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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
sooo... you guys aren't going to myles' place? if not then I probably won't go, and I probably won't make it out to dan's either... you guys learn, then teach me :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm not, it's funny my first post on SRK, beneath it there is a post subtly making fun of new players.

The SF scene in Ottawa could take a hint from the Smash scene and be welcoming of new players, otherwise there scene will stagnate. Not that the SRK guys are the only SF scene in Ottawa...But still.

I'd rather go to a smaller fest, like Dan's, with more welcoming players, at least until I'm more competent in SFIV and arcade stick.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Agreed. While my only experience with them was pretty good (minus all the drugs... and they're REALLY into drugs...) the general atmosphere of SRK itself isn't terribly welcoming. The Smash scene isn't always the best though. I mean, I know that I personally hate each and every new player. **** YOU Convict! You didn't look like Cutman at all! :p


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
I know it's hard to do, but i would suggest that any time you do a move that doesn't a)hit safely (ie no immediate retaliation) or b)zone them to not have good options, consider that "losing" and say to yourself "why did I do that, and how can I not do that again"...

a lot of the times, you kinda whiff moves for the sake of throwing out a move (mostly wario) but if you work on this, your understanding of the game is pretty solid already, and that's pretty much all that's left

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
Tyler: Although I wasn't at the last bi-weekly, I really hate the feeling of not feeling like youre improving (which you most likely actually are, but like ben said so are they). As such, I thought I'd have a look at one of your videos and try to give you a sense of direction as to what to work on next.

Of course this will be regarding G&W; I just took random notes as I watched the match. I hope you find them somewhat useful!

- Excellent use of Dash.A stage spike! When opponents make even the smallest mistakes (like Ike recovering too high), ALWAYS make them pay for it.

- You make heavy use of smash attacks when your opponent is <50%. There are more reliable moves for building damage, and it's not worth it to diminish them when they can kill absurdly early when fresh. It's relatively hard enough to land them as is, so it's best to make the hit count (ie, when it will kill them). (note: this also somewhat applies to use of f.air, but its a decent damage move when you cant be retaliated)

Good alternatives for building damage that you neglect and should be used liberally: d.tilt, n.air, b.air. Work on incorporating these moves into your routine asap.

- Overall, your G&W needs a much better sense of spacing. You would often land right on the edge of ike's range and get smashed for it. Just land a little bit farther. A good way to practice spacing might be to try playing while keeping your eyes on your opponent's character instead of your own. Spacing is very, very important to G&W and all of his moves, especially:

- You don't seem to use b.air. You should probably practice running, pivot, short-hop b.air until you can do it in your sleep. Then, practice being able to do it while hitting your opponent with the very tip of the turtle's hitbox. This is the bread&butter of game&watch.

It's a lot to take in, so I'll leave it there for now. Remember: incorporate the listed moves, work on your sense of spacing, and make the pulling out of turtle second nature. Once you get this, I'll be very glad to give many more pieces of advice if you desire! like ways to combo with Nair, strats for using u.B offensively, and grab strats.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Also, another thing that I think I've noticed is that I seem to lose my cool and too frantically press the buttons. A lot of the time when I like down smash, I'm trying to down tilt, same with forward smash and forward tilt, Fair and approaching Bair attempt, and Dair and a fast falling Nair (which I seem to normally be able to do...).


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
this may seem counter intuitive, but if you're having trouble with your tilts, try using the c stick... if you're holding down and you hit c-down, you will down tilt... I dunno, I do it by mistake a lot (ie. i have the opposite problem)

another thing to note about using a RAR'd b.air, when you jump you have the same horizontal momentum regardless of what you were doing when you jumped... so a standing jump -> immediately hold right on the stick will go just as far as running right -> jump / hold right

once you get it in your head that you don't have to actually be running to do it, take your time... run, turn, jump, b.air... then with time you'll just make it go faster :) that's how I got rob's down


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Makes sense. The weird thing is though, I swear I can do it without problem with Wario. Which....makes little sense. I do think I need to focus on staying calm a lot more though since I tend to panic in a losing situation and lose my concentration (since y'know, I, like most people, don't like losing, lol) . I find that when I'm able to stay calm, and ignore everything around me but the game, I do better, and that the easier it is for me to stay focused, the less mistakes I make. Hm....could explain why I tend to do a bit better in my matches on the quieter bi-weeklies. Or...could just be noise johns. :laugh:


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Yeah, I think we all get like that. I know I need to really concentrate on a match to do well, otherwise I just autopilot, which is terrrrrible. And concentration is really hard lol.


I finally understand why Ken is better than Ryu. This tutorial on how to use him will ensure that you can defeat any Akuma(provided that there is mud nearby)
I watched the whole thing, it's amazing lol. I have a sudden urge to watch the street fighter movie, who's with me!?


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i think it's a bit of just familiarity with your character... often times, when I'm fighting andrew or randy, they hear me john about missing inputs... why does it happen pretty much only when I'm fighting them? because they have me timed way better than anyone else, and since what does work stops working, I'm subconsciously hitting my inputs too early, and therefore doing a lot of things wrong

if you don't _really_ know your character, and you're being pressured properly, this could happen easily... so again, i guess the answer would be to relax :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Off-topic, but I'm impressed with how good your videos look in terms of quality! What TV tuner/capture card are you using to record these?

Anyways, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents for advice:

1/3 (Marth vs. Wolf) - What Ben mentioned earlier about not using high lag attacks applies to this match. You were throwing out a lot of f-smashes in these match, and although they usually hit Helf, I don't think it would work against most tourney goers. Most of us play with/against Marth a lot, so we know when to expect the f-smash :)

Another thing I'd add is that you used full hop aerials a lot when you should short hop them. A lot of the time you would full hop an aerial when Wolf was on the ground, meaning you aren't going to hit him unless he jumps up. Also, he didn't follow up as much, but if you miss a full hop aerial it means you are probably going to be punished for it (again, ties in to what Ben was saying).

Also, for Marth specifically, I'd suggest not using d-air as a regular attacking move, it has too much lag. Most of your approach aerials should be f-air or n-air (short hopped unless you are pretty sure they're going to jump). D-air should only be used if you're going for a spike (IMO). You had some good tippers in this match, so you are definitely getting the spacing down! Keep it up!

2 (G&W vs. Ike) - I don't really have anything to add here that Remilia didn't already say. I'll second that the dash attack spike was totally sweet :)

4 (Wario vs. Wolf) - Aside from the general advice, the only thing I'd add for this would be to watch your spacing from your aerials. A lot of times you would miss and get fsmashed by the Wolf. I'd try to give Wario advice but I don't know him too well, sorry :(

5 (G&W vs. Wolf on Norfair) - Despite the early suicide, I thought this was your best match. You punished a couple of rolls on his part, and you definitely punished him for trying to stay in the lava shelter very well (both times the shelter appeared you hit him 5 or 6 times in a row).

I would recommend trying to play like this more often! From what I've seen, you seem to be an offense-oriented kind of player, but there are times where it's better to sit back and punish a mistake.

Ralf likes smashing a lot, especially forward smash as Wolf. One thing you may want to try next time you play him would be to sit back and work on predicting/punishing the Wolf fsmash. For example, if you know it's coming, space yourself so that you're just out of range, then punish him accordingly. Even the other offense-oriented players in the scene will sometimes induce a mistake, then punish it, as opposed to always attacking. Anyways, it might be worth trying out to see what you get out of it.

edit: Also, I'd suggest coming out to regular smashfests if you can. There is a lot more time for friendlies, and less pressure, so it's easier to practice whatever you feel like working on.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Fogel, the TV Tuner/Capture thing I use is called "ADS DVD Xpress". I tend to sometimes then take the file I get right after I've taken it from the tape onto my PC and clear up the quality a bit with Windows Movie Maker, but I usually don't need to. The device only has one slot for audio though, so I pretty much have to choose between L Audio or R Audio unless I'm getting stuff from a DVD.

In regards to the matches, yeah, my friend likes his smashes (Alan actually played him with me once and called him a "spammy *******" lol). Truth be told, I've been using Marth for less than 2 weeks now, so I fully admit I've got a lot to get into (was hilarious that during friendlies I'd occasionally try Marth, and then I'd look at Moses play and mine would seem to be moving in slo-mo). I have to say, I'm quite grateful for all the constructive criticism and everything that you guys have been giving. It's actually got me thinking about things that I probably wouldn't have thought to consider on my own, which is always good. And yeah Cam, if there's a Smashfest this week I'll try to make it out to it, the main thing is though that my dad works in Port Hope during the week with the car, so from early Monday morning until about 7:30 Friday night all I have vehicle wise at my house is the van. With my sister having doing figure skating and volleyball, and other stuff, on top of my mom sometimes needing it, it sometimes gets difficult to get it every week, which is why I can never really guarantee anything more than 2 weeks a month with it. I'll at least try to see what I can do to make it out though, and if nothing else, I'll be on wi-fi probably a good bit at night (i.e. 11:30 or midnight-ish for a bit likely) if people are ever up for stuff then. Thanks again for the advice, guys.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
This Thread Is Too Inactive.

Sfiv Tommorrow Morning, Geeet Hyyyypeeee!!!!

Street Fighta Fo' Street Fighta Fo' Say It Son! Streeeet Fightaaa Fo'!



Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I'll see you tomorrow James!(I hope)

As for the thread being too inactive... uh... what should be discussed then?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
We should be discussing get togethers and such! Fogel, when'll you have a 100% sure on Saturday? If you're not able to host, I'll be hosting. I need all the practice I can get.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
'K, 'k. So, I just got back from a buddy's place. So, turns out that Street Fighter IV is actually really good. Like Jan said, I'm doing a total 180 on it. I'll be using my OBscene wins (if not in brackets than at least in intelligent - i.e: people I know I'll win against - money matches) to purchase it. It has a bit of Brawl sort of feel to it (floatier, more colourful, easier inputs, etc.) so I'm sure you kids'll like it as well.

Alright Cam, I'll be there on Saturday. Possibly. I might not if I'm feeling too lazy/comfortable at home. I'll also be practicing some stuff at home (Lucas jab lock) so I might stick with that instead. I'll see.

On an different note, who's available for partnering up for OBscene?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
For what it's worth, at the moment it's looking like I'm not going to have an OBScene partner. Just, y'know, putting it out there for anyone who might want one.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I wonder how the Sotomayor bros would do if they were to team up. They are both very independent players, maybe they'd cancel each other out and actually help one another... probably not, lol. Ariel, no stock canceling!

Kill yo self!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I'll probably be taking the bus / train up, unless Niko and I's GTA plan goes through.

(No, GTA =/= Greater Toronto Area.)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Aww man, the thought of you and Niko booting someone out of a car with a flare gun yelling "Get out of the ------- car, man!!!" is some oddly hilarious image. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Aww man, the thought of you and Niko booting someone out of a car with a flare gun yelling "Get out of the ------- car, man!!!" is some oddly hilarious image. :laugh:
Niko would keep pulling turnips out of the road until he gets a beamsword to use against the driver. If he doesn't get a beamsword after a while he'll just float above the ground and kick the car door window open. PNDMike (or PNGMike if he were an artist) will just puff up into a massive ball to scare them out of their car. Unlimited possibilities, they can totally get her GTA style.

Yeah, the Sotomayor bros are horrible as a team. They have that sibling hatred that subconsciously drives them to kill each other.
Nothing good comes out of Nicaragua.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Ben! Gimme a shout sometime today. I recall you saying something about getting together to finish up the game today.

(this is probably my best way to contact you after calling)

OH NICE this oj has pulp


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Niko and I are both white. I think we can get away with this.

(Actually, I'm only half white. . . so if we get arrested, it's totally my fault)

Also: Post 1,500. I'm 1/6th + 1 of the way to over 9000!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
No good has ever come from that union.
Yeah, the Sotomayor bros are horrible as a team. They have that sibling hatred that subconsciously drives them to kill each other.
Nothing good comes out of Nicaragua.

A few things. First of all, we are the Ariel Bros. Second, we were doing ok last time we teamed up (Team Work). And third, we're both horrible team partners because we attack anyone closeby, the only different is that Lucas' smashes are really easy to hit with to harold hits his partner more than I do. Fourth, I see that certain people have not been introduced to hispanic hookers.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
lool too funny Ariel.

Sorry I didn't make it to Dan's house yesterday guys, my friend and I just chilled and played the game here.

I'm glad you like SFIV Harold, it's freakin awesome! The more I play it the more I love it...Some of the combo's are so dam difficult, but once you start to 'get the feel' this game feels like butter.

How did everyone else feel about SFIV who played it yesterday?

Do my OT posts about SF bother anyone? I could always move this to MSN, if need be...


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
The Saturday 'extra' smashfest will start at 4:00pm. There's a family thing I have to go to at noon, so I won't be back until around then. Also, in case there is anyone who's still confused, there is a smashfest Friday. This is just 'extra' so we can get more play time before OBScene.

'K, 'k. So, I just got back from a buddy's place. So, turns out that Street Fighter IV is actually really good. Like Jan said, I'm doing a total 180 on it. I'll be using my OBscene wins (if not in brackets than at least in intelligent - i.e: people I know I'll win against - money matches) to purchase it. It has a bit of Brawl sort of feel to it (floatier, more colourful, easier inputs, etc.) so I'm sure you kids'll like it as well.

Alright Cam, I'll be there on Saturday. Possibly. I might not if I'm feeling too lazy/comfortable at home. I'll also be practicing some stuff at home (Lucas jab lock) so I might stick with that instead. I'll see.

On an different note, who's available for partnering up for OBscene?
I thought we agreed last biweekly to team up at OBscene? Or are you ditching me because I'm low tier now? :(


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Fourth, I see that certain people have not been introduced to hispanic hookers.
You get what you pay for and with a dollar I could get about 5 hispanic hookers totallying somewhere around 20+ diseases. Good if you are into that thing, bad if you're like normal people.

The Saturday 'extra' smashfest will start at 4:00pm. There's a family thing I have to go to at noon, so I won't be back until around then. Also, in case there is anyone who's still confused, there is a smashfest Friday. This is just 'extra' so we can get more play time before OBScene.

I thought we agreed last biweekly to team up at OBscene? Or are you ditching me because I'm low tier now? :(
Yes, Harold is doing that exact thing. Behind that giving exterior is a selfish and self-conscious man who looks down upon others that are not like him. He hides it quite well.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I thought we agreed last biweekly to team up at OBscene? Or are you ditching me because I'm low tier now? :(
I have absolutely no recollection of us teaming for OBscene... but ok. :) I'll try to show up on Saturday so we can get some team practice in. A have a faint memory of us doing moderately well last bi-weekly so perhaps this will work out.

Behind that giving exterior is a selfish and self-conscious man who looks down upon others that are not like him. He hides it quite well.
What!? Hides it!? I can openly state right now for a fact that I'd totally kill all of you if I could just because you're not all me. Is that wrong? Nope. It's totally natural. Of course, it doesn't benefit anyone to kill everybody else since then that person would have to find his own food, make his own shelter, etc. Worse yet, that person would have nobody to play fighting games with. Therefore, if you want to be able to play... Street Fighter... ... ... I totally lost my way somewhere in this...

1. Sorry I didn't make it to Dan's house yesterday guys, my friend and I just chilled and played the game here.

2. Some of the combo's are so dam difficult, but once you start to 'get the feel' this game feels like butter.

3. How did everyone else feel about SFIV who played it yesterday?

4. Do my OT posts about SF bother anyone? I could always move this to MSN, if need be...
1. That is the fakest display of sorrow I have ever read. I'm sure once you got the game you were like "Who the hell is Dan? Oh, wait, yeah! He's that joke character that I have to unlock now." :laugh:

2. From what I've seen, combos aren't any more complex than in SFIII (which I'm still pissed doesn't have a representative in SFIV - I need to make some noise on that Capcom-Unity board...). I was pretty surprised at how different it feels than other Street Fighters. It's very floaty, slightly campier, and Link's tether sucks. ... ... err...

3. They all thought it was great (they = me) but that we shouldn't be too distracted until after OBscene.

4. Haha. You could be talking about two chimpanzee's having sex on the moon and you'd still be more on-topic than just about every post on the Shoryuken boards.
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