my favouritest emo-y stuff isn't even on youtube :urg:

so actually I'm rather disappointed in the above tracklist I'm quite lame lol

but I suspect you'd lean more towards the "trendy" or "pleasant-sounding" rather than abrasive so idk

that silversun pickups track is soooo addictive tho


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Mike, give a trial listen to Kiss Kiss. I think you'll dig them.

@Randy and Andrew.
I got around to downloading and "beating" Braid. I totally want to discuss it naow. -_- This game is absolute art. And what a "fiery" princess, I didn't see that coming.

Also: Soulja Boy reviews Braid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSXofLK5hFQ


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Mike, give a trial listen to Kiss Kiss. I think you'll dig them.

@Randy and Andrew.
I got around to downloading and "beating" Braid. I totally want to discuss it naow. -_- This game is absolute art. And what a "fiery" princess, I didn't see that coming.

Also: Soulja Boy reviews Braid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSXofLK5hFQ
Dude! I totally downloaded Steam just so I could play the demo of that game a while ago! It is epic! I loved it. It is art. It was awesome and beautiful. I'd be willing o discuss what they let me play.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Unfortunately, until you beat the game and see the plot and design for what it really is I can't really discuss much. The level of depth is incredible, and you need to play through the whole thing before we can start discussing the themes of it all. :(

tldr version, go buy it.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol i bought braid the day it came out, and beat it within 24 hours... addictive gameplay for the WIN!.. ontop of that, the art style and "plot" is fantastically put together in a way that makes you want to think about it, and generally just combine for a very satisfying gaming experience

so last night I was planning on posting about ribfest, but instead of playing tennis
like I assumed I was going to be doing, my dad got me to build him a 10x10 flagstone patio... needless to say i was a bit more exhausted and it took a bit longer than I had anticipated, so sorry about the lateness of the post

ribs, tonight, meet at bank and sparks, it's basically the west end of sparks and there's an HMV on the corner, meet outside of that at 8pm... it's where people meet, I was there waiting for people thisafternoon and there were around 50 people standing awkwardly around here, waiting for someone to come find them so they could gorge themselves on tasty, tasty meat...

for those who haven't been, the best deal is the pulled pork sandwich, at $6, but a half chicken for $10 or the half rack of ribs/ sandwich for $15 is also pretty good... i find their actual ribs, though probably the best you'll ever have, a bit pricey, so don't expect to be full off ribs for less than $20 (just a heads up)


Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2009
im hunting for new music too so im going to steal all the suggestions!

but i should add too.. im listening to a lot of light trance right now, but i listen to everything else too! (except country, lol because its country)

i look for good melody, and the style is like flavor of the week.. heres some music i have on my ipod right now

Ferry Corsten - Beautiful
Robert Miles - Children
Salt Tank - Eugina
Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 A.M.)
Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene - Louder

let me know if you like this kind of stuff because I have lots of it right now!


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
That's one of those songs that when I heard it first, it annoyed the everloving crap out of me, and now I find it kinda catchy while playing, sometimes...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Okay, so I too LOVE music, and I am also up for almost any genre, with a strong emphasis on NOT COUNTRY!!!

That being said, here are some bands/songs you should look up

Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
Regina Spektor - Hotel Song
Wolfmother - The White Unicorn
Asher Roth - Be By Myself
Franz Ferdinand - Ulysses
Classified - Beatin' it

That ALSO being said: Unsign me up for the bi-weekly. Work... again... :(


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
It concerns me how many of you seem to prefer club music to country. Country's not the greatest but it beats Asher Roth (riley). It's just the cool thing to do to specify no country...

Also to defend the love of my life (not really) Regina Spektor: if you are going to take rileys advice and listen to the Hotel Song (which you should) make sure it is the version that actually has music. Alot of them are only beatboxing or clapping, dont listen to those tehy dont do the song justice. Find the album version, its hard to find but its more than worth it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I like 'Take on me' by Aha. Kinda old but sounds good to me. There is also 'Music and Liquor' by Wax. Very nice beat to it. And the song I am listening to right now which I love is called 'Spiders' by System of a Down. I also share almost everyone's distaste of country music.

Also, in honor of Mr. Jackson, I recommend 'Stranger in Moscow'. May Charles Andy rest his soul.
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